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Message #06623
Sorting of weeks in Event Report
Hi all,
I just ran an aggregate pivot table in the event report with weekly data,
using relative period (last 12 weeks), and realised that it's apparently
impossible to sort the weeks in chronological order, Periods are sorted
alphabetically, which results in week 1 being followed by weeks 10, 11, 12
in this case, rather than 2, 3 etc. (and no doubt 2 by 20, 21, 22, etc.).
Same happens when manually selecting weeks as fixed periods.
[image: Inline images 1]
Is there any workaround? If not, can the devs change weeks 1 to 9 to W01,
W02,... W09 so that alphabetical sorting results in proper chronological
This is in v2.17
Bram Piot

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