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Re: [Dhis2-devs] dhis version 2.23 is released



Good stuff - will go through it in more detail, but please note that trying
to download the 2.23 demo database gives an error (file not found).


On 25 April 2016 at 14:29, Lars Helge Øverland <lars@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi all,
> DHIS version 2.23 is out with a lot of new features, apps and
> improvements.
> Log in with admin/district on the demo <http://play.dhis2.org/demo/>
> system.
> ---
> Event clustering in GIS: You can now view clusters of events in the event
> layer of the GIS app. This dramatically improves the scalability and lets
> you visualize millions of events in a single map. Try zooming in and see
> the clusters being updated. The event layer clusters are based on the
> longitude/latitude of the events which allows for geospatial analysis of
> disease outbreaks, surveys and more. Filters can be defined per data
> element, e.g. you can filter age groups and gender in a similar style as
> you do in event reports. After drilling down to individual events you can
> click on points to show a dialog with additional information about the
> event. You can select start and end dates or relative periods for the time
> dimension. The color and size of the clusters / points can be controlled
> under options.
> Demo 1
> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-mapping/index.html?id=RZUmy4ty0gX>
> | 2
> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-mapping/index.html?id=UjHKZ2lZJ3T>
> | Screenshot 1
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/gis-event-clustering-country.png> | 2
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/gis-event-clustering-district.png> | 3
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/gis-event-layer-facility.png> | Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch17.html>
> GIS OSM Light basemap: The GIS app features a new OpenStreetMap Light
> basemap which is great for thematic mapping, as it emphasizes the data
> layers and provides a clean basemap with high contrast and less color.
> OpenStreetMap is now the default basemap which renders faster and smoother.
> You can select basemap from the right-side Layer stack menu.
> Demo
> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-mapping/index.html?id=WQiwKgVP8Te>
> | Screenshot
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/gis-event-layer-osm-light.png>
> GIS area measurement: The GIS app now lets you measure areas on the map
> and provides information about the size of the area and perimeter distance.
> Use the left-side measurement dialog to put area measurements on your map.
> Screenshot 1 <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/gis-area-measurement.png>
> | 2 <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/gis-area-measurement-points.png> |
> Docs <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch17s12.html>
> Event layer favorites: Maps with event layers can now be saved as
> favorites. You can combine the event layer with any other map layers in the
> favorite. Event layer maps can also be used on the dashboard. Have a look
> at the Malaria dashboard on the demo.
> Screenshot 1
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/gis-event-layer-favorite.png> | 2
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/dashboard-gis-event-layer.png> | Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch17s08.html>
> New favorite solution in pivot tables: The solution for managing
> favorites in the pivot table app has been improved and aligned with
> traditional file editors, providing a more familiar way of interaction. You
> can now easily create new, open, save, rename and share the current
> favorite from the new favorites menu, removing the need for having to
> search for and find the current favorite. We will roll this solution out to
> all analysis apps eventually.
> Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-pivot/index.html> | Screenshot
> 1 <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/pivot-favorite-open.png> | 2
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/pivot-favorite-save-as.png> | Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch15.html>
> Actual and expected data set reports in analytics: In addition to
> reporting rate percentages, now actual and expected reports for data set
> are supported in pivot table. All three metrics can be selected both
> individually and together.
> Demo
> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-pivot/index.html?id=LbIJMUzqJ8s> |
> Screenshot
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/pivot-reporting-rates-actual-expected.png>
> | Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch15s02.html>
> Usage analytics: A new app called Usage Analytics is available and lets
> you visualize statistics on how people (end-users) are utilizing the
> analytical features of DHIS 2. This includes how many times people have
> viewed charts, pivots, dashboards; how many favorites of various kinds
> people have created and how many people are logging in versus total number
> of users. The system will capture and store daily snapshots of usage
> statistics automatically which can be visualized through this app.
> Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-usage-analytics/index.html> | Screenshot
> 1 <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/usage-analytics-weekly.png> | 2
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/usage-anaytics-favorite-saved.png> | 3
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/usage-analytics-users.png>
> Data table: A new app for easily viewing aggregated data tables is now
> available in the app store. The data table lets you view indicator data
> where both the score, numerator and denominator are displayed per row. You
> can easily drill down in the time dimension (e.g. quarters to months) and
> organisation unit hierarchy (e.g. province to districts). This app is only
> available in the app store - you can install it from inside DHIS 2 by going
> to the App management app, then the App store section from the left-side
> menu.
> Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/api/apps/data-table-23//index.html> | Screenshot
> 1 <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/data-table-indicators.png> | 2
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/data-table-district-drill-down.png> | 3
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/data-table-period-drill-down.png> | App
> management <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-app-management/#> | App
> store <https://www.dhis2.org/appstore>
> ---
> Searchable audit log: Clicking the audit icon in tracker / event capture
> will now open a dialog with a searchable log of audits. You can search on
> either of the columns in the log.
> Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-tracker-capture/index.html#/>
> | Screenshot 1
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/tracker-capture-audit.png> | 2
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/event-capture-audit.png>
> Search by incident date: Advanced search in tracker capture now allows
> searching by incident date if the selected program has an incident date.
> Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-tracker-capture/index.html#/>
> | Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch28s02.html> |
> Screenshot
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/tracker-capture-incident-date-search.png>
> Include first stage of program in registration: Programs can now
> optionally choose to have the first stage of a program appear on the same
> page as registration.
> Screenshot
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/tracker-capture-registration-data-entry.png>
> | Demo
> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-maintenance-program/showAddProgramForm.action>
> Send SMS in tracker dashboard: If a person has a phone number attribute,
> you can now send SMS directly to the person from the tracker dashboard
> messaging widget.
> Screenshot
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/tracker-capture-messaging-sms-widget.png>
> | Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-tracker-capture/index.html#/>
> Capture coordinates: A new value type, coordinates has been introduced,
> allowing you to capture coordinates for attributes and data elements.
> Screenshot
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/tracker-capture-coordinate-attribute.png>
> | Demo
> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-maintenance-program/showAddAttributeForm.action>
> Tracked entities instance and event export: In Event Capture and Tracker
> Capture you can now export your list of tracked entities or events to XML,
> JSON or CSV format.
> Screenshot <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/tracker-capture-export.png>
> | Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-event-capture/index.html#/>
> Event filter in data entry widget: In tracker capture, Events registered
> to a tracked entity instance are now searchable on any event property in
> order to locate the event of interest.
> Screenshot
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/tracker-capture-event-filter.png>
> Details popup for custom forms: Popups that shows description and url for
> data elements and attributes are also available in custom forms in tracker
> capture and event capture.
> Screenshot
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/tracker-capture-data-element-details.png>
> | Demo
> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-tracker-capture/index.html#/program-statistics>
> Cross-event program rules: Program rules can now reference values from
> events other than the active event for single event without registration
> (event capture).
> Docs <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch31.html> | API
> docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s18.html>
> Validation of regular expression patterns: Program rules now have support
> for validating regular expression patterns through the function
> d2:validatePattern
> Docs <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch31.html>
> ---
> Organisation unit maintenance UI: A new maintenance app is available
> which includes organisation units, data elements and indicators. The
> organisation units maintenance user interface has been upgraded to the new
> material design style. The maintenance app supersedes the data elements and
> indicators app. Note that you now need to use the Maintenance app instead
> of the old Data elements and Indicators and Organisation units apps.
> Demo
> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-maintenance/#/list/organisationUnitSection?_k=ssolc3>
> | Screenshot 1 <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/organisation-unit-ui.png>
> | 2 <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/organisation-unit-list.png>
> User setting fallback to system setting: User settings now fall back to
> equivalent system settings if not  set. You can define system settings for
> all user settings, meaning you can define system wide default settings. As
> an example, you can enable system email notifications system-wide, and then
> allow individual users to disable it for their own account.
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/user/html/ch32.html#d5e7825>
> Apps as dashboard items: Apps can now be used as dashboard items. You can
> define the type of app in the app manifest. This is useful e.g. in order to
> customize the dashboard and to pull in and embed data from external systems.
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch02s02.html>
> YouTube video app: A new dashboard app for YouTube videos is available in
> the app store. This app lets you display YouTube videos directly on the
> dashboard. This can be useful for showing instruction videos, promotional
> videos and more to users. First search for “Social media video” and add the
> video widget, second enter the URL of your desired YouTube video. You can
> get the app from the DHIS 2 app store under Web Widgets. Have a look at
> the Info Videos dashboard on the demo.
> Demo
> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-dashboard-integration/index.action>
> | Screenshot 1
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/social-media-dashboard-app.png> | 2
> <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/dashboard-apps.png> | App store
> <https://www.dhis2.org/appstore-widget>
> Current user in menu: The “profile” link in the header has now been
> exchanged for the name of the logged in user.
> Demo
> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-dashboard-integration/index.action>
> | Screenshot <https://www.dhis2.org/images/223/profile-top-menu.png>
> Metadata attributes for constant and legend set: Constant and legend sets
> now have support for dynamic metadata attributes.
> Demo
> <https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-maintenance-dataadmin/showAddAttributeForm.action>
> ---
> Data set metadata exchange: Data sets can now be exported and imported
> with all related metadata. This is intended to simplify the common task of
> moving a data set with related associations e.g. from a development
> instance to a production instance.
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s13.html#d5e1405>
> Program metadata exchange: Programs can now be exported and imported with
> all related metadata. This is intended to simplify the common task of
> moving a program with related associations e.g. from a development instance
> to a production instance.
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s13.html#d5e1405>
> User based data store: In addition to the existing general-purpose data
> store, a new key-value JSON data store has been introduced. Unlike the
> general-purpose data store which is shared between all users, the new
> user-based data store is linked to the currently logged in user. Only the
> user linked to the data store can add, edit, update or delete data in their
> store. This is useful for apps which need to store personalized data for a
> user, for example user-defined settings.
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s67.html>
> Encryption of data store values: Data stored in either the
> general-purpose data store or the user-based data store can optionally be
> encrypted upon creation. Existing data and data initially created as
> unencrypted can only be encrypted by deleting the data and creating it over
> with encryption enabled. Values will be encrypted when a encrypt=true
> query parameter is supplied.
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s66.html>
> Data set report: Added data set reports to the web api. The resource can
> be found at /api/dataSetReport and returns a HTML report based on your
> input parameters.
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s34.html>
> User setting Web API changes: The user setting web api now allows
> fetching setting with or without using the fallback to system setting
> mechanism. That means a user setting will return 'null' if no value has
> been set for the user setting in question if required, but will return the
> value of the system setting by default if the user setting has not been
> assigned a value.
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s46.html>
> Support for identifier schemes in aggregate analysis requests: The
> analytics web api resource now has support for other identifiers schemes
> than UID. The resource now accepts a new parameter inputIdScheme which
> determines how identifiers are handled. Currently both UID and CODE can be
> used as identifiers.
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s32.html#d0e7656>
> Ordering for event and eventRow endpoints: Added parameter order to
> /api/events and /api/events/eventRows so result can be ordered on any
> property, either ascending or descending.
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s17.html#d5e2202>
> Average aggregation in analytics: Analytics web API now supports for an
> AVERAGE aggregation type.
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s32.html#d0e7656>
> Support for coordinate clustering: Event analytics now has support for
> coordinate clustering through a new /api/analytics/events/cluster
> resource.
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s33.html#d0e8664>
> Usage statistics endpoint: Using the new /api/dataStatistics endpoint,
> you can now create event views and fetch data statistics between two dates
> and by different intervals.
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s35.html>
> User credentials endpoint: A new endpoint /api/userCredentials has been
> added. This will enable lookup of users by username through a
> database-optimized search.
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s43.html#d5e5508>
> CSV import of translations: Translations can be imported in CSV metadata
> format, both through the Web API and the user interface..
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s11.html#d5e1191>
> Clearing analytics tables: The /api/maintenance resource now supports
> dropping all analytics tables from the database.
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s38.html>
> Metadata exchange: The metadata import-export resource has been
> completely rewritten and offers better performance and stability. We are
> gradually introducing Web API versioning and the new metadata resource can
> be found at /api/23/metadata. The current metadata resource will be
> phased out in 2.26. We encourage app developers to upgrade their apps.
> Docs
> <http://dhis2.github.io/dhis2-docs/master/en/developer/html/ch01s13.html#d5e1405>
> ----
> You can download Live package, WAR file, sample data and source code here:
> https://www.dhis2.org/downloads
> You will find documentation and Javadocs here:
> https://www.dhis2.org/documentation
> You can read the upgrade notes and find upgrade script here:
> https://www.dhis2.org/223-upgrade
> The demo application can be found here:
> https://play.dhis2.org/demo
> Full list of features can be found at the Launchpad page:
> https://launchpad.net/dhis2/+milestone/2.23
> Instructions for signing up for the DHIS 2 mailing lists here:
> https://www.dhis2.org/contact
> Enjoy the new features.
> best regards,
> the DHIS 2 development team
> _______________________________________________
> Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs
> Post to     : dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs
> More help   : https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp



Calle Hedberg

46D Alma Road, 7700 Rosebank, SOUTH AFRICA

Tel/fax (home): +27-21-685-6472

Cell: +27-82-853-5352

Iridium SatPhone: +8816-315-19119

Email: calle.hedberg@xxxxxxxxx

Skype: calle_hedberg


Follow ups
