dhis2-users team mailing list archive
dhis2-users team
Mailing list archive
Message #04988
Re: Error prune period
Hi Jason,
I am happy that when I run prune period, it doesn’t appear error in console and success. But when I run generate “Resource Table”. I got the UI still processing so long time. and the console appear like in attached file.
DO you know what is this problem?
I am using
-DHIS2 v2.16
-Build revision: 16253
-Java version: jre7
-Database: PostgreSQL
-OS: windows 8
thank you
From: channara rin
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 12:37 Evening
To: Jason Pickering
Cc: DHIS 2 Users list, DHIS 2 Developers list
Here is the error.
ERROR: update or delete on table "
period" violates foreign key constraint "mapview_periods_periodid_fkey" on table
Detail: Key (periodid)=(427)
I might try "DELETE FROM mapview_period where periodid = 427;" in the database, clear your DHIS2 cache and try again.
Best regards,
On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 6:33 AM, <rin.channara@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
HI Jason,
I am using
-DHIS2 v2.16
-Build revision: 16253
-Java version: jre7
-Database: PostgreSQL
-OS: windows 8
plz check attached file.
From: Jason Pickering
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 11:16 Morning
To: channara rin
Cc: DHIS 2 Users list, DHIS 2 Developers list
Hi Channara,
It will help if you could send the output of the console when you execute the command, along with the usual (DHIS2 version, Java version, OS).
Best regards,
On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 4:50 AM, <rin.channara@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all developers,
when I go to services→maintenance, then I checked run “prune period”, I always got the error in console. DO you know how can I solve this problem?
thank you
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Jul 31, 2014 4:43:49 PM com.hazelcast.core.LifecycleService
INFO: []:5701 [dev] [3.2.1] Address[]:5701 is STARTED
Jul 31, 2014 4:43:49 PM com.hazelcast.util.HealthMonitor
INFO: []:5701 [dev] [3.2.1] memory.used=115.1M, memory.free=56.1M, me
mory.total=171.2M, memory.max=227.6M, memory.used/total=67.22%, memory.used/max=
50.57%, load.process=-100.00%, load.system=100.00%, load.systemAverage=-100.00%,
thread.count=34, thread.peakCount=34, event.q.size=0, executor.q.async.size=0,
executor.q.client.size=0, executor.q.operation.size=0, executor.q.query.size=0,
executor.q.scheduled.size=0, executor.q.io.size=0, executor.q.system.size=0, exe
cutor.q.operation.size=0, executor.q.priorityOperation.size=0, executor.q.respon
se.size=0, operations.remote.size=0, operations.running.size=0, proxy.count=1, c
lientEndpoint.count=0, connection.active.count=0, connection.count=0
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:03,387 Found the following message senders: [org.hisp.d
his.message.EmailMessageSender@56ae1c39, org.hisp.dhis.sms.SmsMessageSender@40bf
0ea4] (DefaultMessageService.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:15,316 Detected apps: [] (DefaultAppManager.java [local
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:19,029 Scheduled task with key: aggregateQueryBuilder a
nd cron: 0 0 0 * * ? (SpringScheduler.java [localhost-startStop-1])
Jul 31, 2014 4:44:19 PM com.hazelcast.util.HealthMonitor
INFO: []:5701 [dev] [3.2.1] memory.used=200.0M, memory.free=48.5M, me
mory.total=248.5M, memory.max=248.5M, memory.used/total=80.50%, memory.used/max=
80.50%, load.process=43.00%, load.system=58.00%, load.systemAverage=-100.00%, th
read.count=39, thread.peakCount=39, event.q.size=0, executor.q.async.size=0, exe
cutor.q.client.size=0, executor.q.operation.size=0, executor.q.query.size=0, exe
cutor.q.scheduled.size=0, executor.q.io.size=0, executor.q.system.size=0, execut
or.q.operation.size=0, executor.q.priorityOperation.size=0, executor.q.response.
size=0, operations.remote.size=0, operations.running.size=0, proxy.count=195, cl
ientEndpoint.count=0, connection.active.count=0, connection.count=0
* WARN 2014-07-31 16:44:28,989 RP discovery / realm validation disabled; (Real
mVerifier.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:40,555 Executing startup routine [1 of 14, runlevel 1]:
TableAlteror (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:40,720 Executing startup routine [2 of 14, runlevel 2]:
PeriodTypePopulator (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1]
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:40,727 Executing startup routine [3 of 14, runlevel 2]:
DataElementDefaultDimensionPopulator (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [local
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:41,665 Linked default category with default concept (Da
taElementDefaultDimensionPopulator.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:41,881 Executing startup routine [4 of 14, runlevel 3]:
TrackerIdentityPopulator (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startSt
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:42,989 Executing startup routine [5 of 14, runlevel 3]:
ReportingIdentityPopulator (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-start
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:43,252 Executing startup routine [6 of 14, runlevel 3]:
TableAlteror (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1])
Jul 31, 2014 4:44:49 PM com.hazelcast.util.HealthMonitor
INFO: []:5701 [dev] [3.2.1] memory.used=227.1M, memory.free=21.4M, me
mory.total=248.5M, memory.max=248.5M, memory.used/total=91.40%, memory.used/max=
91.40%, load.process=55.00%, load.system=79.00%, load.systemAverage=-100.00%, th
read.count=39, thread.peakCount=39, event.q.size=0, executor.q.async.size=0, exe
cutor.q.client.size=0, executor.q.operation.size=0, executor.q.query.size=0, exe
cutor.q.scheduled.size=0, executor.q.io.size=0, executor.q.system.size=0, execut
or.q.operation.size=0, executor.q.priorityOperation.size=0, executor.q.response.
size=0, operations.remote.size=0, operations.running.size=0, proxy.count=195, cl
ientEndpoint.count=0, connection.active.count=0, connection.count=0
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:54,968 Tables updated (TableAlteror.java [localhost-sta
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:54,969 Executing startup routine [7 of 14, runlevel 4]:
TrackedEntityTableAlteror (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startS
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:58,350 Executing startup routine [8 of 14, runlevel 4]:
IdentityPopulator (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:58,842 Executing startup routine [9 of 14, runlevel 5]:
TableCreator (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:58,859 Executing startup routine [10 of 14, runlevel 7]
: MapViewUpgrader (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:59,134 Executing startup routine [11 of 14, runlevel 7]
: DataEntryFormUpgrader (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:59,150 Upgraded custom case entry form identifiers (Dat
aEntryFormUpgrader.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:59,152 Executing startup routine [12 of 14, runlevel 8]
: ExpressionUpgrader (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1]
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:59,180 Executing startup routine [13 of 14, runlevel 9]
: ConfigurationPopulator (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startSto
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:59,190 Executing startup routine [14 of 14, runlevel 9]
: I18nLocalePopulator (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:44:59,202 All startup routines done (DefaultStartupRoutine
Executor.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* WARN 2014-07-31 16:45:18,272 Did not find any ViewResolvers to delegate to; p
lease configure them using the 'viewResolvers' property on the ContentNegotiatin
gViewResolver (ContentNegotiatingViewResolver.java [localhost-startStop-1])
Jul 31, 2014 4:45:19 PM com.hazelcast.util.HealthMonitor
INFO: []:5701 [dev] [3.2.1] memory.used=239.1M, memory.free=9.4M, mem
ory.total=248.5M, memory.max=248.5M, memory.used/total=96.20%, memory.used/max=9
6.20%, load.process=50.00%, load.system=67.00%, load.systemAverage=-100.00%, thr
ead.count=37, thread.peakCount=39, event.q.size=0, executor.q.async.size=0, exec
utor.q.client.size=0, executor.q.operation.size=0, executor.q.query.size=0, exec
utor.q.scheduled.size=0, executor.q.io.size=0, executor.q.system.size=0, executo
r.q.operation.size=0, executor.q.priorityOperation.size=0, executor.q.response.s
ize=0, operations.remote.size=0, operations.running.size=0, proxy.count=195, cli
entEndpoint.count=0, connection.active.count=0, connection.count=0
* WARN 2014-07-31 16:45:22,113 Did not find any ViewResolvers to delegate to; p
lease configure them using the 'viewResolvers' property on the ContentNegotiatin
gViewResolver (ContentNegotiatingViewResolver.java [localhost-startStop-1])
Jul 31, 2014 4:45:23 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
INFO: Deployment of web application archive C:\Program Files\Apache Software Fou
ndation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\dhis.war has finished in 121,068 ms
Jul 31, 2014 4:45:23 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deploying web application directory C:\Program Files\Apache Software Found
ation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\docs
Jul 31, 2014 4:45:23 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deployment of web application directory C:\Program Files\Apache Software F
oundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\docs has finished in 104 ms
Jul 31, 2014 4:45:23 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deploying web application directory C:\Program Files\Apache Software Found
ation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\host-manager
Jul 31, 2014 4:45:23 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deployment of web application directory C:\Program Files\Apache Software F
oundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\host-manager has finished in 117 ms
Jul 31, 2014 4:45:23 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deploying web application directory C:\Program Files\Apache Software Found
ation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\manager
Jul 31, 2014 4:45:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deployment of web application directory C:\Program Files\Apache Software F
oundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\manager has finished in 753 ms
Jul 31, 2014 4:45:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deploying web application directory C:\Program Files\Apache Software Found
ation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\ROOT
Jul 31, 2014 4:45:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deployment of web application directory C:\Program Files\Apache Software F
oundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\ROOT has finished in 91 ms
Jul 31, 2014 4:45:24 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-8080"]
Jul 31, 2014 4:45:24 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["ajp-bio-8009"]
Jul 31, 2014 4:45:24 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 122234 ms
* WARN 2014-07-31 16:45:25,876 Ignoring action package with no actions: struts-
default (DefaultModuleManager.java [http-bio-8080-exec-8])
* WARN 2014-07-31 16:45:25,878 Ignoring action package with no actions: spring-
default (DefaultModuleManager.java [http-bio-8080-exec-8])
* WARN 2014-07-31 16:45:25,879 Ignoring action package with no actions: dhis-we
b-commons (DefaultModuleManager.java [http-bio-8080-exec-8])
* WARN 2014-07-31 16:45:25,881 Ignoring action package with no actions: dhis-we
b-ohie (DefaultModuleManager.java [http-bio-8080-exec-8])
* WARN 2014-07-31 16:45:25,881 Ignoring action package with no actions: dhis-we
b-portal (DefaultModuleManager.java [http-bio-8080-exec-8])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:25,883 Menu modules detected: [[Name: dhis-web-maintena
nce-appmanager, namespace: /dhis-web-maintenance-appmanager, default action: ../
dhis-web-maintenance-appmanager/index.action], [Name: dhis-web-maintenance-dataa
dmin, namespace: /dhis-web-maintenance-dataadmin, default action: ../dhis-web-ma
intenance-dataadmin/index.action], [Name: dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary, n
amespace: /dhis-web-maintenance-datadictionary, default action: ../dhis-web-main
tenance-datadictionary/index.action], [Name: dhis-web-maintenance-dataset, names
pace: /dhis-web-maintenance-dataset, default action: ../dhis-web-maintenance-dat
aset/index.action], [Name: dhis-web-maintenance-mobile, namespace: /dhis-web-mai
ntenance-mobile, default action: ../dhis-web-maintenance-mobile/index.action], [
Name: dhis-web-maintenance-organisationunit, namespace: /dhis-web-maintenance-or
ganisationunit, default action: ../dhis-web-maintenance-organisationunit/index.a
ction], [Name: dhis-web-maintenance-program, namespace: /dhis-web-maintenance-pr
ogram, default action: ../dhis-web-maintenance-program/index.action], [Name: dhi
s-web-maintenance-settings, namespace: /dhis-web-maintenance-settings, default a
ction: ../dhis-web-maintenance-settings/index.action], [Name: dhis-web-maintenan
ce-user, namespace: /dhis-web-maintenance-user, default action: ../dhis-web-main
tenance-user/index.action], [Name: dhis-web-dashboard-integration, namespace: /d
his-web-dashboard-integration, default action: ../dhis-web-dashboard-integration
/index.action], [Name: dhis-web-dataentry, namespace: /dhis-web-dataentry, defau
lt action: ../dhis-web-dataentry/index.action], [Name: dhis-web-validationrule,
namespace: /dhis-web-validationrule, default action: ../dhis-web-validationrule/
index.action], [Name: dhis-web-visualizer, namespace: /dhis-web-visualizer, defa
ult action: ../dhis-web-visualizer/index.action], [Name: dhis-web-mapping, names
pace: /dhis-web-mapping, default action: ../dhis-web-mapping/index.action], [Nam
e: dhis-web-importexport, namespace: /dhis-web-importexport, default action: ../
dhis-web-importexport/index.action], [Name: dhis-web-caseentry, namespace: /dhis
-web-caseentry, default action: ../dhis-web-caseentry/index.action], [Name: dhis
-web-light, namespace: /light, default action: ../light/index.action], [Name: dh
is-web-mobile, namespace: /mobile, default action: ../mobile/index.action], [Nam
e: dhis-web-pivot, namespace: /dhis-web-pivot, default action: ../dhis-web-pivot
/index.action], [Name: dhis-web-reporting, namespace: /dhis-web-reporting, defau
lt action: ../dhis-web-reporting/index.action], [Name: dhis-web-sms, namespace:
/sms, default action: ../sms/index.action], [Name: dhis-web-event-capture, names
pace: /dhis-web-event-capture, default action: ../dhis-web-event-capture/index.a
ction], [Name: dhis-web-event-reports, namespace: /dhis-web-event-reports, defau
lt action: ../dhis-web-event-reports/index.action], [Name: dhis-web-event-visual
izer, namespace: /dhis-web-event-visualizer, default action: ../dhis-web-event-v
isualizer/index.action], [Name: dhis-web-tracker-capture, namespace: /dhis-web-t
racker-capture, default action: ../dhis-web-tracker-capture/index.action]] (Defa
ultModuleManager.java [http-bio-8080-exec-8])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:33,605 Login success for user: 'admin', ip: '0:0:0:0:0:
0:0:1' (DefaultUserAuditService.java [http-bio-8080-exec-10])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:49,645 [Level: INFO, category: RESOURCETABLE_UPDATE, ti
me: Thu Jul 31 16:45:49 ICT 2014, message: Generating resource tables] (InMemory
Notifier.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:49,664 Create organisation unit structure table SQL: CR
EATE TABLE _orgunitstructure ( organisationunitid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
organisationunituid CHARACTER(11), level INTEGER, "idlevel1" INTEGER, "uidlevel1
" CHARACTER(11), "idlevel2" INTEGER, "uidlevel2" CHARACTER(11), "idlevel3" INTEG
ER, "uidlevel3" CHARACTER(11), "idlevel4" INTEGER, "uidlevel4" CHARACTER(11)); (
JdbcResourceTableStore.java [taskScheduler-1])
Jul 31, 2014 4:45:49 PM com.hazelcast.util.HealthMonitor
INFO: []:5701 [dev] [3.2.1] memory.used=233.9M, memory.free=14.6M, me
mory.total=248.5M, memory.max=248.5M, memory.used/total=94.13%, memory.used/max=
94.13%, load.process=25.00%, load.system=44.00%, load.systemAverage=-100.00%, th
read.count=53, thread.peakCount=54, event.q.size=0, executor.q.async.size=0, exe
cutor.q.client.size=0, executor.q.operation.size=0, executor.q.query.size=0, exe
cutor.q.scheduled.size=0, executor.q.io.size=0, executor.q.system.size=0, execut
or.q.operation.size=0, executor.q.priorityOperation.size=0, executor.q.response.
size=0, operations.remote.size=0, operations.running.size=0, proxy.count=195, cl
ientEndpoint.count=0, connection.active.count=0, connection.count=0
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:50,048 Organisation unit structure table generated (Def
aultResourceTableService.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:50,196 Create category option combo name table SQL: CRE
ATE TABLE _categoryoptioncomboname ( categoryoptioncomboid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIM
ARY KEY, categoryoptioncomboname VARCHAR(250) ) (JdbcResourceTableStore.java [ta
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:51,228 Category option combo name table generated (Defa
ultResourceTableService.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:51,277 Create category option group set table SQL: CREA
TE TABLE _categoryoptiongroupsetstructure ( categoryoptioncomboid INTEGER NOT NU
LL, PRIMARY KEY ( categoryoptioncomboid ) ) (CreateCategoryOptionGroupSetTableSt
atement.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:51,327 Category option group set table generated (Defau
ltResourceTableService.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:51,344 Create data element group set table SQL: CREATE
TABLE _dataelementgroupsetstructure ( dataelementid INTEGER NOT NULL, dataelemen
tname VARCHAR (250), "CoE Indicators" VARCHAR (250), "aHJEZypBOC2" CHARACTER(11)
, PRIMARY KEY ( dataelementid ) ) (CreateDataElementGroupSetTableStatement.java
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:51,414 Populate data element group set structure SQL: i
nsert into _dataelementgroupsetstructure select d.dataelementid as dataelementid
, d.name as dataelementname, (select deg.name from dataelementgroup deg inner jo
in dataelementgroupmembers degm on degm.dataelementgroupid = deg.dataelementgrou
pid inner join dataelementgroupsetmembers degsm on degsm.dataelementgroupid = de
gm.dataelementgroupid and degsm.dataelementgroupsetid = 389 where degm.dataeleme
ntid = d.dataelementid limit 1) as "CoE Indicators", (select deg.uid from datael
ementgroup deg inner join dataelementgroupmembers degm on degm.dataelementgroupi
d = deg.dataelementgroupid inner join dataelementgroupsetmembers degsm on degsm.
dataelementgroupid = degm.dataelementgroupid and degsm.dataelementgroupsetid = 3
89 where degm.dataelementid = d.dataelementid limit 1) as "aHJEZypBOC2" from dat
aelement d (JdbcResourceTableStore.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:51,423 Data element group set table generated (DefaultR
esourceTableService.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:51,439 Create indicator group set table SQL: CREATE TAB
LE _indicatorgroupsetstructure ( indicatorid INTEGER NOT NULL, indicatorname VAR
CHAR (250), PRIMARY KEY ( indicatorid ) ) (CreateIndicatorGroupSetTableStatement
.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:51,482 Populate indicator group set structure SQL: inse
rt into _indicatorgroupsetstructure select i.indicatorid as indicatorid, i.name
as indicatorname from indicator i (JdbcResourceTableStore.java [taskScheduler-1]
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:51,483 Indicator group set table generated (DefaultReso
urceTableService.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:51,497 Create organisation unit group set table SQL: CR
EATE TABLE _organisationunitgroupsetstructure ( organisationunitid INTEGER NOT N
ULL, organisationunitname VARCHAR (250), PRIMARY KEY ( organisationunitid ) ) (C
reateOrganisationUnitGroupSetTableStatement.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:51,548 Populate organisation unit group set structure S
QL: insert into _organisationunitgroupsetstructure select ou.organisationunitid
as organisationunitid, ou.name as organisationunitname from organisationunit ou
(JdbcResourceTableStore.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:51,551 Organisation unit group set table generated (Def
aultResourceTableService.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:51,578 Create category structure table SQL: CREATE TABL
E _categorystructure ( categoryoptioncomboid INTEGER NOT NULL, categoryoptioncom
boname VARCHAR (250), "Age" VARCHAR (250), "KxgksqZtK9z" CHARACTER(11), "Club Ty
pe" VARCHAR (250), "Fas12dUfXNY" CHARACTER(11), "Condom_lubricant Distribute" VA
RCHAR (250), "vvo7iX0s8hu" CHARACTER(11), "default" VARCHAR (250), "knduAsx2FdZ"
CHARACTER(11), "Gender" VARCHAR (250), "Gbj0U5fPerp" CHARACTER(11), "HIV Status
" VARCHAR (250), "yF6PnVgazNx" CHARACTER(11), "Known Status" VARCHAR (250), "VAk
qS3ITxpO" CHARACTER(11), "MARP Group" VARCHAR (250), "atKpELLgp69" CHARACTER(11)
, "PLHIV Status" VARCHAR (250), "BStHkPrxxb5" CHARACTER(11), "Pregnancy Status"
VARCHAR (250), "jwRBGJh4zZl" CHARACTER(11), "Receive Virological HIV test" VARCH
AR (250), "pR0tOzIu8mJ" CHARACTER(11), "Received ARV (option B+)" VARCHAR (250),
"qq0ld2PdNvM" CHARACTER(11), "Site Support Type" VARCHAR (250), "Art09pXDP8B" C
HARACTER(11), PRIMARY KEY ( categoryoptioncomboid ) ) (CreateCategoryTableStatem
ent.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:51,939 Category table generated (DefaultResourceTableSe
rvice.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:51,998 Create data element structure SQL: CREATE TABLE
_dataelementstructure ( dataelementid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, dataelementu
id CHARACTER(11), dataelementname VARCHAR(250), datasetid INTEGER, datasetuid CH
ARACTER(11), datasetname VARCHAR(250), periodtypeid INTEGER, periodtypename VARC
HAR(250) ) (JdbcResourceTableStore.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:52,574 Data element table generated (DefaultResourceTab
leService.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:52,611 Create period structure SQL: CREATE TABLE _perio
dstructure (periodid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, iso VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, day
sno INTEGER NOT NULL, "daily" VARCHAR(15), "weekly" VARCHAR(15), "monthly" VARCH
AR(15), "bimonthly" VARCHAR(15), "quarterly" VARCHAR(15), "sixmonthly" VARCHAR(1
5), "sixmonthlyapril" VARCHAR(15), "yearly" VARCHAR(15), "financialapril" VARCHA
R(15), "financialjuly" VARCHAR(15), "financialoct" VARCHAR(15)) (JdbcResourceTab
leStore.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:52,752 Date period table generated (DefaultResourceTabl
eService.java [taskScheduler-1])
* INFO 2014-07-31 16:45:52,767 Create date period structure SQL: CREATE TABLE _
dateperiodstructure (dateperiod DATE NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "daily" VARCHAR(15),
"weekly" VARCHAR(15), "monthly" VARCHAR(15), "bimonthly" VARCHAR(15), "quarterly
" VARCHAR(15), "sixmonthly" VARCHAR(15), "sixmonthlyapril" VARCHAR(15), "yearly"
VARCHAR(15), "financialapril" VARCHAR(15), "financialjuly" VARCHAR(15), "financ
ialoct" VARCHAR(15)) (JdbcResourceTableStore.java [taskScheduler-1])
Follow ups