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Tracker doesnt recognised new program and cant add new event


Dear community,
I experienced two issues with Tracker module:  When I tried on the demo
version , I already assign the program to units sucessfully but it doesnt
shown as a program

[image: Inline image 1]

[image: Inline image 2]

I installed an instance on my own server (I'm using the newest version
Version 2.27 Build revision 80e598f  Build date: 2017-09-17 06:25) and created
a repeatable stage in my assessment program,  when try to add a new event, the
UI doesn't show the period to add. I have tried to send an curl request to
create a new event instead. That was returned ok to add and I can see new
event on the screen. Any way to fix this instead of going via curl request?

[image: Inline image 2]

[image: Inline image 1]


Thank you very much

Best regards

Hai Tran


*Hai TRAN THI /* M&E Coordinator *l* WWF Greater Mekong *l Address: *D13
Lang Quoc te Thang Long, Ha Noi, Vietnam* l Phone: * + 8443 719 3049 (ext
127) *l Fax: *+ 8443 719 3048 *l Mobile: *+84.973.981.679*  |Skype:
    *Email:* hai.tranthi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Thank you very much

Best regards

Hai Tran


*Hai TRAN THI /* M&E Coordinator *l* WWF Greater Mekong *l Address: *D13
Lang Quoc te Thang Long, Ha Noi, Vietnam* l Phone: * + 8443 719 3049 (ext
127) *l Fax: *+ 8443 719 3048 *l Mobile: *+84.973.981.679*  |Skype:
    *Email:* hai.tranthi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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