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Message #15470
trouble with the Default form for data entry
Hi everyone.
I am running 2..28 and am having a hard time getting the default data entry form to include the category options. According to here<https://docs.dhis2.org/2.26/en/user/html/manage_data_set.html#about_dataset_dataform>:
"A default form consist of a list of the data elements belonging to the data set together with a column for inputting the values. If your data set contains data elements with a non-default category combination, for example age groups or gender, additional columns are automatically created in the default form based on the different categories"
However, when my default data entry form looks like this:
Category Name: Gender
Data Dimension Type: Disaggregation
Category Option: Male, Female
Category Combination Name: Gender
Data Dimension Type: Disaggregation
Data Element: Persons Trained
Category Combination: Gender
Domain Type: Aggregate
Data Set: Monthly F Data Set
Category Combination: None
Data Element: Persons Trained
It feels like I have something cached, but I can't figure out what (I have tried clearing the browser cache many times)
Is there anything else I can do?
Sent from Outlook<http://aka.ms/weboutlook>

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