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Category option filter by org unit working?



Hope all is well.

I'm trying to limit category options to specific org unit areas.

The date filtering seems to work but the org unit filter doesn't   (under app data elements > category option > edit/new > more options).

I looked through launchpad and can't see any pending issues.   Wondered if anyone had encountered similar problems?  I've seen in v2.20 and in the online demo.

I think this is a bug unless I'm misunderstanding how this is meant to work?



To replicate:

(go to data entry Bo>Badija > Ngelehun CHC)  dataset ART summary

Partner "Africa Medical Research Foundation"  has been configured to be start/end dates 1/1/2015 - 1/6/2015 .  active only in Ngehehun

options are restricted correctly in the dropdown on the basis of date.  But not by org unit.

Follow ups