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Upgrade 2.20 to 2.21 issue encountered



I have a VM running Ubuntu 15.10, Java OpenJDK (Latest version), Tomcat 8,
PostgreSQL 9.4.

The DHIS instance is running version 2.20.

Via PGAdmin the number of Views on the db is confirmed to be 0.

When upgrading to version 2.21 (by replacing the 2.20 WAR file with the
2.21 version), I experienced the following:

I replaced the WAR file and started Tomcat - and a blank screen instead of
the login screen resulted.

I then also restarted the VM with the same end-result. (If I revert back to
the 2.20 WAR file, everything works fine).

I then created a blank test-db and started the tomcat instance - the
standard login screen is displayed as per normal, indicating to me that the
challenge lies with the actual db upgrade process.

Comparing the Catalina log file from the problematic process to the test-db
log, the following point of failure was picked up:

TEST db catalina.out shows the adding of a default category:

* INFO  2015-11-06 11:36:59,993 Executing startup routine [3 of 13,
runlevel 3]: DataElementDefaultDimensionPopulator
(DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1])
** INFO  2015-11-06 11:37:01,406 Added default category
(DataElementDefaultDimensionPopulator.java [localhost-startStop-1])*
* INFO  2015-11-06 11:37:01,505 Executing startup routine [4 of 13,
runlevel 4]: ReportingIdentityPopulator (DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java

The actual db catalina.out shows the following:

* INFO  2015-11-06 12:10:07,281 Executing startup routine [3 of 13,
runlevel 3]: DataElementDefaultDimensionPopulator
(DefaultStartupRoutineExecutor.java [localhost-startStop-1])
* ERROR 2015-11-06 12:10:08,106 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown
name value [unitInterval] for enum class [org.hisp.dhis.common.ValueType]
  at <a long list follows> ...........
Nov 06, 2015 12:10:08 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext
SEVERE: One or more listeners failed to start. Full details will be found
in the appropriate container log file
Nov 06, 2015 12:10:08 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext
SEVERE: Context [/dhis2-1] startup failed due to previous errors

It thus seems that the "*Added default category
(DataElementDefaultDimensionPopulator.java"* step is failing when upgrading
this specific 2.20 database .

Any proposals/advise on how to solve this matter?

Much appreciated!

Kind regards


*Ferdie Botha*

[image: cid:image003.png@01CC94C1.A071E700]

*Health Information Systems Program*


*e-mail:  *ferdie@xxxxxxxx
*Mobile: *082 453 5744

*Skype:*  ferdie.botha.skype

*Web: *   http://www.hisp.org


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