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Re: viewing statistics of dataset assignments


On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 3:08 PM, Lavi Shpigelman <shpigi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi
> Is there a way of treating the assignment of a dataset to an org unit as
> an indicator?
> Thinking of datasets assignments as indications that some class of
> services is given in a specific org-unit, It would be useful to visualize
> them so as to better understand the availability of those services.
> If there isn't a built-in way, a possible workaround would be to generate
> one boolean data element per dataset and set it's datavalue to true for
> those org-units that are assigned the corosponding dataset at a specific
> period. This would also serve as a way of tracking the history of dataset
> assignments.
Hi Lavi,

we don't have the feature you suggest but we do have one that resembles it:
You can use the count of organisation units in org unit groups inside
indicator formulas. If you look in the indicator expression dialog there is
a list in the top right corner which you can click in.

For your specific use-case this of course means you have to maintain the
data set assignments two places. As a quick start you could easily do a sql
"insert into - select from" statement from datasetsource to
orgunitgroupmembers table.

Another aspect is that there is often not a one-to-one mapping between data
sets and services. By using org unit groups for services you can define the
services freely.


