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Message #09151
Re: Data Entry screen shows up blank
Correction: the user who made the changes had administrator rights which I
could not see at the time. Our admin user did NOT have administrator rights
but now does (updated via the backend). So there are a couple of mysteries
solved. But there is definitely something wrong with Users, User Roles and
maybe Authorities. We don't have access to objects in all (or in some cases
any) areas in DHIS when we presumably should. I don't know where to look
anymore. Are there some integrity checks I can do on the backend to help
pin point where the problems may be?
*Laura E. Lincks*
Database Manager/Developer
ICAP - Columbia University
Mailman School of Public Health
60 Haven Ave, Floor B1
New York, NY 10032
Tel: 212 304 7132
On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 1:41 PM, Laura E. Lincks <
laura.lincks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Version: 2.20Build revision: 20001
> We have had some strange behavior regarding disappearing User Roles
> (disappearing from access, but not from the database) and now access to a
> data entry form.
> This dataset is assigned to 3 user groups. When logging in as a user in
> one of those groups, we are unable to see the data entry form when
> selecting the data set for an assigned Org Unit and Period. It appears as
> pictured below. The same issues exist when logging in as admin which should
> have access to everything.
> We also were unable to see the data set in the list of data sets when
> running a Data Set report and in the list in the Data Sets app in the front
> end (it existed in the backend). I queried the backend and saw that in the
> dataset table the userid was set to an user ID which is not assigned to any
> user roles! I changed it backend to be that of the admin userid. That made
> it available in the list of Data Sets and in the Data Set Report screen.However,
> we still can't access it via Data Entry for any period, past or future.
> I have compared this data set to another similar one which is functioning
> without error, yet apart from the data elements and indicators assigned to
> the forms, I see no difference. What might I be missing?
> Thanks in advance.
> [image: Inline image 1]
> *Laura E. Lincks*
> Database Manager/Developer
> ICAP - Columbia University
> Mailman School of Public Health
> 60 Haven Ave, Floor B1
> New York, NY 10032
> Tel: 212 304 7132
