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Insight on program indicator and rule


Hi all,
Wondering if anyone could help with an indicator and a program rule.

What is wrong with this indicator (to calculate age from date of birth):
Want to count total enrollments where age is 35-39


(d2:daysBetween(A{Date of birth},V{enrollment_date}) / 365) >= 35 and (d2:daysBetween(A{Date of birth},V{enrollment_date}) / 365) <= 39

[In the actual expression, the date of birth is the UID for date of birth]

It’s producing no data but there should be some – think I’m making a simple mistake.

What is wrong with this program rule:
If the person says "no" for agreement to be contacted, hide the phone number field

Name: Hide phone number field

Expression: A{Agree to be contacted} == 'No'

BUT, when I test it, if I click “Yes, agree to be contacted” the phone number disappears and if I click “No” the phone number remains. So the opposite of what I want….

Thanks for any suggestions!

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