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Mailing list archive
Message #07457
Re: [Dhis2-devs] Deleting OrgUnit
You can create an SQL View like the following in order to find out where
your data is:
select p.startdate, de.name, dv.value from datavalue dv
inner join organisationunit ou on sourceid = organisationunitid
inner join period p on p.periodid=dv.periodid
inner join dataelement de on de.dataelementid=dv.dataelementid
where ou.name = 'NAME OF YOUR OU'
On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 1:31 PM, Matthieu Pinard <matthiep@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Bonjour Carlos,
> peux-tu lancer une requête pour vérifier ce qui est associé à ton orgunit?
> Cdlt,
> Matthieu
> Matthieu Pinard
> DHIS 2 Academy & Community Coordinator | University of Oslo
> On 15 June 2015 at 12:15, Carlos Nyembwe <nyembwe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> No, il n'y a meme pas un DataSet associe
>> On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 11:32 AM, Matthieu Pinard <matthiep@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Bonjour Carlos.
>>> As-tu des données associées à ces orgunits?
>>> Cordialement,
>>> Matthieu
>>> Matthieu Pinard
>>> DHIS 2 Academy & Community Coordinator | University of Oslo
>>> On 15 June 2015 at 11:23, Carlos Nyembwe <nyembwe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I have a problem with OrgUnits, I want to delete a OrgUnit that no
>>>> longer serves in the system but I know that this message which appears
>>>> OrgUnit means that this is linked to the data but as I made my
>>>> manipulations front end, and I am obliged to remove, then how?
>>>> who can help me on this?
>>>> thank you
>>>> --
>>>> *[image: Inline image 1]Carlos Nyembwe*
>>>> *Informaticien*
>>>> *Skype: carloscnk1*
>>>> *Téléphone: (+243)813166381 <%28%2B243%29813166381>*
>>>> *URL: *www.linkedin.com/in/carloscnk
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>> --
>> *Carlos Nyembwe*
>> *Informaticien*
>> *Skype: carloscnk1*
>> *Téléphone: (+243)813166381 <%28%2B243%29813166381>*
>> *URL: *www.linkedin.com/in/carloscnk
> --
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Knut Staring
Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
Norway: +4791880522
Skype: knutstar
