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Get Program Indicator throught value analytics Tables


Dear DHIS Community,
I am trying to understand how Program Indicators values are stored in the
database and I thought of the analytics tables.
I have read on the analytics API documentation that the dx dimension can be
used to query on Data elements, indicators, and Program Indicators. I tried
to use the same approach using dx dimension on Analytics table through the
backend to retrieve the PI value and I noticed that the PI values are not

Its there any other way to retrieve the Program indicator value through the
backend table?


Kind Regards

Djibril Dione

Database Specialist

Health Information Systems Program – SA

Cell: +27 71 711 5421

Skype: dione.djibril

Address: 66 Rigel Ave North, Waterkloof Ridge, Pretoria, 0181
Web: www.hisp.org
NPR Reg No: 2003/005786/08


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