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Message #13347
Re: [Dhis2-devs] Setting "zeroissignificant" column from csv file import does not work -- DHIS2 2.25
Dear Alex,
Thank you for your suggestion! While trying to run the SQL script I get the
following error message: "SQL query contains illegal keywords" when
bringing the "zeroissignificant" field name in the script, even closing it
between brackets. Here it is:
update dataelement
set [zeroissignificant] = true
where lastupdated::date ='2017-05-25';
On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 9:57 PM, Alex Tumwesigye <atumwesigye@xxxxxxxxx>
> Dear Raminosoa,
> U can update the dataelement table directly and set the zeroissignificant
> to true for all after update for dataelement created that day. Then go to
> data administration->maintenance and the clear application cache.
> That works too.
> Sql script looks like
> Update dataelement set zeroissignificant = true where created::date
> ='2017-05-25'
> Note that the created helps not to update all dataelements, you can choose
> any other filter e.g a starting string.
> Alex
> On Thursday, May 25, 2017, Raminosoa Rabemanantsoa, Tantely <
> traminosoa@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Dear DHIS2 community,
>> When doing data elements upload from csv file (both add new or edit
>> existing) we are using the following csv file structure:
>> *Name, uid, code, shortname, description, formname, domaintype,
>> valuetype, aggregationtype, **zeroissignificant*
>> The last field is set to *true* for numeric data element as we would
>> like to store zero data values. As shown in the image below, the checkbox
>> still has to be checked manually.
>> Is there some step that I am missing, or should I use another syntax for
>> this last column. I have to update hundreds of data elements.
>> Your suggestions are welcome!
>> Regards,
>> Tantely.
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> --
> Alex Tumwesigye
> Technical Advisor - DHIS2 (Consultant),
> Ministry of Health/AFENET | HISP Uganda
> Kampala
> Uganda
> +256 774149 775, + 256 759 800161
> Skype ID: talexie
> IT Consultant (Servers, Networks and Security, Health Information Systems
> - DHIS2, Disease Outbreak & Surveillance Systems) & Solar Consultant
> "I don't want to be anything other than what I have been - one tree hill "
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