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Message #01001
Fwd: [OPENMRS-DEV] Data model image
Anybody fancy taking on this task for the dhis2 database structure?
Would be really useful to have a nice model.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ben Wolfe <ben@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 22 March 2012 18:43
Subject: [OPENMRS-DEV] Data model image
To: openmrs-devel-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Any developers out there have a love for data model images?
Unfortunately, the last one we have done is for 1.6...and 1.9 is soon
to be out the door.
Claim this ticket if you want to make the 1.8 model. We can make more
tickets for 1.7 and 1.9 if you feel so inclined. :-)
The model hasn't changed very much, so you could potentially just take
the 1.6 svg and modify it instead of starting from scratch. The 1.7.0
and 1.8.0 release notes pages should have the sql diffs on them, or
you can look at the new entries in the liquibase-update-to-latest.xml
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