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Message #15124
Re: FW: Access Tracker capture program stage data through API
Yes, and I am trying to get all data for all tracked entity instances, not for a specific one. Any idea?
From: Knut Staring [mailto:knutst@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2018 5:43 PM
To: Georgi Chakarov <georgi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: DHIS 2 Developers list <dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Michal Debski <michal.debski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Wojtek Bak <wojtek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] FW: Access Tracker capture program stage data through API
I see. I am actually seeing a restriction when trying the example at the bottom of the page in the manual:
{"httpStatus":"Conflict","httpStatusCode":409,"status":"ERROR","message":"[User has no read access to program: ur1Edk5Oe2n]"}
This is of course not the response you are getting.
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On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 4:11 PM, Georgi Chakarov <georgi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:georgi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi Knut,
I am using a super user account and we don’t have data shared among users. Maybe the problem is related to the fact that Tracker data does not get exported in any format from the Import/Export app either. Aggregate data does, but tracker or event data does not.
From: Knut Staring [mailto:knutst@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:knutst@xxxxxxxxx>]
Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2018 3:42 PM
To: Georgi Chakarov <georgi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:georgi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Cc: DHIS 2 Developers list <dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>; dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Michal Debski <michal.debski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:michal.debski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>; Wojtek Bak <wojtek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:wojtek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Subject: Re: [Dhis2-users] FW: Access Tracker capture program stage data through API
Just a thought - is the user you are using for the API member of the user group for which this data has been shared?
On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 2:38 PM, Georgi Chakarov <georgi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:georgi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi all,
Any thoughts on the below question? Your input is highly needed and appreciated!
From: Georgi Chakarov
Sent: Monday, February 5, 2018 6:20 PM
To: 'DHIS 2 Developers list' <dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>; dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Michal Debski <michal.debski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:michal.debski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>; Wojtek Bak <wojtek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:wojtek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Subject: Access Tracker capture program stage data through API
Hi all,
Can anyone tell me what is the query to read all data entered in a Tracker capture program stage?
We have tried this:
and other versions like /api/26/events.json?orgUnit=YuQRtpLP10I&ouMode=CHILDREN but we get the result below. Your feedback is highly appreciated!
Georgi Chakarov, CIA | georgi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:georgi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> | +1-647-478-5634 x 104<tel:(647)%20478-5634> | LogicalOutcomes c/o Centre for Social Innovation, 720 Bathurst Street, Toronto Canada M5S 2R4<https://maps.google.com/?q=720+Bathurst+Street,+Toronto+Canada+M5S+2R4&entry=gmail&source=g> | You may unsubscribe from receiving commercial electronic messages from LogicalOutcomes by emailing info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Knut Staring
Department of Information, Evidence and Research
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Office: +41 22 791 3683<tel:+41%2022%20791%2036%2083> Mob1: +33 6 4434 2931<tel:+33%206%2044%2034%2029%2031> Mob2: +47 9188 0522
Skype: knutstar
Knut Staring
Department of Information, Evidence and Research
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Office: +41 22 791 3683 Mob1: +33 6 4434 2931 Mob2: +47 9188 0522
Skype: knutstar

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