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Message #09794
Authentication through URL for testing/playing with the API
DHIS 2 Users list <dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Craig Hollingsworth <craig.hollingsworth@xxxxxx>
Sat, 26 Mar 2016 04:17:50 +0000
en-GB, nb-NO, en-US
Authentication through URL for testing/playing with the API
I wondered if anyone could give me guidance on how I'd pass authentication through a URL.
I'm playing with the API and an app in Webmatrix. For development/testing purposes seems that easiest thing would be to get authorisation through this interface. Otherwise each time I make changes I have to install the app.
An alternative would perhaps be to have a local dev version of dhis2 running locally and just copy file changes to the local instance but this seems a bit of a faff.
I looked in the dev documentation and it suggests using basic authorisation. I'm trying the following but is not working... https://Aladdin:OpenSesame@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/api/resources
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If easiest is through a local instance then so be it, no worries.
p.s. I'm using version 2.20 build 21819
Craig Hollingsworth
Global M&E Data Pilots Project Manager
Tel: +57 320 208 4921 / +44 (0) 7570 138 151
Skype: Craig.Hollingsworth
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