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Re: Fwd: [Dhis2-devs] Count events for specific program stage


Hi Markkus,

Yes, I want to have the number of events of a specific program stage as a
program indicator  (hide or show in the tracker capture) because later this
program indicator will be used to calculate other indicators.

I've try what Lars suggest me to do that's why you see the example in the
demo but it doesn't work.



2016-05-03 15:20 GMT+03:00 Markus Bekken <markus.bekken@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi there Ramaso,
> the reason you are not seeing the program indicator in tracker capture for
> the particular TEI below is the program indicators filter. There is a
> shortcoming when combining the filters with indicators shown in the data
> entry form. Working on fixing this, but in the meantime we can probably
> help with a workaround in the data entry form.
> Did you want to show the number of events of the "Contact" program stage,
> assuming there is other program stages that you do not want to count events
> from?
> Best regards,
> Markus
> 3. mai 2016 kl. 11.52 skrev ramaso hasina <hasina.ramaso@xxxxxxxxx>:
> I've try this solution in the demo :
> *Program indicator *:
> https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-maintenance-program/showUpdateProgramIndicator.action?id=858928
> *Tracker Capture:*
> https://play.dhis2.org/demo/dhis-web-tracker-capture/index.html#/dashboard?tei=kKctZA8jmCV&program=dxHHSR1fWo3
> There's no value seen in the program indicator
> Hasina.
> 2016-05-03 11:36 GMT+03:00 ramaso hasina <hasina.ramaso@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> Thanks Lars,
>> I'll try this workaround.
>> Hasina.
>> 2016-05-03 11:28 GMT+03:00 Lars Helge Øverland <lars@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>> Hi Ramaso,
>>> we do not support that directly per now. However it has come up a number
>>> of times so we will try to get it done for 2.24.
>>> I am thinking we can add another variable for program stage, which
>>> allows you to filter on the program stage ID in the indicator filter, e.g.
>>> V{program_stage} = 'A03MvHHogjR'
>>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/dhis2/+spec/program-indicator-event-program-stage-count
>>> However, there could be a workaround. Given that you have a numerical
>>> data element which is _always_ filled for the stage, can use the event
>>> count variable in the expression:
>>> V{event_count}
>>> and use that data element in the expression where you filter on a a
>>> value greater > 0, e.g.
>>> #{A03MvHHogjR.wQLfBvPrXqq} > 0
>>> This way, the filter will filter out event which do not have a value for
>>> that data element in that stage.
>>> regards,
>>> Lars
>>> On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 9:28 AM, ramaso hasina <hasina.ramaso@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm trying to do a program with many program stage.
>>>> My program indicator is to know the count of events for just the first
>>>> program stage for example.
>>>> How can I do that ?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> DHIS2 Version : 2.21 - 20994.
>>>> *Hasinarivelo RAMASOMANANA*
>>>> *mHealth Specialist*
>>>> Population Services International
>>>> Antananarivo - Madagascar
>>>> <logo_psi_75px.png>
>>>> *​Vies Saines - Résultats mesurables*
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>>> --
>>> Lars Helge Øverland
>>> Lead developer, DHIS 2
>>> University of Oslo
>>> Skype: larshelgeoverland
>>> http://www.dhis2.org <https://www.dhis2.org/>
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