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installation problem with Dhis 2 live


Hi Jason

Thanks for responding. Here is that log file, it is small

* INFO  09:32:10,041 Environment variable DHIS2_HOME: null (TrayApp.java [main])

* INFO  09:32:10,056 Initialising DHIS 2 Live... (TrayApp.java [main])

* INFO  09:32:10,212 Couldn't load port number from /C:/Users/hindsang/Documents/DHIS2/conf/jetty.port (WebAppServer.java [main])

* INFO  09:32:10,212 Loading DHIS 2 on port: 8080 (WebAppServer.java [main])

* INFO  09:32:10,290 Setting DHIS 2 web app context to: /C:/Users/hindsang/Documents/DHIS2/webapps/dhis (WebAppServer.java [main])

* INFO  09:32:10,290 Lifecycle: server starting (TrayApp.java [Thread-2])

* INFO  09:32:10,446 Lifecycle: server started (TrayApp.java [Thread-2])



From: Jason Pickering <jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:jason.p.pickering@DOMAIN.HIDDEN>>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 09:23:32 +0200
In-reply-to: <DCD17E78071202418C506773C43D9FB901446678127D@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<https://lists.launchpad.net/dhis2-users/msg00860.html>>

It is a bit difficult to say exactly what the cause of the problem  without

looking at the logs.

Could you start the application with the command line (Start->Run) and type


and then navigate to where you have the application saved on your


Then type "java -jar dhis2-live.jar > dhis2log.txt"

You will see a lot of funny messages in the command prompt, and your

browser should open up a page.

Go back to the command prompt and press "Ctrl C". If you can post the

contents of the "dhis2log.txt"  to the list  (or better on pastebin.com),

we should be able to find out what is going on .



On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:11 PM, Hinds, Ms. Angela (CEC) <

hindsang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi All****


> I am exploring the use of DHis2.  I have downloaded and installed the

>  DHIS 2 live and JRE 6.  When I run the .exe I am getting the following

> error message in the browser (Firefox) screen****


> "HTTP ERROR: 503   Problem accessing /. Reason:  SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE"****


> ** **


> Any suggestions?****


> ** **


> Thanks****


> ** **


> Angela****


> ** **


> ** **


> ** **

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