dhis2-users team mailing list archive
dhis2-users team
Mailing list archive
Message #16124
Could not save data set (Invalid reference [e1sXdbpUsU7]
Can someone assist on how to deal with this error message "Could not save
data set (Invalid reference [e1sXdbpUsU7] (DataElementCategoryCombo) on
object Chronic Diseases [NXTpxbBK5lf] (DataSet) for association
`categoryCombo`.) " while trying to save the edited data set?
I am running instance on 2.28 with Build revision: a5da35f and Build date:
2018-07-23 06:24
We have datasets with expiry days, and we have changed it to 0 to allow
data managers to updated reports. afterwards we want reset it and save, and
system complains of finding reference id. It happens also while someone
edit dataset and save even though no changes made on dataset. Here is the
*Adolphe Kamugunga*
*MIS Technical Advisor*
Mobile: +250 788 740 578
Skype: ka.adolphe

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