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Not able to save dataset


Dear All

We have an instance where since last 10-15 days we are not able to save one
particular data set. Other data sets are getting saved.

After clicking save button, error on console is as follows :-

{"httpStatus":"Internal Server Error",

> "httpStatusCode":500,

> "status":"ERROR",

> "message":"ERROR: *update or delete on table \"dataelementoperand\"
> violates foreign key constraint
> \"fk_datadimensionitem_dataelementoperandid\" on table
> \"datadimensionitem\"\n  Detail: Key (dataelementoperandid)=(2163625) is
> still referenced from table \"datadimensionitem\*"."}

2.25Build revision:1a4ffcd26Build date:2017-07-18 12:38

Has anyone faced this kind of error? Please help on what could be this
issue and how it can be fixed?
