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DHIS2 2.29 (build 7a597d0) - Program Indicator - Custom aggregation type


Hello everyone,

I was trying to set up a program indicator with a custom aggregation type
with the following expression: sum ( (#{DE1} - avg (#{DE2})) / #{DE1}) * 100

It wasn't working (e.g. result displayed in form was "false") and during
our "investigations", we've discovered the fact that the tracker capture
app was logging the following messages "sum is not defined" and "avg is not

I've tried to find an example of Program indicator with custom aggregation
type on the play server which I could copy but we faced the same problem
with the one we've found (
<https://play.dhis2.org/2.29/api/29/programIndicators/yFTplrY7NaL.json> )

Btw, we've tried to simplify the expression to "sum (#{DE1})" (leaving the
aggregation type as custom) and were facing the same troubles.

Can someone tell me if we're doing something wrong, if we've wrong
expectations, if it's known bug (found nothing on the Jira), or if the
custom aggregation type is no longer supported...

Thx for your lights,


Thomas Warichet


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