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Message #12570
Re: [Dhis2-devs] Import of Organisation Units using CSV / working example with Features Type and Coordinates? [SOLVED]
Thanks Stephen,
We will update the documentation, it should definitely have a full example
in addition to the minimal example that is there currently.
On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 4:16 PM, Stephen Macauley <
Stephen.Macauley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Thanks Ant for your input!
> So in debugging this further using the mapping from the Java source file
> (see below snippet from organisationUnitsFromCsv method in
> https://github.com/dhis2/dhis2-core/blob/fb50a8c3c34ba5a27f30c9268bab92
> 41aef3f15d/dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-dxf2/
> src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/dxf2/csv/DefaultCsvImportService.java), it
> turns out that UUID is not a valid column (as stated in the Developer
> Guide) and was causing the out of order problem.
> I have attached a sample of a working file including Feature Type and
> Coordinates as I am sure someone else will encounter this problem.
> if ( values != null && values.length > 0 )
> {
> OrganisationUnit object = new OrganisationUnit();
> setIdentifiableObject( object, values );
> String parentUid = getSafe( values, 3, null, 230 ); //
> Could be UID, code, name
> object.setShortName( getSafe( values, 4, object.getName(),
> 50 ) );
> object.setDescription( getSafe( values, 5, null, null ) );
> object.setOpeningDate( getMediumDate( getSafe( values, 6,
> "1970-01-01", null ) ) );
> object.setClosedDate( getMediumDate( getSafe( values, 7,
> null, null ) ) );
> object.setComment( getSafe( values, 8, null, null ) );
> object.setFeatureType( FeatureType.valueOf( getSafe(
> values, 9, "NONE", 50 ) ) );
> object.setCoordinates( getSafe( values, 10, null, null )
> );
> object.setUrl( getSafe( values, 11, null, 255 ) );
> object.setContactPerson( getSafe( values, 12, null, 255 )
> );
> object.setAddress( getSafe( values, 13, null, 255 ) );
> object.setEmail( getSafe( values, 14, null, 150 ) );
> object.setPhoneNumber( getSafe( values, 15, null, 150 ) );
> object.setAutoFields();
> -Stephen
> *From:* Ant Snyman [mailto:ant@xxxxxxxx]
> *Sent:* Monday, February 13, 2017 12:37 AM
> *To:* Stephen Macauley <Stephen.Macauley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Cc:* dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* Re: [Dhis2-users] Import of Organisation Units using CSV /
> working example with Features Type and Coordinates?
> Hi Stephen,
> The one thing that caught my attention was that another column "Closed
> Date" should come after "Opening Date". Since you do not have an extra ","
> after 1970-01-01, the subsequent columns might be misaligned with the
> coordinates actually trying to import into the url column.
> The GIS experts out there might comment on the format of the co-ordinates,
> but I would expect it to be in the format "[7.495005,9.074908]"
> Good luck
> Regards
> Ant
> On 13 February 2017 at 06:07, Stephen Macauley <Stephen.Macauley@
> inductivehealth.com> wrote:
> Greetings All,
> Does anyone have a working example, *that includes Features Type and
> Coordinates,* for the import of Organisation Units using CSV for 2.2.5
> (currently using Build Revision 8dd81e6)?
> I have tried numerous approaches using the available documentation, but
> always encounter a challenge when the import files contains Features Type
> and Coordinates (as defined here https://docs.dhis2.org/2.25/
> en/developer/html/webapi_csv_metadata_import.html#webapi_csv_org_units).
> *Sample excerpt from my import file:*
> Name,UID,Code,Parent UID,Short name,Description,UUID,Opening
> date,Comment,Feature type,Coordinates,URL,Contact
> person,Address,Email,Phone number
> Bacta One,thzLERyqmDe,thzLERyqmDe,YtReWq54321,Bacta One,Bacta
> One,,1970-01-01,test,Point,"7.495005,9.074908",,,,,
> Bacta Two,ms1BoduOt0I,ms1BoduOt0I,YtReWq54321,Bacta Two,Bacta
> Two,,1970-01-01,test,Point,"7.476555,9.04081",,,,,
> I have tried various combinations of the Feature Type (Point, POINT,
> POLYGON, leaving it blank) and have also tried putting the Coordinates in
> brackets ([7.495005,9.074908]).
> A common response I get back during dry run is the below, which makes me
> believe I have fields out of position or something else is happening with
> the Feature type field based on a few different “enum” exceptions in the
> dhis.log file.
> OrganisationUnit
> String
> Property `url` requires a valid URL, was given `7.02149,4.76539`.
> Many Thanks in Advance,
> -Stephen
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Knut Staring
Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
Norway: +4791880522
Skype: knutstar