dhis2-users team mailing list archive
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Message #16519
Re: Upgrade DHIS 2.28 to 2.30
Thank you Elmarie for the quick and very helpful response. I have
downloaded the upgrade scripts, where can I find the upgrade procedure
documentation? Or do I just run the upgrade script and then replace the war
file with the newer version?
On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 9:31 AM Elmarie Claasen <elmarie@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Walusiki,
> You should always run sequential upgrades to the next version as there may
> be upgrade scripts for each version. After upgrade you need to start up the
> instance and then you can proceed to the next version.
> Regards,
> *Elmarie Claasen*
> [image: Hisp logo]
> Project Manager
> Health Information Systems Program
> Tel: 041-367 1027
> Cell: 082 374 2209
> E-mail: elmarie@xxxxxxxx
> Skype: elmarie.claasen52
> *From:* Dhis2-users <dhis2-users-bounces+elmarie=
> hisp.org@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> *On Behalf Of *Walusiku Muyunda
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 3, 2018 9:25 AM
> *To:* dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* [Dhis2-users] Upgrade DHIS 2.28 to 2.30
> Yet another quick question: Is it okay to upgrade from version 2.28
> directly to 2.30. Are there any problems of doing so?
> Thank you
> *Walusiku J. Muyunda*
> *Cell: +260967006614Cell: +260971000614*
> *"We have heaven to win and hell to shun, our lives testify better!"
> <http://wildvoices.blogspot.com/>*
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