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Analytics and data mart tables management ERROR



I am doing customization of DHIS2 for chest clinic on Tracker. Personal
data and manual aggregation are running well. But Report getting
*- Process failed: Exception during execution.*
OS - Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
DHIS2 version -2.14
build version- 13846

MySQL, Tomcat

*I have gone through all steps as below,*

update resource tables
data administration >> resource tables

then generate report tables.
CHECKed data mart table update
Data Mart
 Data mart tables update

also, under general settings, set no cache.
also under Data Administration >> Maintenance check all these and press
Perform maintenance,

 Clear analytics tables

 Clear data mart

 Rebuild data mart index

 Clear zero values

 Clear data set completeness

 Prune periods

 Update category option combinations

Attachment: error
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Screenshot from 2014-04-08 14:41:47.png
Description: PNG image

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