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Re: Surveillance rules


Thank you Joao.

Were you trying to use this validation rule to validate data in an input
form? Surveillance-type rules are not designed to work this way. They are
used after data entry to look for patterns in the data, when added to a
validation rule group and run under "Validation Rule Analysis".

If you were trying to validate data against previous values, I would like
to know more about your use case. Can you say more about what the data
elements are, and how they should relate to previous periods?


On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 8:30 AM, Joao Mazuze <Joao_Mazuze@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

>  Thank you Jim,
> Here is the problem´s background:
> We need to compare current period value from previous one (monthly period)
> as the current one it is mandatory to be greater than other. In this case
> on the demo system I made an example for *Bumban MCHP* org unit,
> comparing between *March 2015* and *April 2015 *for dataelement “BCG
> doses given (<1y)”, for any value applied to this dataelement the
> validation always passes successfully, what is strange, the related
> surveillance rule is called “*testePreviousPeriod”*. Our goal is to be
> able to compare those monthly periodical datavalues.
> Kind regards
> *From:* Jim Grace [mailto:jimgrace@xxxxxxxxx]
> *Sent:* 14 May 2015 14:15
> *To:* Joao Mazuze
> *Cc:* dhis1-users
> *Subject:* Re: [Dhis2-users] Surveillance rules
> Hi Joao,
> A surveillance-type validation rule should work as you say, comparing the
> current values of the left side with previous values of the right side. I
> don't know why you aren't seeing this behaviour.
> When you create a new surveillance-type validation rule, be sure to give a
> non-zero "Sequential sample count" to compare with periods immediately
> preceding the current period, and/or a non-zero "Annual sample count" to
> compare with the same period in past years. If you choose both, it will
> compare the current data with a range of sequential periods in this year
> and in past years.
> If this is not the problem, I would need some more information to
> understand better your situation. If you can reproduce the problem on the
> demo system https://apps.dhis2.org/demo/, or on another system to which I
> can be given access, that might help the most.
> Cheers,
> Jim
> On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 4:22 AM, Joao Mazuze <Joao_Mazuze@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I know that surveillance rules compare data from previous periods with the
> current one. Now I need to compare data values from the same data
> elements(left and right side), but the rule ignores the previous value and
> compares only the current value itself which doesn´t make sense as
> surveillance rules compare current values with previous ones. How can I
> solve this?
> Kind regards,
> João
> Kind regards
> _____________________________________
> João Gabriel Mazuze
> National Database Manager
> Projecto CHASS-SMT
> Abt Associates Inc.
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