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AppIndicator Vala Bindings Example


The Vala Bindings are included in the indicator-application since
version 0.2. As Lucid still ships version 0.0.19 I've backported the
current version 0.2.3 from Maverick to Lucid and uploaded it to my
backport ppa <https://launchpad.net/~sao/+archive/backports/> (We might
consider to have a diodon ppa with packages needed to compile it.).

I've added an example how to use the indicator to the playground branch

Unfortunately, there is a bug
(<https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-application/+bug/592986>) in the
AppIndicator-0.1.vapi file. A workaround for this issue would be to
adjust the header filenames in the vapi file.

I'm trying to tell vapigen to create this header filename correctly
while genearting the vapi file. Haven't been successful yet.


Follow ups