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DHIS 2 Tracker 2.0 Training - Register Now 


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DHIS 2 Tracker 2.0 Training September 10-12, 2018
taking place in Cambridge, United Kingdom
This three-day training will focus on DHIS 2 Tracker functionalities with particular attention given to new features from version 2.29. The Tracker data model supports capturing longitudinal individual data and has been substantially refactored in recent versions for both the web and Android mobile apps.

To get the most out of this course, some prior exposure to DHIS 2 would be beneficial. However, there will be an optional one-day introductory course (September 10, 2018) for those requiring a refresher or without any DHIS 2 experience. At the end of this training, participants will have hands-on experience of the following:

** 1. Introduction to DHIS 2 Data Models

Participants will be guided through an understanding of DHIS 2 key concepts, data models, analytic functionalities and new visualization features. Content presented during this intensive introduction will lay an important foundation for the Tracker 2.0 training modules. The material and approach will aim for an optimal balance between theory and practical exercises.  Topics covered will include:
* DHIS 2 basic configuration concepts and design principles
* Three Data Models: Aggregate, Event, Tracker
* Data Entry
* Data Visualization: Charts, Graphs, Maps and Reports
* Dashboards

** 2. Tracker Data Model

Through a number of use cases, facilitators will provide hands-on guidance on how to configure tracker programs in DHIS 2. The following topics will be introduced in step-by-step practical sessions:
* Data Elements and Option sets
* Entities
* Tracked entity attributes
* Programs and program stages
* Sharing and user management

** 3. Data Entry

Beyond setting up basic data entry forms, these sessions will present some robust features that are native to the tracker data model including:
* Dynamic data entry forms (program rules & indicators)
* Registration and enrollment
* Entity dashboard and settings
* Relationship and Tracker Associate data element type
* Tracker Capture Android App

** 4. Mobile Data Capture

DHIS 2 provides native Android applications for offline data entry. There has been significant investment in refactoring and improving these apps. There will be sessions focussing on two apps specifically:
* Tracker Capture App
* Event Capture App

** 5. Event Analytics

Reporting and visualization tools for individual data will be presented using common use cases and examples. Topics covered will include:
* Indicators (Program and integrated)
* Notification
* Event report and visualizer
* Integrated analytics

Prerequisites: Some basic familiarity with DHIS 2 would be useful but not essential

Target audience:
* Already using DHIS 2 but now exploring the option of capturing individual data.
* Working with an older version of DHIS 2 Tracker and evaluating new Tracker functionalities.
* No exposure to DHIS 2 Tracker but considering how it might be useful as a data/case management tool.

Facilitators: Blake Hansen, Dapo Adejumo, Busoye Anifalaje, Nina Langli

Participants must bring their own laptop and chargers. Extention cords and Wifi will be provided.

Please note that space is limited and we can only accommodate 24 participants. Take advantage of the Earlybird tickets (only 8 available)!
Register Now! (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dhis-2-tracker-20-training-tickets-46233387306?aff=es2)

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