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Message #14740
Re: Update Category option combination
Hi Ifeanyi,
Just a suggestion. Can this behavior you describe be related to the category option combo “override” functionality? My experience with changing catcombo on data elements is that I also have to update the category option override on each data set for the change of data element disaggregation to be reflected in data entry. But this is on changing the data element cat combo itself and not renaming an existing one. (https://docs.dhis2.org/master/en/user/html/manage_data_set.html#override_dataelement_catcombo_in_dataset)
Trøyel Nerbø
Data Reporting and Analysis Adviser
Strategic Planning and Development, Head office
Phone: + 47 99239817 | Skype ID nrc_troyel
Norwegian Refugee Council
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From: Dhis2-users [mailto:dhis2-users-bounces+troyel.nerbo=nrc.no@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ifeanyi Okoye
Sent: onsdag 29. november 2017 08.03
To: Djibril Dione <djibril@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: DHIS 2 Users list <dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Kabelo Molepo <kabelo@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] Update Category option combination
Dear Djibril,
I actually don't think the issues are different. In our own case, we renamed category options but when you get to the form designer, what is showing up is the old name. Running maintenance did not help. Running data integrity showed that the changes made to some of the category option combinations did not take effect and we had to recreate all the ones that did not take effect.
However, it wasn't until we removed the data element that had the category option combo (that wasn't changing) from the dataset, and then added it back, did the changes take effect. Not sure why this is happening, but give it a try and see what happens.
Warm Regards,
Read DrMaestro's Blog
On Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 4:57:03 PM GMT+1, Djibril Dione <djibril@xxxxxxxx<mailto:djibril@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Thanks Ifeanyi for the update.
Our issue is a bit different here all is populating well on Data entry and people are capturing data. just that the category option combination names are not updated with the correct and we use those name in a complex completeness report script.
Test step On Sierra Leon 2.27
1. I have renamed the dataelementcategoryoption "Improve access to clean water" to "IACW"
2. then go to administration app > maintenance > select "Update category option combinations" and click "perform maintenance".
3. then I go to category option combination under maintenance (metadata) and search for "IACW" and could not find it but when you search for "Improve access to clean water" you get many that pop in. i.e: "AIDSRelief Consortium, Improve access to clean water" which supposes to be renamed to "AIDSRelief Consortium, IACW"
4. I create a sqlView that search on the categoryoptioncombo Table and I got the same result as the front end
so whenever you rename a categoryoption I believe that the category option combination name should also reflect the new name once an Update category option combinations is performed
On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 5:03 PM, Ifeanyi Okoye <ifeanyiokoye@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:ifeanyiokoye@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Just an update on this.
Everything I tried initially did not work. I then went to the dataset editor window to remove the problematic data elements and once I filtered them, I found that each one of them had in parenthesis at the end of the name of the data element, the category option combo that was causing the issue. Once I removed and put it back, the issue was resolved.
I hope this helps somebody.
Thank you.
Warm Regards,
Read DrMaestro's Blog
On Monday, November 27, 2017, 10:04:23 AM GMT+1, Ifeanyi Okoye <ifeanyiokoye@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:ifeanyiokoye@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hello Lars,
This is similar to the issue I raised on this platform last week.
What I noticed is that some data elements will carry the old category option combo even after it has been changed or updated. This affects the form designer and section forms. In our own case, everything refused to update. I ran maintenance severally with no effect whatsoever.
I am posting the thread below as only one person weighed in on this:
Hello Laura,
Thank you for your response.
We are currently running the 22nd Nov (dbf5f18) build of version 2.27 which we upgraded to on Thursday, this past week but the issue is still persisting.
I have recreated the category option combination and applied it to the data element but the same issue is still persisting. When I do a metadata export from the API, the missing categories are not on the list. It is as though DHIS does not even create them for whatever reason.
I don't know if anyone can provide some insight on what we could do to fix this since upgrading did not help.
It's affecting our roll out plans.
Thank you once again.
Warm Regards,
Read DrMaestro's Blog
On Tuesday, November 21, 2017, 10:21:58 PM GMT+1, Laura E. Lincks <laura.lincks@icap.columbia. edu<mailto:laura.lincks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
You may want to upgrade to the latest build. We had a similar problem with 2.27 (on a build from August) and we just upgraded this very minute to the latest build 37edfc2 (Nov 8, 2017) and the problem appears fixed.
Laura E. Lincks
Database Manager/Developer
ICAP - Columbia University
Mailman School of Public Health
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Tel: 212 304 7132
On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 1:13 PM, Ifeanyi Okoye <ifeanyiokoye@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:ifeanyiokoye@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hello All,
We are encountering this issue with the form designer where either the data element does not show up in the form designer i.e. after having been assigned to a dataset, or some of the category options do not show up.
In this instance I have a data element disaggregated by testing modalities, sex, and age (age categories <1,1-4,5-9,10-14,15-19,20-24, 25-29,30-34,35-39,40-44,45-49, 50+).
The way it is showing up, a number of the age bands are missing in the form designer and it is not uniform. E.g. VCT has female 15-19, VCT is missing male 15-19.
I have run maintenance, generated resource tables, run analytics, removed the options from the category combo and put them back again, but still not showing up.
We use custom forms a lot and this is not the first time we are encountering this, but then, not to this degree.
Can anybody please help with this?
We are running DHIS2 ver 2.27 Build revision: a8283e0 Build date: 2017-09-21 06:25
Thank you.
Warm Regards,
Read DrMaestro's Blog
On Sunday, November 26, 2017, 9:51:05 AM GMT+1, Lars Helge Øverland <lars@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:lars@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
For data entry module, you might have to clean your browser cache<https://www.dhis2.org/tutorials/how-to-really-clear-browser-cache>.
On 25 November 2017 at 08:52, Djibril Dione <djibril@xxxxxxxx<mailto:djibril@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi Lars,
I did perform Update category option combinations as decrypt on my email but there was no change in the name.
similarly, I renamed the category option "Improve Access to Improve access to clean water" on Sierra Leon demo 2.27. but no change after performing maintenance.
On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 11:28 PM, Lars Helge Øverland <lars@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:lars@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi there,
try going to data administration app > maintenance > select "Update category option combinations" and click "perform maintenance".
On 24 November 2017 at 15:01, Djibril Dione <djibril@xxxxxxxx<mailto:djibril@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Dear DHIS2 community,
We are setting up an aggregated system using Attribute option as part of the disaggregation. Some of the category option names were not correct and we have renamed them.
Now after updating the category option combination through data administration/Maintenance, the old combination name is still appearing on the category option combinations on the frontend and at the backend.
we have renamed some attribute option on Sierra Leon Demo 2.27 and still found the same issue.
Is there anyone experiencing the same issue.
we are using version 2.27 build:5c148f4
Kind Regards
Djibril Dione
Database Specialist
Health Information Systems Program – SA
Cell: +27 71 711 5421
Skype: dione.djibril
Address: 66 Rigel Ave North, Waterkloof Ridge, Pretoria, 0181<https://maps.google.com/?q=66+Rigel+Ave+North,+Waterkloof+Ridge,+Pretoria,+0181&entry=gmail&source=g>
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Lars Helge Øverland
Lead developer, DHIS 2
University of Oslo
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Kind Regards
Djibril Dione
Database Specialist
Health Information Systems Program – SA
Cell: +27 71 711 5421
Skype: dione.djibril
Address: 66 Rigel Ave North, Waterkloof Ridge, Pretoria, 0181<https://maps.google.com/?q=66+Rigel+Ave+North,+Waterkloof+Ridge,+Pretoria,+0181&entry=gmail&source=g>
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Lars Helge Øverland
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University of Oslo
Skype: larshelgeoverland
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Kind Regards
Djibril Dione
Database Specialist
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