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Re: [Dhis2-devs] Fwd: Issue on Data approval


Great new - we will test and get back to you

*Rodolfo Meliá*
*Principal  |  *rmelia@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Skype: rod.melia  |  +44 777 576 4090  |  +1 708 872 7636

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 2:21 AM, Jim Grace <jimgrace@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Please try the latest 2.18 now. I was able to reproduce and fix this on my
> system. (Also fixed in the latest trunk.)
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Lars Helge Øverland <larshelge@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Hi Salimoe and Rodolfo,
>> we have confirmed that approval locking does not work for org units below
>> the org unit where data was approved - working on a fix.
>> regards,
>> Lars
>> On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 4:50 PM, Rodolfo Melia <rmelia@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi - reopening an old conversation.
>>> I'm using 2.18, April 18 release: I'm having the same issue: all dataset
>>> are open, although they are marked as approved.
>>> Is this a bug? Is there a new setting?
>>> What's is the best way to test this in the Sierra Leone demo? What
>>> datasets have approval?
>>> *Rodolfo Meliá*
>>> *Principal  |  *rmelia@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Skype: rod.melia  |  +44 777 576 4090  |  +1 708 872 7636
>>> www.knowming.com
>>> On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 3:03 PM, Salimone Domingos Nhancume <
>>> snhancume@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Dear, i am also having problem in Approving Data, I followed all the
>>>>  steps described hire
>>>> <https://www.dhis2.org/doc/snapshot/en/user/html/ch19.html>,but only
>>>> the users defined as super user have the option approve, and depending to
>>>> the org unit evel they does not change approved data.
>>>> For other users, they can still modify approved data
>>>> Please can someone help me.
>>>> Salimone
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: nsanzumuhire venuste <vensanze@xxxxxxxx>
>>>> Date: 2015-01-30 8:39 GMT+02:00
>>>> Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] Issue on Data approval
>>>> To: DHIS 2 developers <dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "
>>>> dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> Any Help on the issue of approval data in version 2.17?All data set
>>>> have been unloked after upgrading from 2.16 to 2.17.I have tried to lock
>>>> again but it did not work.users can modify what ever they want.
>>>> Any Help will be appreciated.
>>>> regards.
>>>>   ------------------------------
>>>>  *De :* nsanzumuhire venuste <vensanze@xxxxxxxx>
>>>> *À :* DHIS 2 developers <dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "
>>>> dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> *Envoyé le :* Jeudi 29 janvier 2015 15h53
>>>> *Objet :* Issue on Data approval
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> I'm having issue where i had approved data set on previews periods,and
>>>> now when users go to data entry,all data sets are unloked where now users
>>>> can modify the data what ever they want.
>>>> When i'm checking in report====>data approval,i can see all data sets
>>>> are approved,I even went through the data set and approval data is Yes,But
>>>> when users try to access the data entry they find the data set are not
>>>> locked.
>>>> I'm using version 2.17 but on version 2.16 approval was ok.
>>>> Can some one help on this issue?
>>>> Thanks
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