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Message #05759
Re: resize data element field
I am using custom form, now I am checking on the source trying to find something like “size” or “style:width” just to decrease these values. I also want to change colors of some input fields.
Melhores Cumprimentos
João Gabriel Mazuze
National Database Manager
Abt Associates Inc.
Av. Marginal nº 4067
Maputo - Mozambique
Fax: (+ 258) 21493525/6/8
Tel: (+ 258) 21486767
Cell: (+258) 824236279
[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Logotipo CHASS-SMT]
We are a project founded by PEPFAR-II through USAID to strengthen the Health System in Sofala, Manica and Tete Provinces.
Our aim is to improve linkages and integration of HIV to primary health care and other related services in coordination with the Provincial Health Directorates and partners.
Through CHASS-SMT project, the US Government supports the Mozambican Governament to improve quality of health care services in the country.
From: Shurajit Dutta [mailto:shurajitdutta@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: quarta-feira, 19 de Novembro de 2014 09:28
To: Joao Mazuze
Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] resize data element field
Hi Joao,
What form type are you using? If it is custom, you can alter the size of data element fields be editing the source. I am not sure if this can be done in a section based or auto-generated form.
On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 3:24 PM, Joao Mazuze <Joao_Mazuze@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:Joao_Mazuze@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Dear all,
Is there a way of how do to resize data element field in order to fit my data entry form just to become all the fields visible on the screen? If there is such way, how to.
Melhores Cumprimentos
João Gabriel Mazuze
National Database Manager
Abt Associates Inc.
Av. Marginal nº 4067
Maputo - Mozambique
Fax: (+ 258) 21493525<tel:%28%2B%20258%29%C2%A021493525>/6/8
Tel: (+ 258) 21486767<tel:%28%2B%20258%29%2021486767>
Cell: (+258) 824236279<tel:%28%2B258%29%20824236279>
[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Logotipo CHASS-SMT]
We are a project founded by PEPFAR-II through USAID to strengthen the Health System in Sofala, Manica and Tete Provinces.
Our aim is to improve linkages and integration of HIV to primary health care and other related services in coordination with the Provincial Health Directorates and partners.
Through CHASS-SMT project, the US Government supports the Mozambican Governament to improve quality of health care services in the country.
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