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Message #09045
Cannot load OrgUnits or DataSet in Data Entry
Version: 2.20Build revision: 20001
We are suddenly having difficulty in using the Data Entry screen (it was
working prior to yesterday, more than likely.)
The OrgUnit tree appears on the left hand side and the search functionality
works there. But when selecting any OrgUnit in the tree it does not
populate the Organisation Unit field in the snapshot below. Furthermore,
the Loading bar next to Data Set continues to run but the Data Set list is
never populated because no Org Unit ever gets loaded into the field.
[image: Inline image 1]
The log does not show us anything obvious. Analytics ran automatically
overnight without a problem.
We are looking at Datasets which changed over the past day... there are 12
which were updated, but I am not sure if there were true changes or if
someone just edited them and clicked Save instead of Cancel, because there
was no reason to modify datasets as far as I know.
3 of the 12 modified datasets are designed with a dimension type of
Aggregate with a specific category combo of POS. But these are not new
datasets and have been in existence and have functioned properly for many
months. We've set up a test environment -- modifying that aggregate
dimension dataset did not resolve the issue of not being able to load an
Org Unit and its available Datasets on the Data Entry screen.
Does anyone have an idea of what we should be looking for? Thanks.
*Laura E. Lincks*
Database Manager/Developer
ICAP - Columbia University
Mailman School of Public Health
60 Haven Ave, Floor B1
New York, NY 10032
Tel: 212 304 7132

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