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Mailing list archive
Message #13972
Re: After upgrade to v2.24 got error
Hi Bayo
Just to add a little to what Knut said. There is no rule set in stone that
you must upgrade step by step. Sometimes it might well be possible to jump
a few versions. But the upgrade from one version to the next is generally
heavily tested. Whereas no one can really test all the permutations of
moving from an arbitrary 2.x to 2.y. So the advice is:
(i) make sure you have a backup the database before you start. Thats the
most important step.
(ii) also keep a copy of the existing deployed war file. This way you
should always be able to get back to where you started.
(iii) test the whole process on something other than your production
instance so you don't inflict unnecessary down time on your users.
(iv) read the upgrade notes very carefully and apply any required sql
(v) upgrade in step increments, remembering to clear the webapps folder
before deploying a new war file
(vi) if you are using a reverse proxy (nginx or apache) be sure to clear
any server side cache after upgrading
There is another reason to stay on the endless treadmill of keeping up to
date, even though it can be a pain. The developer team have undertaken to
provide security support and patches for the past 3 versions. In most
cases we will backport security fixes further, but this is not always easy
so we don't guarantee it. So if you are sitting with a 3 year old war file
then you will almost certainly be vulnerable to a number of attacks.
For the same reason, it is also important to regularly update the war file
within the release version you have deployed (as distinct from upgrading
from one version to another). This way you ensure you get the benefit of
any fixes which might have been made and backported to your version.
On 8 August 2017 at 16:15, Knut Staring <knutst@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear Bayo,
> Lars is the best to comment on this, but most (all?) releases make some
> changes to the database structure (mainly additions, but not exclusively).
> Therefore, it is usually necessary (and most prudent as a general rule) to
> do things step by step, which of course is a bit of a drag if you are
> lagging far behind. This is why we encourage everyone to be no more than 2
> releases behind (which means 1 year old files). In addition, certain
> releases have SQL scripts that must be executed and should not be skipped.
> Also note that it is a good idea check for new builds of your particular
> version (e.g. 2.25) as bugfixes are committed and backported on a regular
> basis. However, this is usually not the case for really old releases (e.g.
> 2.18).
> Knut
> On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 5:01 PM, Bayo Mohammed Onimode <
> bayonimode@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Knut,
>> Must the upgrade be step by step?
>> Does it mean that if the upgrade is not done step by step, you are likely
>> to have issues?
>> If the answers to the above questions is YES, what then should be done to
>> rectify it?
>> Thank you.
>> ======================
>> God Bless Nigeria,
>> Bayo Mohammed Onimode
>> ICT4D & MERL Professional
>> Tel: +234.809.812.3465 <+234%20809%20812%203465>; +234.805.236.7163
>> <+234%20805%20236%207163>
>> Skype: Bayonimode
>> *From: *Knut Staring
>> *Sent: *Tuesday, 8 August 2017 11:04
>> *To: *channara rin
>> *Cc: *DHIS 2 Users list
>> *Subject: *Re: [Dhis2-users] After upgrade to v2.24 got error
>> Did you do the upgrade step by step (2.21, 2.22, 2.23) and running all
>> scripts?
>> Knut
>> On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 10:22 AM, channara rin <rin.channara@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> after i upgrade from 2.20 until 2.24.
>>> i got this problem: it doesn't show attribute label and value of
>>> attribute is not proper.
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> [image: Inline image 2]
>>> please help,
>>> thanks,
>>> chananra
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>> --
>> Knut Staring
>> Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
>> Norway: +4791880522 <+47%20918%2080%20522>
>> Skype: knutstar
>> http://dhis2.org
> --
> Knut Staring
> Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
> Norway: +4791880522 <+47%20918%2080%20522>
> Skype: knutstar
> http://dhis2.org
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