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Message #13605
Re: Event import
Any messages in the server log?
On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 5:11 PM, GROUT, Lise <groutl@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have tried to import event through the “Import/Export” App.
> Few month ago, I succeeded in importing event data values in 2.26.
> Today, after upgrading on 2.27, I have tried to import event data in the
> same program, using the same template, and it is not working.
> è Here is how the csv looks like
> è Here is the error we get
> We even tried to export the event that were successfully imported in March
> 2017 and re-import them in another instance containing the same program and
> org unit tree, and it failed…
> Anyone facing same issue?
> Best
> LIse
> Dr. Lise Grout
> *Epidemiologist*
> *World Health Organization*
> *Department of Neglected Tropical Diseases (HTM/NTD/IDM)*
> *Innovative and Intensified Disease Management Unit*
> *20, Avenue Appia; CH-1211 Geneva 27*
> *Tel. **+41 22 791 2341 <+41%2022%20791%2023%2041>*
> *Mobile +41 79 290 68 61 <+41%2079%20290%2068%2061>*
> *Skype: tigrouveto*
> http://www.who.int/neglected_diseases
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Knut Staring
Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
Norway: +4791880522
Skype: knutstar

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