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Re: [Dhis2-devs] Complete Button But Not Working (Data Entry Forms)


Hi Brent,

That tomcat message is not an "error" but a warning when approvals have not
been set - I don't think it is related to your issue.

You can check your browser console (F12) and debug to check any errors...

Btw what version and build revision are you using?




Dapo Adejumo


Skype : dapojorge


From: Dhis2-devs
[mailto:dhis2-devs-bounces+dapsyjorge=gmail.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Brent Williams
Sent: 28 July, 2015 8:33 AM
To: dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Brendon Lines
Subject: [Dhis2-devs] Complete Button But Not Working (Data Entry Forms)


Dear Developers


Data capturer wants to register a data entry form as complete after
capturing data, after clicking the complete button the its not being greyed
out with the name and date stamped at the bottom. Previously this button was
working and then stopped allowing registration. 



Error found in the tomcat logs states: "No valid data sets specified for
getting approvals, period 20150709 user username
(HibernateDataApprovalStore.java [http-nio-8080-exec-12])".



What could be the issue?


Email and cc.


Brent Williams


Project Implementation
Health Information Systems Program (HISP) - SA


e-mail:    brent@xxxxxxxx <mailto:brent@xxxxxxxx>  
Mobile:   071 542 9140

Skype:    brent.williams267
Web:        <http://www.hisp.org/> http://www.hisp.org 


PNG image
