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Message #07369
Re: Validation rules not working
Hi Joao,
did you make sure that the period type of the validation rules are the same
as the period type of your data set?
On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 9:33 AM, Joao Mazuze <Joao_Mazuze@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi all,
> I am using dhis2 (2.18, I have created validation rules and they seem to
> not working as whatever value I put to some data elements that I am
> comparing on this validation, it always passing successfully. Has anyone
> experienced this before?
> Kind regards
> _____________________________________
> João Gabriel Mazuze
> National Database Manager
> Projecto CHASS-SMT
> Abt Associates Inc.
> Av. Marginal, 4067
> Cidade de Maputo, Moçambique
> Fax: (+ 258) 21486767
> Tel: (+ 258) 21493525/6/8
> Cell: (+258) 82 4236279
> www.chasssmt.com
> [image: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:
> Description: Description: Description: Description: Logotipo CHASS-SMT]
> *Somos um projecto financiado pelo PEPFAR-II, através da USAID, para
> reforçar o Sistema de Saúde das Provincias de Sofala, Manica e Tete.
> Pretendemos melhorar a ligação e integração do HIV com os Cuidados
> Primários de Saúde e outros a ele relacionados em coordenação com as
> Direcções Provinciais de Saúde e outros parceiros. Através do projecto
> CHASS-SMT, o Governo Americano apoia o Governo Moçambicano na melhoria da
> qualidade dos Serviços de Saúde no país.*
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Lars Helge Øverland
Lead developer, DHIS 2 <http://www.dhis2.org/>
University of Oslo
Skype: larshelgeoverland
http://www.dhis2.org <https://www.dhis2.org>

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