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Message #03947
Re: Issue importing CSV with categoryoptioncombos
On 19 February 2014 18:43, Wilson,Randy <rwilson@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> HI Bob,
> Thanks for these suggestions. Actually the categoryoptioncomboname
> doesn't have a uid either.
That is true. But the categoryoptioncombo has. (I never really liked or
fully understood the idea of the _categoryoptioncomboname table anyway.
always felt the name should just be a field in the categoryoptioncombo
table. anyway that is an aside)
> Remember, it normally combines several options e.g. (Male, <5 Year). The
> options themselves have uids (e.g. Male or <5 years), but the combinations
> are system generated in the _categoryoptioncomboname table which only has
> two fields (categoryoptioncomboid and categoryoptioncomboname). The fact
> that the names are enclosed in parentheses also causes problems sometimes
> when exporting data though CSVs, but currently the only thing we could
> match on is the categoryoptioncomboname.
> I'll try the new detailed metadata export features. Maybe that will help.
> Randy
> *From:* Bob Jolliffe [mailto:bobjolliffe@xxxxxxxxx]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 18, 2014 8:58 PM
> *To:* Wilson,Randy
> *Cc:* dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* Re: [Dhis2-users] Issue importing CSV with categoryoptioncombos
> Hi Randy
> On 18 February 2014 13:06, Wilson,Randy <rwilson@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm moving data between instances of DHIS-2 (from the HMIS to the Data
> Warehouse with a subset of data elements).
> Since the dataelementids and orgunitides are not always the same in the
> two systems, I'm using the code fields for those. I've set up a query to
> provide the data I need with one exception: if the categoryoptioncomboids
> are not default, I need to find the id in the *destination* system.
> Would it not be possible to use the categoryoptioncomboname during import,
> since there is no code field for categoryoptioncombos...a file that is
> autogenerated?
> You have hit precisely the soft underbelly of the categoryoptioncombo
> problem here (one of them anyway). Because it does not have a code it is
> not easily matched. What you need is for the uid to be the same on both
> sides. The name is not so reliable, not least because it is a bit
> unpredictable how it is constructed (the order) from category names.
> Your best bet might be to treat HMIS as your metadata registry for these
> datasets (with associated datelements, categories, options and combos).
> Then use the "Detailed Metadata Export" option to export the datasets and
> finally check the "with dependencies" box when you see it. If you import
> this into data warehouse you should get the same categoryoptioncombos on
> both sides.
> Slightly further down the line we are hoping to "fix" this problem in dxf2
> by exporting the categoryoptions themselves rather than the
> categoryoptioncombos, but this is a bit further down the line (and maybe
> won't really work with csv).
> Try the detailed metadata export and see how that works (it was actually
> created with your use case in mind).
> Bob
> Here is a sample of the CSV: (I've added the categoryoptioncombo field to
> illustrate the issue).
> "dataelement";"period";"orgunit";"categoryoptioncomboid";"categoryoptioncombo";"value"
> "8942";"201312";"573";"14";"(default)";"24"
> "8942";"201312";"94";"14";"(default)";"34"
> "8942";"201312";"433";"14";"(default)";"23"
> "8942";"201312";"96";"14";"(default)";"30"
> "8942";"201312";"266";"14";"(default)";"30"
> "8942";"201312";"310";"14";"(default)";"20"
> "8222";"201311";"384";"297";"(0-11 months)";"118"
> "8222";"201311";"370";"297";"(0-11 months)";"15"
> "8222";"201311";"155";"297";"(0-11 months)";"56"
> "8222";"201311";"158";"297";"(0-11 months)";"46"
> We move data across to the data warehouse each month, so I'd like to make
> the process as simple as possible.
> Does anyone have a suggestion?
> *Randy Wilson*
> Senior HMIS and Data Use Advisor, Ministry of Health/Rwanda
> Integrated Health Systems Strengthening Project
> Management Sciences for Health, Inc. (MSH)
> BP 371
> Kigali, Rwanda
> +250-788308835
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