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Status of ImportSummaries in /api/events



We are using /api/events to post event related data and it is being
uploaded successfully. The api returns a response of type ImportSummaries
which has the status of ImportSummary along with the count of data which is
In case of any conflicts being reported in ImportSummary, we observe that
the status still shows as SUCCESS.

ImportSummaries {
importSummaries = [ImportSummary {
status = SUCCESS,
                description = 'null',
                importCount = [imports = 2, updates = 0, ignores = 0],
                conflicts = [ImportConflict {
object = 'Illegal category option identifier: U8vu31ybiD5', value =
'U8vu31ybiD5' }],
                dataSetComplete = 'null',
                reference = 'jLBehWyIspM',
                href = '
Is this not an error because the complete import of the event data has not
happened. Please suggest.


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