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Tracker Capture Report Issues - Reg


Dear Team,

We are entering the data in Tracker Capture through *web based* as
well as *mobile
app.* Both application showing result data saved successfully, but in  the
report showing* "No Data Found"* and sometimes report shows the data. We
don't understand this fluctuation data showing in the report.

If report not shown, How can i retrieve the stored data from the PostgreSQL
database. Please provide the database structure and data tables.

Please solve this issue as early as possible.

*Thanks & Regards*

*Chandrasekar Ravi*
*Scientist - C, Data Manager*
*MAHA CDC Project*
*National Institute of Epidemiology, ICMR*

*127, Second Main Road, Tamil Nadu Housing BoardAyapakkam, Ambattur,
Chennai – 77*

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