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dhis2-users team
Mailing list archive
Message #07945
Schedule automated message reminder gives exception
We have made a few template reminders for program stages and are trying to
test them. Few months back we had tested the same and they were working.
Now they are not.
On clicking the execute button no messages are sent and the tomcat log
shows this error (I suspect this has to do with the change of program type
** INFO 2015-08-28 14:44:14,852 Start to prepare reminder messages:
00:00:00.001 (Clock.java [taskScheduler-2])*
** ERROR 2015-08-28 14:44:14,915 Unexpected error occurred in scheduled
task. (TaskUtils.java [taskScheduler-2])*
*org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: StatementCallback; bad
SQL grammar [ ( SELECT pi.programinstanceid, pav.value as phonenumber,
prm.templatemessage, org.name <http://org.name> as orgunitName,
pg.name <http://pg.name> as programName, pi.dateofincident ,
pi.enrollmentdate,(DATE(now()) - DATE(pi.enrollmentdate) ) as
days_since_erollment_date, (DATE(now()) - DATE(pi.dateofincident)
) as days_since_incident_date FROM trackedentityinstance p INNER
JOIN programinstance pi ON
p.trackedentityinstanceid=pi.trackedentityinstanceid INNER JOIN program pg
ON pg.programid=pi.programid INNER JOIN organisationunit org
ON org.organisationunitid = p.organisationunitid INNER JOIN
trackedentityinstancereminder prm ON prm.programid =
pi.programid INNER JOIN trackedentityattributevalue pav ON
pav.trackedentityinstanceid=p.trackedentityinstanceid INNER JOIN
trackedentityattribute pa ON
pa.trackedentityattributeid=pav.trackedentityattributeid WHERE
pi.status= 0 and prm.templatemessage is not NULL and
prm.templatemessage != '' and pg.type=1 and
prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null and pa.valuetype='phoneNumber'
and ( DATE(now()) - DATE(pi.enrollmentdate) ) =
prm.daysallowedsendmessage and prm.whenToSend is null and
prm.dateToCompare='enrollmentdate' and prm.sendto = 1 ) UNION ( SELECT
pi.programinstanceid, org.phonenumber, prm.templatemessage, org.name
<http://org.name> as orgunitName, pg.name <http://pg.name> as
programName, pi.dateofincident, pi.enrollmentdate,(DATE(now()) -
DATE(pi.enrollmentdate) ) as days_since_erollment_date, (DATE(now())
- DATE(pi.dateofincident) ) as days_since_incident_date FROM
trackedentityinstance p INNER JOIN programinstance pi ON
p.trackedentityinstanceid=pi.trackedentityinstanceid INNER JOIN program pg
ON pg.programid=pi.programid INNER JOIN organisationunit org
ON org.organisationunitid = p.organisationunitid INNER JOIN
trackedentityinstancereminder prm ON prm.programid =
pi.programid WHERE pi.status = 0 and org.phonenumber is not NULL
and org.phonenumber != '' and prm.templatemessage is not NULL and
prm.templatemessage != '' and pg.type=1 and
prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null and ( DATE(now()) - DATE(
pi.enrollmentdate ) ) = prm.daysallowedsendmessage and
prm.dateToCompare='enrollmentdate' and prm.whenToSend is null and
prm.sendto = 3 ) UNION ( SELECT pi.programinstanceid, uif.phonenumber,
prm.templatemessage, org.name <http://org.name> as orgunitName, pg.name
<http://pg.name> as programName, pi.dateofincident
,pi.enrollmentdate,(DATE(now()) - DATE(pi.enrollmentdate) ) as
days_since_erollment_date, (DATE(now()) - DATE(pi.dateofincident) ) as
days_since_incident_date FROM trackedentityinstance p INNER JOIN
programinstance pi ON
p.trackedentityinstanceid=pi.trackedentityinstanceid INNER JOIN program pg
ON pg.programid=pi.programid INNER JOIN organisationunit org ON
org.organisationunitid = p.organisationunitid INNER JOIN
trackedentityinstancereminder prm ON prm.programid = pi.programid INNER
JOIN usermembership ums ON ums.organisationunitid =
p.organisationunitid INNER JOIN userinfo uif ON uif.userinfoid =
ums.userinfoid WHERE pi.status= 0 and uif.phonenumber is not NULL
and uif.phonenumber != '' and prm.templatemessage is not NULL and
prm.templatemessage != '' and pg.type=1 and
prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null and ( DATE(now()) - DATE(
enrollmentdate ) ) = prm.daysallowedsendmessage and
prm.dateToCompare='enrollmentdate' and prm.sendto = 4 ) UNION (
select pi.programinstanceid, uif.phonenumber,prm.templatemessage, org.name
<http://org.name> as orgunitName , pg.name <http://pg.name> as programName,
pi.dateofincident, pi.enrollmentdate, (DATE(now()) -
DATE(pi.enrollmentdate) ) as days_since_erollment_date, (DATE(now()) -
DATE(pi.dateofincident) ) as days_since_incident_date from
trackedentityinstance p INNER JOIN programinstance pi ON
p.trackedentityinstanceid=pi.trackedentityinstanceid INNER JOIN program
pg ON pg.programid=pi.programid INNER JOIN organisationunit org
ON org.organisationunitid = p.organisationunitid INNER JOIN
trackedentityinstancereminder prm ON prm.programid = pg.programid
INNER JOIN usergroupmembers ugm ON ugm.usergroupid =
prm.usergroupid INNER JOIN userinfo uif ON uif.userinfoid =
ugm.userid WHERE pi.status= 0 and uif.phonenumber is not NULL and
uif.phonenumber != '' and prm.templatemessage is not NULL and
prm.templatemessage != '' and pg.type=1 and
prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null and ( DATE(now()) -
DATE(enrollmentdate) ) = prm.daysallowedsendmessage and
prm.whentosend is null and prm.sendto = 5 ) ]; nested exception is
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: operator does not exist:
character varying = integer*
* Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might
need to add explicit type casts.*
* Position: 1077*
Kindly help.