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Re: yoda says: daylight savings time gap it has


Hi Uwe,

It looks like there actually was a time zone gap then


which states

When local standard time was about to reach
Monday, 1 January 1940, 00:00:00 clocks were turned forward 0:15 hours to
Monday, 1 January 1940, 00:15:00 local standard time instead

So, that time period is not valid actually.

To me it looks like Joda is doing what it is supposed to do, but analytics
is not handling the gap correctly.

@Morten, looks similar to the ones we saw before in Bangladesh I think.
What was the solution there?


On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 8:40 AM, Uwe Wahser <uwe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Dear all,
> happy new year and success for your projects, especially for those that are
> focusing on DHIS2!
> I am experiencing a yoda error when running the analytics table update (See
> below excerpt from java-dump). I saw the error earlier when trying to
> delete the
> analytics tables, but now (after starting to load lots of live-date from
> our
> ERP) it also pops up when updating the tables.
> Note that I am using the date dimension not in the sense of reporting
> periods,
> but as dimension for real dates (e.g. birth dates). They can reach from 0
> AD to
> 9999 AD. But this didn't cause a problem so far. Is there anything like a
> hidden
> validity range for dates or does this have to do with timezone setting on
> the
> server?
> I am sitting on 2.21 build 20972, standard server installation on Ubuntu
> 14.04
> from the manual with up to date packages, including Oracle Java 8.
> Thanks for your input,
> Uwe
> --- catalina out ---
> [...]
> * INFO  2016-01-14 10:09:10,230 [Level: ERROR, category:
> time: Thu Jan 14 10:09:10 EAT 2016, message: Process failed: Illegal
> instant due
> to time zone offset transition (daylight savings time 'gap'):
> 1940-01-01T00:00:00.000 (Africa/Nairobi)] (InMemoryNotifier.java
> [taskScheduler-2])
> * ERROR 2016-01-14 10:09:10,263 Unexpected error occurred in scheduled
> task.
> (TaskUtils.java [taskScheduler-2])
> org.joda.time.IllegalInstantException: Illegal instant due to time zone
> offset
> transition (daylight savings time 'gap'): 1940-01-01T00:00:00.000
> (Africa/Nairobi)
>         at
> org.joda.time.chrono.ZonedChronology.localToUTC(ZonedChronology.java:143)
>         at
> org.joda.time.chrono.ZonedChronology.getDateTimeMillis(ZonedChronology.java:118)
>         at
> org.joda.time.chrono.AssembledChronology.getDateTimeMillis(AssembledChronology.java:133)
>         at org.joda.time.base.BaseDateTime.<init>(BaseDateTime.java:258)
>         at org.joda.time.DateTime.<init>(DateTime.java:373)
>         at
> org.hisp.dhis.calendar.ChronologyBasedCalendar.isoStartOfYear(ChronologyBasedCalendar.java:313)
>         at
> org.hisp.dhis.analytics.table.PartitionUtils.getPeriod(PartitionUtils.java:60)
> [...]
> --- catalina out ---
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Jason P. Pickering
email: jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx

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