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Setting up Point of Service sites


Hello all,

I am interested in knowing how teams are setting up Point of Service sites
in DHIS.

I have thought of a couple of ways to do so:

   - Create an Organisational Unit level (POS) underneath facility level
   which will collect Testing and Counseling data via a data set which is set
   up to only be accessible to Org Units at this POS level

   - Create a data set for Testing and Counseling data and add a Point of
   Service Category to it. Data will be added at the Facility level: data set,
   reporting period AND Point of Service Type would be selected prior to
   adding data on the data entry screen.

I imagine this is not an issue unique to us and am curious what others'
solutions are.

Thanks in advance.

*Laura E. Lincks*
Database Manager/Developer
ICAP - Columbia University
Mailman School of Public Health
60 Haven Ave, Floor B1
New York, NY 10032
Tel: 212 304 7132

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