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Point map is not coming while getting map from a favourite!


Dear all devs/users,

I am trying to get a map from saved favourite , but point layer is not
coming at the output , only boundary is coming :

Following is the mapViews:


    "mapViews": [
            "columns": null,
            "rows": [
                    "dimension": "ou",
                    "items": [
                            "id": "OU_GROUP-YnlGtIdGeCH"
            "filters": null,
            "layer": "boundary",
            "opacity": 10,
            "labels": true
    "baseLayer": "none",
    "url": "http://localhost:8080/dhis/";,
    "el": "mapA1"

Saved favourite is as follows:

[image: Inline image 1]

The real output coming is as:

[image: Inline image 2]

Have tried by passing favourite uid (mentioned below)also but nothing

*                url: "https://localhost:8080/dhis/
*                el: "mapA1",*
*                id: "t4d9qK0qv4D"*
*            });*

Can anybody help ,I am following Dhis2 plugins(
Thanks in advance!

Sourabh Bhardwaj

PNG image

PNG image