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Message #07055
Org Unit Level 2 Issue
Dear All,
I did a meta data import of org units on a fresh 2.18 installation.
Following which when I select the root org unit (country - Sri Lanka) from
the org unit tree, list of second level org units appears. The issue is
second level list also includes the the root org unit.
But the root org unit does not appear at level 2 on org unit tree. This is
visible only in the org unit list.
I tried following.
1. clear browser cache
2. perform maintenance and generate tables from data administration
3. checked organisationunit table in database for duplicate org unit or
parent for Sri Lanka.
4. try a different browser
All of the above didn't solve the issue. All other locations where org unit
tree appears(tracker capture, individual modules) this issue is not
observed. Am I missing anything here.

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