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Re: Data Loss


Hello Gerald
Have you checked the sharing settings of those data elements? Ir your users are not allowed to use those data elements the system will allow the data entry storing the information offline.

El 07/09/2015, a las 02:51, gerald thomas <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx> escribió:

> Dear Juan,
> Furthermore, for another district "Bonthe" with organisation units
> (Bendu Cha, BMC, Bum
> Dema, Imperi, Jong, Kpanda Kemoh, Kwamabai Krim, Nongoba Bullum,
> Sittia, Sogbini, Yawbeko)
> From the query again,
> hmis=# SELECT period.startdate, period.enddate, organisationunit.name,
> count(datavalue.sourceid) FROM datavalue, period, organisationunit
> hmis-# WHERE datavalue.periodid = period.periodid AND
> datavalue.sourceid = organisationunit.organisationunitid
> hmis-# AND datavalue.dataelementid IN (SELECT dataelementid FROM
> dataelement WHERE uid IN
> hmis(# ('Uh0eZaSBoy1','EByDLRrUQQ7','t4cOzeDmRBS','oQstHNsrsJm','q22MFSRWNe8','wyMiVZXcDp4','mPNtI6rlJgx','CzFJu6gOT8a','H5lP3PsNGmn','gSDWcj0oWwb','US013EpQT09','MciaFRdH99E','wcO9l9VDdjm','GNPQd1JagxH','Ch6DcBg6c6o','M24QWMWyKhX'))
> hmis-# AND datavalue.sourceid IN (SELECT organisationunitid FROM
> organisationunit WHERE uid in
> ('WBbZ4IsR4fJ','KuGGNmQRNRG','ZNSxAuPYkmc','bAfHAdToWpH','JGXzvo6cui0','qgKbTso4uxs','BwLuMFCgNXY','gbBGavOWAOJ','pxCSw2YnJkG','eqvAT82OSZK','Rftqk5lhju2','bSeyZOqAPAo'))
> hmis-# GROUP BY period.startdate, period.enddate,
> organisationunit.name, datavalue.sourceid;
> startdate  |  enddate   | name | count
> ------------+------------+------+-------
> 2013-11-01 | 2013-11-30 | BMC  |     6
> (1 row)
> Please help me; i need to know why this is happening. As you can see
> we had been loosing data for quit awhile now on those data elements.
> On 9/7/15, gerald thomas <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Dear Juan,
>> Sorry about the time lapse for this subject but i am currently in the
>> field trying to understand why we are having the data loss. One of our
>> district "Pujehun" is currently facing this issue. The data entry
>> clerk said he had successfully entered information for 2 months:
>> January & February and partially for March 2015 for one of his
>> organisation unit "Barri" which has the  following sub organisation
>> units ( Bandasuma CHC, Konia MCHP, Njaluahun CHP, Potoru CHC, Saahun
>> (barri) MCHP, Tambeyama MCHP, Taninahun MCHP, Vaama MCHP, Waiima
>> MCHP). Barri and its sub-organisation unit have information for
>> February and March 2015 as per the following data elements: suspected
>> malaria; total head counts all services, etc but not January 2015.
>> Using the query you gave me the last time i discovered the following:
>> SELECT period.startdate, period.enddate, organisationunit.name,
>> count(datavalue.sourceid) FROM datavalue, period, organisationunit
>> WHERE datavalue.periodid = period.periodid AND  datavalue.sourceid =
>> organisationunit.organisationunitid
>> AND datavalue.dataelementid IN (SELECT dataelementid FROM dataelement
>> WHERE uid IN
>> ('Uh0eZaSBoy1','EByDLRrUQQ7','t4cOzeDmRBS','oQstHNsrsJm','q22MFSRWNe8','wyMiVZXcDp4','mPNtI6rlJgx','CzFJu6gOT8a','H5lP3PsNGmn','gSDWcj0oWwb','US013EpQT09','MciaFRdH99E','wcO9l9VDdjm','GNPQd1JagxH','Ch6DcBg6c6o','M24QWMWyKhX'))
>> AND datavalue.sourceid IN (SELECT organisationunitid FROM
>> organisationunit WHERE uid in
>> ('TTcxkf1OGPx','BCnDvAuxUou','r6XG4nxlNxn','BKIrj3yjYJT','bqquAB6z7lS','xZGdhrCZjTn','hOQQ0w4iYio','qHuVAR7RvCa','qHuVAR7RvCa'))
>> GROUP BY period.startdate, period.enddate, organisationunit.name,
>> datavalue.sourceid;
>> startdate  |  enddate   |        name         | count
>> ------------+------------+---------------------+-------
>> 2014-09-01 | 2014-09-30 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    19
>> 2013-02-01 | 2013-02-28 | Konia MCHP          |    19
>> 2011-07-01 | 2011-07-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    22
>> 2013-10-01 | 2013-10-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    33
>> 2014-11-01 | 2014-11-30 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    20
>> 2011-05-01 | 2011-05-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    21
>> 2011-11-01 | 2011-11-30 | Potoru CHC          |    24
>> 2014-01-01 | 2014-01-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    12
>> 2012-09-01 | 2012-09-30 | Bandasuma CHC       |    26
>> 2011-08-01 | 2011-08-31 | Konia MCHP          |    20
>> 2012-08-01 | 2012-08-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    21
>> 2013-01-01 | 2013-01-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     5
>> 2011-05-01 | 2011-05-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    14
>> 2014-11-01 | 2014-11-30 | Taninahun MCHP      |    28
>> 2013-12-01 | 2013-12-31 | Konia MCHP          |    22
>> 2014-09-01 | 2014-09-30 | Taninahun MCHP      |    28
>> 2015-02-01 | 2015-02-28 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    22
>> 2013-05-01 | 2013-05-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    20
>> 2012-10-01 | 2012-10-31 | Potoru CHC          |    26
>> 2012-03-01 | 2012-03-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    22
>> 2011-04-01 | 2011-04-30 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    13
>> 2012-05-01 | 2012-05-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    20
>> 2014-08-01 | 2014-08-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    20
>> 2013-07-01 | 2013-07-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    10
>> 2013-02-01 | 2013-02-28 | Vaama MCHP          |    20
>> 2015-03-01 | 2015-03-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    33
>> 2014-07-01 | 2014-07-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    28
>> 2014-05-01 | 2014-05-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    33
>> 2012-07-01 | 2012-07-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    20
>> 2011-12-01 | 2011-12-31 | Potoru CHC          |    25
>> 2013-04-01 | 2013-04-30 | Bandasuma CHC       |    22
>> 2012-04-01 | 2012-04-30 | Taninahun MCHP      |    26
>> 2014-02-01 | 2014-02-28 | Bandasuma CHC       |    30
>> 2012-07-01 | 2012-07-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    23
>> 2014-04-01 | 2014-04-30 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    22
>> 2012-04-01 | 2012-04-30 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    13
>> 2011-06-01 | 2011-06-30 | Njaluahun CHP       |    22
>> 2013-12-01 | 2013-12-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    28
>> 2014-10-01 | 2014-10-31 | Potoru CHC          |    38
>> 2015-03-01 | 2015-03-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    21
>> 2012-06-01 | 2012-06-30 | Potoru CHC          |    24
>> 2011-08-01 | 2011-08-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    25
>> 2012-05-01 | 2012-05-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    24
>> 2014-08-01 | 2014-08-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    28
>> 2012-12-01 | 2012-12-31 | Potoru CHC          |    25
>> 2013-03-01 | 2013-03-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     5
>> 2011-04-01 | 2011-04-30 | Taninahun MCHP      |    16
>> 2013-09-01 | 2013-09-30 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    16
>> 2013-05-01 | 2013-05-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    18
>> 2014-10-01 | 2014-10-31 | Konia MCHP          |    18
>> 2012-02-01 | 2012-02-29 | Njaluahun CHP       |    25
>> 2012-01-01 | 2012-01-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    21
>> 2012-03-01 | 2012-03-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     6
>> 2013-11-01 | 2013-11-30 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    20
>> 2011-09-01 | 2011-09-30 | Taninahun MCHP      |    22
>> 2012-06-01 | 2012-06-30 | Konia MCHP          |    22
>> 2011-10-01 | 2011-10-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    17
>> 2013-07-01 | 2013-07-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     4
>> 2012-12-01 | 2012-12-31 | Konia MCHP          |    20
>> 2014-05-01 | 2014-05-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    23
>> 2014-02-01 | 2014-02-28 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    14
>> 2013-04-01 | 2013-04-30 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     4
>> 2014-07-01 | 2014-07-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    22
>> 2014-12-01 | 2014-12-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    31
>> 2011-11-01 | 2011-11-30 | Vaama MCHP          |    22
>> 2014-04-01 | 2014-04-30 | Bandasuma CHC       |    31
>> 2012-10-01 | 2012-10-31 | Konia MCHP          |    20
>> 2011-09-01 | 2011-09-30 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    19
>> 2013-03-01 | 2013-03-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    24
>> 2014-06-01 | 2014-06-30 | Njaluahun CHP       |    31
>> 2013-09-01 | 2013-09-30 | Bandasuma CHC       |    29
>> 2013-11-01 | 2013-11-30 | Taninahun MCHP      |    29
>> 2011-12-01 | 2011-12-31 | Konia MCHP          |    17
>> 2013-10-01 | 2013-10-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    19
>> 2013-06-01 | 2013-06-30 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    21
>> 2011-08-01 | 2011-08-31 | Potoru CHC          |    24
>> 2012-12-01 | 2012-12-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    24
>> 2012-11-01 | 2012-11-30 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    18
>> 2012-06-01 | 2012-06-30 | Vaama MCHP          |    23
>> 2014-10-01 | 2014-10-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    32
>> 2013-12-01 | 2013-12-31 | Potoru CHC          |    34
>> 2015-01-01 | 2015-01-31 | Potoru CHC          |     8
>> 2014-03-01 | 2014-03-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    34
>> 2014-01-01 | 2014-01-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    33
>> 2011-12-01 | 2011-12-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    24
>> 2013-02-01 | 2013-02-28 | Potoru CHC          |    24
>> 2013-01-01 | 2013-01-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    24
>> 2012-09-01 | 2012-09-30 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     5
>> 2012-11-01 | 2012-11-30 | Taninahun MCHP      |    25
>> 2011-11-01 | 2011-11-30 | Konia MCHP          |    22
>> 2013-06-01 | 2013-06-30 | Taninahun MCHP      |    22
>> 2015-02-01 | 2015-02-28 | Bandasuma CHC       |    23
>> 2012-10-01 | 2012-10-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    25
>> 2012-08-01 | 2012-08-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    25
>> 2014-01-01 | 2014-01-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    14
>> 2013-01-01 | 2013-01-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    15
>> 2011-05-01 | 2011-05-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    19
>> 2012-02-01 | 2012-02-29 | Potoru CHC          |    24
>> 2012-01-01 | 2012-01-31 | Potoru CHC          |    24
>> 2011-06-01 | 2011-06-30 | Konia MCHP          |     6
>> 2011-10-01 | 2011-10-31 | Potoru CHC          |    25
>> 2015-02-01 | 2015-02-28 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    16
>> 2014-09-01 | 2014-09-30 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    16
>> 2014-06-01 | 2014-06-30 | Potoru CHC          |    34
>> 2015-02-01 | 2015-02-28 | Taninahun MCHP      |    24
>> 2013-06-01 | 2013-06-30 | Bandasuma CHC       |    22
>> 2011-07-01 | 2011-07-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    25
>> 2014-11-01 | 2014-11-30 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    21
>> 2014-12-01 | 2014-12-31 | Potoru CHC          |    24
>> 2013-01-01 | 2013-01-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    18
>> 2012-11-01 | 2012-11-30 | Bandasuma CHC       |    24
>> 2014-01-01 | 2014-01-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    27
>> 2014-04-01 | 2014-04-30 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    19
>> 2012-04-01 | 2012-04-30 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     4
>> 2015-03-01 | 2015-03-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    19
>> 2013-12-01 | 2013-12-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    24
>> 2014-03-01 | 2014-03-31 | Potoru CHC          |    46
>> 2011-06-01 | 2011-06-30 | Vaama MCHP          |    26
>> 2011-09-01 | 2011-09-30 | Bandasuma CHC       |    26
>> 2013-03-01 | 2013-03-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    21
>> 2013-09-01 | 2013-09-30 | Tambeyama MCHP      |     6
>> 2012-08-01 | 2012-08-31 | Konia MCHP          |    20
>> 2013-05-01 | 2013-05-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     6
>> 2011-08-01 | 2011-08-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    23
>> 2013-03-01 | 2013-03-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    22
>> 2013-09-01 | 2013-09-30 | Taninahun MCHP      |    34
>> 2011-04-01 | 2011-04-30 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    10
>> 2012-05-01 | 2012-05-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    16
>> 2013-11-01 | 2013-11-30 | Bandasuma CHC       |    33
>> 2014-08-01 | 2014-08-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    21
>> 2011-07-01 | 2011-07-31 | Konia MCHP          |    15
>> 2013-02-01 | 2013-02-28 | Njaluahun CHP       |    18
>> 2012-07-01 | 2012-07-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     5
>> 2014-04-01 | 2014-04-30 | Taninahun MCHP      |    22
>> 2015-03-01 | 2015-03-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    30
>> 2014-07-01 | 2014-07-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    29
>> 2014-05-01 | 2014-05-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    33
>> 2013-04-01 | 2013-04-30 | Taninahun MCHP      |    16
>> 2012-04-01 | 2012-04-30 | Bandasuma CHC       |    24
>> 2014-02-01 | 2014-02-28 | Taninahun MCHP      |    21
>> 2014-12-01 | 2014-12-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    36
>> 2011-11-01 | 2011-11-30 | Njaluahun CHP       |    18
>> 2013-07-01 | 2013-07-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    22
>> 2011-09-01 | 2011-09-30 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     6
>> 2011-07-01 | 2011-07-31 | Potoru CHC          |    23
>> 2013-05-01 | 2013-05-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    24
>> 2012-03-01 | 2012-03-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    28
>> 2014-06-01 | 2014-06-30 | Vaama MCHP          |    34
>> 2011-10-01 | 2011-10-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    21
>> 2012-03-01 | 2012-03-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    14
>> 2012-05-01 | 2012-05-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    23
>> 2013-11-01 | 2013-11-30 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    12
>> 2014-08-01 | 2014-08-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    26
>> 2012-02-01 | 2012-02-29 | Vaama MCHP          |    23
>> 2012-01-01 | 2012-01-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    24
>> 2014-03-01 | 2014-03-31 | Konia MCHP          |    22
>> 2011-04-01 | 2011-04-30 | Bandasuma CHC       |    26
>> 2013-07-01 | 2013-07-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    19
>> 2012-07-01 | 2012-07-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |     8
>> 2014-05-01 | 2014-05-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    21
>> 2014-02-01 | 2014-02-28 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    21
>> 2013-04-01 | 2013-04-30 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    20
>> 2012-08-01 | 2012-08-31 | Potoru CHC          |    26
>> 2014-07-01 | 2014-07-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    18
>> 2014-06-01 | 2014-06-30 | Konia MCHP          |    16
>> 2011-05-01 | 2011-05-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    26
>> 2012-09-01 | 2012-09-30 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    19
>> 2011-12-01 | 2011-12-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    17
>> 2012-10-01 | 2012-10-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    22
>> 2014-12-01 | 2014-12-31 | Konia MCHP          |    18
>> 2013-10-01 | 2013-10-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    26
>> 2013-10-01 | 2013-10-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    13
>> 2012-12-01 | 2012-12-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    17
>> 2014-09-01 | 2014-09-30 | Bandasuma CHC       |    30
>> 2013-06-01 | 2013-06-30 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     5
>> 2014-11-01 | 2014-11-30 | Bandasuma CHC       |    28
>> 2012-09-01 | 2012-09-30 | Taninahun MCHP      |    26
>> 2012-11-01 | 2012-11-30 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    18
>> 2011-06-01 | 2011-06-30 | Potoru CHC          |    12
>> 2014-03-01 | 2014-03-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    31
>> 2014-10-01 | 2014-10-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    31
>> 2012-02-01 | 2012-02-29 | Konia MCHP          |    21
>> 2012-01-01 | 2012-01-31 | Konia MCHP          |    22
>> 2012-06-01 | 2012-06-30 | Njaluahun CHP       |    23
>> 2011-10-01 | 2011-10-31 | Konia MCHP          |    19
>> 2014-09-01 | 2014-09-30 | Njaluahun CHP       |    22
>> 2011-07-01 | 2011-07-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    17
>> 2012-12-01 | 2012-12-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    25
>> 2014-11-01 | 2014-11-30 | Njaluahun CHP       |    31
>> 2014-10-01 | 2014-10-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    29
>> 2012-08-01 | 2012-08-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    24
>> 2012-06-01 | 2012-06-30 | Bandasuma CHC       |    26
>> 2013-09-01 | 2013-09-30 | Konia MCHP          |    16
>> 2013-07-01 | 2013-07-31 | Potoru CHC          |    22
>> 2013-01-01 | 2013-01-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    22
>> 2013-03-01 | 2013-03-31 | Konia MCHP          |    13
>> 2014-05-01 | 2014-05-31 | Potoru CHC          |    35
>> 2014-01-01 | 2014-01-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    34
>> 2013-04-01 | 2013-04-30 | Potoru CHC          |    24
>> 2014-02-01 | 2014-02-28 | Potoru CHC          |    33
>> 2011-12-01 | 2011-12-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    26
>> 2012-08-01 | 2012-08-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    21
>> 2011-05-01 | 2011-05-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    18
>> 2014-07-01 | 2014-07-31 | Potoru CHC          |    36
>> 2012-03-01 | 2012-03-31 | Potoru CHC          |    28
>> 2015-02-01 | 2015-02-28 | Vaama MCHP          |    33
>> 2012-10-01 | 2012-10-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    26
>> 2014-04-01 | 2014-04-30 | Konia MCHP          |    20
>> 2011-07-01 | 2011-07-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    24
>> 2011-04-01 | 2011-04-30 | Njaluahun CHP       |    15
>> 2012-05-01 | 2012-05-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    23
>> 2014-08-01 | 2014-08-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    22
>> 2013-02-01 | 2013-02-28 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     5
>> 2012-07-01 | 2012-07-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    21
>> 2012-09-01 | 2012-09-30 | Potoru CHC          |    26
>> 2011-06-01 | 2011-06-30 | Taninahun MCHP      |    21
>> 2011-06-01 | 2011-06-30 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    20
>> 2012-04-01 | 2012-04-30 | Njaluahun CHP       |    21
>> 2015-03-01 | 2015-03-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    31
>> 2013-12-01 | 2013-12-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    10
>> 2015-02-01 | 2015-02-28 | Konia MCHP          |    19
>> 2011-11-01 | 2011-11-30 | Bandasuma CHC       |    26
>> 2014-04-01 | 2014-04-30 | Vaama MCHP          |    30
>> 2014-01-01 | 2014-01-31 | Konia MCHP          |    22
>> 2013-10-01 | 2013-10-31 | Potoru CHC          |    34
>> 2013-03-01 | 2013-03-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    22
>> 2013-09-01 | 2013-09-30 | Vaama MCHP          |    31
>> 2013-01-01 | 2013-01-31 | Konia MCHP          |    22
>> 2011-08-01 | 2011-08-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     5
>> 2013-05-01 | 2013-05-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    21
>> 2012-01-01 | 2012-01-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    20
>> 2012-02-01 | 2012-02-29 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    16
>> 2013-11-01 | 2013-11-30 | Njaluahun CHP       |    35
>> 2015-02-01 | 2015-02-28 | Potoru CHC          |    34
>> 2012-03-01 | 2012-03-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    23
>> 2014-06-01 | 2014-06-30 | Taninahun MCHP      |    28
>> 2011-10-01 | 2011-10-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    22
>> 2013-02-01 | 2013-02-28 | Bandasuma CHC       |    24
>> 2014-07-01 | 2014-07-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    32
>> 2014-05-01 | 2014-05-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    38
>> 2014-01-01 | 2014-01-31 | Potoru CHC          |    42
>> 2013-04-01 | 2013-04-30 | Vaama MCHP          |    23
>> 2013-10-01 | 2013-10-31 | Konia MCHP          |    22
>> 2014-02-01 | 2014-02-28 | Vaama MCHP          |    28
>> 2014-12-01 | 2014-12-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    30
>> 2013-01-01 | 2013-01-31 | Potoru CHC          |    24
>> 2013-07-01 | 2013-07-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    22
>> 2014-12-01 | 2014-12-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    17
>> 2013-12-01 | 2013-12-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    33
>> 2011-11-01 | 2011-11-30 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     5
>> 2011-09-01 | 2011-09-30 | Njaluahun CHP       |    21
>> 2011-10-01 | 2011-10-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    17
>> 2014-06-01 | 2014-06-30 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    22
>> 2011-08-01 | 2011-08-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    26
>> 2012-09-01 | 2012-09-30 | Konia MCHP          |    21
>> 2012-02-01 | 2012-02-29 | Taninahun MCHP      |    28
>> 2012-01-01 | 2012-01-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    20
>> 2012-12-01 | 2012-12-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     4
>> 2013-09-01 | 2013-09-30 | Potoru CHC          |    38
>> 2013-06-01 | 2013-06-30 | Njaluahun CHP       |    22
>> 2013-07-01 | 2013-07-31 | Konia MCHP          |    22
>> 2013-03-01 | 2013-03-31 | Potoru CHC          |    22
>> 2014-07-01 | 2014-07-31 | Konia MCHP          |    20
>> 2014-05-01 | 2014-05-31 | Konia MCHP          |    20
>> 2013-04-01 | 2013-04-30 | Konia MCHP          |    22
>> 2013-10-01 | 2013-10-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    36
>> 2014-02-01 | 2014-02-28 | Konia MCHP          |    18
>> 2012-11-01 | 2012-11-30 | Njaluahun CHP       |    22
>> 2014-04-01 | 2014-04-30 | Potoru CHC          |    38
>> 2014-10-01 | 2014-10-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    22
>> 2012-03-01 | 2012-03-31 | Konia MCHP          |    20
>> 2012-06-01 | 2012-06-30 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     6
>> 2014-03-01 | 2014-03-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    19
>> 2012-09-01 | 2012-09-30 | Vaama MCHP          |    27
>> 2014-03-01 | 2014-03-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    22
>> 2011-12-01 | 2011-12-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     6
>> 2012-10-01 | 2012-10-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    22
>> 2011-05-01 | 2011-05-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    26
>> 2014-01-01 | 2014-01-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    29
>> 2013-05-01 | 2013-05-31 | Konia MCHP          |    22
>> 2012-08-01 | 2012-08-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    19
>> 2013-01-01 | 2013-01-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    21
>> 2015-03-01 | 2015-03-31 | Konia MCHP          |    16
>> 2012-04-01 | 2012-04-30 | Konia MCHP          |    21
>> 2013-11-01 | 2013-11-30 | Potoru CHC          |    34
>> 2015-02-01 | 2015-02-28 | Njaluahun CHP       |    30
>> 2014-11-01 | 2014-11-30 | Vaama MCHP          |    33
>> 2011-09-01 | 2011-09-30 | Potoru CHC          |    22
>> 2011-07-01 | 2011-07-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     6
>> 2012-07-01 | 2012-07-31 | Konia MCHP          |    22
>> 2014-09-01 | 2014-09-30 | Vaama MCHP          |    33
>> 2012-05-01 | 2012-05-31 | Konia MCHP          |    22
>> 2014-08-01 | 2014-08-31 | Konia MCHP          |    16
>> 2014-03-01 | 2014-03-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    33
>> 2011-04-01 | 2011-04-30 | Konia MCHP          |    22
>> 2011-06-01 | 2011-06-30 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    15
>> 2012-11-01 | 2012-11-30 | Potoru CHC          |    25
>> 2014-04-01 | 2014-04-30 | Njaluahun CHP       |    29
>> 2014-12-01 | 2014-12-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    27
>> 2013-12-01 | 2013-12-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    15
>> 2013-02-01 | 2013-02-28 | Taninahun MCHP      |    20
>> 2015-03-01 | 2015-03-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    30
>> 2012-04-01 | 2012-04-30 | Vaama MCHP          |    24
>> 2013-05-01 | 2013-05-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    22
>> 2013-09-01 | 2013-09-30 | Njaluahun CHP       |    30
>> 2013-06-01 | 2013-06-30 | Potoru CHC          |    22
>> 2013-03-01 | 2013-03-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    16
>> 2014-06-01 | 2014-06-30 | Bandasuma CHC       |    31
>> 2011-05-01 | 2011-05-31 | Konia MCHP          |    15
>> 2011-08-01 | 2011-08-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    20
>> 2012-05-01 | 2012-05-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    23
>> 2011-08-01 | 2011-08-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    20
>> 2014-08-01 | 2014-08-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    16
>> 2012-02-01 | 2012-02-29 | Bandasuma CHC       |    26
>> 2012-01-01 | 2012-01-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    26
>> 2011-04-01 | 2011-04-30 | Vaama MCHP          |    23
>> 2011-10-01 | 2011-10-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    25
>> 2012-07-01 | 2012-07-31 | Vaama MCHP          |    24
>> 2013-12-01 | 2013-12-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    28
>> 2014-09-01 | 2014-09-30 | Konia MCHP          |    18
>> 2013-02-01 | 2013-02-28 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    21
>> 2014-11-01 | 2014-11-30 | Konia MCHP          |    18
>> 2014-12-01 | 2014-12-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    22
>> 2011-06-01 | 2011-06-30 | Bandasuma CHC       |    26
>> 2011-11-01 | 2011-11-30 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    10
>> 2014-09-01 | 2014-09-30 | Potoru CHC          |    36
>> 2014-06-01 | 2014-06-30 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    22
>> 2011-09-01 | 2011-09-30 | Vaama MCHP          |    24
>> 2014-11-01 | 2014-11-30 | Potoru CHC          |    36
>> 2012-01-01 | 2012-01-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     3
>> 2012-02-01 | 2012-02-29 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     5
>> 2012-03-01 | 2012-03-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    21
>> 2013-11-01 | 2013-11-30 | Vaama MCHP          |    36
>> 2012-11-01 | 2012-11-30 | Konia MCHP          |    21
>> 2011-10-01 | 2011-10-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |     4
>> 2013-07-01 | 2013-07-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    18
>> 2011-11-01 | 2011-11-30 | Taninahun MCHP      |    17
>> 2014-05-01 | 2014-05-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    27
>> 2013-04-01 | 2013-04-30 | Njaluahun CHP       |    19
>> 2014-02-01 | 2014-02-28 | Njaluahun CHP       |    34
>> 2014-07-01 | 2014-07-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    22
>> 2011-05-01 | 2011-05-31 | Potoru CHC          |    26
>> 2012-06-01 | 2012-06-30 | Taninahun MCHP      |    24
>> 2011-09-01 | 2011-09-30 | Konia MCHP          |    19
>> 2014-10-01 | 2014-10-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    30
>> 2012-08-01 | 2012-08-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    22
>> 2012-09-01 | 2012-09-30 | Njaluahun CHP       |    21
>> 2012-07-01 | 2012-07-31 | Potoru CHC          |    24
>> 2011-12-01 | 2011-12-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    15
>> 2012-10-01 | 2012-10-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    22
>> 2011-04-01 | 2011-04-30 | Potoru CHC          |    12
>> 2012-05-01 | 2012-05-31 | Potoru CHC          |    24
>> 2014-08-01 | 2014-08-31 | Potoru CHC          |    34
>> 2012-12-01 | 2012-12-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    24
>> 2011-07-01 | 2011-07-31 | Bandasuma CHC       |    26
>> 2012-12-01 | 2012-12-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    16
>> 2013-10-01 | 2013-10-31 | Njaluahun CHP       |    28
>> 2013-06-01 | 2013-06-30 | Vaama MCHP          |    19
>> 2013-05-01 | 2013-05-31 | Potoru CHC          |    23
>> 2012-10-01 | 2012-10-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    24
>> 2012-04-01 | 2012-04-30 | Potoru CHC          |    26
>> 2011-12-01 | 2011-12-31 | Taninahun MCHP      |    21
>> 2014-10-01 | 2014-10-31 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    17
>> 2015-03-01 | 2015-03-31 | Potoru CHC          |    28
>> 2014-03-01 | 2014-03-31 | Saahun (barri) MCHP |    14
>> 2012-06-01 | 2012-06-30 | Tambeyama MCHP      |    20
>> 2013-11-01 | 2013-11-30 | Konia MCHP          |    20
>> 2012-11-01 | 2012-11-30 | Vaama MCHP          |    24
>> (368 rows)
>> (END)
>> The query didn't come back with any information about January 2015 for
>> those data elements but there is information for the others on the HF1
>> forms.
>> 1. Is it possible that minimum & maximum values as per data elements
>> is affecting our data?
>> 2. We have a lock period to verify the data entry clerks efficiency;
>> and most of them are saying this situation normally happened after the
>> system had been reopened and they are trying to key in their backlogs.
>> Is it possible that the lock period is the cause of our loss data.
>> Thanks for your usual cooperation.
>> On 8/28/15, Juan Manuel Alcantara Acosta <jmalcantara1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hello Gerald
>>> That looks fine, should return all the org units in your database. I
>>> think
>>> it will be simpler for you to get the UIDs from the API or from the org
>>> unit
>>> administration tools, for example using Organisation unit search, the
>>> results will show the UID in the first column.
>>> Regards,
>>> JM
>>> El 27/08/2015, a las 15:58, gerald thomas <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> escribió:
>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>> Sorry about the confusion with the query;
>>>> To get all the UIDs for organisationunit, i tried this query but it
>>>> didn't
>>>> work:
>>>> SELECT * FROM organisationunit;
>>>> Please am i correct or wrong to run this query?
>>>> On 8/27/15, gerald thomas <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>> If it is, then please view result:
>>>>> hmis=# SELECT period.startdate, period.enddate, organisationunit.name,
>>>>> count(datavalue.sourceid) FROM datavalue, period, organisationunit
>>>>> hmis-# WHERE datavalue.periodid = period.periodid AND
>>>>> datavalue.sourceid = organisationunit.organisationunitid
>>>>> hmis-# AND datavalue.dataelementid IN (SELECT dataelementid FROM
>>>>> dataelement WHERE uid IN
>>>>> hmis(#
>>>>> ('Uh0eZaSBoy1','EByDLRrUQQ7','t4cOzeDmRBS','oQstHNsrsJm','q22MFSRWNe8','wyMiVZXcDp4','mPNtI6rlJgx','CzFJu6gOT8a','H5lP3PsNGmn','gSDWcj0oWwb','US013EpQT09','MciaFRdH99E','wcO9l9VDdjm','GNPQd1JagxH','Ch6DcBg6c6o','M24QWMWyKhX'))
>>>>> hmis-# AND datavalue.sourceid IN (SELECT organisationunitid FROM
>>>>> organisationunit WHERE uid in
>>>>> ('Uh0eZaSBoy1','EByDLRrUQQ7','t4cOzeDmRBS','oQstHNsrsJm','q22MFSRWNe8','wyMiVZXcDp4','mPNtI6rlJgx','CzFJu6gOT8a','H5lP3PsNGmn','gSDWcj0oWwb','US013EpQT09','MciaFRdH99E','wcO9l9VDdjm','GNPQd1JagxH','Ch6DcBg6c6o','M24QWMWyKhX'))
>>>>> hmis-# GROUP BY period.startdate, period.enddate,
>>>>> organisationunit.name, datavalue.sourceid;
>>>>> startdate | enddate | name | count
>>>>> -----------+---------+------+-------
>>>>> (0 rows)
>>>>> On 8/27/15, gerald thomas <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>> This means i am going to use the UIDs (those that are loosing data) in
>>>>>> both part of the query?
>>>>>> Please confirm!!
>>>>>> On 8/27/15, Juan Manuel Alcantara Acosta <jmalcantara1@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Gerald
>>>>>>> You have to look for the UIDs of the Org Units that are loosing the
>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> add them just like you did for the data element UIDs, the list of org
>>>>>>> units
>>>>>>> you have to replace is ('UID1','UID2','UID3')
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> JM
>>>>>>> El 27/08/2015, a las 15:32, gerald thomas <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>> Sorry about the typo in my previous mail.
>>>>>>>> As per query you sent:
>>>>>>>> hmis(#
>>>>>>>> ('Uh0eZaSBoy1','EByDLRrUQQ7','t4cOzeDmRBS','oQstHNsrsJm','q22MFSRWNe8','wyMiVZXcDp4','mPNtI6rlJgx','CzFJu6gOT8a','H5lP3PsNGmn','gSDWcj0oWwb','US013EpQT09','MciaFRdH99E','wcO9l9VDdjm','GNPQd1JagxH','Ch6DcBg6c6o','M24QWMWyKhX'))
>>>>>>>> hmis-# AND datavalue.sourceid IN (SELECT organisationunitid FROM
>>>>>>>> organisationunit WHERE uid in ('UID1','UID2','UID3'))
>>>>>>>> hmis-# GROUP BY period.startdate, period.enddate,
>>>>>>>> organisationunit.name, datavalue.sourceid;
>>>>>>>> startdate | enddate | name | count
>>>>>>>> -----------+---------+------+-------
>>>>>>>> (0 rows)
>>>>>>>> Please what should i do next?
>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance for your help.
>>>>>>>> On 8/27/15, Juan Manuel Alcantara Acosta <jmalcantara1@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello Gerald
>>>>>>>>> I hope you are well.
>>>>>>>>> The result of the query shows that you have data for the data
>>>>>>>>> elements
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>> question, now we should filter for the org units that loose the
>>>>>>>>> information
>>>>>>>>> and also check the periods.
>>>>>>>>> Try the following query as a SQL View, just add your own UID list
>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> org units that apparently loose the data.
>>>>>>>>> SELECT period.startdate, period.enddate, organisationunit.name,
>>>>>>>>> count(datavalue.sourceid) FROM datavalue, period, organisationunit
>>>>>>>>> WHERE datavalue.periodid = period.periodid AND  datavalue.sourceid
>>>>>>>>> =
>>>>>>>>> organisationunit.organisationunitid
>>>>>>>>> AND datavalue.dataelementid IN (SELECT dataelementid FROM
>>>>>>>>> dataelement
>>>>>>>>> WHERE
>>>>>>>>> uid IN
>>>>>>>>> ('oQstHNsrsJm','wyMiVZXcDp4','q22MFSRWNe8','CzFJu6gOT8a','M24QWMWyKhX','Ch6DcBg6c6o','H5lP3PsNGmn','IYOtI5eARlr','mZNp0D7rBas','HXTw4HhlblV','IGgo6jmjEl7','pzvrFsbY4eA','GNPQd1JagxH','T1R75oOtd58','zVH9yk8sgsG','Lx1eDpyVnnl','bTO0YHKALOJ'))
>>>>>>>>> AND datavalue.sourceid IN (SELECT organisationunitid FROM
>>>>>>>>> organisationunit
>>>>>>>>> WHERE uid in ('UID1','UID2','UID3'))
>>>>>>>>> GROUP BY period.startdate, period.enddate, organisationunit.name,
>>>>>>>>> datavalue.sourceid;
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> JM
>>>>>>>>> El 27/08/2015, a las 02:12, gerald thomas <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>>>> Please help us we are struggling with this issue. Any update on
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> query
>>>>>>>>>> result I sent you?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your usual cooperation.
>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 25, 2015 6:04 PM, "gerald thomas" <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>>>> I already sent you the count result; what should i do next?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance for your usual cooperation.
>>>>>>>>>> On 8/25/15, Juan Manuel Alcantara Acosta <jmalcantara1@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>> I see there is a typo in the query and the closing parentheses is
>>>>>>>>>>> missing,
>>>>>>>>>>> here's the correction:
>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM datavalue WHERE dataelementid IN (SELECT
>>>>>>>>>>> dataelementid FROM dataelement WHERE uid IN
>>>>>>>>>>> ('oQstHNsrsJm','wyMiVZXcDp4','q22MFSRWNe8','CzFJu6gOT8a','M24QWMWyKhX','Ch6DcBg6c6o','H5lP3PsNGmn','IYOtI5eARlr','mZNp0D7rBas','HXTw4HhlblV','IGgo6jmjEl7','pzvrFsbY4eA','GNPQd1JagxH','T1R75oOtd58','zVH9yk8sgsG','Lx1eDpyVnnl','bTO0YHKALOJ'));
>>>>>>>>>>> This queries can also be used as SQL Views in Data
>>>>>>>>>>> administration.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> JM
>>>>>>>>>>> El 24/08/2015, a las 19:37, gerald thomas <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>>>>>> The dataelement query hanger here:
>>>>>>>>>>>> hmis=#SELECT COUNT(*) FROM datavalue WHERE dataelemendid IN
>>>>>>>>>>>> (SELECT
>>>>>>>>>>>> dataelementid FROM dataelement WHERE uid IN
>>>>>>>>>>>> ('oQstHNsrsJm','wyMiVZXcDp4','q22MFSRWNe8','CzFJu6gOT8a','M24QWMWyKhX','Ch6DcBg6c6o','H5lP3PsNGmn','IYOtI5eARlr','mZNp0D7rBas','HXTw4HhlblV','IGgo6jmjEl7','pzvrFsbY4eA','GNPQd1JagxH','T1R75oOtd58','zVH9yk8sgsG','Lx1eDpyVnnl','bTO0YHKALOJ');
>>>>>>>>>>>> hmis(#
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/25/15, gerald thomas <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please find the attached file showing dataelement and UIDs. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> had
>>>>>>>>>>>>> already excluded the 17 dataelement which giving these issues.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore i will like to bring to your notices that issue
>>>>>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>>>> occur
>>>>>>>>>>>>> on a particular districts (Kailahun, Kenema, Koinadugu, Western
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Area).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am currently running the dataelement query and i will update
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> first thing in the morning
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/24/15, Juan Manuel Alcantara Acosta
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <jmalcantara1@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can see the UIDs in the file you sent me. Look for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strings:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SW3YgUOEbWh
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ZUFq86FDx2d
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eTutFs33XIs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HautHb3QIiN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fJXh2KAO50U
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RuF2y6PRNFx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jpxNWRzDYCW
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OYlcECL1USm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ReCEa4ZIji8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> t4ds6TNqajx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Those are the UIDs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can use port forwarding with putty to use pgAdmin, look at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> step
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following instructions:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://intranet.cs.hku.hk/csintranet/contents/technical/howto/putty-portforward.jsp
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you have a standard configuration, the port you have to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forward
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5432
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and then you can connect to the database with pgAdmin to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> localhost
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same port.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El 24/08/2015, a las 12:34, gerald thomas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kindly note i am access the server through ssh by putty and I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> am
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> psql to database.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please find the attached file containing some of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dataelement
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> within the database. As i said before there is no UID for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/24/15, gerald thomas <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I did but it took me to *****api/resource. Tried to edit URL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ****api/dataelement nothing comes up.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/24/15, Juan Manuel Alcantara Acosta
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <jmalcantara1@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, you can use the following query.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT * FROM dataelement;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That will return all the existing data elements. It's very
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strange
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data elements without UID, this happens only when you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inject
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> elements into the database and the UIDs are created when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> restart
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> system. Did you try to use the API?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El 24/08/2015, a las 11:27, gerald thomas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i can't find the UID as per your directions. I thought it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> automatically generated but it seem not to be the case.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is there any query to verify the UID of these dataelements
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/24/15, gerald thomas <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My server version Linux dhis 3.13.0-30-generic #55-Ubuntu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SMP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fri
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jul
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4 21:40:53 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DHIS2 version
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Version:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.18
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Build revision:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Build date:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-04-04 09:34
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And it is on the cloud.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/24/15, Juan Manuel Alcantara Acosta
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <jmalcantara1@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sure, here's the query. Don't forget to replace the list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UIDs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corresponding text from your data elements.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM datavalue WHERE dataelemendid IN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (SELECT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dataelementid
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FROM dataelement WHERE uid IN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ('UID1','UID2','UID3','UID4','UID5','UID6','UID7','UID8','UID9','UID10',);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you tell me more about your server setup?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El 24/08/2015, a las 10:04, gerald thomas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please can you send it again
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 24, 2015 3:01 PM, "Juan Manuel Alcantara Acosta"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <jmalcantara1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is this happening too with the last query I sent you?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El 24/08/2015, a las 09:54, gerald thomas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am still having issues with datavalue query. Please
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> help
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by checking the query again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is still showing "Out of memory"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/24/15, gerald thomas <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am still having issues with datavalue query. Please
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> help
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by checking the query again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is still giving
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/24/15, Juan Manuel Alcantara Acosta
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <jmalcantara1@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What was the result of the datavalue query?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You should also check the sharing settings of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> elements
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giving you trouble.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El 24/08/2015, a las 08:43, gerald thomas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please find the attached updated combo query.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/24/15, gerald thomas <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Noted!!! It is now generating resource table and i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> keep
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> posted once it had been completed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/24/15, Juan Manuel Alcantara Acosta
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <jmalcantara1@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Select "Update category option combinations" and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> click
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "perform
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> maintenance". After that finished select from the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> menu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> left
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Resource
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table" and click on "Generate tables".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El 24/08/2015, a las 08:00, gerald thomas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Under Maintenance column i am seeing the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Clear analytics tables
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Clear data mart
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rebuild data mart index
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Clear zero values
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Clear data set completeness
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prune periods
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Remove expired invitations
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drop SQL views
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Create SQL views
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Update category option combinations
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What should I check for the performance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> maintenance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query again?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/24/15, gerald thomas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No!!! This is the holistic data from that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Previously
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> had
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the first part of the result. Do you want me to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rebuild
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tables
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query again?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/24/15, Juan Manuel Alcantara Acosta
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <jmalcantara1@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This looks much different than the fist one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> missing a lot of names, did you rebuild
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resource
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tables?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El 24/08/2015, a las 05:44, gerald thomas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your responses.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry i am only responding now but please
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attached
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> category
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combo query.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/23/15, Juan Manuel Alcantara Acosta
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <jmalcantara1@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry, I got distracted and hit send before
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> completing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You should limit the query to show the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> values
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specific
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> elements
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that are giving you trouble, you'll need the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uid
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> element., In case you don't know how to get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the api
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (your_server_URL/api/dataElements?paging=false)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> look
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information if each data element in data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> element
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> management
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> selecting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "show
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> details" from the contextual menu that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appears
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clocking
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each data element. Then add to the query the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UIDs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> semicolon.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WHERE de.uid IN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ('UID1','UID2','UID3','UID4','UID5','UID6','UID7','UID8','UID9','UID10')
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please excuse me if you already know all of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> things,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> since I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a way to know how much you know about the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> system
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> postgres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> queries
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rather be detailed on what you have to do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> leave
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guessing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In addition to running maintenance to update
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> category
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> option
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combinations
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you should re-generate resource tables,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you'll
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Administration" too.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El 23/08/2015, a las 16:18, Juan Manuel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alcantara
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Acosta
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <jmalcantara1@xxxxxxxxx> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I see you are missing a few category option
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> names,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the maintenance to "Update category option
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combinations",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you'll
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in "Data Administration" -> "maintenance"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I also don't see the option combinations of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> elements
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> highlighted in the excel you sent to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> category
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combination
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are you using with those data elements? Run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> again
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> after
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the maintenance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <15 yrs, 15-24yrs, 25-34yrs, 35-44yrs,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 45-49yrs,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 49yrs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> About the out of memory error, I recommend
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pgAdmin3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> try
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to run the query again. You should limit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> show
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El 23/08/2015, a las 15:39, gerald thomas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Juan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For the datavalues query; i am getting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> memory"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> result.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please find the attached result for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/23/15, Juan Manuel Alcantara Acosta
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <jmalcantara1@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does data disappear only from data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> elements
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> category
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combination?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since you are querying your database
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> directly,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sending
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> couple
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of queries you can use to verify the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> existing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> values
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> database
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> category combinations. Check if you have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> option
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combination.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El 23/08/2015, a las 11:36, gerald thomas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Juan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your response but we are not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> custom
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forms
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entry.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 23, 2015 4:29 PM, "Juan Manuel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alcantara
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Acosta"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <jmalcantara1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you using custom forms for data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entry?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El 22/08/2015, a las 15:37, gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thomas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear dhis2-users,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If someone cannot help me; can anyone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explain
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> why
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> am
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> having
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> October, November, December 2015 on my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> database?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dhis=# select * from period where
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> startdate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '2015-01-01';
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> periodid | periodtypeid | startdate  |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enddate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------+--------------+------------+------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1121694 |            6 | 2016-01-01 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016-12-31
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2058605 |            3 | 2015-11-01 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-11-30
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2058606 |            3 | 2015-12-01 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-31
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2058607 |            3 | 2015-10-01 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-10-31
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2058611 |            1 | 2015-01-16 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-01-16
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2058619 |            1 | 2015-01-26 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-01-26
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2058631 |            1 | 2015-01-29 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-01-29
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2058632 |            3 | 2015-09-01 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-09-30
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2058656 |            3 | 2015-02-01 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-02-28
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2058727 |            3 | 2015-06-01 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-06-30
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2058806 |            3 | 2015-07-01 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-07-31
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2058811 |            2 | 2015-03-02 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-03-08
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2058812 |            3 | 2015-03-01 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-03-31
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2058814 |            3 | 2015-05-01 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-05-31
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2065151 |            6 | 2020-01-01 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2020-12-31
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2072304 |            3 | 2015-04-01 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-04-30
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2109802 |            4 | 2015-04-01 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-06-30
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2115342 |            3 | 2015-08-01 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-08-31
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2122928 |       292091 | 2015-03-01 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-04-30
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2129098 |            2 | 2015-05-25 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-05-31
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2129099 |            1 | 2015-12-31 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-12-31
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please we need to fix this issue of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> loss;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> help
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/20/15, gerald thomas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <gerald17006@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear All,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We are having a serious issues on our
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> online
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sierra
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Leone.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Data are normally entered but during
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> analysis
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> normally
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> got
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> missing. This had been an issue i had
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> raised
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> situation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is still the same and it is even worst
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please this is an urgent technical
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fix
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sierra
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Leone and any help will be appreciated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> till
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> overcome
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> situation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please help us!!!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mailing list:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://launchpad.net/~dhis2-users
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Post to     :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unsubscribe :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://launchpad.net/~dhis2-users
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> More help   :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <Combo_Query result.txt>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <categoryoptioncombon.txt>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <New_categoryoptioncombon.txt>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <dataelement;.txt>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Gerald
>>>>> --
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Gerald
>>>> --
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Gerald
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Gerald
> -- 
> Regards,
> Gerald

Follow ups
