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Free DHIS2 Training for Nigeria-based NGOs - Abuja, Feb 22, 2017


Dear colleague,

Nonprofit organizations in Nigeria play a major role through their healthcare delivery, prevention and advocacy programs. However, they typically struggle to manage the M&E / MERL / HIS aspects of their projects and are generally not able to keep up with best practices and new appropriate technologies. This shouldn't be, especially as program effectiveness, efficiency and funding often depend and need robust data for decisions and reporting - and there are great tools such as DHIS2 that meet these needs.

To help support the ecosystem of nonprofits in Nigeria, ehealth4everyone has designed a free DHIS2 Training series. This is in keeping with our mission to make digital health tools available and accessible to everyone, especially those in low resource settings.

This activity is self-funded and as such we do not have enough room for more than 20 persons. Apply soon, as spaces are limited.

Apply at http://ehealth4everyone.com/dhis2-training/

Share with your colleagues working at NGOs in Nigeria.

Best regards,
Ime Asangansi MD, PhD (Informatics)
CEO, eHealth for Everyone Foundation

<http://twitter.com/imeasangansi> <http://ng.linkedin.com/company/ehealth4everyone> <http://twitter.com/ehealth4every1>
Ime Asangansi MD, PhD (Informatics)
Chief Excellence Officer, ehealth4everyone
Abuja, Nigeria

+2348180790150 <tel:+2348180790150>
ime@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ime@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Skype: asangansiime <#>
www.ehealth4everyone.com <http://www.ehealth4everyone.com>
