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Message #11935
Re: How to find total patients enrolled in a program
One more question: As a workaround I was thinking to count the events with
a really long time period.
For example: I have a intake stage that is filled soon after a patient is
enrolled into the program and an exit stage that is filled just before the
patient completes the program.
if I count the number of intake and exits events generated in the last 25
years, that will give me the total membership in the program (intake-exit).
Is it possible to define a long time period in the reports?
Arun Paul
- Arun Paul
On Sat, Dec 3, 2016 at 9:39 PM, Arun Paul <paul.arun@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Pepe,
> Thanks for responding.
> I tried as you suggested, but it's only giving me count of events
> satisfying the filter criteria.
> What I am interested is to count the number of tracked entity instances
> enrolled into that program.
> I am using version 2.23
> Not sure if this is a bug. I found this thread relevant
> https://lists.launchpad.net/dhis2-users/msg10869.html
> Also tried V{enrollment_count}. The results are no different.
> Thanks,
> Arun Paul
> On Sat, Dec 3, 2016 at 8:31 PM, Pepe Ken Mvulu <pepekento1@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Hi Arun,
>> Can you create a program indicator for this program
>> In the Agregation type, put *Count*
>> In the Expression, put *V{tei_count}*
>> In the filter, put, The *obligatory attribute or dataelement different
>> of zero* (example. *#{tbLC6IHktf0.spWKINz7xwF} != 0* )
>> You can *see the report in pivot table*
>> Regards !
>> Pepe Ken Mvulu
>> Responsable M&E
>> Programme Village Assaini
>> Direction de l'Hygiène
>> Ministère de la Santé Publique/RDC
>> Tél: +243 811515878 <+243%20811%20515%20878>
>> Skype: pepe.ken.mvulu
>> 2016-12-03 14:37 GMT+01:00 Arun Paul <paul.arun@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>> Hello Antonia,
>>> Thanks for responding.
>>> My problem is how to find out the number of people who are currently
>>> enrolled in a program.
>>> I still can't figure it out. Let me know if you find a way to do it.
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> - Arun Paul
>>> On Sun, Oct 30, 2016 at 5:39 PM, Antonia - Pro <antonia@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I do this using Event Report table, specifying only the "Program name"
>>>> and "Events" as Output type. I do this for every org unit ina orgunit group
>>>> I need, but you can specify also the root of the org unit tree or put the
>>>> OrgUnit dimention in the Filter (from the Layout tab):
>>>> [image: Immagine incorporata 1]
>>>> I hope this is what you needed.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Antonia
>>>> www.informa.pro - *Seguici su *LinkedIn
>>>> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/informapro>
>>>> INFORMAPRO S.r.l. - via Luigi Rava 43, Rome 00149 , Italy
>>>> tel. +39 06 5758926 <+39%2006%20575%208926>, fax +39 06 62207168,
>>>> P.IVA IT08095781004
>>>> Skype: informa_antonia.bezenchek
>>>> Eng. Antonia Bezenchek - CIO - ICT Engineer
>>>> 2016-10-30 12:06 GMT+01:00 Arun Paul <paul.arun@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>> I use programs to capture data of chronic disease patients (TEI is a
>>>>> patient).
>>>>> So I have programs defined for Hypertension, Diabetes, Asthma etc.
>>>>> Patients enroll when they are diagnosed with a disease and exit when
>>>>> they either move out of the location or when they die.
>>>>> I
>>>>> s there a way to find out total number of patients enrolled in a
>>>>> particular program at a particular time?
>>>>> I need this number to find the prevalence rate of the disease of a
>>>>> location
>>>>> .
>>>>> I tried defining program indicator
>>>>> s
>>>>> using the variables v{tei_count}, v{enrollment_count}
>>>>> but they do not show the total entities currently enrolled in a
>>>>> program . If there is no such variable to get this number, is there any
>>>>> other way to generate the prevalence rate?
>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>> Arun Paul
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