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Message #12427
eventChart update via api
Hi Folks,
I have an eventChart that I have saved as a favorite and added to my
The chart uses a daily period that I would like to update each night so
that the chart always showing the current (today's) data.
I'm using a python script to get the current chart's json
(/api/eventCharts/QkBhkdqb8FU.json?fields=:owner), I then update the period
value and upload (with a 'put' request) the updated json payload back via
The payload I put seems to have the correct data and structure, the put
request response and content looks good:
<Response [200]>
When I refresh the "/api/eventCharts/QkBhkdqb8FU.json?fields=:owner" link
many of the necessary fields to define the chart selections seem to have
been overwritten or the values lost.
I tried to use the request.paste() function in python but I get the
following error:
<Response [500]>
{"httpStatus":"Internal Server
Error","httpStatusCode":500,"status":"ERROR","message":"object references
an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before
flushing: org.hisp.dhis.program.Program"}
Below is the JSON from the original get, then the updated payload that I
'put' and finally what the server shows after the put.
*Original: (periods is set to "20170130"*
Family Planning Months of Stock on
*Updated JSON with periods set to "20170131" - as desired*
{"hideLegend": false, "baseLineLabel": "Min", "filterDimensions": ["ou"],
"outputType": "EVENT", "hideEmptyRows": false, "periods": [{"id":
"20170131"}], "userGroupAccesses": [], "completedOnly": false,
"programIndicatorDimensions": [], "attributeDimensions": [], "id":
"QkBhkdqb8FU", "userOrganisationUnitChildren": false, "columnDimensions":
["pe"], "rowDimensions": ["tnY9kPc9jTh"], "program": {"id": "YScaWpjOOnI"},
"sortOrder": 1, "targetLineLabel": "Max", "type": "BAR", "hideSubtitle":
false, "organisationUnitGroups": [], "publicAccess": "rw------",
"translations": [], "userOrganisationUnit": false, "lastUpdated":
"2017-01-31T15:32:25.206", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "hideNaData":
false, "userOrganisationUnitGrandChildren": false,
"dataElementValueDimension": {"id": "XDtOsbxXNZq"}, "baseLineValue": 6.0,
"rangeAxisMaxValue": 40.0, "dataElementDimensions": [{"dataElement": {"id":
"tnY9kPc9jTh"}}], "showData": true, "targetLineValue": 12.0,
"regressionType": "NONE", "programStage": {"id": "VgrIh62C2gl"}, "name":
"MLC Family Planning Months of Stock on Hand", "created":
"2017-01-31T15:32:25.206", "externalAccess": false, "hideTitle": false,
"itemOrganisationUnitGroups": [], "relativePeriods": {"lastMonth": false,
"thisMonth": false, "last6BiMonths": false, "last5FinancialYears": false,
"lastYear": false, "thisYear": false, "thisWeek": false, "monthsLastYear":
false, "last4Weeks": false, "quartersThisYear": false, "lastBimonth":
false, "last2SixMonths": false, "last12Months": false, "lastQuarter":
false, "last52Weeks": false, "lastWeek": false, "lastSixMonth": false,
"thisSixMonth": false, "thisFinancialYear": false, "last4Quarters": false,
"lastFinancialYear": false, "thisBimonth": false, "last12Weeks": false,
"last6Months": false, "last5Years": false, "quartersLastYear": false,
"thisQuarter": false, "last3Months": false, "monthsThisYear": false},
"organisationUnits": [{"id": "mS1oRZYQ41i"}], "aggregationType": "SUM",
"collapseDataDimensions": false, "user": {"id": "RFlgWX4JP8J"}}
*JSON on the server after the request.put() *
Family Planning Months of Stock on
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