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Message #13653
Questions: Deleting Org Units and Enabling User Visualization
"dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
"Shapiro, Rachel" <Rachel.Shapiro@xxxxxxxx>
Tue, 11 Jul 2017 12:54:44 +0000
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Questions: Deleting Org Units and Enabling User Visualization
Good morning everyone,
I’m a fairly new DHIS2 user, and I would love your guidance and support about two pesky issues we are having. Many apologies if for whatever reason I’m not sending this to the correct listserv!
I am trying to delete organizational units at the country, region, and health facility level, and I keep getting the error “Could not delete due to association with another object: DataValue.” I have cleared all data from the data entry section and can’t find any favorited graphs associated with the account. How can I address this error to delete the organizational units?
And one more issue: we have grouped some of our country office DHIS2 users by organizational unit. When the managers log on, we want them to be able to see users in the organizational unit to which they have been assigned; however, we can’t figure out which authority would grant them this privilege under “user role.” I have tried all authorities associated specifically with users and have not had any luck so far.
As a warning, I am a fairly new DHIS2 user, so I am not able to edit the backend coding associated with the platform.
Any help would be seriously appreciated!
Kind regards,
Rachel Shapiro | CARE USA | SAFPAC Intern – Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
151 Ellis Street, NE, Atlanta GA 30303-2440
Email: Rachel.Shapiro@xxxxxxxx<mailto:blake.erhardt-ohren@xxxxxxxx> | www.care.org<http://www.care.org/> | Skype : Rachel.Shapiro@xxxxxxxx<mailto:Rachel.Shapiro@xxxxxxxx>
Hours: M-F, 8:30-5:00

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