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Re: Exporting DHIS Tracker data


Hi David,

You might be able to create a view of the tracker data that you can use for analysis.  I've done something similar in Rwanda for an infant death audit form that we've developed using the individual records module.  I'm not using program stages - just single event without registration.  We then load the results of the view into an excel pivot table for analysis.

If you have trouble with the SQL views - if you make complex views that refer to other views they can't be dropped when DHIS re-runs the datamart and resource tables - then you can create them as materialized views, basically tables that are repopulated nightly as part of a chron job using a function.  Jason Pickering helped us set this up and it works great.


From: dhis2-users-bounces+rwilson=msh.org@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dhis2-users-bounces+rwilson=msh.org@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David Smith
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 6:36 PM
To: dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Dhis2-users] Exporting DHIS Tracker data

Hello All,

I was curious if dhis2 currently supports the ability to export/import Persons, Programs, Program Stages and the Patient data elements associated with the Program/Program Stages? If that's possible is the ability to export the data the aggregate data generated using the Patient data elements able to be exported/imported? During import is the relationship between the aggregate data elements and the patient data elements maintained?

Usecase steps:

  1.  I create a Program.
  2.  I create a single Program Stage for the Program created in 1.
  3.  I define 10 Patient data elements for the Program Stage created in 2.
  4.  I create 3 Persons (patients).
  5.  I enroll 3 Persons in Program created in 1.
  6.  I provide (via data entry) the 10 data items for each patient enrolled in 5.
  7.  I create 10 Aggregate data elements.
  8.  I create required Aggregate Query Builders.
  9.  I execute Builders created in 8.
  10. I have a new dhis2 installation coming online.
  11. I export Persons, Programs, Program Stage, Patient data elements, Aggregate data elements and Aggregate Query Builders.
  12. I import all data exported in 11.
In a utopian world I can now perform Manual Person Aggregation on the new installation (system that performed the import) and all would work. I suspect that this is too much to hope for but I guy can hope. If my suspicion is founded how much "re-wiring" would be required on the new installation?

Thank you in advance for your time and insight.

