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[Merge] lp:~divmod-dev/divmod.org/811792-remove-formless into lp:divmod.org


Tristan Seligmann has proposed merging lp:~divmod-dev/divmod.org/811792-remove-formless into lp:divmod.org.

Requested reviews:
  Divmod-dev (divmod-dev)
Related bugs:
  Bug #811792 in zope.interface: "AttributeError: 'MetaTypedInterface' object has no attribute '__name__'"

For more details, see:
Your team Divmod-dev is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~divmod-dev/divmod.org/811792-remove-formless into lp:divmod.org.
=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/advanced_manualform'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/advanced_manualform/__init__.py'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/advanced_manualform/advanced_manualform.py'
--- Nevow/examples/advanced_manualform/advanced_manualform.py	2006-03-08 14:28:41 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/advanced_manualform/advanced_manualform.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-from time import time as now
-import twisted.python.components as tpc
-from nevow import rend, inevow, url, util, loaders, tags as t
-from nevow.rend import _CARRYOVER
-from formless import iformless
-# This example is meant to be of some inspiration to those people
-# who need to have some inspiration to handle forms without using
-# formless. It _WILL_ raise an exception when you submit a form
-# without filling all values. This example should NOT be used as-is
-# but should be modified and enhanced to fit one's need.
-# To sum up: it's just a starting point. 
-BUTTON = 'post_btn'
-class WebException(Exception): pass
-class ManualFormMixin(rend.Page):
-    def locateChild(self, ctx, segments):
-        # Handle the form post
-        if segments[0].startswith(SUBMIT):
-            # Get a method name from the action in the form plus
-            # the firt word in the button name (or simply the form action if
-            # no button name is specified
-            kwargs = {}
-            args = inevow.IRequest(ctx).args
-            bindingName = ''
-            for key in args:
-                if key != BUTTON: 
-                    if args[key] != ['']: 
-                        kwargs[key] = (args[key][0], args[key])[len(args[key])>1]
-                else: 
-                    bindingName = args[key][0]
-            name_prefix = segments[0].split('!!')[1]
-            if bindingName == '': name = name_prefix
-            else: name = name_prefix + '_' + bindingName.split()[0].lower()
-            method = getattr(self, 'form_'+name, None)            
-            if method is not None:
-                return self.onManualPost(ctx, method, bindingName, kwargs)
-            else: 
-                raise WebException("You should define a form_action_button method")
-        return super(ManualFormMixin, self).locateChild(ctx, segments)    
-    def onManualPost(self, ctx, method, bindingName, kwargs):
-        # This is copied from rend.Page.onWebFormPost
-        def redirectAfterPost(aspects):
-            redirectAfterPost = request.getComponent(iformless.IRedirectAfterPost, None)
-            if redirectAfterPost is None:
-                ref = request.getHeader('referer') or ''
-            else:
-                ## Use the redirectAfterPost url
-                ref = str(redirectAfterPost)
-            from nevow import url
-            refpath = url.URL.fromString(ref)
-            magicCookie = str(now())
-            refpath = refpath.replace('_nevow_carryover_', magicCookie)
-            _CARRYOVER[magicCookie] = C = tpc.Componentized()
-            for k, v in aspects.iteritems():
-                C.setComponent(k, v)
-            request.redirect(str(refpath))
-            from nevow import static
-            return static.Data('You posted a form to %s' % bindingName, 'text/plain'), ()
-        request = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
-        return util.maybeDeferred(method, **kwargs
-            ).addCallback(self.onPostSuccess, request, ctx, bindingName,redirectAfterPost
-            ).addErrback(self.onPostFailure, request, ctx, bindingName,redirectAfterPost)
-class Page(ManualFormMixin, rend.Page):
-    addSlash = True
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(
-        t.html[
-            t.head[
-                t.title['Advanced Manualform']
-            ],
-            t.body[
-                t.p['Use the form to find out how to easily and manually handle them'],
-                t.form(action=url.here.child('_submit!!post'), 
-                       enctype="multipart/form-data",
-                       method='post'
-                      )[
-                          t.input(type='text', name='what'),
-                          # the name attribute must be present and must be
-                          # post_btn for all the buttons in the form
-                          t.input(type='submit', value='btn1', name=BUTTON),
-                          t.input(type='submit', value='btn2', name=BUTTON)
-                        ]
-            ]
-        ]
-    )
-    def form_post_btn1(self, what=None):
-        # 'what' is a keyword argument, and must be the same name that you
-        # give to the widget.
-        print "btn1:", what
-    def form_post_btn2(self, what=None):
-        # see above for 'what'.
-        print "btn2:", what

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/athenademo'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/athenademo/__init__.py'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/athenademo/benchmark.js'
--- Nevow/examples/athenademo/benchmark.js	2006-04-12 17:49:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/athenademo/benchmark.js	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// import Nevow.Athena
-function timer() {
-    var d = new Date();
-    return d.getSeconds() + ':' + d.getMilliseconds();
-    document.createTextNode(timer()),
-    document.documentElement.firstChild);
-Nevow.Benchmarks.InitializationBenchmark = Nevow.Athena.Widget.subclass('Nevow.Benchmarks.InitializationBenchmark');
-    function __init__(self, node) {
-	Nevow.Benchmarks.InitializationBenchmark.upcall(self, '__init__', node);
-	self.stamptime();
-	self.colorize('yellow');
-    },
-    function loaded(self) {
-	self.stamptime();
-	self.colorize('purple');
-	var d = self.callRemote('activate');
-	d.addCallback(function() { self.stamptime(); self.colorize('green'); });
-	d.addErrback(function() { self.stamptime(); self.colorize('red'); });
-    },
-    function stamptime(self) {
-	self.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ' + timer()));
-    },
-    function colorize(self, color) {
-	self.node.style.color = color;
-    });

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/athenademo/benchmark.py'
--- Nevow/examples/athenademo/benchmark.py	2006-03-30 16:16:29 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/athenademo/benchmark.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import division
-from twisted.python import filepath
-from nevow import tags, loaders, athena
-class Benchmark(athena.LivePage):
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[
-        tags.head(render=tags.directive('liveglue')),
-        tags.body(render=tags.directive('body'))])
-    def __init__(self, maxNodes, maxDepth):
-        self.maxNodes = maxNodes
-        self.maxDepth = maxDepth
-        super(Benchmark, self).__init__()
-        here = filepath.FilePath(__file__).parent().child('benchmark.js')
-        self.jsModules.mapping.update({
-            'Nevow.Benchmarks': here.path})
-    def render_body(self, ctx, data):
-        for j in range(self.maxNodes // self.maxDepth):
-            top = t = tags.div()
-            for i in range(self.maxDepth):
-                m = tags.div()
-                t[m]
-                t = m
-            t[InitializationBenchmark(self)]
-            yield top
-class InitializationBenchmark(athena.LiveFragment):
-    jsClass = u'Nevow.Benchmarks.InitializationBenchmark'
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(
-        tags.div(render=tags.directive('liveFragment'))[
-            "Initialization Benchmark"])
-    def __init__(self, page):
-        super(InitializationBenchmark, self).__init__()
-        self.page = page
-    def activate(self):
-        pass
-    athena.expose(activate)

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/athenademo/calculator.html'
--- Nevow/examples/athenademo/calculator.html	2008-05-20 20:21:26 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/athenademo/calculator.html	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-<html xmlns:n="http://nevow.com/ns/nevow/0.1";>
-    <head>
-        <n:invisible n:render="liveglue" />
-        <style type="text/css">
-            .calculator {
-                font-family: monospace;
-                margin-top: 5em;
-                margin-left: auto;
-                margin-right: auto;
-            }
-            input {
-                width: 2em;
-                border: 1px solid #999;
-            }
-            .output {
-                border: 1px solid #999;
-                text-align: right;
-            }
-        </style>
-    </head>
-    <body>
-        <div n:render="calculator">Calculator Goes Here</div>
-        <table class="calculator" id="calculator" n:pattern="CalculatorPattern" n:render="liveElement"
-                xmlns:athena="http://divmod.org/ns/athena/0.7";>
-            <tr>
-                <td colspan="4" class="output" id="output">0</td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td></td>
-                <td></td>
-                <td></td>
-                <td><input type="button" value="C"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td><input type="button" value="7"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-                <td><input type="button" value="8"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-                <td><input type="button" value="9"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-                <td><input type="button" value="/"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td><input type="button" value="4"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-                <td><input type="button" value="5"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-                <td><input type="button" value="6"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-                <td><input type="button" value="*"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td><input type="button" value="1"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-                <td><input type="button" value="2"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-                <td><input type="button" value="3"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-                <td><input type="button" value="-"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-                <td><input type="button" value="0"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-                <td><input type="button" value="."><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-                <td><input type="button" value="="><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-                <td><input type="button" value="+"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="buttonClicked" /></input></td>
-            </tr>
-        </table>
-    </body>

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/athenademo/calculator.js'
--- Nevow/examples/athenademo/calculator.js	2008-05-20 20:21:26 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/athenademo/calculator.js	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-// import Nevow.Athena
-// import Divmod.Runtime
-CalculatorDemo.Calculator = Nevow.Athena.Widget.subclass("CalculatorDemo.Calculator");
-    /**
-     * Handle click events on any of the calculator buttons.
-     */
-    function buttonClicked(self, node) {
-        var symbol = node.value;
-        d = self.callRemote("buttonClicked", symbol);
-        d.addCallback(
-            function(expression) {
-                var output = self.nodeById("output");
-                output.replaceChild(
-                    document.createTextNode(expression),
-                    output.firstChild);
-            });
-        return false;
-    });

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/athenademo/calculator.py'
--- Nevow/examples/athenademo/calculator.py	2008-05-20 20:21:26 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/athenademo/calculator.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2008 Divmod.  See LICENSE for details.
-Demonstration of an Athena Widget which accepts input from the browser and
-sends back responses.
-import sys
-from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from nevow.athena import LivePage, LiveElement, expose
-from nevow.loaders import xmlfile
-from nevow.appserver import NevowSite
-# Handy helper for finding external resources nearby.
-sibling = FilePath(__file__).sibling
-class Calculator(object):
-    """
-    The model object for the calculator demo.  This is the object which
-    actually knows how to perform calculations.
-    @ivar expression: A C{str} giving the current expression which has been
-        entered into the calculator.  For example, if the buttons '3', '5', and
-        '+' have been pressed (in that order), C{expression} will be C{'35+'}.
-    """
-    defaultExpression = u'0'
-    errorExpression = u'E'
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.expression = self.defaultExpression
-    def buttonClicked(self, symbol):
-        """
-        Change the current expression by performing the operation indicated by
-        C{symbol} (clearing it or computing it) or by extending it (with a
-        digit or operator).
-        @param symbol: C{'C'} to clear the expression, C{'='} to evaluate the
-            expression, or one of C{'0'}-C{'9'}.
-        @rtype: C{unicode}
-        @return: The expression after interpreting the new symbol.
-        """
-        # Clear
-        if symbol == 'C':
-            self.expression = self.defaultExpression
-            return self.expression
-        # Check the expression is currently valid
-        if self.expression == self.errorExpression:
-            return self.expression
-        # Evaluate the expression
-        if symbol == '=':
-            try:
-                self.expression = unicode(eval(self.expression))
-            except ZeroDivisionError:
-                self.expression = self.errorExpression
-            return self.expression
-        # Replace of add to the expression
-        if self.expression == self.defaultExpression:
-            self.expression = symbol
-        else:
-            self.expression += symbol
-        return self.expression
-class CalculatorElement(LiveElement):
-    """
-    A "live" calculator.
-    All buttons presses in the browser are sent to the server. The server
-    evaluates the expression and sets the output in the browser.
-    @ivar validSymbols: A C{str} giving all of the symbols which the browser is
-        allowed to submit to us.  Input is checked against this before being
-        submitted to the model.
-    @ivar calc: A L{Calculator} which will be used to handle all inputs and
-        generate computed outputs.
-    """
-    docFactory = xmlfile(sibling('calculator.html').path, 'CalculatorPattern')
-    jsClass = u"CalculatorDemo.Calculator"
-    validSymbols = '0123456789/*-=+.C'
-    def __init__(self, calc):
-        LiveElement.__init__(self)
-        self.calc = calc
-    def buttonClicked(self, symbol):
-        """
-        Accept a symbol from the browser, perform input validation on it,
-        provide it to the underlying L{Calculator} if appropriate, and return
-        the result.
-        @type symbol: C{unicode}
-        @rtype: C{unicode}
-        """
-        # Remember ... never trust a browser
-        if symbol not in self.validSymbols:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid symbol')
-        return self.calc.buttonClicked(symbol)
-    expose(buttonClicked)
-class CalculatorParentPage(LivePage):
-    """
-    A "live" container page for L{CalculatorElement}.
-    """
-    docFactory = xmlfile(sibling('calculator.html').path)
-    def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
-        LivePage.__init__(self)
-        # Update the mapping of known JavaScript modules so that the
-        # client-side code for this example can be found and served to the
-        # browser.
-        self.jsModules.mapping[u'CalculatorDemo'] = sibling(
-            'calculator.js').path
-    def render_calculator(self, ctx, data):
-        """
-        Replace the tag with a new L{CalculatorElement}.
-        """
-        c = CalculatorElement(Calculator())
-        c.setFragmentParent(self)
-        return c
-def main():
-    log.startLogging(sys.stdout)
-    site = NevowSite(CalculatorParentPage(calc=Calculator()))
-    reactor.listenTCP(8080, site)
-    reactor.run()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/athenademo/typeahead.html'
--- Nevow/examples/athenademo/typeahead.html	2006-10-06 18:48:29 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/athenademo/typeahead.html	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html
-PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
-<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'
-  xmlns:n='http://nevow.com/ns/nevow/0.1'>
-  <!-- vi:ft=html
-  -->
-  <head>
-    <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' />
-    <n:invisible n:render="liveglue" />
-    <title>TypeAhead Demo</title>
-    <script type='text/javascript' language='javascript'>
-// <![CDATA[
-// add events in a cross-browser way
-function xbAddEvent(obj, evType, fn, useCapture){
-  if (obj.addEventListener){
-    obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture);
-    return true;
-  } else if (obj.attachEvent){
-    var r = obj.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn);
-    return r;
-  } else {
-    alert("Handler could not be attached");
-  }
-function selectRange(ele, start, end)
-    var orig = ele;
-    ele = $(ele);
-    if (ele == null)
-    {
-        alert("selectRange() can't find an element with id: " + orig + ".");
-        return;
-    }
-    if (ele.setSelectionRange)
-    {
-        ele.setSelectionRange(start, end);
-    }
-    else if (ele.createTextRange)
-    {
-        var range = ele.createTextRange();
-        range.moveStart("character", start);
-        range.moveEnd("character", end - ele.value.length);
-        range.select();
-    }
-    ele.focus();
-function replaceDescription(result, node)
-    var animal = result[0]; var descr = result[1];
-    var widget = Nevow.Athena.Widget.get(node);
-    var description = widget.nodeByAttribute('class', 'description');
-    description.innerHTML = descr;
-    // fill in the text field and select the portion that was guessed
-    if (animal != null)
-    {
-        var typehere = node;
-        var current = typehere.value;
-        typehere.value = animal;
-        selectRange(typehere, current.length, animal.length);
-    }
-function loadDescription(ev)
-    // filter helpful keys like backspace
-    if (ev.keyCode < 32) return;
-    if (ev.keyCode >= 33 && ev.keyCode <= 46) return;
-    if (ev.keyCode >= 112 && ev.keyCode <= 123) return;
-    var typehere = ev.target;
-    var typed = typehere.value;
-    var d = Nevow.Athena.Widget.get(typehere).callRemote('loadDescription', typed);
-    d.addCallback(replaceDescription, typehere);
-Divmod.Base.addToCallStack(window, 'onload', function() {
-    typeheres = MochiKit.DOM.getElementsByTagAndClassName('input', 'typehere');
-    for (n=0; n<typeheres.length; n++) {
-      xbAddEvent(typeheres[n], 'keyup', loadDescription, 1);
-    }
-// ]]>
-    </script>
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <h2>Start typing an animal to see the description.</h2>
-    <n:invisible n:render="typehereField" />
-    <h2>You can also type in this one.  It does the same thing, independently
-      of the other one.</h2>
-    <n:invisible n:render="typehereField" />
-  </body>

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/athenademo/typeahead.py'
--- Nevow/examples/athenademo/typeahead.py	2006-10-06 18:48:29 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/athenademo/typeahead.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# vi:ft=python
-from nevow import tags as T, rend, loaders, athena, url
-from formless import annotate, webform
-from twisted.python import util
-animals = {u'elf' : u'Pointy ears.  Bad attitude regarding trees.',
-           u'chipmunk': u'Cute.  Fuzzy.  Sings horribly.',
-           u'chupacabra': u'It sucks goats.',
-           u'ninja': u'Stealthy and invisible, and technically an animal.',
-           }
-class TypeAheadPage(athena.LivePage):
-    _tmpl = util.sibpath(__file__, "typeahead.html")
-    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(_tmpl)
-    def render_typehereField(self, ctx, data):
-        frag = TypeAheadFieldFragment()
-        frag.page = self
-        return frag
-class TypeAheadFieldFragment(athena.LiveFragment):
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(
-            T.span(render=T.directive('liveFragment'))[ '\n',
-                T.input(type="text", _class="typehere"), '\n',
-                T.h3(_class="description"),
-                ])
-    def loadDescription(self, typed):
-        if typed == u'':
-            return None, u'--'
-        matches = []
-        for key in animals:
-            if key.startswith(typed):
-                 matches.append(key)
-        if len(matches) == 1:
-            return matches[0], animals[matches[0]]
-        elif len(matches) > 1:
-            return None, u"(Multiple found)"
-        else:
-            return None, u'--'
-    athena.expose(loadDescription)
-class DataEntry(rend.Page):
-    """Add Animal"""
-    addSlash = 1
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(
-            T.html[T.body[T.h1[
-                "First, a Setup Form."],
-                T.h2["Enter some animals as data.  Click 'Done' to test looking up these animals."],
-                T.h3["The neat stuff happens when you hit 'Done'."],
-                webform.renderForms(),
-                T.ol(data=T.directive("animals"), render=rend.sequence)[
-                        T.li(pattern="item", render=T.directive("string")),
-                                                                        ],
-                T.h1[T.a(href=url.here.child('typeahead'))["Done"]],
-                          ]
-                    ]
-                              )
-    def bind_animals(self, ctx, ):
-        """Add Animal"""
-        return annotate.MethodBinding(
-                'animals',
-                annotate.Method(arguments=
-                    [annotate.Argument('animal', annotate.String()),
-                     annotate.Argument('description', annotate.Text())]),
-                action="Add Animal",
-                                      )
-    def animals(self, animal, description):
-        """Add Animal"""
-        if not (animal and description):
-            return
-        animals[animal.decode('utf-8')] = description.decode('utf-8')
-        return url.here
-    def data_animals(self, ctx, data):
-        return animals.keys()
-    def child_typeahead(self, ctx):
-        return TypeAheadPage(None, None)

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/athenademo/widgets.js'
--- Nevow/examples/athenademo/widgets.js	2006-04-12 17:49:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/athenademo/widgets.js	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-// import Nevow.Athena
-WidgetDemo.Clock = Nevow.Athena.Widget.subclass('WidgetDemo.Clock');
-    function start(self, node, event) {
-        self.callRemote('start');
-        return false;
-    },
-    function stop(self, node, event) {
-        self.callRemote('stop');
-        return false;
-    },
-    function setTime(self, toWhat) {
-        Divmod.debug("clock", "Setting time " + toWhat);
-        var time = Nevow.Athena.NodeByAttribute(self.node, "class", "clock-time");
-        Divmod.debug("clock", "On " + time);
-        time.innerHTML = toWhat;
-        Divmod.debug("clock", "Hooray");
-    });

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/athenademo/widgets.py'
--- Nevow/examples/athenademo/widgets.py	2006-03-30 16:16:29 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/athenademo/widgets.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-import time, os
-from twisted.internet import task
-from twisted.python import log, util
-from nevow import athena, loaders, static
-class Clock(athena.LiveFragment):
-    jsClass = u"WidgetDemo.Clock"
-    docFactory = loaders.xmlstr('''\
-<div xmlns:nevow="http://nevow.com/ns/nevow/0.1";
-     xmlns:athena="http://divmod.org/ns/athena/0.7";
-     nevow:render="liveFragment">
-    <div>
-        <a href="#"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="start" />
-            Start
-        </a>
-        <a href="#"><athena:handler event="onclick" handler="stop" />
-            Stop
-        </a>
-    </div>
-    <div class="clock-time" />
-    running = False
-    def start(self):
-        if self.running:
-            return
-        self.loop = task.LoopingCall(self.updateTime)
-        self.loop.start(1)
-        self.running = True
-    athena.expose(start)
-    def stop(self):
-        if not self.running:
-            return
-        self.loop.stop()
-        self.running = False
-    athena.expose(stop)
-    def _oops(self, err):
-        log.err(err)
-        if self.running:
-            self.loop.stop()
-            self.running = False
-    def updateTime(self):
-        self.callRemote('setTime', unicode(time.ctime(), 'ascii')).addErrback(self._oops)
-class WidgetPage(athena.LivePage):
-    docFactory = loaders.xmlstr("""\
-<html xmlns:nevow="http://nevow.com/ns/nevow/0.1";>
-    <head>
-        <nevow:invisible nevow:render="liveglue" />
-    </head>
-    <body>
-        <div nevow:render="clock">
-            First Clock
-        </div>
-        <div nevow:render="clock">
-            Second Clock
-        </div>
-        <div nevow:render="debug" />
-    </body>
-    addSlash = True
-    def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
-        super(WidgetPage, self).__init__(*a, **kw)
-        self.jsModules.mapping[u'WidgetDemo'] = util.sibpath(__file__, 'widgets.js')
-    def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
-        ch = super(WidgetPage, self).childFactory(ctx, name)
-        if ch is None:
-            p = util.sibpath(__file__, name)
-            if os.path.exists(p):
-                ch = static.File(file(p))
-        return ch
-    def render_clock(self, ctx, data):
-        c = Clock()
-        c.page = self
-        return ctx.tag[c]
-    def render_debug(self, ctx, data):
-        f = athena.IntrospectionFragment()
-        f.setFragmentParent(self)
-        return ctx.tag[f]

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/blogengine'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/atom.xml'
--- Nevow/examples/blogengine/atom.xml	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/blogengine/atom.xml	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<feed version="0.3" xmlns="http://purl.org/atom/ns#"; xml:lang="en" xmlns:n="http://nevow.com/ns/nevow/0.1";>
-  <title mode="escaped">Subbacultcha</title>
-  <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://localhost:8080"; />
-  <tagline mode="escaped">Subbacultcha atom</tagline>
-  <modified n:data="getFirstPost" n:render="modified">Page modified</modified>
-  <id>tag:localhost,2004:/</id>  
-  <n:invisible n:data="get_posts" n:render="sequence">
-    <entry n:pattern="item" n:render="post">
-      <title mode="escaped"><n:slot name="title">Entry Title</n:slot></title>
-      <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="#">
-      	<n:attr name="href"> <n:slot name="link" /> </n:attr>
-      </link>
-      <id>tag:localhost,2004:/<n:slot name="id">id</n:slot></id>
-      <issued><n:slot name="created">Date created</n:slot></issued>
-      <modified><n:slot name="modified">Date modified</n:slot></modified>
-      <author>
-        <name><n:slot name="author">Author</n:slot></name>
-      </author>
-      <content type="text/plain" mode="escaped"><n:slot name="content">Content</n:slot></content>
-    </entry>
\ No newline at end of file

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/axiomstore.py'
--- Nevow/examples/blogengine/axiomstore.py	2006-04-14 17:23:46 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/blogengine/axiomstore.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-from iblogengine import IBlog
-from zope.interface import implements
-from axiom import item, store, attributes, sequence
-from epsilon.extime import Time
-class Post(item.Item):
-    typeName = "BlogenginePost"
-    schemaVersion = 1
-    id = attributes.integer(indexed=True, allowNone=False)
-    created = attributes.timestamp(indexed=True)
-    modified = attributes.timestamp(indexed=True)
-    title = attributes.text(indexed=True, allowNone=False)
-    author = attributes.text(indexed=True, allowNone=False)
-    category = attributes.text(indexed=True)
-    content = attributes.text(indexed=True)
-    def __init__(self, **kw):
-        now = Time()
-        kw.update({'created':now,
-                   'modified':now})
-        super(Post, self).__init__(**kw)
-    def setModified(self):
-        self.modified = Time()
-class Blog(item.Item, item.InstallableMixin):
-    implements(IBlog)
-    typeName = "BlogengineBlog"
-    schemaVersion = 1
-    posts = attributes.reference()
-    next_id = attributes.integer(default=0)
-    def __init__(self, **kw):
-        super(Blog, self).__init__(**kw)
-        self.posts = sequence.List(store=self.store)
-        post = Post(store=self.store,
-                    id=self.getNextId(),
-                    author=u'mike',
-                    title=u'FIRST POST!!!!',
-                    category=u'Test',
-                    content=u'I guess it worked.')
-        self.addNewPost(post)
-    def installOn(self, other):
-        super(Blog, self).installOn(other)
-        other.powerUp(self, IBlog)
-    def addNewPost(self, post):
-        # Why even let posts manage their own ids?  Oh well.
-        assert post.id == self.next_id,\
-               "Bad post ID; is %r, should be %r" % (post.id, self.next_id)
-        self.posts.append(post)
-        self.next_id += 1
-    def getPosts(self, how_many = None):
-        """Return the latest 'how_many' posts, in reverse database order.
-        XXX Really, it should be based on modtime.  Which is broken.
-        """
-        if how_many is None or how_many > self.next_id:
-            how_many = self.next_id
-        return (self.getOne(self.next_id-id-1) for id in range(how_many))
-    def getOne(self, id):
-        return self.posts[id]
-    def getNextId(self):
-        return self.next_id
-def initialize(storename):
-    s = store.Store(storename)
-    s.findOrCreate(Blog).installOn(s)
-    return s

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/blogengine.tac'
--- Nevow/examples/blogengine/blogengine.tac	2006-01-21 22:53:11 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/blogengine/blogengine.tac	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.application import service, strports
-from nevow import appserver
-import frontend, axiomstore as store, iblogengine
-from smtpserver import BlogSMTPFactory
-application = service.Application('blogengine')
-db = store.initialize('db.axiom')
-site = appserver.NevowSite(resource = frontend.UI())
-site.remember(db, iblogengine.IStore)
-strports.service("8080", site).setServiceParent(application)
-strports.service("2500", BlogSMTPFactory(db)).setServiceParent(application)

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/email_client.py'
--- Nevow/examples/blogengine/email_client.py	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/blogengine/email_client.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-import sys, smtplib
-fromaddr = raw_input("From: ")
-toaddrs  = raw_input("To: ").split(',')
-print "Enter message, end with ^D:"
-msg = ''
-while 1:
-    line = sys.stdin.readline()
-    if not line:
-        break
-    msg = msg + line
-# The actual mail send
-server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost', 2500)
-server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg)

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/frontend.py'
--- Nevow/examples/blogengine/frontend.py	2006-04-14 17:23:46 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/blogengine/frontend.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-from time import time as now
-from zope.interface import implements, Interface
-from twisted.web import xmlrpc
-from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter
-from nevow import rend, loaders, url, static
-from nevow import tags as t, inevow
-from formless import annotate, iformless, webform
-from axiomstore import Post
-from iblogengine import IStore, IBlog
-def pptime(tt):
-    return tt.asHumanly()+" UTC"
-def atompptime(tt):
-    return tt.asISO8601TimeAndDate()
-class ITimer(Interface):
-    pass
-categories = ['Programming', 'Test', 'Sport', 'People', 'Python', 
-              'Databases', 'bench', 'woo', 'Friends']
-class IInsert(annotate.TypedInterface):
-    def insert(
-        ctx = annotate.Context(),
-        title = annotate.String(strip=True, required=True, \
-                                requiredFailMessage="Title must be provided", tabindex='1'),
-        author = annotate.String(strip=True, default="Anonymous", tabindex='2'),
-        id = annotate.String(hidden=True),
-        category = annotate.Choice(categories, tabindex='3'),
-        content = annotate.Text(required=True, \
-                                requiredFailMessage="Posts with no content are not allowed", tabindex='4'),
-        ):
-        pass
-    insert = annotate.autocallable(insert)
-class BaseUI(rend.Page):
-    addSlash = True
-    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
-        return IStore(ctx).transact(rend.Page.renderHTTP, self, ctx)
-    def locateChild(self, ctx, segments):
-        return IStore(ctx).transact(rend.Page.locateChild, self, ctx, segments)
-class UI(BaseUI):
-    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile ('ui.html')
-    child_styles = static.File('styles')
-    child_images = static.File('images')
-    child_webform_css = webform.defaultCSS
-    def render_starttimer(self, ctx, data):
-        ctx.remember(now(), ITimer)
-        return ctx.tag
-    def render_stoptimer(self, ctx, data):
-        start = ITimer(ctx)
-        return ctx.tag['%s' % (now()-start)]
-    def render_needForms(self, ctx, data):
-        action = ctx.arg('action', 'view')
-        if action == 'edit':
-            form = inevow.IQ(ctx).onePattern('frm')
-            return ctx.tag[form]
-        return ctx.tag.clear()
-    def data_getEntries(self, ctx, data):
-        num = ctx.arg('num', '60')
-        return IBlog(IStore(ctx)).getPosts(int(num))
-    def render_entries(self, ctx, data):
-        ctx.tag.fillSlots('modification', pptime(data.modified))
-        ctx.tag.fillSlots('category', data.category)
-        ctx.tag.fillSlots('author', data.author)
-        ctx.tag.fillSlots('title', data.title)
-        ctx.tag.fillSlots('content', data.content)
-        ctx.tag.fillSlots('permaLink', url.root.child('%s' % (data.id)))
-        return ctx.tag
-    def render_insert(self, ctx, data):
-        return ctx.tag
-    def render_editer(self, ctx, data):
-        ctx.tag.fillSlots('editPost', url.root.child('%s' % (data.id)
-                                                         ).add('action','edit'))
-        return ctx.tag
-    def render_insert(self, ctx, data):
-        ctx.tag.fillSlots('insert', url.root.child('insertEntry'))
-        return ctx.tag
-    def child_insertEntry(self, ctx):
-        return NewEntry()
-    def childFactory(self, ctx, segment):
-        id = segment.isdigit() and segment or '-1'
-        if int(id) >= 0:
-            return IBlog(IStore(ctx)).getOne(int(id))
-        elif segment == 'rpc2':
-            return BlogRPC(IStore(ctx))
-        elif segment == 'atom.xml':
-            return Atom()
-    def child_thx(self, ctx):
-        return Thx()
-class NewEntry(BaseUI):
-    implements(IInsert)
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(
-        t.html[
-            t.head[
-                t.title['Insertion form'],
-                t.link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href=url.root.child('webform_css')),
-            ],
-            t.body[
-                t.h1['Insertion'],
-                t.invisible(render=t.directive("forms"))
-            ]
-        ])    
-    def render_forms(self, ctx, data):
-        d = iformless.IFormDefaults(ctx).getAllDefaults('insert')
-        d['author'] = 'Anonymous'
-        d['id'] = IBlog(IStore(ctx)).getNextId()
-        return webform.renderForms()
-    def insert(self, ctx, id, title, author, category, content):
-        newPost = Post(store=IStore(ctx),
-                       id=int(id),
-                       author=unicode(author),
-                       title=unicode(title),
-                       category=unicode(category),
-                       content=unicode(content))
-        IBlog(IStore(ctx)).addNewPost(newPost)
-        inevow.IRequest(ctx).setComponent(iformless.IRedirectAfterPost, '/thx')
-class Thx(rend.Page):
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(
-            t.html[
-                t.body[
-                    t.h1['Succeeded'],                    
-                    t.a(href=url.root)["Back to main"]
-                ]
-            ])
-class Entry(UI):
-    implements(IInsert)
-    def data_getEntries(self, ctx, data):
-        return [data]
-    def render_forms(self, ctx, data):
-        d = iformless.IFormDefaults(ctx).getAllDefaults('insert')
-        d['author'] = self.original.author
-        d['category'] = self.original.category
-        d['title'] = self.original.title
-        d['content'] = self.original.content
-        d['id'] = self.original.id
-        return webform.renderForms()
-    def insert(self, ctx, id, title, author, category, content):
-        self.original.author = unicode(author)
-        self.original.title = unicode(title)
-        self.original.category = unicode(category)
-        self.original.content = unicode(content)
-        inevow.IRequest(ctx).setComponent(iformless.IRedirectAfterPost, '/thx')
-class Atom(BaseUI):
-    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile('atom.xml')
-    def beforeRender(self, ctx):
-        inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("Content-Type", "application/application+xml; charset=UTF-8")
-    def data_getFirstPost(self, ctx, data):
-        for post in IBlog(IStore(ctx)).getPosts(1):
-            return post
-    def render_modified(self, ctx, data): 
-        return ctx.tag.clear()[atompptime(data.modified)]
-    def data_get_posts(self, ctx, data):
-        return IBlog(IStore(ctx)).getPosts(15)
-    def render_post(self, ctx, data):
-        #id = data.poolToUID[IBlog(IStore(ctx)).postsPool]
-        # mkp: ...I don't know what that means or what it's for.
-        ctx.tag.fillSlots('title', data.title)
-        ctx.tag.fillSlots('link', url.root.child(data.id))
-        ctx.tag.fillSlots('id', data.id)
-        ctx.tag.fillSlots('created', atompptime(data.created))
-        ctx.tag.fillSlots('modified', atompptime(data.modified))        
-        ctx.tag.fillSlots('author', data.author)
-        ctx.tag.fillSlots('content', data.content)
-        return ctx.tag
-from axiom.item import transacted
-class BlogRPC(xmlrpc.XMLRPC):
-    """Publishes stuff"""
-    def __init__(self, store):
-        xmlrpc.XMLRPC.__init__(self)
-        self.store = store
-    def xmlrpc_publish(self, author, title, category, content):
-        newid = IBlog(self.store).getNextId()
-        newPost = Post(store=self.store,
-                       id=newid,
-                       author=unicode(author),
-                       title=unicode(title),
-                       category=unicode(category),
-                       content=unicode(content))
-        IBlog(self.store).addNewPost(newPost)
-        return 'Successfully added post number %s' % newid
-    xmlrpc_publish = transacted(xmlrpc_publish)
-    def xmlrpc_edit(self, id, author, title, category, content):
-        post = IBlog(self.store).getOne(id)
-        post.author = author
-        post.title = title
-        post.category = category
-        post.content = content
-        post.setModified()
-        return 'Successfully modified post number %s' % id
-    xmlrpc_edit = transacted(xmlrpc_edit)
-    def xmlrpc_entries(self, count):
-        return [(entry.id, entry.author, entry.category, entry.title, entry.content) \
-                for entry in IBlog(self.store).getPosts(count)]
-    xmlrpc_entries = transacted(xmlrpc_entries)
-registerAdapter(Entry, Post, inevow.IResource)

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/iblogengine.py'
--- Nevow/examples/blogengine/iblogengine.py	2006-03-17 15:00:39 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/blogengine/iblogengine.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import Interface
-class IStore(Interface):
-    """ Interface used to remember the store in the site object """
-class IBlog(Interface):
-    """ Represents the Blog Powerup in the Store """
-    def addNewPost(post):
-        """ Add the user provided post instance to the blog """
-    def getPosts(how_many = None):
-        """ Get the last X posts, if how_many is not specified, gets all of them """
-    def getOne(id):
-        """ Get the post with the corresponding id from the store """
-    def getNextId():
-        """ Get the next free id in the store """

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/images'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/bg-header2.jpg'
Binary files Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/bg-header2.jpg	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000 and Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/bg-header2.jpg	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 differ
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/blank.gif'
Binary files Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/blank.gif	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000 and Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/blank.gif	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 differ
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/geek-bullet.gif'
Binary files Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/geek-bullet.gif	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000 and Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/geek-bullet.gif	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 differ
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/here-bullet.gif'
Binary files Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/here-bullet.gif	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000 and Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/here-bullet.gif	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 differ
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/home-bullet.gif'
Binary files Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/home-bullet.gif	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000 and Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/home-bullet.gif	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 differ
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/top.gif'
Binary files Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/top.gif	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000 and Nevow/examples/blogengine/images/top.gif	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 differ
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/smtpserver.py'
--- Nevow/examples/blogengine/smtpserver.py	2006-01-21 22:53:11 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/blogengine/smtpserver.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-A toy email server.
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.mail import smtp
-from axiom.item import transacted
-from axiomstore import Post
-from iblogengine import IBlog
-# You need to set this to your real SMTP_HOST
-SMTP_HOST = 'localhost'
-FROM = 'user@localhost'
-__doc__ = """
-This is the mail message format to post something via mail, no special
-order is required, but all those fields must be present:
-[Id: ID] 
-Title: TITLE
-Content: CONTENT
-class BlogMessageDelivery:
-    implements(smtp.IMessageDelivery)
-    def __init__(self, store):
-        self.store = store
-    def receivedHeader(self, helo, origin, recipients):
-        return recipients
-    def validateFrom(self, helo, origin):
-        # All addresses are accepted
-        return origin
-    def validateTo(self, user):
-        # Only messages directed to the "console" user are accepted.
-        if user.dest.local == "blog":
-            return lambda: BlogMessage(self.store)
-        raise smtp.SMTPBadRcpt(user)
-class BlogMessage:
-    implements(smtp.IMessage)
-    def __init__(self, store):
-        self.lines = []
-        self.store = store
-    def lineReceived(self, line):
-        self.lines.append(line)
-    def eomReceived(self):
-        post = {}
-        isContent = False
-        ctnt_buff = []
-        recipients = self.lines[0]
-        addrs = []
-        for recipient in recipients:
-            if '@' not in recipient.orig.addrstr:
-                # Avoid answering to bounches
-                if not recipient.orig.addrstr == '<>':
-                    addrs.append(recipient.orig.addrstr[:-1]+'@'+recipient.orig.domain+'>')
-            else:
-                # Avoid answering to bounches
-                if not recipient.orig.addrstr == '<#@[]>':
-                    addrs.append(recipient.orig.addrstr)
-        for line in self.lines[1:]:
-            if not isContent:
-                try:
-                    field, value = line.split(':', 1)
-                except ValueError:
-                    continue
-                if field.lower() != 'content':
-                    post[field.lower()] = value.strip()
-                else: 
-                    isContent = True
-                    ctnt_buff.append(value.strip())
-            else:
-                ctnt_buff.append(line.strip())
-        post['content'] = '\n'.join(ctnt_buff)
-        for header in 'content author category title'.split():
-            if not post.has_key(header):
-                self.lines = []
-                return defer.fail(None) 
-        if post.has_key('id'):
-            oldpost = IBlog(self.store).getOne(int(post['id']))
-            oldpost.author = unicode(post['author'])
-            oldpost.title = unicode(post['title'])
-            oldpost.category = unicode(post['category'])
-            oldpost.content = unicode(post['content'])
-            oldpost.setModified()
-            action = 'modified'
-            id = post['id']
-        else:
-            newid = IBlog(self.store).getNextId()
-            newPost = Post(store=self.store,
-                           id=newid,
-                           author=unicode(post['author']),
-                           title=unicode(post['title']),
-                           category=unicode(post['category']),
-                           content=unicode(post['content']))
-            IBlog(self.store).addNewPost(newPost)
-            action = 'added'
-            id = newid
-        self.lines = []
-        msg = """From: <%s>
-Subject: Successfull Post
-Post number %s successfully %s
-""" % (FROM, id, action)
-        return self.sendNotify(addrs, msg)
-    eomReceived = transacted(eomReceived)
-    def toLog(self, what):
-        print what
-    def sendNotify(self, to_addr, msg):
-        d = smtp.sendmail(SMTP_HOST, FROM, to_addr, msg)
-        d.addCallback(self.toLog)
-        d.addErrback(self.toLog)
-        return d
-    def connectionLost(self):
-        # There was an error, throw away the stored lines
-        self.lines = None
-class BlogSMTPFactory(smtp.SMTPFactory):
-    def __init__(self, store, *a, **kw):
-        smtp.SMTPFactory.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
-        self.delivery = BlogMessageDelivery(store)
-    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
-        p = smtp.SMTPFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr)
-        p.delivery = self.delivery
-        return p

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/styles'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/styles/form.css'
--- Nevow/examples/blogengine/styles/form.css	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/blogengine/styles/form.css	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-form {
-	margin: 0;
-form div {
-	margin-top: 10px;
-form .field {
-	margin-top: 10px;
-fieldset {
-  margin: 0;
-  margin-top: 10px;
-/*border: 1px solid red;*/
-    border-style: none;
-    padding: 0;
-label {
-    display: block; 
-    margin-bottom: 2px; 
-label span {
-    font-size: 85%;
-    color: #666;
-input, textarea {
-    /* f a t font to ease input */
-    font: bold 12px/100% "Lucida Console", Curier, monospace;  
-    color: #444;
-    padding: 4px 2px;
-    border: 1px solid #ccc;
-    margin: 0;
-input:focus, textarea:focus {
-    border-color: #6cc;
-input.btn {
-    margin: 0;
-    margin-right: 2px; /* space between the next button */
-    padding: 2px 4px;
-    color: #333;
-    background: #6cc;
-    /* raised 3d look */
-    border-top: 2px solid #ccc;
-    border-left: 2px solid #ccc;
-    border-bottom: 2px solid #444;
-    border-right: 2px solid #444;
-    font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
-    line-height: 150%;
-    font-size: xx-small; /* fake value for IE4/5.x */
-    voice-family: "\"}\""; 
-    voice-family: inherit; 
-    font-size: x-small; /* real inteded value for text size */
-blah {
-    /* fake rule for IE */

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/styles/site.css'
--- Nevow/examples/blogengine/styles/site.css	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/blogengine/styles/site.css	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
-@import url("typo.css");
-@import url("form.css");
-Theme by Andrea Peltrin (http://www.deelan.com)
-/* basic elements */
-body, html {
-	margin: 0;
-	padding: 0;
-body { 
-	color: #222; 
-	margin: 0;	
-/*	background: #903 url("images/background.gif"); */
-	background: #fafafa;
-body, p, li, td, th, dd, dt, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 /* help browser to not forget */
-	font-family: verdana, geneva, arial, sans-serif;
-/*	line-height: 200%;*/
-	font-size: x-small;  	/* IE5 */
-	voice-family: "\"}\""; 
-	voice-family: inherit;
-	font-size: small; 
-html>body {
-	font-size: small; 
-a img {
-    border-style: none;
-/* main contents */
-#main {	
-	/*border: 1px solid red; */ /* debug */
-	/*border-top: none;*/
-	margin: 0 auto; 
-	padding: 0; 
-	position: absolute;
-	top: 30px;
-	left: 50%;
-	margin-left: -380px; 
-	width: 760px;
-/* header */
-#header { 
-	background: #069 url("/images/bg-header2.jpg") top right no-repeat; 
-	height: 235px;  
-	border: 1px solid #ccc;
-#header h1 { 
-	margin: 0;
-	margin-top: 140px;
-	/*margin-right: 280px;*/
-    padding: 0;
-    padding-left:30px;
-	font: bold italic 52px/100% georgia, times, serif;
-	color: #fff;
-#header p {
-	margin: 0;
-	/*margin-left: 280px;*/ /* == #header h1 */
-    padding: 0;
-    padding-left:30px;
-	text-transform: lowercase;
-	font: bold 18px/100% verdana, arial, sans-serif;
-	color: #fff;
-	padding: 35px;
-	margin: 0;
-	/*border: 1px solid red; */ /* debug */	
-	margin-right: 245px; 
-#content p {
-	/* border: 1px solid red; */ /* debug */
-/*    text-align: justify;*/
-	line-height: 160%;
-	margin: 1em 0;		
-	padding: 0;
-#content ul, #content ol, #content dl, #content blockquote {
-	line-height: 160%; 
-#content dd {
-    margin: 0;
-    margin-bottom: 10px;
-/* funky titles */
-#content h2 {
-/*	font: bold italic 24px/100% georgia, times, serif;*/
-	font: bold 18px/100% verdana, arial, sans-serif;
-	color: #069;
-	margin: 0;
-	margin-bottom: 4px; /* space up for datetime */
-	text-transform: lowercase;
-/*	font-variant: small-caps;*/
-#content p.dtm {
-	margin: 0; 
-	margin-bottom: 1em;
-	font-size: 80%;
-	text-transform: uppercase;
-div.entry {
-#content hr {
-    visibility: hidden;


-	padding: 0;	

-    margin: 2.5em auto;



-/* ...and finally we place the list of links */
-	float: right;
-/*    border: 1px solid #069;*/
-	margin: 0;
-    padding: 35px; 
-	width: 250px; 
-	voice-family: "\"}\"";   
-	voice-family: inherit;
-	width: 180px;
-#main>#sidebar {
-	width: 180px;
-#sidebar ul {
-	list-style: none;
-	margin: 0;	
-	margin-bottom: 25px;
-	padding: 0;	
-#sidebar ul li {
-	line-height: 150%; 
-	margin: 0;	
-	padding: 5px 0; 
-#sidebar ul#nav li {
-	line-height: 160%;  /* restore global value */
-	border-style: none;
-	background: none;
-	margin-bottom: 10px;
-	padding: 5px 0 5px 22px; /* space for arrow gfx */		
-	border-top: 1px solid #ccc;	
-	border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
-	text-transform: lowercase;
-/* funky titles */
-#sidebar h3 {
-	color: #069;
-	margin: 0;	
-	margin-bottom: 15px;	
-	padding: 0;
-/* styles for in-line images/photos */
-#content .image img {
-	display: block;		
-	border: 1px solid #444;
-#content .image {
-	margin: 1em auto;  /* == #content p*/
-	width: 360px;
-	position: relative;
-#content .image span {
- 	position: absolute;
-	background: #069;
-	color: #fff;
-	padding: 4px 4px;
- 	bottom: 10px;
-	left: 10px;
- 	z-index: 1;	
-	/* verdana looks better than arial if font is small */
-	font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;  
-	/* @@ fix IE5 here */
-	font-size: x-small;
-/* hyperlink */
-a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active {
-	color: #099;
-	text-decoration: none;
-	border-bottom: 1px solid #099;
-a:visited {
-	color: #444;
-	border-bottom-color: #444;
-a:hover {
-	color: #903;
-	/*border-bottom: 1px solid #903;*/
-	border-bottom: none;
-#footer {
-	margin: 0; 
-	margin-top: 20px; 
-	padding: 15px 0;		
-/*	background: #903;*/
-	clear: both;	  /* float reset */
-	text-align: center;
-	border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
-	font-size: 85%;
-/* utilities */
-.cut {clear: both; height: 1px;}
-.hidden {display: none;}
-ul#breadcrumb {
-	list-style: none;
-	/* reset both on Mozilla and IE */
-	padding: 0;	
-	margin: 0;
-	margin-bottom: 35px;		
-ul#breadcrumb li {
-	display: inline;
-	margin-right: 5px;
-	/*text-transform: lowercase;*/
-ul#breadcrumb li:last-child {
-	font-weight: bold;
-#searchBtn {
-	margin-left: 5px;
-/* -------------------------------------------------- */
-.photo {
-	float: left;
-	margin: 5px 0;
-	margin-right: 10px;
-    padding: 0;
-.photo a:link, .photo a:visited {
-    border: 1px solid #0099CC;    
-    display: block;
-.photo a:link:hover, .photo a:visited:hover {
-    border: 1px solid #903;
-.photo img {
-    display: block;
-    margin:0;
-    padding: 5px;
-    background: #fff;
-.transport {
-    width: auto;
-    /*border: 2px solid  #069;*/
-    text-align: center;
-    padding: 5px 0;
-#alert {
-    background: #069;
-    color: white;
-    font-weight: bold;
-    margin-bottom: 20px;
-#alert ul {
-    list-style: none;
-    padding: 0;
-    margin: 0;    
-#alert ul li {
-    margin: 5px 10px;
-/* @@ fix, it's ugly looking */
-.comment:target {
-    border: 1px solid #099;
-    text-align: center;
-    background: #ddd;
-    border: 1px solid #999999;
-    padding: 5px;
-#moblog {	
-	margin: 5px 0;
-    padding: 10px;
-#moblog   a:link, #moblog   a:visited {
-    border: 1px solid #0099CC;    
-    display: block;
-    width: 85px;
-    margin: 5px auto;
-#moblog  a:link:hover, #moblog  a:visited:hover {
-    border: 1px solid #903;
-#moblog  img {
-    display: block;
-    margin:0;    
-    padding: 5px;
-    background: #fff;
-#moblog  p {
-    padding: 0;
-    margin: 0;
-    text-align: center;

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/styles/typo.css'
--- Nevow/examples/blogengine/styles/typo.css	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/blogengine/styles/typo.css	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-/* --------------------
-definition list
-dl {
-dd {
-	margin-left: 1em;
-dt {
-/* --------------------
-phrase elements
-abbr, acronym
-	cursor: help; 
-    border-bottom: dotted 1px;
-ins, del 
-	text-decoration: none; /* some UAs reder as underlined, hence reset */
-	/* content: '[' */
-	/* content: ']' */
-/* --------------------
-block/inline quotations, 
-check: http://diveintomark.org/archives/2002/05/04/the_q_tag.html
-blockquote {
-   border-left: 4px double #6cc; 
-   padding: 0;
-   padding-left: 10px; 
-   margin: 0.5em 5%;
-cite, q {
-  font-style: italic;
-p>q, li>q, p>cite, li>cite { /* reset for mozilla, opera */
-  font-style: normal; 
-cite, q {
-  quotes: '\201C' '\201D' '\2018' '\2019'; /* quote and quote within quote */
-cite:before, q:before {
-  content: open-quote;
-cite:after, q:after {
-  content: close-quote;
-/* --------------------
-geeks'  markup codes
-pre, code {
-	font-size: 100%; /* reset size for IE */
-#content>pre {
-	width: auto; /* reset value for moz, opera */
-/* mostly used to indicate markup/language keywords*/
-code {
-	color: #6cc; 
-	font-weight: bold;

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/blogengine/ui.html'
--- Nevow/examples/blogengine/ui.html	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/blogengine/ui.html	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE html
-    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
-    "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd";>
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xml:lang="en" lang="en" xmlns:nevow="http://nevow.com/ns/nevow/0.1"; nevow:render="starttimer">
-    <head>
-        <title>Subbacultcha</title>
-        <style type="text/css">@import url('/styles/site.css');</style>
-        <style type="text/css">@import url('/webform_css');</style>
-    </head>
-    <body>
-        <div id="main">
-        <div id="header">
-            <h1>Subbacultcha</h1>
-            <p>not offending anyone</p>
-        </div>
-        <div id="sidebar"> 
-            <ul id="nav">        
-                <li><a id="a_home" href="/">Home</a></li>
-               <!--  <li><a id="a_archives"  title="" href="#">Archives</a></li>        -->
-                <li nevow:render="insert"><a href="#">
-                        <nevow:attr name="href"><nevow:slot name="insert" /></nevow:attr>
-                        Insert a new entry
-                    </a>
-                </li>
-            </ul>
-        </div>
-        <div id="content">        
-        <div nevow:data="getEntries" nevow:render="sequence">
-            <div nevow:pattern="item" nevow:render="entries">
-                <h2><nevow:slot name="title" /></h2>                
-                <!-- <p><nevow:slot name="modification"></nevow:slot></p> -->
-                <p><nevow:slot name="content"></nevow:slot></p>
-                <p>
-                    <a href="#">
-                        <nevow:attr name="href"><nevow:slot name="permaLink" /></nevow:attr>
-                        PermaLink
-                    </a>
-                    &bull;
-                    <nevow:invisible nevow:render="editer">
-                    <a href="#">
-                    <nevow:attr name="href"><nevow:slot name="editPost" /></nevow:attr>
-                    Edit
-                    </a>
-                    </nevow:invisible>
-                </p>
-                <p>Posted by <nevow:slot name="author"></nevow:slot> on <nevow:slot name="modification" />, filed under <nevow:slot name="category" /></p>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <!-- /content -->
-        <nevow:invisible nevow:render="needForms">
-            <p>Edit Entry</p>
-            <div nevow:pattern="frm" nevow:render="forms" />
-        </nevow:invisible>
-        </div>
-        <div id="footer">
-            <p>Served in <span nevow:render="stoptimer" /></p>
-            <p>CSS by Andrea 'deelan' Peltrin, <a href="http://www.deelan.com/";>website</a></p>
-        </div>        
-        <!-- /main -->
-        </div>
-    </body>

=== modified file 'Nevow/examples/children/children.py'
--- Nevow/examples/children/children.py	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/children/children.py	2011-07-26 00:42:36 +0000
@@ -82,10 +82,6 @@
         # Let parent class have a go first
-        # WARNING: This 3 lines work well until you use formless in this page
-        # because formless will make locateChild return only one return value
-        # (a deferred) on which you should add a callback that accepts a resource and 
-        # an empty tuple that represents no remaining segments.
         child, remainingSegments = rend.Page.locateChild(self, ctx, segments)
         if child:
             return child, remainingSegments

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/customform'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/customform/__init__.py'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/customform/customform.py'
--- Nevow/examples/customform/customform.py	2006-03-17 15:00:39 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/customform/customform.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-# Example of using patterns to change the appearance of a webform.
-#from twisted.application import internet, service
-#from twisted.web import static
-from zope.interface import implements
-from nevow import rend
-from nevow import url
-from nevow import loaders
-from nevow import tags as T
-from formless import annotate
-from formless import webform
-# This beasty defines how I want the form to look. It's a table (eek!).
-# webform looks for patterns to use when rendering parts of the form and fills
-# slots with key information.
-# Key patterns are:
-#   freeform-form   -- the form itself, mostly just the structure
-#   argument        -- the pattern to use for arguments when nothing better
-#                      is found
-#   argument!!fo    -- the pattern to use for the 'fo' argument
-# Inside the patterns the following slots are filled:
-#   freeform-form:
-#     form-action       -- action attribute, where the form will be posted
-#     form-id           -- id of the form
-#     form-name         -- name of the form
-#     form-label        -- form label, extracted from the docstring
-#     form-description  -- description, also extracted from the docstring
-#     form-error        -- "global" error
-#     form-arguments    -- insertion point for the arguments' HTML
-#   argument:
-#     label             -- label
-#     input             -- the form element (input, textarea, etc)
-#     error             -- error message (if any)
-#     description       -- description of argument
-# Note that you do not have to provide slots for all of the above. For
-# instance, you may not want to display the descriptions.
-# Chances are that this block of text would be in a disk template or
-# perhaps defined using stan in a taglib module.
-FORM_LAYOUT = loaders.xmlstr(
-    """<?xml version="1.0"?>
-    <form xmlns:n="http://nevow.com/ns/nevow/0.1"; n:pattern="freeform-form">
-      <!-- Replace/fill the form attributes -->
-      <n:attr name="action"><n:slot name="form-action"/></n:attr>
-      <n:attr name="id"><n:slot name="form-id"/></n:attr>
-      <n:attr name="name"><n:slot name="form-name"/></n:attr>
-      <!-- General form information -->
-      <p><strong><n:slot name="form-label"/></strong></p>
-      <p><em><n:slot name="form-description"/></em></p>
-      <p><strong><em><n:slot name="form-error"/></em></strong></p>
-      <!-- Start of the form layout table -->
-      <table style="background: #eee; border: 1px solid #bbb; padding: 1em;" >
-        <!-- Mark location arguments will be added -->
-        <n:slot name="form-arguments"/>
-        <!-- General argument layout pattern -->
-        <n:invisible n:pattern="argument" n:render="remove">
-          <tr>
-            <th><n:slot name="label"/>:</th>
-            <td><n:slot name="input"/><span class="freeform-error"><n:slot name="error"/></span></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <th></th>
-            <td><n:slot name="description"/></td>
-          </tr>
-        </n:invisible>
-        <!-- Argument layout, just for fum -->
-        <n:invisible n:pattern="argument!!fo" n:render="remove">
-          <tr>
-            <th><n:slot name="label"/>:</th>
-            <td>
-              <textarea cols="40" rows="5"><n:attr name="id"><n:slot name="id"/></n:attr><n:attr name="name"><n:slot name="name"/></n:attr><n:slot name="value"/></textarea>
-              <span class="freeform-error"><n:slot name="error"/></span></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <th></th>
-            <td><n:slot name="description"/></td>
-          </tr>
-        </n:invisible>
-        <!-- Button row -->
-        <tr>
-          <td colspan="2">
-            <n:slot name="form-button"/>
-          </td>
-        </tr>
-      </table>
-    </form>
-    """).load()
-# ISomething and Page are just something to test the form rendering on.
-class ISomething(annotate.TypedInterface):
-    def doSomething(
-        ctx = annotate.Context(),
-        fee = annotate.String(required=True, description="Wee!"),
-        fi = annotate.Integer(description="Tra-la-la"),
-        fo = annotate.Text(),
-        fum = annotate.String(),
-        ):
-        """Do Something Really Exciting
-        Normally you would put a useful description of the interface here but,
-        since the inteface is useless anyway, I cannot think of anything
-        useful to say about it. Although ... did I mention it is useless?"""
-    doSomething = annotate.autocallable(doSomething)
-class Root(rend.Page):
-    """Render a custom and normal form for an ISomething.
-    """
-    implements(ISomething)
-    addSlash = True
-    child_webform_css = webform.defaultCSS
-    def render_normalForm(self, ctx, data):
-        return webform.renderForms()
-    def render_customForm(self, ctx, data):
-        return webform.renderForms()[FORM_LAYOUT]
-    def doSomething(self, ctx, **kwargs):
-        print '***** doSomething called with:', kwargs
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(
-        T.html[
-            T.head[
-                T.title['Example :: Custom Form Layout'],
-                T.link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href=url.here.child("webform_css")),
-                ],
-            T.body[
-                T.h1['Custom'],
-                render_customForm,
-                T.h1['Default'],
-                render_normalForm,
-                ]
-            ]
-        )
-#application = service.Application('hellostan')
-#webServer = internet.TCPServer(8080, appserver.NevowSite(Root()))

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/db'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/db/__init__.py'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/db/db.py'
--- Nevow/examples/db/db.py	2006-04-14 17:23:46 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/db/db.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import implements
-from nevow import inevow
-from nevow import loaders
-from nevow import rend
-from nevow import tags
-from nevow.url import here
-from formless import annotate
-from formless import webform
-whole = [(1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'buckle'), (4, 'my'), (5, 'shoe')]
-def doQuery(q, *args):
-    """Pretend like we have a database and we are accessing it through this hypothetical interface.
-    Ignore this. Use dbapi or adbapi instead, and build a real sql table. I hope that's obvious.
-    """
-    matchid = 'select * from foo where id ='
-    setsql = 'update foo set subject = '
-    insertsql = 'insert into foo values'
-    if q == 'select * from foo':
-        return whole
-    elif q.startswith(matchid):
-        theId = args[0]
-        for dbid, subj in whole:
-            if dbid == theId:
-                return [(dbid, subj)]
-        raise KeyError, theId
-    elif q.startswith(setsql):
-        newsubj, theId = args
-        for index, (dbid, subj) in enumerate(whole):
-            if dbid == theId:
-                whole[index] = (dbid, newsubj)
-    elif q.startswith(insertsql):
-        max = whole[-1][0]
-        subject, = args
-        whole.append((max + 1, subject))
-class IAddItem(annotate.TypedInterface):
-    def addItem(newSubject=annotate.String()):
-        pass
-    addItem = annotate.autocallable(addItem)
-class DBBrowser(rend.Page):
-    implements(IAddItem)
-    addSlash = True
-    def addItem(self, newSubject):
-        doQuery('insert into foo values subject = "%s"', newSubject)
-    def data_queryDatabase(self, context, data):
-        return doQuery('select * from foo')
-    def render_row(self, context, data):
-        theId, theSubj = data
-        return context.tag[ # put our anchor in the li provided by the template
-            tags.a(href=theId)[ theSubj ]
-        ]
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(
-        tags.html[
-            tags.body[
-                tags.h1["Welcome, user"],
-                tags.ul(data=tags.directive("queryDatabase"), render=tags.directive("sequence"))[
-                    tags.li(pattern="item", render=render_row)
-                    ],
-                webform.renderForms()
-                ]
-            ]
-        )
-    def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
-        """Since we created anchor tags linking to children of this resource
-        directly by id, when the anchor is clicked, childFactory will be called
-        with the appropriate id as the name argument."""
-        try:
-            ## Pass the id of the database item we want to be rendered on this page
-            ## to the DBItem constructor. This integer will be used as the default data
-            ## for this page.
-            return DBItem(int(name))
-        except ValueError:
-            pass
-            ## returning None results in a 404
-class IItemWithSubject(annotate.TypedInterface):
-    def setSubject(newSubject=annotate.String(label="Change Subject")):
-        pass
-    setSubject = annotate.autocallable(setSubject)
-class DBItem(rend.Page):
-    implements(IItemWithSubject)
-    addSlash=True
-    def setSubject(self, newSubject):
-        ## Self.original is the data that was passed to the DBItem constructor above; the id of this record
-        doQuery('update foo set subject = "%s" where id = %s', newSubject, self.original)
-    def render_viewSelector(self, context, data):
-        args = inevow.IRequest(context).args
-        view = args.get('view', ['view'])[0]
-        if view == 'view':
-            selector = "View | ", tags.a(href=here.add('view','edit'))[ "Edit" ]
-            editor = ''
-        else:
-            selector = tags.a(href=here.add('view','view'))["View"], " | Edit"
-            editor = context.onePattern('edit')() # get one copy of the edit pattern
-        viewer = context.onePattern('view')() # get one copy of the view pattern
-        return selector, viewer, editor
-    def render_itemDetail(self, context, data):
-        theId, theSubject = doQuery('select * from foo where id = %s', self.original)[0]
-        return tags.h2["Object ", theId], tags.span["Subject: ", theSubject]
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(
-        tags.html[
-            tags.body[
-                tags.p[tags.a(href=here.parent())["Up"]],
-                tags.div(render=render_viewSelector)[
-                    tags.p(pattern="edit")[webform.renderForms()],
-                    tags.p(pattern="view")[render_itemDetail]
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        )

=== modified file 'Nevow/examples/examples.tac'
--- Nevow/examples/examples.tac	2009-07-06 12:22:09 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/examples.tac	2011-07-26 00:42:36 +0000
@@ -22,22 +22,15 @@
 import sys
-    from advanced_manualform import advanced_manualform
-    from customform import customform
     from disktemplates import disktemplates
     from disktemplates import disktemplates_stan
     from simple import simple
     from simple import simplehtml
-    from tree import tree
-    from formpost import formpost2
-    from formpost import formpost
     from children import children
     from children import childrenhtml
     from table import tablehtml
     from irenderer import irenderer
     from irenderer import simple_irenderer
-    from formbuilder import formbuilder
-    from db import db
     from hello import hellohtml
     from hello import hellostan
     from canvas import canvas
@@ -58,13 +51,8 @@
     from cal import cal
     from tabbed import tabbed
     from progress import progress
-    from tests import testformless, testexamples
+    from tests import testexamples
     from nevow import livetest
-    from athenademo import calculator
-    from athenademo import typeahead
-    from athenademo import widgets
-    from athenademo import benchmark
 except ImportError, e:
     if str(e).find('No module named') != -1:
         msg = """
@@ -127,21 +115,15 @@
     child_sources.contentTypes = {}
     child_cssfile = static.File('index.css')
     children = dict(
-        customform=customform.Root(),
-        tree=tree.Tree('base', 'base'),
-        formpost2=formpost2.FormPage(formpost2.Implementation()),
-        formpost=formpost.FormPage(),
-        formbuilder=formbuilder.FormBuilder(),
-        db=db.DBBrowser(),
@@ -149,7 +131,6 @@
-        advanced_manualform=advanced_manualform.Page(),
@@ -165,12 +146,8 @@
-        testformless=testformless.NameWizard(),
-        formless_redirector=testformless.Redirector(),
-        formless_tests=testformless.formless_tests,
-        typeahead=typeahead.DataEntry(),
     def child_calculator(self, ctx):

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/formbuilder'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/formbuilder/__init__.py'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/formbuilder/formbuilder.py'
--- Nevow/examples/formbuilder/formbuilder.py	2006-04-14 17:23:46 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/formbuilder/formbuilder.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-## formbuilder
-from zope.interface import implements
-from nevow import rend
-from nevow import loaders
-from nevow import tags as T
-from nevow import util
-from formless import annotate
-from formless import webform
-from formless import configurable
-from twisted.python import reflect
-class BuilderCore(configurable.Configurable):
-    def __init__(self):
-        configurable.Configurable.__init__(self, None)
-        self.formElements = []
-    def getBindingNames(self, ctx):
-        return ['form']
-    def bind_form(self, ctx):
-        return annotate.MethodBinding(
-            'action',
-            annotate.Method(arguments=self.formElements))
-    def action(self, **kw):
-        print "ACTION!", kw
-    def addElement(self, name, type):
-        self.formElements.append(
-            annotate.Argument(name, type()))
-allTypes = [annotate.String, annotate.Text, annotate.Integer, annotate.Real, annotate.Password]
-typeChoice = annotate.Choice(choices=allTypes, valueToKey=reflect.qual, keyToValue=reflect.namedAny, stringify=lambda x: x.__name__)
-class IFormBuilder(annotate.TypedInterface):
-    def addElement(name=annotate.String(required=True), type=typeChoice):
-        """Add Element
-        Add an element to this form.
-        """
-        pass
-    addElement = annotate.autocallable(addElement)
-    def clearForm():
-        """Clear Form
-        Clear this form.
-        """
-    clearForm = annotate.autocallable(clearForm)
-class FormBuilder(rend.Page):
-    implements(IFormBuilder)
-    addSlash = True
-    def __init__(self):
-        rend.Page.__init__(self)
-        self.clearForm()
-    def configurable_formBuilder(self, ctx):
-        return configurable.TypedInterfaceConfigurable(self)
-    def configurable_dynamicForm(self, ctx):
-        return self.builderCore
-    def addElement(self, name, type):
-        self.builderCore.addElement(name, type)
-    def clearForm(self):
-        self.builderCore = BuilderCore()
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(T.html[
-    T.head[
-        T.title["Form builder!"]],
-        T.style(type="text/css")[
-            open(util.resource_filename('formless', 'freeform-default.css')).read()],
-    T.body[
-        T.h1["Welcome to form builder"],
-        webform.renderForms('formBuilder'),
-        T.h2["Here is your form:"],
-        webform.renderForms('dynamicForm')]])
-## Startup glue
-from nevow import appserver
-from twisted.application import service
-from twisted.application import internet
-application = service.Application('formbuilder')
-internet.TCPServer(8080, appserver.NevowSite(FormBuilder())).setServiceParent(application)

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/formpost'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/formpost/__init__.py'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/formpost/formpost.py'
--- Nevow/examples/formpost/formpost.py	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/formpost/formpost.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# -*- python -*-
-from zope.interface import implements
-from nevow import loaders
-from nevow import rend
-from nevow import tags
-from nevow import url
-from formless import annotate
-from formless import webform
-class IMyForm(annotate.TypedInterface):
-    foo = annotate.Integer()
-class FormPage(rend.Page):
-    implements(IMyForm)
-    addSlash = True
-    child_webform_css = webform.defaultCSS
-    # We need this to implement IMyForm
-    foo = 5
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(
-        tags.html[
-            tags.head[
-                tags.link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href=url.here.child('webform_css')),
-                ],
-            tags.body[
-                "Hello! Here is a form:",
-                # We want to render the "default" configurable.
-                # This is located in Page.configurable_() and is going to be
-                # 'self' (which, as you see above, implements IMyForm).
-                webform.renderForms(),
-                ],
-            ],
-        )

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/formpost/formpost2.py'
--- Nevow/examples/formpost/formpost2.py	2006-03-22 18:03:26 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/formpost/formpost2.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# -*- python -*-
-from zope.interface import implements
-from nevow import loaders
-from nevow import rend
-from nevow import tags
-from nevow import inevow
-from nevow import url
-from formless import annotate
-from formless import webform
-from twisted.internet import defer
-#oldChoicesWay = annotate.Choice(choicesAttribute='theChoices') # Doing this gives you a DeprecationWarning now
-# If you still want to use an attribute or method of some other object, you should use a function as shown below,
-# but look up IResource(ctx) or IConfigurable(ctx), whichever is more appropriate.
-newChoicesWay = annotate.Choice(lambda c, d: range(30))
-deferChoicesWay = annotate.Choice(lambda c, d: defer.succeed(['abcd', 'efgh', 'ijkl']))
-radioChoices = annotate.Radio(["Old", "Tyme", "Radio"])
-## An example of using custom valueToKey and keyToValue functions to serialize/deserialize items
-values = {0: dict(name="Zero", stuff=1234), 1: dict(name="One", stuff=1234), 2: dict(name="Two", stuff=2345435)}
-customValueToKey = annotate.Choice(
-    [0, 1, 2], # Perhaps these are primary keys in a database
-    stringify=lambda x: values[x]['name'], # Do a database lookup to render a nice label in the ui
-    valueToKey=str,                                  # Convert the primary key to a value suitable for sending across the web
-    keyToValue=lambda x: values[int(x)]) # Do a database lookup to get the actual value to pass to the binding
-class IMyForm(annotate.TypedInterface):
-    foo = annotate.Integer()
-    def bar(baz=annotate.Integer(), 
-        slam=newChoicesWay, ham=deferChoicesWay, radio=radioChoices, custom=customValueToKey):
-        pass
-    bar = annotate.autocallable(bar)
-class Implementation(object):
-    implements(IMyForm)
-    foo = 5
-    def bar(self, baz, slam, ham, radio, custom):
-        return "You called bar! %s %s %s %s %r" % (baz, slam, ham, radio, custom)
-    theChoices = [1, 2, 3]
-class FormPage(rend.Page):
-    addSlash = True
-    child_webform_css = webform.defaultCSS
-    def render_hand(self, ctx, data):
-        hand = inevow.IHand(ctx, None)
-        if hand is not None:
-            return ctx.tag[hand]
-        return ''
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(
-        tags.html[
-            tags.head[
-                tags.link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href=url.here.child('webform_css')),
-                ],
-            tags.body[
-                tags.h3(render=render_hand, style="color: red; font-size: xx-large"),
-                "Hello! Here is a form:",
-                # We want to render forms defined by the Implementation instance.
-                # When we pass the Implementation instance to FormPage below,
-                # rend.Page sets it as the .original attribute. To tell webform to render
-                # forms described by this object, we use the configurable name "original".
-                webform.renderForms('original'),
-                ],
-            ],
-        )

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/image_uploader'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/image_uploader/images.py'
--- Nevow/examples/image_uploader/images.py	2006-01-22 00:10:42 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/image_uploader/images.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import implements, Interface
-from axiom import store, item
-from axiom.attributes import text, bytes
-class IImages(Interface):
-    pass
-class Image(item.Item):
-    title = text()
-    author = text()
-    image = bytes()
-    hash = text()
-class Application(item.Item, item.InstallableMixin):
-    implements(IImages)
-    name = text()
-    def installOn(self, other):
-        super(Application, self).installOn(other)
-        other.powerUp(self, IImages)
-    def getImages(self, how_many=None):
-        return self.store.query(Image, limit=how_many, sort=Image.storeID.descending)
-    def getOne(self, hash):
-        return self.store.findUnique(Image, Image.hash==hash)
-def initialize():
-   s = store.Store('imagination.axiom')
-   images = IImages(s, None)
-   if not images:
-       Application(store=s, name=u'Imagination').installOn(s)
-   return s

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/image_uploader/imagination.py'
--- Nevow/examples/image_uploader/imagination.py	2006-03-17 15:00:39 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/image_uploader/imagination.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import implements
-from nevow import loaders, rend, tags as t, static, url
-from formless import webform, annotate
-from images import Image, IImages
-import random
-from string import ascii_letters as alpha # ohhh...
-alphaDigit = alpha + '0123456789'
-def label(length=None):
-   """
-   Return one of 183,123,959,522,816 possible labels.
-   """
-   first = random.choice(alpha)
-   rest = [random.choice(alphaDigit) for i in xrange(length or 7)]
-   newLabel = first + ''.join(rest)
-   return newLabel
-class IInsert(annotate.TypedInterface):
-    def insert(ctx = annotate.Context(),
-               title = annotate.String(),
-               author = annotate.String(),
-               image = annotate.FileUpload(required=True,
-                                           requiredFailMessage="Must upload something")
-               ):
-        """ Insert a new image """
-    insert = annotate.autocallable(insert, action="New Image")
-class TransactionalPage(rend.Page):
-    adaptsToStore = False
-    def __init__(self, store, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(TransactionalPage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.store = store
-    def locateChild(self, ctx, segments):
-        return self.store.transact(super(TransactionalPage, self).locateChild, ctx, segments)
-    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
-        return self.store.transact(super(TransactionalPage, self).renderHTTP, ctx)
-class Root(TransactionalPage):
-    child_webform_css = webform.defaultCSS
-    implements(IInsert)
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(
-        t.html[
-            t.head[
-                t.title['Imagination'],
-                t.link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href=url.root.child('webform_css'))
-            ],
-            t.body[
-                webform.renderForms(),
-                t.ul(render=t.directive("sequence"), 
-                     data=t.directive("images"))[
-                         t.li(pattern="item", render=t.directive("image")),
-                         t.li(pattern="empty")["No images yet"]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
-    )
-    def data_images(self, ctx, data):
-        return IImages(self.store).getImages(15)
-    def render_image(self, ctx, data):
-        return t.a(href=url.root.child('fs').child(data.hash))[data.title]
-    def insert(self, ctx, title, author, image):
-        img = Image(store=self.store,
-                    image=image.value,
-                    title=title.decode('utf-8'),
-                    author=author.decode('utf-8'),
-                    hash=label().decode('utf-8'))
-    def locateChild(self, ctx, segments):
-        if segments[0] == 'fs':
-            data = IImages(self.store).getOne(segments[1].decode('utf-8'))
-            return static.Data(data.image, 'image/jpeg'), ()
-        return super(Root, self).locateChild(ctx, segments)

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/image_uploader/imagination.tac'
--- Nevow/examples/image_uploader/imagination.tac	2006-01-22 00:10:42 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/image_uploader/imagination.tac	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.application import service, strports
-from nevow import appserver
-import imagination, images
-application = service.Application('image_uploader')
-db = images.initialize()
-site = appserver.NevowSite(resource = imagination.Root(db))
-strports.service("8080", site).setServiceParent(application)

=== modified file 'Nevow/examples/index.html'
--- Nevow/examples/index.html	2009-07-06 12:22:09 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/index.html	2011-07-26 00:42:36 +0000
@@ -69,17 +69,11 @@
       <li><a href="/tests/">Run basic tests</a></li>
-      <li><a href="/formless_tests/">Run formless tests</a></li>
       <li><a href="/livetests/">Run livepage example tests</a></li>
       <li><a href="/testtests/tests/">Test test harness</a></li>
-    <p>Athena also has <a href="/athenatest/">some tests</a>, although
-    there is not yet a fancy test runner like the one demonstrated
-    above.</p>
     <h1 id="examples">Examples Listing</h1>
@@ -427,122 +421,6 @@
-        <span>Advanced manual form example</span>
-        <div class="source">
-          <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width=
-          "100%">
-            <tbody>
-              <tr>
-                <td>Stan Source</td>
-                <td width="100%"><a href=
-                "sources/advanced_manualform/advanced_manualform.py">
-                advanced_manualform.py</a></td>
-              </tr>
-            </tbody>
-          </table>Live example: <a href=
-          "advanced_manualform/">form</a>
-        </div>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <span>Formless example</span>
-        <div class="source">
-          <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width=
-          "100%">
-            <tbody>
-              <tr>
-                <td>Stan Source</td>
-                <td width="100%"><a href=
-                "sources/formpost/formpost.py">formpost.py</a></td>
-              </tr>
-            </tbody>
-          </table>Live example: <a href="formpost/">formpost</a>
-        </div>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <span>Another formless example, but a little bit more
-        complex</span>
-        <div class="source">
-          <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width=
-          "100%">
-            <tbody>
-              <tr>
-                <td>Stan Source</td>
-                <td width="100%"><a href=
-                "sources/formpost/formpost2.py">formpost2.py</a></td>
-              </tr>
-            </tbody>
-          </table>Live example: <a href="formpost2/">formpost2</a>
-        </div>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <span><b>[0.5]</b>Using formless to create multi-step
-        wizards by returning Page instances from
-        autocallables</span>
-        <div class="source">
-          <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width=
-          "100%">
-            <tbody>
-              <tr>
-                <td>Stan Source</td>
-                <td width="100%"><a href=
-                "sources/tests/testformless.py">tests/testformless.py</a></td>
-              </tr>
-            </tbody>
-          </table>Live example: <a href=
-          "testformless">testformless</a>
-        </div>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <span><b>[0.5]</b>Using formless, return a URL instance
-        from an autocallable to redirect to it</span>
-        <div class="source">
-          <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width=
-          "100%">
-            <tbody>
-              <tr>
-                <td>Stan Source</td>
-                <td width="100%"><a href=
-                "sources/tests/testformless.py">tests/testformless.py</a></td>
-              </tr>
-            </tbody>
-          </table>Live example: <a href=
-          "formless_redirector">formless_redirector</a>
-        </div>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <span>Example of interacting with a database</span>
-        <div class="source">
-          <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width=
-          "100%">
-            <tbody>
-              <tr>
-                <td>Stan Source:</td>
-                <td width="100%"><a href=
-                "sources/db/db.py">db.py</a></td>
-              </tr>
-            </tbody>
-          </table>Live examples: <a href="db/">db</a>
-        </div>
-      </li>
-      <li>
         <span>An example of using HTTP Basic Auth for simple
@@ -637,25 +515,6 @@
-        <span>Dynamically build your forms</span>
-        <div class="source">
-          <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width=
-          "100%">
-            <tbody>
-              <tr>
-                <td>Stan Source</td>
-                <td width="100%"><a href=
-                "sources/formbuilder/formbuilder.py">formbuilder.py</a></td>
-              </tr>
-            </tbody>
-          </table>Live example: <a href=
-          "formbuilder/">formbuilder</a>
-        </div>
-      </li>
-      <li>
         <span>Adapting an object to the IRenderer interface in
         order to make it render itself</span>
@@ -695,24 +554,6 @@
-        <span>Handling and building a Tree structure dynamically on
-        yor site</span>
-        <div class="source">
-          <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
-            <tbody>
-              <tr>
-                <td>Stan Source</td>
-                <td width="100%"><a href=
-                "sources/tree/tree.py">tree.py</a></td>
-              </tr>
-            </tbody>
-          </table>Live example: <a href="tree/">tree</a>
-        </div>
-      </li>
-      <li>
         <span>Simple example of text localisation</span>
         <div class="source">
@@ -961,22 +802,6 @@
-        <span>Pastebin example with nevow</span>
-        <div class="source">
-          Source: <a href="sources/pastebin">pastebin</a>
-        </div>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <span>Blog engine</span>
-        <div class="source">
-          Source: <a href="sources/blogengine">blogengine</a>
-        </div>
-      </li>
-      <li>
         <span>Link storage webservice (uses Twisted's
@@ -984,23 +809,6 @@
           Source: <a href="sources/postit">postit</a>
-      <li>
-        <span>Todo list with rails like file structure (requires
-        pgasync 1.3b and postgres)</span>
-        <div class="source">
-          Source: <a href="sources/todo">todo</a>
-        </div>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <span>Image uploader that uses axiom</span>
-        <div class="source">
-          Source: <a href="sources/image_uploader">imagination</a>
-        </div>
-      </li>

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/pastebin'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/TODO'
--- Nevow/examples/pastebin/TODO	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/pastebin/TODO	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Syntax highlighting: Python, HTML, diff etc
-Coloured diff view
-Cookie to save author
-UI - move menu etc to right
-View | Edit when viewing latest revision
-Line numbers
-Wrap the syntax highlighted bit.
-Syntax highligh options:
-t.p.htmlizer, enscript, webcpp, SilverCity
-copy source code highlight code from viewcvs

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/data'
=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin.tac'
--- Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin.tac	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin.tac	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.application import strports
-from twisted.application import service
-from twisted.web import static
-from nevow import appserver
-from nevow import vhost
-from pastebin import interfaces
-from pastebin.service import FSPasteBinService
-from pastebin.web import pages
-application = service.Application('pastebin')
-pastebin = FSPasteBinService('data')
-appResource = pages.RootPage(pastebin)
-appResource.putChild('robots.txt', static.File('static/robots.txt'))
-vResource = vhost.VHostMonsterResource()
-appResource.putChild('vhost', vResource)
-strports.service("8080", appserver.NevowSite(appResource)).setServiceParent(application)

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin/__init__.py'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin/interfaces.py'
--- Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin/interfaces.py	2006-03-08 14:28:41 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin/interfaces.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import Interface
-class IPasteBin(Interface):
-    def getListOfPastings(limit=None):
-        """
-        (oid, author, time) tuples
-        """
-        pass
-    def getPasting(oid):
-        pass
-    def addPasting(author, text):
-        pass
-    def updatePasting(oid, author, text):
-        pass

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin/pasting.py'
--- Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin/pasting.py	2006-03-08 14:28:41 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin/pasting.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import Interface
-class IPasting(Interface):
-    def getLatestVersion():
-        """Return the latest version"""
-    def getVersion(version):
-        """Get a specific version"""
-    def getHistory():
-        """Get the history of the pasting as a list of (version, author, time) tuples."""
-class IVersion(Interface):
-    def getAuthor():
-        pass
-    def getText():
-        pass
-    def getTime():
-        pass

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin/service.py'
--- Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin/service.py	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin/service.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-import cPickle as pickle
-import os.path
-import time
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.application import service
-from twisted.python import log
-from pastebin import interfaces
-from pastebin import pasting
-class Record(object):
-    def __init__(self, oid, author, time):
-        self.oid = oid
-        self.author = author
-        self.time = time
-        self.version = 0
-class FSPasteBinService(service.Service):
-    implements(interfaces.IPasteBin)
-    def __init__(self, storageDir):
-        self._dir = storageDir
-    def getListOfPastings(self, limit=None):
-        if limit is None:
-            limited = self._index
-        else:
-            limited = self._index[0:limit]
-        return [(r.oid, r.author, r.time) for r in limited]
-    def _makeFilename(self, name):
-        return os.path.join(self._dir, name)
-    def _loadPastingData(self, oid):
-        f = file(self._makeFilename(str(oid)), 'rb')
-        return pickle.load(f)
-    def _savePastingData(self, oid, data):
-        f = file(self._makeFilename(str(oid)), 'wb')
-        pickle.dump(data, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
-    def getPasting(self, oid):
-        data = self._loadPastingData(oid)
-        return Pasting(data)
-    def addPasting(self, author, text):
-        oid = self._nextOid
-        now = time.gmtime()
-        data = [{'author':author, 'time':now, 'text':text}]
-        self._savePastingData(oid, data)
-        self._index.insert(0, Record(oid, author, now))
-        self._nextOid += 1
-        return oid
-    def updatePasting(self, oid, author, text):
-        now = time.gmtime()
-        data = self._loadPastingData(oid)
-        data.append({'author':author, 'time':now, 'text':text})
-        self._savePastingData(oid, data)
-        for i, r in enumerate(self._index):
-            if r.oid == oid:
-                r.time = now
-                self._index.insert(0,self._index.pop(i))
-    def startService(self):
-        log.msg('Loading index')
-        try:
-            f = file(self._makeFilename('index'), 'rb')
-            d = pickle.load(f)
-            self._index = d['index']
-            self._nextOid = d['nextOid']
-        except IOError:
-            self._index = []
-            self._nextOid = 1
-    def stopService(self):
-        log.msg('Storing index')
-        d = {'index':self._index, 'nextOid':self._nextOid}
-        f = file(self._makeFilename('index'), 'wb')
-        pickle.dump(d, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
-class Pasting(object):
-    implements(pasting.IPasting)
-    def __init__(self, data):
-        self._data = data
-    def getLatestVersion(self):
-        return self.getVersion(-1)
-    def getVersion(self, version):
-        return Version(self._data[version])
-    def getHistory(self):
-        history = [(i,d['author'],d['time']) for i,d in enumerate(self._data)]
-        history.reverse()
-        return history
-class Version:
-    implements(pasting.IVersion)
-    def __init__(self, data):
-        self._data = data
-    def getAuthor(self):
-        return self._data['author']
-    def getText(self):
-        return self._data['text']
-    def getTime(self):
-        return self._data['time']

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin/web'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin/web/__init__.py'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin/web/pages.py'
--- Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin/web/pages.py	2006-04-14 17:23:46 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/pastebin/pastebin/web/pages.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-import time
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import htmlizer
-from twisted.web import static
-from nevow import loaders
-from nevow import rend
-from nevow import tags
-from nevow import url
-from formless import annotate
-from formless import iformless
-from formless import webform
-ANONYMOUS = 'anonymous'
-# Text colourisers (aka syntax highlighting)
-def _python_colouriser(text):
-    out = StringIO()
-    try:
-        htmlizer.filter(StringIO(text), out)
-    except AttributeError:
-        out = StringIO("""Starting after Nevow 0.4.1 Twisted
-2.0 is a required dependency. Please install it""")
-    return out.getvalue()
-_colourisers = {
-    'python': _python_colouriser
-    }
-# Formless
-class IAddPasting(annotate.TypedInterface):
-    def addPasting(
-        request=annotate.Request(),
-        author=annotate.String(strip=True),
-        text=annotate.Text(strip=True, required=True)):
-        pass
-    addPasting = annotate.autocallable(addPasting)
-class IEditPasting(annotate.TypedInterface):
-    def editPasting(
-        request=annotate.Request(),
-        postedBy=annotate.String(immutable=1),
-        author=annotate.String(strip=True),
-        text=annotate.Text(strip=True, required=True)):
-        pass
-    editPasting = annotate.autocallable(editPasting)
-# "Standard" renderers
-def render_time(theTime):
-    def _(context, data):
-        return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z', theTime)
-    return _
-def render_pastingText(text):
-    def _(context, data):
-        colouriser = _colourisers.get('python')
-        if colouriser:
-            return tags.xml(colouriser(text))
-        return tags.pre[tags.xml(text)]
-    return _
-def render_pasting(version):
-    def _(context, data):
-        context.fillSlots('author', version.getAuthor() or ANONYMOUS)
-        time = context.fillSlots('time', render_time(version.getTime()))
-        text = context.fillSlots('text', render_pastingText(version.getText()))
-        return context.tag
-    return _
-class BasePage(rend.Page):
-    docFactory = loaders.htmlfile(templateDir='templates', template='site.html')
-    child_css = static.File('static/css')
-    child_images = static.File('static/images')
-    def data_pastings(self, context, data):
-        return self.pastebin.getListOfPastings(20)
-    def render_pasting(self, context, data):
-        oid, author, time = data
-        context.tag.fillSlots('url', url.root.child(str(oid)))
-        context.tag.fillSlots('id', oid)
-        context.tag.fillSlots('author', author or ANONYMOUS)
-        return context.tag
-    def render_content(self, context, data):
-        tag = context.tag.clear()
-        tag[loaders.htmlfile(templateDir='templates', template=self.contentTemplateFile)]
-        return tag
-class RootPage(BasePage):
-    implements(IAddPasting)
-    addSlash = True
-    def __init__(self, pastebin):
-        BasePage.__init__(self)
-        self.pastebin = pastebin
-    def locateChild(self, context, segments):
-        try:
-            return Pasting(self.pastebin, int(segments[0])), segments[1:]
-        except ValueError:
-            pass
-        return BasePage.locateChild(self, context, segments)
-    def render_content(self, context, data):
-        tag = context.tag.clear()
-        return tag[webform.renderForms()]
-    def addPasting(self, request, author, text):
-        oid = self.pastebin.addPasting(author, text)
-        request.setComponent(iformless.IRedirectAfterPost, '/'+str(oid))
-class Pasting(BasePage):
-    implements(IEditPasting)
-    contentTemplateFile = 'pasting.html'
-    def __init__(self, pastebin, pastingOid, version=-1):
-        BasePage.__init__(self)
-        self.pastebin = pastebin
-        self.pastingOid = pastingOid
-        self.version = version
-        self.pasting = self.pastebin.getPasting(self.pastingOid)
-    def locateChild(self, context, segments):
-        try:
-            return Pasting(self.pastebin, self.pastingOid, int(segments[0])), segments[1:]
-        except:
-            pass
-        return BasePage.locateChild(self, context, segments)
-    def data_history(self, context, data):
-        return self.pasting.getHistory()
-    def render_aPasting(self, context, data):
-        return render_pasting(self.pasting.getVersion(self.version))
-    def render_form(self, context, data):
-        if self.version != -1:
-            return ''
-        version = self.pasting.getVersion(self.version)
-        formDefaults = context.locate(iformless.IFormDefaults)
-        formDefaults.setDefault('editPasting.text', version.getText())
-        formDefaults.setDefault('editPasting.postedBy', version.getAuthor())
-        return webform.renderForms()
-    def render_version(self, context, data):
-        version, author, theTime = data
-        if self.version == -1:
-            u = url.here.child
-        else:
-            u = url.here.sibling
-        context.tag.fillSlots('url', u(version))
-        context.tag.fillSlots('time', render_time(theTime))
-        context.tag.fillSlots('author', author or ANONYMOUS)
-##         context.fillSlots('link', a(href=[u(version)])[
-##             render_time(theTime), ' (',author or ANONYMOUS,')'
-##             ])
-        return context.tag
-    def editPasting(self, request, postedBy, author, text):
-        self.pastebin.updatePasting(self.pastingOid, author, text)
-        request.setComponent(iformless.IRedirectAfterPost, '/%s'%self.pastingOid)
-class Version(BasePage):
-    contentTemplateFile = "pasting.html"
-    child_ = rend.FourOhFour()
-    def __init__(self, pastebin, pasting, version):
-        BasePage.__init__(self)
-        self.pastebin = pastebin
-        self.pasting = pasting
-        self.version = version
-    def data_history(self, context, data):
-        return self.pasting.getHistory()
-    def render_aPasting(self, context, data):
-        return render_pasting(self.pasting.getVersion(self.version))
-    def render_version(self, context, data):
-        version, author, theTime = data
-        context.fillSlots('link', tags.a(href=[url.here.sibling(str(version))])[
-            render_time(theTime), ' (',author,')'
-            ])
-        return context.tag

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/static'
=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/css'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/css/default.css'
--- Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/css/default.css	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/css/default.css	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-    margin: 0;
-    padding: 1em 1em;
-    color: #330033;
-    font-size: 10pt;
-  color: inherit;
-  color: #996699;
-    border-bottom: 1px solid #cccc99;
-#header h1
-    padding: 0;
-    margin: 0;
-    color: #cccc66;
-    padding: 0.1em 0.5em;
-    margin-top: 1em;
-    clear: both;
-    border-top: 1px solid #cccc99;
-    font-size: 77%;
-    color: #666699;
-    margin: 2em 0.5em;
-    position: relative;
-    float: left;
-    width: 10em;
-#menu, #pastings
-    list-style: url(/images/pasting.gif);
-    padding: 0 0 0 18px;
-    margin-top: 0;
-    margin-left: 10em;
-  padding: 0.5em;
-  background-color: #fafafa;
-  color: #333;
-  border: 1px solid #ccc;
-  overflow: auto;
-div.pastingText pre
-  margin: 0;
-  font-size: 86%;
-  list-style: none;
-  margin: 1em 0;
-  padding: 0;
-.view-menu li
-  display: inline;
-  margin-right: 1em;
-.view-menu li a
-  color: inherit;

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/css/freeform.css'
--- Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/css/freeform.css	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/css/freeform.css	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-.freeform-typed { clear: both; }
-.freeform-property-binding { clear: both; border: 1px solid blue; padding: 0.5em; width: auto }
-.freeform-method-binding { clear: both; border: 1px solid black; padding: 0.5em; width: auto }
-.freeform-argument-binding { clear: both; border: 1px solid blue; padding: 0.5em; width: auto }
-.freeform-binding-content { border-top: 1px dashed #bdedfe; margin-top: 0.5em; padding-top: 0.5em }
-.freeform-label { float: left; width: 200px; }
-.freeform-input { float: left; width: 200px; }
-.freeform-error { color: red; }
-.freeform-description { clear: both; border-bottom: 1px dashed #bdedfe; margin-bottom: 0.5em; padding-bottom: 0.5em }
-.freeform-list-item { clear: both; width: auto }
-.freeform-form-label { color: #666666 }
-.freeform-textarea { width: 5in; height: 3in }
-.freeform-success { padding: 0.5em; border: 1px dashed green; }
-.freeform-failure { padding: 0.5em; color: red; border: 1px dashed red; }
-.freeform-list { border: 1px dashed #cdcdcd; }
-.freeform-dictionary { border: 1px dashed #dedede; }
-.freeform-action-group { margin: 0px }
-.freeform-action { color: green }
-.freeform-action-selection { background-color: red; height: 1em; width: 1em; }
-.freeform-group-binding { border: 1px dashed #efabab }
-.freeform-grouped-property-binding {}
-.freeform-grouped-method-binding {}

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/css/python.css'
--- Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/css/python.css	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/css/python.css	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-  color: #1111CC
-  color: #3333CC;
-  font-weight: bold;
-  color: #000066;
-  font-weight: bold;
-  color: #CC0000
-  color: #115511
-  display: block; /* IE hack; prevents following line from being sucked into the py-listing box. */

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/css/standard.css'
--- Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/css/standard.css	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/css/standard.css	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-    font-family: Verdana, Geneva, "Bitstream Vera Sans", Helvetica; 
-    /* font-family: Georgia, "Bitstream Vera Serif", "New York", Palatino; */ 
-    font-size: 103%; 
-th, td /* Needed for NN4 as its tables do not inherit styles */ 
-    font-family: Verdana, Geneva, "Bitstream Vera Sans", Helvetica; 
-    /* font-family: Georgia, "Bitstream Vera Serif", "New York", Palatino; */ 
-    font-size: 103%; 
-/* Headers */
-h1 { font-size: 160%; }
-h2 { font-size: 130%; }
-h3 { font-size: 116%; }
-/* Standard sizes */ 
-.normal-size { font-size: 103%; }
-.small { font-size: 88%; }
-.smaller { font-size: 77%; }
-.smallest { font-size: 68%; }

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/images'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/images/pasting.gif'
Binary files Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/images/pasting.gif	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000 and Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/images/pasting.gif	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 differ
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/robots.txt'
--- Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/robots.txt	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/pastebin/static/robots.txt	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-User-agent: *
-Disallow: /

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/templates'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/templates/pasting.html'
--- Nevow/examples/pastebin/templates/pasting.html	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/pastebin/templates/pasting.html	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<div nevow:render="aPasting">
-  <p>Pasted by <nevow:slot name="author">author</nevow:slot> at <nevow:slot name="time">time</nevow:slot>.</p>
-  <div class="pastingText"><nevow:slot name="text">Pasting goes here</nevow:slot></div>
-  <div class="revision-history">
-    <p>Revision history:</p>
-    <ul nevow:render="sequence" nevow:data="history">
-      <li nevow:pattern="item" nevow:render="version"><a href=""><nevow:attr name="href"><nevow:slot name="url"/></nevow:attr><nevow:slot name="time"/> (<nevow:slot name="author"/>)</a></li>
-    </ul>
-  </div>
-  <form nevow:render="form"/>

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/pastebin/templates/site.html'
--- Nevow/examples/pastebin/templates/site.html	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/pastebin/templates/site.html	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>
-  <head>
-    <title>Twisted Pastebin</title>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/standard.css"/>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/default.css"/>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/freeform.css"/>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/python.css"/>
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <div id="header">
-      <h1>Twisted Pastebin</h1>
-    </div>
-    <div id="content-container">
-      <div id="nav">
-	Menu:
-	<ul id="menu">
-	  <li><a href="/">Add pasting</a></li>
-	</ul>
-	Recent pastings:
-	<ul id="pastings" nevow:data="pastings" nevow:render="sequence">
-	  <li nevow:pattern="empty"><em>none</em></li>
-	  <li nevow:pattern="item" nevow:render="pasting">
-	    <a href="#"><nevow:attr name="href"><nevow:slot name="url"/></nevow:attr><nevow:slot name="id" /> (<nevow:slot name="author"/>)</a>
-	  </li>
-	</ul>
-      </div>
-      <div id="content" nevow:render="content">
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <div id="footer">
-      Powered by <a href="http://www.twistedmatrix.com/";>Twisted</a> and
-      <a href="http://divmod.org/users/wiki.twistd/nevow/moin.cgi";>Nevow</a>.
-    </div>
-  </body>

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/tests/testformless.py'
--- Nevow/examples/tests/testformless.py	2006-04-14 17:23:46 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/tests/testformless.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from formless import annotate, webform
-from nevow import rend, loaders, tags, livetest, url, livepage
-"""WWWWizard functionality!
-test_suite = [
-    ('visit', '/formpost/', ''),
-    ('value', 'foo-foo', '5'),
-    ('post', 'foo', {'foo-foo': 'asdf'}),
-    ('assert', livetest.xpath('//form[@id="foo"]//div[@class="freeform-form-error"]'), "'asdf' is not an integer."),
-    ## Check to make sure we repopulate the user's input with the erronious input
-    ('value', 'foo-foo', 'asdf'),
-    ('post', 'foo', {'foo-foo': '10'}),
-    ('value', 'foo-foo', '10'),
-    ]
-test_suite += [
-    ('visit', '/formpost2/', ''),
-    ('post', 'bar', {'bar-baz': '5', 'bar-slam': '5', 'bar-ham': 'efgh', 'bar-custom': '1'}),
-    ## XXX TODO: Can't post a radio button, so there is "None" below
-    ('assert', livetest.xpath('//h3'), "You called bar! 5 5 efgh None {'stuff': 1234, 'name': 'One'}")
-test_suite += [
-    ('visit', '/testformless', ''),
-    ('post', 'name', {'name-name': 'Fred'}),
-    ('post', 'quest', {'quest-quest': 'Find the Grail'}),
-    ('post', 'speed', {'speed-speed': '123'}),
-    ('assert', 'body', "Thanks for taking our survey! You said: 'Fred' 'Find the Grail' 123")]
-class NameWizard(rend.Page):
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[tags.h1["What is your name"], webform.renderForms()])
-    def bind_name(self, ctx):
-        return [('name', annotate.String())]
-    def name(self, name):
-        return QuestWizard(name)
-class QuestWizard(rend.Page):
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[tags.h1["What is your quest"], webform.renderForms()])
-    def bind_quest(self, ctx):
-        return [('quest', annotate.Choice(['Find the Grail', 'Get laid', 'Earn twenty bucks', 'Destroy the sun']))]
-    def quest(self, quest):
-        return FinalWizard((self.original, quest))
-class FinalWizard(rend.Page):
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[tags.h1["What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow"], webform.renderForms()])
-    def bind_speed(self, ctx):
-        return [('speed', annotate.Integer())]
-    def speed(self, speed):
-        return rend.Page(
-            docFactory=loaders.stan(
-                tags.html[
-                    tags.body(id='body')[
-                        "Thanks for taking our survey! You said: %r %r %r" % (
-                            self.original[0], self.original[1], speed)]]))
-def checkLocation(client):
-    d = defer.Deferred()
-    def gotResult(ctx, location):
-        from urlparse import urlparse
-        if urlparse(location)[2] == '/':
-            d.callback(None)
-        else:
-            d.errback(None)
-    client.send(client.transient(gotResult, livepage.js.testFrameNode.contentDocument.location))
-    return d
-test_suite += [
-    ('visit', '/formless_redirector', ''),
-    ('post', 'goHome', {}),
-    ('call', checkLocation, ())]
-class Redirector(rend.Page):
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[tags.body[webform.renderForms()]])
-    def bind_goHome(self, ctx):
-        return []
-    def goHome(self):
-        return url.root
-formless_tests = livetest.Tester(test_suite)

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/todo'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/todo/controller.py'
--- Nevow/examples/todo/controller.py	2006-03-17 15:00:39 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/todo/controller.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import implements
-from nevow import rend, loaders, tags as t
-from formless import annotate, webform
-from time import time as now
-import itodo
-class ITodo(annotate.TypedInterface):
-    def insert(ctx=annotate.Context(),
-               description=annotate.String(required=True,
-                                           requiredFailMessage="Description Missing")
-               ):
-        pass
-    insert = annotate.autocallable(insert, action="New Todo")
-    def delete(ctx=annotate.Context(), id=annotate.Integer()):
-        pass
-    delete = annotate.autocallable(delete, invisible=True)
-    def update(ctx=annotate.Context(), 
-               id=annotate.Integer(), 
-               oldstate=annotate.Integer()):
-        pass
-    update = annotate.autocallable(update, invisible=True)
-class Root(rend.Page):
-    implements(ITodo)
-    child_css = webform.defaultCSS
-    docFactory = loaders.stan(
-        t.html(render=t.directive("time"))[
-            t.head[
-                t.title['todo'],
-                t.style(type="text/css")[".done { color: #dddddd; }"],
-                t.style(type="text/css")["@import url(/css);"]
-                ],
-            t.body[
-                webform.renderForms(),
-                t.ul(data=t.directive("findAll"),
-                     render=t.directive("sequence"))[
-                         t.li(pattern="item",render=t.directive('todo')),
-                         t.li(pattern="empty",render=t.directive('empty')),
-                ],
-                t.p(render=t.directive("end"))
-            ]
-        ]
-    )
-    def insert(self, ctx, description):
-        return itodo.ITodos(ctx).add(description, 0)
-    def delete(self, ctx, id):
-        return itodo.ITodos(ctx).delete(id)
-    def update(self, ctx, id, oldstate):
-        newstate = [1, 0][oldstate]
-        return itodo.ITodos(ctx).update(id, newstate)
-    def data_findAll(self, ctx, data):
-        return itodo.ITodos(ctx).findAll()
-    def render_todo(self, ctx, data):
-        deluri = "freeform_post!!delete?id="+str(data[0])
-        updateuri = "freeform_post!!update?id="+str(data[0])+"&oldstate="+str(data[2])
-        state = [" Done", " To Do"][int(data[2])==0]
-        tag = ctx.tag
-        if data[2]:
-            tag = ctx.tag(_class="done")
-        return tag[data[1]+" - ",
-                   t.a(href=deluri)["Delete"], " / ",
-                   t.a(href=updateuri)[("Mark Done", "Mark Undone")[data[2]]],
-                   state]
-    def render_empty(self, ctx, data):
-        return ctx.tag["No Todos"]
-    def render_time(self, ctx, data):
-        ctx.remember(now(), itodo.ITimer)
-        return ctx.tag
-    def render_end(self, ctx, data):
-        return ctx.tag["%.3f"%(now()-itodo.ITimer(ctx))]
-root = Root()

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/todo/database.sql'
--- Nevow/examples/todo/database.sql	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/todo/database.sql	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-    id serial primary key,
-    description varchar(100) not null,
-    done int not null
\ No newline at end of file

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/todo/dispatcher.py'
--- Nevow/examples/todo/dispatcher.py	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/todo/dispatcher.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-from nevow import rend
-import itodo
-import controller
-# All this is only useful to dynamically update the web page code
-# without restarting the server each time. As you can see below, you can 
-# disable this by putting a false value in the Env object.
-class Dispatch(rend.Page):
-    def locateChild(self, ctx, segments):
-        if itodo.IEnv(ctx).development:
-            reload(controller)
-        return controller.root.locateChild(ctx,segments)

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/todo/environment.py'
--- Nevow/examples/todo/environment.py	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/todo/environment.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-class Env(object):
-    user='test'
-    password='test'
-    port=5432
-    host='localhost'
-    dbname='todo'
-    development=False
-env = Env()

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/todo/itodo.py'
--- Nevow/examples/todo/itodo.py	2006-03-08 14:28:41 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/todo/itodo.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import Interface
-class ITimer(Interface):
-    """ """
-class IEnv(Interface):
-    """ """
-class ITodos(Interface):
-    """ """
-    def add(description, done):
-        pass
-    def delete(id):
-        pass
-    def edit(id, description, done):
-        pass

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/todo/store.py'
--- Nevow/examples/todo/store.py	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/todo/store.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import implements
-import pgasync
-import itodo
-class Todos(object):
-    implements(itodo.ITodos)
-    def __init__(self, dbname, user, password, host):
-        self.original = pgasync.ConnectionPool("pgasync", dbname=dbname, 
-                        user=user, password=password, host=host)
-    def add(self, description, done):
-        query = "INSERT INTO todos (description, done) VALUES (%(description)s,%(done)s)"
-        args = dict(description=description, done=done)
-        return self.original.runOperation(query, args)
-    def delete(self, id):
-        query="DELETE FROM todos WHERE id=%(id)s"
-        args = dict(id=id)
-        return self.original.runOperation(query, args)
-    def update(self, id, state):
-        query = "UPDATE todos SET done=%(done)s WHERE id=%(id)s"
-        args = dict(id=id, done=state)
-        return self.original.runOperation(query, args)
-    def findAll(self):
-        query = "SELECT * FROM todos"
-        return self.original.runQuery(query)

=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/todo/todo.tac'
--- Nevow/examples/todo/todo.tac	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/todo/todo.tac	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.application import service, strports
-from nevow import appserver
-from environment import env as e
-import store
-import dispatcher
-import itodo
-application = service.Application('todo')
-db = store.Todos(e.dbname, e.user, e.password, e.host)
-disp = dispatcher.Dispatch()
-site = appserver.NevowSite(resource=disp)
-site.remember(db, itodo.ITodos)
-site.remember(e, itodo.IEnv)
-webserver = strports.service("tcp:8080", site)

=== removed directory 'Nevow/examples/tree'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/tree/__init__.py'
=== removed file 'Nevow/examples/tree/tree.py'
--- Nevow/examples/tree/tree.py	2006-03-17 15:00:39 +0000
+++ Nevow/examples/tree/tree.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter
-from nevow import loaders, rend, inevow, tags as T
-from formless import annotate, webform
-class Tree(dict):
-    def __init__(self, name, description, *children):
-        self.name = name
-        self.description = description
-        for child in children:
-            self.add(child)
-    def add(self, child):
-        self[child.name] = child
-    def __nonzero__(self):
-        return True
-class ITreeEdit(annotate.TypedInterface):
-    def setDescription(description=annotate.String()):
-        pass
-    setDescription = annotate.autocallable(setDescription)
-    def deleteChild(name=annotate.String(required=True)):
-        pass
-    deleteChild = annotate.autocallable(deleteChild, invisible=True)
-    def addChild(name=annotate.String(required=True),
-                       description=annotate.String()):
-        pass
-    addChild = annotate.autocallable(addChild)
-class TreeRenderer(rend.Page):
-    implements(ITreeEdit)
-    addSlash = True
-    docFactory = loaders.htmlstr("""
-<head><title>Tree Editor</title></head>
-<body><h1><span nevow:data="description"
-                nevow:render="string">Tree Description</span></h1>
-<span nevow:render="descriptionForm"/>
-<ol nevow:data="children" nevow:render="sequence">
-<li nevow:pattern="item"><span nevow:render="childLink"/>
-<span nevow:render="childDel"/>
-<a href="..">Up</a>
-    """)
-    def setDescription(self, description):
-        self.original.description = description
-    def addChild(self, name, description):
-        self.original.add(Tree(name, description))
-    def deleteChild(self, name):
-        del self.original[name]
-    def data_description(self, context, data):
-        return self.original.description
-    def data_children(self, context, data):
-        return self.original.items()
-    def render_childLink(self, context, data):
-        return T.a(href='subtree_%s/'%data[0])[data[1].description]
-    def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
-        if name.startswith('subtree_'):
-            return self.original[name[len('subtree_'):]]
-    def render_descriptionForm(self, context, data):
-        return webform.renderForms()
-    def render_childDel(self, context, (name, _)):
-        ret = T.form(action="./freeform_post!!deleteChild",
-                     enctype="multipart/form-data", method="POST")[
-               T.input(type="hidden", name="name", value=name),
-               T.input(type="submit", value="Delete")]
-        return ret
-registerAdapter(TreeRenderer, Tree, inevow.IResource)

=== removed directory 'Nevow/formless'
=== removed file 'Nevow/formless/__init__.py'
--- Nevow/formless/__init__.py	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/formless/__init__.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-# FIXME: remove next two lines after fixing compyCompat to have lazy importing.
-#        or else moving formless' adapter registration here.
-import nevow
-del nevow
-from formless.annotate import *
-from formless.processors import process

=== removed file 'Nevow/formless/annotate.py'
--- Nevow/formless/annotate.py	2010-02-06 04:33:05 +0000
+++ Nevow/formless/annotate.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,852 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: formless.test -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-"""And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
-import os
-import sys
-import inspect
-import warnings
-from zope.interface import implements
-from zope.interface.interface import InterfaceClass, Attribute
-from nevow import util
-from formless import iformless
-class count(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.id = 0
-    def next(self):
-        self.id += 1
-        return self.id
-nextId = count().next
-class InputError(Exception):
-    """A Typed instance was unable to coerce from a string to the
-    appropriate type.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, reason):
-        self.reason = reason
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.reason
-class ValidateError(Exception):
-    """A Binding instance was unable to coerce all it's arguments from a
-    dictionary of lists of strings to the appropriate types.
-    One use of this is to raise from an autocallable if an input is invalid.
-    For example, a password is incorrect.
-    errors must be a dictionary mapping argument names to error messages
-    to display next to the arguments on the form.
-    formErrorMessage is a string to display at the top of the form, not tied to
-    any specific argument on the form.
-    partialForm is a dict mapping argument name to argument value, allowing
-    you to have the form save values that were already entered in the form.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, errors, formErrorMessage=None, partialForm=None):
-        self.errors = errors
-        self.formErrorMessage = formErrorMessage
-        if partialForm is None:
-            self.partialForm = {}
-        else:
-            self.partialForm = partialForm
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.formErrorMessage
-class Typed(Attribute):
-    """A typed value. Subclasses of Typed are constructed inside of
-    TypedInterface class definitions to describe the types of properties,
-    the parameter types to method calls, and method return types.
-    @ivar label: The short label which will describe this
-        parameter/proerties purpose to the user.
-    @ivar description: A long description which further describes the
-        sort of input the user is expected to provide.
-    @ivar default: A default value that may be used as an initial
-        value in the form.
-    @ivar required: Whether the user is required to provide a value
-    @ivar null: The value which will be produced if required is False
-        and the user does not provide a value
-    @ivar unicode: Iff true, try to determine the character encoding
-        of the data from the browser and pass unicode strings to
-        coerce.
-    """
-    implements(iformless.ITyped)
-    complexType = False
-    strip = False
-    label = None
-    description = None
-    default = ''
-    required = False
-    requiredFailMessage = 'Please enter a value'
-    null = None
-    unicode = False
-    __name__ = ''
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        label=None,
-        description=None,
-        default=None,
-        required=None,
-        requiredFailMessage=None,
-        null=None,
-        unicode=None,
-        **attributes):
-        self.id = nextId()
-        if label is not None:
-            self.label = label
-        if description is not None:
-            self.description = description
-        if default is not None:
-            self.default = default
-        if required is not None:
-            self.required = required
-        if requiredFailMessage is not None:
-            self.requiredFailMessage = requiredFailMessage
-        if null is not None:
-            self.null = null
-        if unicode is not None:
-            self.unicode = unicode
-        self.attributes = attributes
-    def getAttribute(self, name, default=None):
-        return self.attributes.get(name, default)
-    def coerce(self, val, configurable):
-        raise NotImplementedError, "Implement in %s" % util.qual(self.__class__)
-## External API; your code will create instances of these objects
-class String(Typed):
-    """A string that is expected to be reasonably short and contain no
-    newlines or tabs.
-    strip: remove leading and trailing whitespace.
-    """
-    requiredFailMessage = 'Please enter a string.'
-    # iff true, return the stripped value.
-    strip = False
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        try:
-            self.strip = kwargs['strip']
-            del kwargs['strip']
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        Typed.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-    def coerce(self, val, configurable):
-        if self.strip:
-            val = val.strip()
-        return val
-class Text(String):
-    """A string that is likely to be of a significant length and
-    probably contain newlines and tabs.
-    """
-class Password(String):
-    """Password is used when asking a user for a new password. The renderer
-    user interface will possibly ask for the password multiple times to
-    ensure it has been entered correctly. Typical use would be for
-    registration of a new user."""
-    requiredFailMessage = 'Please enter a password.'
-class PasswordEntry(String):
-    """PasswordEntry is used to ask for an existing password. Typical use
-    would be for login to an existing account."""
-    requiredFailMessage = 'Please enter a password.'
-class FileUpload(Typed):
-    requiredFailMessage = 'Please enter a file name.'
-    def coerce(self, val, configurable):
-        return val.filename
-class Integer(Typed):
-    requiredFailMessage = 'Please enter an integer.'
-    def coerce(self, val, configurable):
-        if val is None:
-            return None
-        try:
-            return int(val)
-        except ValueError:
-            if sys.version_info < (2,3): # Long/Int aren't integrated
-                try:
-                    return long(val)
-                except ValueError:
-                    raise InputError("'%s' is not an integer." % val)
-            raise InputError("'%s' is not an integer." % val)
-class Real(Typed):
-    requiredFailMessage = 'Please enter a real number.'
-    def coerce(self, val, configurable):
-        # TODO: This shouldn't be required; check.
-        # val should never be None, but always a string.
-        if val is None:
-            return None
-        try:
-            return float(val)
-        except ValueError:
-            raise InputError("'%s' is not a real number." % val)
-class Boolean(Typed):
-    def coerce(self, val, configurable):
-        if val == 'False':
-            return False
-        elif val == 'True':
-            return True
-        raise InputError("'%s' is not a boolean" % val)
-class FixedDigitInteger(Integer):
-    def __init__(self, digits = 1, *args, **kw):
-        Integer.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
-        self.digits = digits
-        self.requiredFailMessage = \
-            'Please enter a %d digit integer.' % self.digits
-    def coerce(self, val, configurable):
-        v = Integer.coerce(self, val, configurable)
-        if len(str(v)) != self.digits:
-            raise InputError("Number must be %s digits." % self.digits)
-        return v
-class Directory(Typed):
-    requiredFailMessage = 'Please enter a directory name.'
-    def coerce(self, val, configurable):
-        # TODO: This shouldn't be required; check.
-        # val should never be None, but always a string.
-        if val is None:
-            return None
-        if not os.path.exists(val):
-            raise InputError("The directory '%s' does not exist." % val)
-        return val
-class Choice(Typed):
-    """Allow the user to pick from a list of "choices", presented in a drop-down
-    menu. The elements of the list will be rendered by calling the function
-    passed to stringify, which is by default "str".
-    """
-    requiredFailMessage = 'Please choose an option.'
-    def __init__(self, choices=None, choicesAttribute=None, stringify=str,
-                 valueToKey=str, keyToValue=None, keyAndConfigurableToValue=None,
-                 *args, **kw):
-        """
-        Create a Choice.
-        @param choices: an object adaptable to IGettable for an iterator (such
-        as a function which takes (ctx, data) and returns a list, a list
-        itself, a tuple, a generator...)
-        @param stringify: a pretty-printer.  a function which takes an object
-        in the list of choices and returns a label for it.
-        @param valueToKey: a function which converts an object in the list of
-        choices to a string that can be sent to a client.
-        @param keyToValue: a 1-argument convenience version of
-        keyAndConfigurableToValue
-        @param keyAndConfigurableToValue:  a 2-argument function which takes a string such as
-        one returned from valueToKey and a configurable, and returns an object
-        such as one from the list of choices.
-        """
-        Typed.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
-        self.choices = choices
-        if choicesAttribute:
-            self.choicesAttribute = choicesAttribute
-        if getattr(self, 'choicesAttribute', None):
-            warnings.warn(
-                "Choice.choicesAttribute is deprecated. Please pass a function to choices instead.",
-                DeprecationWarning,
-                stacklevel=2)
-            def findTheChoices(ctx, data):
-                return getattr(iformless.IConfigurable(ctx).original, self.choicesAttribute)
-            self.choices = findTheChoices
-        self.stringify = stringify
-        self.valueToKey=valueToKey
-        if keyAndConfigurableToValue is not None:
-            assert keyToValue is None, 'This should be *obvious*'
-            self.keyAndConfigurableToValue = keyAndConfigurableToValue
-        elif keyToValue is not None:
-            self.keyAndConfigurableToValue = lambda x,y: keyToValue(x)
-        else:
-            self.keyAndConfigurableToValue = lambda x,y: str(x)
-    def coerce(self, val, configurable):
-        """Coerce a value with the help of an object, which is the object
-        we are configuring.
-        """
-        return self.keyAndConfigurableToValue(val, configurable)
-class Radio(Choice):
-    """Type influencing presentation! horray!
-    Show the user radio button choices instead of a picklist.
-    """
-class Any(object):
-    """Marker which indicates any object type.
-    """
-class Object(Typed):
-    complexType = True
-    def __init__(self, interface=Any, *args, **kw):
-        Typed.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
-        self.iface = interface
-    def __repr__(self):
-        if self.iface is not None:
-            return "%s(interface=%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, util.qual(self.iface))
-        return "%s(None)" % (self.__class__.__name__,)
-class List(Object):
-    implements(iformless.IActionableType)
-    complexType = True
-    def __init__(self, actions=None, header='', footer='', separator='', *args, **kw):
-        """Actions is a list of action methods which may be invoked on one
-        or more of the elements of this list. Action methods are defined
-        on a TypedInterface and declare that they take one parameter
-        of type List. They do not declare themselves to be autocallable
-        in the traditional manner. Instead, they are passed in the actions
-        list of a list Property to declare that the action may be taken on
-        one or more of the list elements.
-        """
-        if actions is None:
-            actions = []
-        self.actions = actions
-        self.header = header
-        self.footer = footer
-        self.separator = separator
-        Object.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
-    def coerce(self, data, configurable):
-        return data
-    def __repr__(self):
-        if self.iface is not None:
-            return "%s(interface=%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, util.qual(self.iface))
-        return self.__class__.__name__ + "()"
-    def attachActionBindings(self, possibleActions):
-        ## Go through and replace self.actions, which is a list of method
-        ## references, with the MethodBinding instance which holds 
-        ## metadata about this function.
-        act = self.actions
-        for method, binding in possibleActions:
-            if method in act:
-                act[act.index(method)] = binding
-    def getActionBindings(self):
-        return self.actions
-class Dictionary(List):
-    pass
-class Table(Object):
-    pass
-class Request(Typed):
-    """Marker that indicates that an autocallable should be passed the
-    request when called. Including a Request arg will not affect the
-    appearance of the rendered form.
-    >>> def doSomething(request=formless.Request(), name=formless.String()):
-    ...     pass
-    >>> doSomething = formless.autocallable(doSomething)
-    """
-    complexType = True ## Don't use the regular form
-class Context(Typed):
-    """Marker that indicates that an autocallable should be passed the
-    context when called. Including a Context arg will not affect the
-    appearance of the rendered form.
-    >>> def doSomething(context=formless.Context(), name=formless.String()):
-    ...     pass
-    >>> doSomething = formless.autocallable(doSomething)
-    """
-    complexType = True ## Don't use the regular form
-class Button(Typed):
-    def coerce(self, data, configurable):
-        return data
-class Compound(Typed):
-    complexType = True
-    def __init__(self, elements=None, *args, **kw):
-        assert elements, "What is the sound of a Compound type with no elements?"
-        self.elements = elements
-        Typed.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self.elements)
-    def coerce(self, data, configurable):
-        return data
-class Method(Typed):
-    def __init__(self, returnValue=None, arguments=(), *args, **kw):
-        Typed.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
-        self.returnValue = returnValue
-        self.arguments = arguments
-class Group(Object):
-    pass
-def autocallable(method, action=None, visible=False, **kw):
-    """Describe a method in a TypedInterface as being callable through the
-    UI. The "action" paramter will be used to label the action button, or the
-    user interface element which performs the method call.
-    Use this like a method adapter around a method in a TypedInterface:
-    >>> class IFoo(TypedInterface):
-    ...     def doSomething():
-    ...         '''Do Something
-    ...         
-    ...         Do some action bla bla'''
-    ...         return None
-    ...     doSomething = autocallable(doSomething, action="Do it!!")
-    """
-    method.autocallable = True
-    method.id = nextId()
-    method.action = action
-    method.attributes = kw
-    return method
-## Internal API; formless uses these objects to keep track of
-## what names are bound to what types
-class Binding(object):
-    """Bindings bind a Typed instance to a name. When TypedInterface is subclassed,
-    the metaclass looks through the dict looking for all properties and methods.
-    If a properties is a Typed instance, a Property Binding is constructed, passing
-    the name of the binding and the Typed instance.
-    If a method has been wrapped with the "autocallable" function adapter,
-    a Method Binding is constructed, passing the name of the binding and the
-    Typed instance. Then, getargspec is called. For each keyword argument
-    in the method definition, an Argument is constructed, passing the name
-    of the keyword argument as the binding name, and the value of the
-    keyword argument, a Typed instance, as the binding typeValue.
-    One more thing. When an autocallable method is found, it is called with
-    None as the self argument. The return value is passed the Method
-    Binding when it is constructed to keep track of what the method is
-    supposed to return.
-    """
-    implements(iformless.IBinding)
-    label = None
-    description = ''
-    def __init__(self, name, typedValue, id=0):
-        self.id = id
-        self.name = name
-        self.typedValue = iformless.ITyped(typedValue)
-        # pull these out to remove one level of indirection...
-        if typedValue.description is not None:
-            self.description = typedValue.description
-        if typedValue.label is not None:
-            self.label = typedValue.label
-        if self.label is None:
-            self.label = nameToLabel(name)
-        self.default = typedValue.default
-        self.complexType = typedValue.complexType
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<%s %s=%s at 0x%x>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.typedValue.__class__.__name__, id(self))
-    def getArgs(self):
-        """Return a *copy* of this Binding.
-        """
-        return (Binding(self.name, self.original, self.id), )
-    def getViewName(self):
-        return self.original.__class__.__name__.lower()
-    def configure(self, boundTo, results):
-        raise NotImplementedError, "Implement in %s" % util.qual(self.__class__)
-    def coerce(self, val, configurable):
-        if hasattr(self.original, 'coerce'):
-            return self.original.coerce(val)
-        return val
-class Argument(Binding):
-    pass
-class Property(Binding):
-    action = 'Change'
-    def configure(self, boundTo, results):
-        ## set the property!
-        setattr(boundTo, self.name, results[self.name])
-class MethodBinding(Binding):
-    typedValue = None
-    def __init__(self, name, typeValue, id=0, action="Call", attributes = {}):
-        Binding.__init__(self, name, typeValue,  id)
-        self.action = action
-        self.arguments = typeValue.arguments
-        self.returnValue = typeValue.returnValue
-        self.attributes = attributes
-    def getAttribute(self, name):
-        return self.attributes.get(name, None)
-    def configure(self, boundTo, results):
-        bound = getattr(boundTo, self.name)
-        return bound(**results)
-    def getArgs(self):
-        """Make sure each form post gets a unique copy of the argument list which it can use to keep
-        track of values given in partially-filled forms
-        """
-        return self.typedValue.arguments[:]
-class ElementBinding(Binding):
-    """An ElementBinding binds a key to an element of a container.
-    For example, ElementBinding('0', Object()) indicates the 0th element
-    of a container of Objects. When this ElementBinding is bound to
-    the list [1, 2, 3], resolving the binding will result in the 0th element,
-    the object 1.
-    """
-    pass
-class GroupBinding(Binding):
-    """A GroupBinding is a way of naming a group of other Bindings.
-    The typedValue of a GroupBinding should be a Configurable.
-    The Bindings returned from this Configurable (usually a TypedInterface)
-    will be rendered such that all fields must/may be filled out, and all
-    fields will be changed at once upon form submission.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name, typedValue, id=0):
-        """Hack to prevent adaption to ITyped while the adapters are still
-        being registered, because we know that the typedValue should be
-        a Group when we are constructing a GroupBinding.
-        """
-        self.id = id
-        self.name = name
-        self.typedValue = Group(typedValue)
-        # pull these out to remove one level of indirection...
-        self.description = typedValue.description
-        if typedValue.label:
-            self.label = typedValue.label
-        else:
-            self.label = nameToLabel(name)
-        self.default = typedValue.default
-        self.complexType = typedValue.complexType
-    def configure(self, boundTo, group):
-        print "CONFIGURING GROUP BINDING", boundTo, group
-def _sorter(x, y):
-    return cmp(x.id, y.id)
-class _Marker(object):
-    pass
-def caps(c):
-    return c.upper() == c
-def nameToLabel(mname):
-    labelList = []
-    word = ''
-    lastWasUpper = False
-    for letter in mname:
-        if caps(letter) == lastWasUpper:
-            # Continuing a word.
-            word += letter
-        else:
-            # breaking a word OR beginning a word
-            if lastWasUpper:
-                # could be either
-                if len(word) == 1:
-                    # keep going
-                    word += letter
-                else:
-                    # acronym
-                    # we're processing the lowercase letter after the acronym-then-capital
-                    lastWord = word[:-1]
-                    firstLetter = word[-1]
-                    labelList.append(lastWord)
-                    word = firstLetter + letter
-            else:
-                # definitely breaking: lower to upper
-                labelList.append(word)
-                word = letter
-        lastWasUpper = caps(letter)
-    if labelList:
-        labelList[0] = labelList[0].capitalize()
-    else:
-        return mname.capitalize()
-    labelList.append(word)
-    return ' '.join(labelList)
-def labelAndDescriptionFromDocstring(docstring):
-    if docstring is None:
-        docstring = ''
-    docs = filter(lambda x: x, [x.strip() for x in docstring.split('\n')])
-    if len(docs) > 1:
-        return docs[0], '\n'.join(docs[1:])
-    else:
-        return None, '\n'.join(docs)
-_typedInterfaceMetadata = {}
-class MetaTypedInterface(InterfaceClass):
-    """The metaclass for TypedInterface. When TypedInterface is subclassed,
-    this metaclass' __new__ method is invoked. The Typed Binding introspection
-    described in the Binding docstring occurs, and when it is all done, there will
-    be three attributes on the TypedInterface class:
-     - __methods__: An ordered list of all the MethodBinding instances
-       produced by introspecting all autocallable methods on this
-       TypedInterface
-     - __properties__: An ordered list of all the Property Binding
-       instances produced by introspecting all properties which have
-       Typed values on this TypedInterface
-     - __spec__: An ordered list of all methods and properties
-    These lists are sorted in the order that the methods and properties appear
-    in the TypedInterface definition.
-    For example:
-    >>> class Foo(TypedInterface):
-    ...     bar = String()
-    ...     baz = Integer()
-    ...     
-    ...     def frotz(): pass
-    ...     frotz = autocallable(frotz)
-    ...     
-    ...     xyzzy = Float()
-    ...     
-    ...     def blam(): pass
-    ...     blam = autocallable(blam)
-    Once the metaclass __new__ is done, the Foo class instance will have three
-    properties, __methods__, __properties__, and __spec__,
-    """
-    __methods__ = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata[self, '__methods__'])
-    __id__ = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata[self, '__id__'])
-    __properties__ = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata[self, '__properties__'])
-    __spec__ = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata[self, '__spec__'])
-    name = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata[self, 'name'])
-    label = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata[self, 'label'])
-    description = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata[self, 'description'])
-    default = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata.get((self, 'default'), 'DEFAULT'))
-    complexType = property(lambda self: _typedInterfaceMetadata.get((self, 'complexType'), True))
-    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
-        rv = cls = InterfaceClass.__new__(cls)
-        _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, '__id__'] = nextId()
-        _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, '__methods__'] = methods = []
-        _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, '__properties__'] = properties = []
-        possibleActions = []
-        actionAttachers = []
-        for key, value in dct.items():
-            if key[0] == '_': continue
-            if isinstance(value, MetaTypedInterface):
-                ## A Nested TypedInterface indicates a GroupBinding
-                properties.append(GroupBinding(key, value, value.__id__))
-                ## zope.interface doesn't like these
-                del dct[key]
-                setattr(cls, key, value)
-            elif callable(value):
-                names, _, _, typeList = inspect.getargspec(value)
-                _testCallArgs = ()
-                if typeList is None:
-                    typeList = []
-                if len(names) == len(typeList) + 1:
-                    warnings.warn(
-                        "TypeInterface method declarations should not have a 'self' parameter",
-                        DeprecationWarning,
-                        stacklevel=2)
-                    del names[0]
-                    _testCallArgs = (_Marker,)
-                if len(names) != len(typeList):
-                    ## Allow non-autocallable methods in the interface; ignore them
-                    continue
-                argumentTypes = [
-                    Argument(n, argtype, argtype.id) for n, argtype in zip(names[-len(typeList):], typeList)
-                ]
-                result = value(*_testCallArgs)
-                label = None
-                description = None
-                if getattr(value, 'autocallable', None):
-                    # autocallables have attributes that can set label and description
-                    label = value.attributes.get('label', None)
-                    description = value.attributes.get('description', None)
-                adapted = iformless.ITyped(result, None)
-                if adapted is None:
-                    adapted = Object(result)
-                # ITyped has label and description we can use
-                if label is None:
-                    label = adapted.label
-                if description is None:
-                    description = adapted.description
-                defaultLabel, defaultDescription = labelAndDescriptionFromDocstring(value.__doc__)
-                if defaultLabel is None:
-                    # docstring had no label, try the action if it is an autocallable
-                    if getattr(value, 'autocallable', None):
-                        if label is None and value.action is not None:
-                            # no explicit label, but autocallable has action we can use
-                            defaultLabel = value.action
-                if defaultLabel is None:
-                    # final fallback: use the function name as label
-                    defaultLabel = nameToLabel(key)
-                if label is None:
-                    label = defaultLabel
-                if description is None:
-                    description = defaultDescription
-                theMethod = Method(
-                    adapted, argumentTypes, label=label, description=description
-                )
-                if getattr(value, 'autocallable', None):
-                    methods.append(
-                        MethodBinding(
-                            key, theMethod, value.id, value.action, value.attributes))
-                else:
-                    possibleActions.append((value, MethodBinding(key, theMethod)))
-            else:
-                if not value.label:
-                    value.label = nameToLabel(key)
-                if iformless.IActionableType.providedBy(value):
-                    actionAttachers.append(value)
-                properties.append(
-                    Property(key, value, value.id)
-                )
-        for attacher in actionAttachers:
-            attacher.attachActionBindings(possibleActions)
-        methods.sort(_sorter)
-        properties.sort(_sorter)
-        _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, '__spec__'] = spec = methods + properties
-        spec.sort(_sorter)
-        _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, 'name'] = name
-        # because attributes "label" and "description" would become Properties,
-        # check for ones with an underscore prefix.
-        _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, 'label'] = dct.get('_label', None)
-        _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, 'description'] = dct.get('_description', None)
-        defaultLabel, defaultDescription = labelAndDescriptionFromDocstring(dct.get('__doc__'))
-        if defaultLabel is None:
-            defaultLabel = nameToLabel(name)
-        if _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, 'label'] is None:
-            _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, 'label'] = defaultLabel
-        if _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, 'description'] is None:
-            _typedInterfaceMetadata[cls, 'description'] = defaultDescription
-        return rv
-## External API; subclass this to create a TypedInterface
-TypedInterface = MetaTypedInterface('TypedInterface', (InterfaceClass('TypedInterface'), ), {})

=== removed file 'Nevow/formless/configurable.py'
--- Nevow/formless/configurable.py	2006-03-17 15:00:39 +0000
+++ Nevow/formless/configurable.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from zope.interface import implements, providedBy
-from formless.iformless import IConfigurable, IActionableType, IBinding
-from formless.annotate import Argument, ElementBinding, GroupBinding, Object, TypedInterface
-from nevow import inevow
-from nevow.context import WovenContext
-class Configurable(object):
-    implements(IConfigurable)
-    bindingDict = None
-    def __init__(self, original):
-        self.original = original
-        self.boundTo = self
-    def getBindingNames(self, context):
-        ## Todo: remove this getattr
-        ifs = providedBy(getattr(self, 'boundTo', self))
-        ifs = [
-            x for x in ifs if x is not IConfigurable and x is not TypedInterface
-        ]
-        bindingNames = []
-        self.bindingDict = bindingDict = {}
-        for interface in ifs:
-            ## TypedInterfaces have a __spec__ attribute which is a list of all Typed properties and
-            ## autocallable methods
-            for binding in getattr(interface, '__spec__', []):
-                bindingDict[binding.name] = binding
-                if binding.name not in bindingNames:
-                    bindingNames.append(binding.name)
-                if IActionableType.providedBy(binding.typedValue):
-                    acts = binding.typedValue.actions
-                    if acts is None:
-                        acts = []
-                    for action in acts:
-                        bindingDict[action.name] = action
-        return bindingNames
-    def getDefault(self, forBinding):
-        ## TODO: Clean this up, it's a mess
-        if not isinstance(forBinding, Argument):
-            name = forBinding.name
-            if hasattr(self, name):
-                return getattr(self, name)
-            ## Todo: Only do this in ConfigurableAdapter instead of Configurable
-            if hasattr(self.boundTo, name):
-                return getattr(self.boundTo, name)
-            if self.original is not self.boundTo and hasattr(self.original, name):
-                return getattr(self.original, name)
-        return forBinding.default
-    def getBinding(self, context, name):
-        if self.bindingDict is None:
-            self.getBindingNames(context)
-        if self.bindingDict is None:
-            self.bindingDict = {}
-        binding = getattr(self, 'bind_%s' % name, getattr(self.boundTo, 'bind_%s' % name, None))
-        if binding is not None:
-            binding = binding(context)
-        else:
-            try:
-                binding = self.bindingDict[name]
-            except KeyError:
-                raise RuntimeError, "%s is not an exposed binding on object %s." % (name, self.boundTo)
-        binding.boundTo = self.boundTo
-        return binding
-    def postForm(self, ctx, bindingName, args):
-        """Accept a form post to the given bindingName. The bindingName
-        can be dotted to indicate an attribute of this Configurable, eg
-        addresses.0.changeEmail. The post arguments are given in args.
-        Return a Resource which will be rendered in response.
-        """
-        from formless import iformless
-        from nevow.tags import invisible
-        request = ctx.locate(inevow.IRequest)
-        pathSegs = bindingName.split('.')
-        configurable = self
-        cf = ctx.locate(iformless.IConfigurableFactory)
-        ## Get the first binding
-        firstSeg = pathSegs.pop(0)
-        binding = configurable.getBinding(ctx, firstSeg)
-        ctx.remember(binding, IBinding)
-        ctx.remember(configurable, IConfigurable)
-        ## I don't think this works right now, it needs to be fixed.
-        ## Most cases it won't be triggered, because we're just traversing a
-        ## single binding name
-        for seg in pathSegs:
-            assert 1 == 0, "Sorry, this doesn't work right now"
-            binding = configurable.getBinding(ctx, seg)
-            child = self.boundTo
-            if not isinstance(binding, GroupBinding):
-                accessor = inevow.IContainer(configurable.boundTo, None)
-                if accessor is None:
-                    child = getattr(configurable.boundTo, binding.name)
-                else:
-                    child = accessor.child(ctx, binding.name)
-            ## If it's a groupbinding, we don't do anything at all for this path segment
-            ## This won't work right now. We need to push the previous configurable
-            ## as the configurableFactory somehow and ask that for hte next binding
-            ## we also need to support deferreds coming back from locateConfigurable
-            assert 'black' is 'white', "Deferred support is pending"
-            configurable = cf.locateConfigurable(ctx, child)
-            ctx = WovenContext(ctx, invisible(key=seg))
-            ctx.remember(binding, IBinding)
-            ctx.remember(configurable, IConfigurable)
-        bindingProcessor = iformless.IInputProcessor(binding)
-        rv = bindingProcessor.process(ctx, binding.boundTo, args)
-        ctx.remember(rv, inevow.IHand)
-        ctx.remember('%r success.' % bindingName, inevow.IStatusMessage)
-        return rv
-    def summary(self):
-        return "An instance of %s" % self.__class__.__name__
-    postLocation = None
-class NotFoundConfigurable(Configurable):
-    def getBinding(self, context, name):
-        raise RuntimeError, self.original
-class TypedInterfaceConfigurable(Configurable):
-    def __init__(self, original):
-        self.original = original
-        self.boundTo = original
-    def summary(self):
-        return "An instance of %s" % self.original.__class__.__name__
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "TypedInterfaceConfigurable(%r)" % self.original
-class ListConfigurable(TypedInterfaceConfigurable):
-    def getBinding(self, context, name):
-        eb = ElementBinding(name, Object())
-        eb.boundTo = self.original
-        return eb
-class GroupConfigurable(TypedInterfaceConfigurable):
-    def __init__(self, original, groupInterface):
-        TypedInterfaceConfigurable.__init__(self, original)
-        self.groupInterface = groupInterface
-    bindingDict = None
-    def getBindingNames(self, context):
-        bindingNames = []
-        self.bindingDict = bindingDict = {}
-        interface = self.groupInterface
-        for binding in getattr(interface, '__spec__', []):
-            bindingDict[binding.name] = binding
-            if binding.name not in bindingNames:
-                bindingNames.append(binding.name)
-            if IActionableType.providedBy(binding.typedValue):
-                acts = binding.typedValue.actions
-                if acts is None:
-                    acts = []
-                for action in acts:
-                    bindingDict[action.name] = action
-        return bindingNames

=== removed file 'Nevow/formless/formutils.py'
--- Nevow/formless/formutils.py	2006-04-14 17:23:46 +0000
+++ Nevow/formless/formutils.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from __future__ import generators
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import components
-from nevow import inevow
-from nevow import tags
-from formless import iformless
-    enumerate = enumerate
-    def enumerate(collection):
-        i = 0
-        it = iter(collection)
-        while 1:
-            yield (i, it.next())
-            i += 1
-class PrefixerDict(dict):
-    def __init__(self, prefix, errors):
-        if prefix is None: prefix = ''
-        self.prefix = prefix
-        self.errors = errors
-        dict.__init__(self)
-    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
-        if key is None:
-            key = ''
-        if key == '':
-            pfxkey = self.prefix
-        else:
-            pfxkey = '.'.join((self.prefix, key))
-        self.errors[pfxkey] = value
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        if key == '':
-            pfxkey = self.prefix
-        else:
-            pfxkey = '.'.join((self.prefix, key))
-        return self.errors[pfxkey]
-    def update(self, other):
-        for key, value in other.items():
-            self[key] = value
-class FormDefaults(components.Adapter):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.defaults = {}
-    def setDefault(self, key, value, context=None):
-        self.defaults[key] = value
-    def getDefault(self, key, context=None):
-        #print "getting default for key", key, self.defaults
-        # 1) Check on the request
-        current = self.defaults.get(key, None)
-        if current is None:
-            # 2) Check on the session
-            if context is not None:
-                sessionDefaults = context.locate(iformless.IFormDefaults)
-                if sessionDefaults is not self:
-                    current = sessionDefaults.getDefault(key)
-                    if current is not None:
-                        return current
-                # 3) Ask the Binding instance for the default values
-                try:
-                    configurable = context.locate(iformless.IConfigurable)
-                except KeyError:
-                    return ''
-                return configurable.getDefault(context.locate(inevow.IData))
-        return current
-    def getAllDefaults(self, key):
-        return PrefixerDict(key, self.defaults)
-    def clearAll(self):
-        self.defaults = {}
-class FormErrors(components.Adapter):
-    """An object which keeps track of which forms have which errors
-    """
-    implements(iformless.IFormErrors)
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.errors = {}
-    def setError(self, errorKey, error):
-        self.errors[errorKey] = error
-    def getError(self, errorKey):
-        #print "get error", errorKey, self.__dict__
-        return self.errors.get(errorKey)
-    def getAllErrors(self, formName):
-        return PrefixerDict(formName, self.errors)
-    def updateErrors(self, formName, errors):
-        PrefixerDict(formName, self.errors).update(errors)
-    def clearErrors(self, formName):
-        for key in self.errors.keys():
-            if key.startswith(formName):
-                del self.errors[key]
-    def clearAll(self):
-        self.errors = {}
-def calculatePostURL(context, data):
-    postLocation = inevow.ICurrentSegments(context)[-1]
-    if postLocation == '':
-        postLocation = '.'
-    try:
-        configurableKey = context.locate(iformless.IConfigurableKey)
-    except KeyError:
-        #print "IConfigurableKey was not remembered when calculating full binding name for %s in node %s" % (configurable, context.key)
-        configurableKey = ''
-    bindingName = context.key
-    return "%s/freeform_post!%s!%s" % (postLocation, configurableKey, bindingName)
-def keyToXMLID(key):
-    """Convert a key into an XML-styleinevow.ID """
-    if not key:
-        #print 'keyToXMLID: no key, but why?'
-        return '***Error: Unset***'
-    return '-'.join(key.split('.'))
-def getError(context):
-    errors = context.locate(iformless.IFormErrors)
-    err = errors.getError(context.key)
-    if err is not None:
-        return err
-    return tags.comment["\nNo error for error key: %s\n" % context.key]

=== removed file 'Nevow/formless/freeform-default.css'
--- Nevow/formless/freeform-default.css	2006-03-30 15:49:57 +0000
+++ Nevow/formless/freeform-default.css	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-.freeform-typed { }
-.freeform-property-binding { border: 1px solid blue; padding: 0.5em; width: auto }
-.freeform-method-binding { border: 1px solid black; padding: 0.5em; width: auto }
-.freeform-argument-binding { border: 1px solid blue; padding: 0.5em; width: auto }
-.freeform-binding-content { border-top: 1px dashed #bdedfe; margin-top: 0.5em; padding-top: 0.5em }
-.freeform-label { float: left; width: 200px; }
-.freeform-input-text { width: 250px; }
-.freeform-input-password { width: 100px; }
-.freeform-error, .freeform-form-error { color: red; margin-left: 1em;}
-.freeform-description { border-bottom: 1px dashed #bdedfe; margin-bottom: 0.5em; padding-bottom: 0.5em }
-.freeform-list-item { width: auto }
-.freeform-form-label { color: #666666 }
-.freeform-textarea { width: 40em; height: 16em; }
-.freeform-success { padding: 0.5em; border: 1px dashed green; }
-.freeform-failure { padding: 0.5em; color: red; border: 1px dashed red; }
-.freeform-list { border: 1px dashed #cdcdcd; }
-.freeform-dictionary { border: 1px dashed #dedede; }
-.freeform-action-group { margin: 0px }
-.freeform-action { color: green }
-.freeform-action-selection { background-color: red; height: 1em; width: 1em; }
-.freeform-group-binding { border: 1px dashed #efabab }
-.freeform-grouped-property-binding {}
-.freeform-grouped-method-binding {}
-.freeform-radio-option {margin-left: 200px}

=== removed file 'Nevow/formless/iformless.py'
--- Nevow/formless/iformless.py	2006-03-17 15:00:39 +0000
+++ Nevow/formless/iformless.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: nevow.test -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Divmod, Inc.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from zope.interface import Attribute
-from zope.interface.interface import InterfaceClass, Interface
-class ITyped(Interface):
-    """Typeds correspond roughly to <input> tags in HTML, or
-    with a complex type, more than one <input> tag whose input
-    is processed and coerced as a unit.
-    """
-    def coerce(val, configurable):
-        """Coerce the input 'val' from a string into a value suitable
-        for the type described by the implementor. If coercion fails,
-        coerce should raise InputError with a suitable error message
-        to be shown to the user. 'configurable' is the configurable object
-        in whose context the coercion is taking place.
-        May return a Deferred.
-        """
-    label = Attribute("""The short label which will describe this
-        parameter/properties purpose to the user.""")
-    description = Attribute("""A long description which further describes the sort
-        of input the user is expected to provide.""")
-    default = Attribute("""A default value that may be used as an initial value in
-        the form.""")
-    complexType = Attribute("""Whether or not this Typed
-        is a "simple" type and the infrastructure should render label,
-        description, and error UI automatically, or this type is
-        "complex" in which case it will be required to render all UI
-        including UI which is normally common to all Typed UI.
-        This MAY BE DEPRECATED if a better implementation is
-        devised.
-        """)
-class IBinding(Interface):
-    """A Binding corresponds (very) roughly to a <form> tag in HTML.
-    A Binding is an object which associates a string name with a Typed
-    instance. At the most basic level, Binding instances represent named
-    python properties and methods.
-    """
-    def getArgs():
-        """Return a copy of this bindings Typed instances; if this binding is a
-        Property binding, it will be a list of one Typed istance; if this binding is a
-        MethodBinding, it will be a list of all the Typed instances describing
-        the method's arguments.
-        These copies are used during the duration of a form post (initial
-        rendering, form posting, error handling and error correction) to
-        store the user-entered values temporarily in the case of an error
-        in one or more input values.
-        """
-    def getViewName():
-        """Todo: remove?
-        """
-    def configure(boundTo, results):
-        """Configure the object "boundTo" in the manner appropriate
-        to this Binding; if this binding represents a property, set the
-        property; if this binding represents a method, call the method.
-        """
-    def coerce(val, configurable):
-        """TODO This is dumb. remove it and leave it on ITyped
-        Make the code that calls coerce call it on the typed directly
-        """
-    default = Attribute("""The default value for this binding.""")
-class IInputProcessor(Interface):
-    """handle a post for a given binding
-    """
-    def process(context, boundTo, data):
-        """do something to boundTo in response to some data
-        Raise a formless.InputError if there is a problem
-        """
-## Freeform interfaces
-class IConfigurableFactory(Interface):
-    """A configurable factory is used to find and/or create configurables.
-    A "Configurable" object is any object which either:
-     - Implements IConfigurable directly
-     - Implements a TypedInterface, thus providing enough information
-       about the types of objects needed to allow the user to change
-       the object as long as the input is validated
-    """
-    def locateConfigurable(context, name):
-        """Return the configurable that responds to the name.
-        """
-class IConfigurableKey(Interface):
-    """The key of the configurable which is being rendered
-    """
-class IFormDefaults(Interface):
-    """Default values for the current form
-    """
-    def setDefault(key, value, context=None):
-        """Sets the 'key' parameter to the default 'value'
-        """
-    def getDefault(key, context=None):
-        """Gets the default value from the parameter 'key'
-        """
-    def getAllDefaults(key):
-        """Gets the defaults dict for the 'key' autocallable
-        >>> class IMyForm(annotate.TypedInterface):
-        ...     def doSomething(name=annotate.String()):
-        ...         pass
-        ...     doSomething = annotate.autocallable(doSomething)
-        >>> class Page(rend.Page):
-        ...     implements(IMyForm)
-        ...     docFactory = loaders.stan(t.html[t.head[t.title['foo']],t.body[render_forms]])
-        ...
-        ...     def render_forms(self, ctx, data):
-        ...         defaults_dict = iformless.IFormDefaults(ctx).getAllDefaults('doSomething')
-        ...         defaults_dict['name'] = 'fooo'
-        ...         return webform.renderForms()
-        """
-    def clearAll():
-        """Clears all the default values
-        """
-class IFormErrors(Interface):
-    """An object which keeps track of which forms have which errors
-    """
-class IBindingRenderer(Interface):
-    """Something which can render a formless Binding.
-    A Binding represents an atomic form which can be
-    submitted to cause a named thing to occur;
-    a MethodBinding will cause a method to be called;
-    a PropertyBinding will cause a property to change.
-    """
-class IActionRenderer(Interface):
-    """An alternate rendering of a formless Binding which
-    is usually represented as a smaller, no-input-fields
-    toolbar-style button. Should call a MethodBinding.
-    An action is distinct from a MethodBinding in that
-    an action does not explicitly solicit input from the user,
-    but instead gathers all the information it needs to run
-    a method from implicit context, such as the render
-    context, or the current state of the selection.
-    """
-class ITypedRenderer(Interface):
-    """Something which can render a formless Typed.
-    Renders input fields in html which will gather information
-    from the user which will be passed to the Typed.coerce
-    method when the entire form is submitted.
-    """
-class IRedirectAfterPost(Interface):
-    """A marker interface which can be set to something which can be cast
-    to a string to indicate that the browser should be redirected to the
-    resultant url after posting the form successfully. This component can
-    be set by any form post validators, or by the configurable method which
-    is being automatically called if it has access to the request.
-    Set this using the following:
-    request.setComponent(IRedirectAfterPost, "http://example.com/";)
-    """
-## Configurable interfaces
-class IAutomaticConfigurable(Interface):
-    """An object is said to implement IAutomaticConfigurable if
-    it implements any TypedInterfaces. When this object
-    is configured, discovering binding names, discovering bindings,
-    and posting forms along with calling methods in response to
-    form posts and setting properties in response to form posts.
-    """
-_notag = object()
-class _MetaConfigurable(InterfaceClass):
-    """XXX this is an unpleasant implementation detail; phase it out completely
-    as we move towards zope.interface.
-    """
-    def __call__(self, other, default=_notag):
-        """ XXX use TypedInterfaceConfigurable as a fallback if this interface doesn't
-        work for some reason
-        """
-        result = InterfaceClass.__call__(self, other, _notag)
-        if result is not _notag:
-            return result
-        from formless.annotate import TypedInterface
-        if TypedInterface.providedBy(other):
-            from formless.configurable import TypedInterfaceConfigurable
-            return TypedInterfaceConfigurable(other)
-        if default is _notag:
-            raise TypeError('Could not adapt', other, self)
-        return default
-_BaseMetaConfigurable = _MetaConfigurable('_BaseMetaConfigurable', (), {})
-class IConfigurable(_BaseMetaConfigurable):
-    """An adapter which implements TypedInterfaces for an object
-    of the type for which it is registered, provides properties
-    which will get and set properties of the adaptee, and methods
-    which will perform operations on the adaptee when called.
-    Web Specific Note: When you implement this interface, you should
-    subclass freeform.Configurable instead of implementing directly,
-    since it contains convenience functionality which eases implementing
-    IConfigurable.
-    """
-    def getBindingNames(context):
-        """Return a list of binding names which are the names of all
-        the forms which will be rendered for this object when this
-        object is configured.
-        """
-    def getBinding(context, name):
-        """Return a Binding instance which contains Typed instances
-        which describe how to render a form which will gather input
-        for the 'name' binding (either a property or a method)
-        """
-    def postForm(context, bindingName, arguments):
-        """Handle a form post which configures something about this
-        object.
-        """
-    postLocation = Attribute("""The location of this object in the
-    URL. Forms described by bindings returned from getBindingNames
-    will be posted to postLocation + '/freeform_post!' + bindingName
-    """)
-## Under consideration for deprecation
-class IActionableType(Interface):
-    """A type which can have action methods associated with it.
-    Currently only List. Probably can be extended to more things.
-    """
-    def attachActionBindings(possibleActions):
-        """Attach some MethodBinding instances if they are actions
-        for this ActionableType.
-        """
-    def getActionBindings():
-        """Return a list of the MethodBinding instances which represent
-        actions which may be taken on this ActionableType.
-        """

=== removed file 'Nevow/formless/processors.py'
--- Nevow/formless/processors.py	2006-04-14 17:23:46 +0000
+++ Nevow/formless/processors.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-import warnings
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import components
-from nevow.util import Deferred, DeferredList, getPOSTCharset
-from nevow import inevow, tags
-from nevow.context import WovenContext
-import formless
-from formless.formutils import enumerate
-from formless import iformless
-faketag = tags.html()
-def exceptblock(f, handler, exception, *a, **kw):
-    try:
-        result = f(*a, **kw)
-    except exception, e:
-        return handler(e)
-    if isinstance(result, Deferred):
-        def _(fail):
-            fail.trap(exception)
-            return handler(fail.value)
-        return result.addErrback(_)
-    else:
-        return result
-class ProcessGroupBinding(components.Adapter):
-    implements(iformless.IInputProcessor)
-    def process(self, context, boundTo, data):
-        ## THE SPEC: self.original.typedValue.iface.__spec__
-        spec = self.original.typedValue.iface.__spec__
-        resultList = [None] * len(spec)
-        message = ''
-        results = {}
-        failures = {}
-        waiters = []
-        for i, sub in enumerate(spec):
-            def _process():
-                # note, _process only works because it is called IMMEDIATELY
-                # in the loop, watch out for confusing behavior if it is called
-                # later when 'i' has changed
-                resulti = resultList[i] = iformless.IInputProcessor(sub).process(context, boundTo, data, autoConfigure = False)
-                # Merge the valid value in case another fails
-                results.update(resulti)
-            def _except(e):
-                errors = context.locate(iformless.IFormErrors)
-                # XXX: It seems like this should only ever be called with a WovenContext
-                # XXX: if it's using context.key. But it seems that it's only ever called with
-                # XXX: a PageContext, so context.key used to be '' always?
-                errors.updateErrors(getattr(context, 'key', ''), e.errors)
-                pf = e.partialForm
-                err = e.errors
-                msg = e.formErrorMessage
-                ## Set an error message for this group of bindings
-                errors.setError(getattr(context, 'key', ''), msg)
-                # Merge the failed value
-                results.update(pf)
-                # Merge the error message
-                failures.update(e.errors)
-            maybe = exceptblock(_process, _except, formless.ValidateError)
-            if isinstance(maybe, Deferred):
-                waiters.append(maybe)
-        def _finish(ignored):
-            if not failures:
-                for specobj, result in zip(spec, resultList):
-                    specobj.configure(boundTo, result)
-            else:
-                #print "There were validation errors. The errors were: ", failures
-                raise formless.ValidateError(failures, 'Error:', results)
-        return DeferredList(waiters).addBoth(_finish)
-class ProcessMethodBinding(components.Adapter):
-    implements(iformless.IInputProcessor)
-    def process(self, context, boundTo, data, autoConfigure = True):
-        """Knows how to process a dictionary of lists
-        where the dictionary may contain a key with the same
-        name as some of the arguments to the MethodBinding
-        instance.
-        """
-        typedValue = self.original.typedValue
-        results = {}
-        failures = {}
-        if data.has_key('----'):
-            ## ---- is the "direct object", the one argument you can specify using the command line without saying what the argument name is
-            data[typedValue.arguments[0].name] = data['----']
-            del data['----']
-        for binding in typedValue.arguments:
-            name = binding.name
-            try:
-                context = WovenContext(context, faketag)
-                context.remember(binding, iformless.IBinding)
-                results[name] = iformless.IInputProcessor(binding.typedValue).process(context, boundTo, data.get(name, ['']))
-            except formless.InputError, e:
-                results[name] = data.get(name, [''])[0]
-                failures[name] = e.reason
-        if failures:
-            #print "There were validation errors. The errors were: ", failures
-            raise formless.ValidateError(failures, "Error:", results)
-        if autoConfigure:
-            def _except(e):
-                failures[''] = e.reason # self.original.name
-                raise formless.ValidateError(failures, e.reason, results)
-            return exceptblock(self.original.configure, _except, formless.InputError,
-                               boundTo, results)
-        return results
-class ProcessPropertyBinding(components.Adapter):
-    implements(iformless.IInputProcessor)
-    def process(self, context, boundTo, data, autoConfigure = True):
-        """Knows how to process a dictionary of lists
-        where the dictionary may contain a key with the
-        same name as the property binding's name.
-        """
-        binding = self.original
-        context.remember(binding, iformless.IBinding)
-        result = {}
-        try:
-            result[binding.name] = iformless.IInputProcessor(binding.typedValue).process(context, boundTo, data.get(binding.name, ['']))
-        except formless.InputError, e:
-            result[binding.name] = data.get(binding.name, [''])
-            raise formless.ValidateError({binding.name: e.reason}, e.reason, result)
-        if autoConfigure:
-            try:
-                return self.original.configure(boundTo, result)
-            except formless.InputError, e:
-                result[binding.name] = data.get(binding.name, [''])
-                raise formless.ValidateError({binding.name: e.reason}, e.reason, result)
-        return result
-class ProcessTyped(components.Adapter):
-    implements(iformless.IInputProcessor)
-    def process(self, context, boundTo, data):
-        """data is a list of strings at this point
-        """
-        typed = self.original
-        val = data[0]
-        if typed.unicode:
-            try:
-                val = val.decode(getPOSTCharset(context), 'replace')
-            except LookupError:
-                val = val.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
-        if typed.strip:
-            val = val.strip()
-        if val == '' or val is None:
-            if typed.required:
-                raise formless.InputError(typed.requiredFailMessage)
-            else:
-                return typed.null
-        try:
-            return typed.coerce(val, boundTo)
-        except TypeError, e:
-            warnings.warn('Typed.coerce takes two values now, the value to coerce and the configurable in whose context the coerce is taking place. %s %s' % (typed.__class__, typed))
-            return typed.coerce(val)
-class ProcessPassword(components.Adapter):
-    implements(iformless.IInputProcessor)
-    def process(self, context, boundTo, data):
-        """Password needs to look at two passwords in the data,
-        """
-        typed = self.original
-        pw1 = data[0]
-        args = context.locate(inevow.IRequest).args
-        binding = context.locate(iformless.IBinding)
-        pw2 = args.get("%s____2" % binding.name, [''])[0]
-        if typed.strip:
-            pw1 = pw1.strip()
-            pw2 = pw2.strip()
-        if pw1 != pw2:
-            raise formless.InputError("Passwords do not match. Please reenter.")
-        elif pw1 == '':
-            if typed.required:
-                raise formless.InputError(typed.requiredFailMessage)
-            else:
-                return typed.null
-        val = data[0]
-        if typed.unicode:
-            try:
-                val = val.decode(getPOSTCharset(context), 'replace')
-            except LookupError:
-                val = val.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
-        try:
-            return typed.coerce(val, boundTo)
-        except TypeError:
-            warnings.warn('Typed.coerce takes two values now, the value to coerce and the configurable in whose context the coerce is taking place. %s %s' % (typed.__class__, typed))
-            return typed.coerce(data[0])
-class ProcessRequest(components.Adapter):
-    implements(iformless.IInputProcessor)
-    def process(self, context, boundTo, data):
-        return context.locate(inevow.IRequest)
-class ProcessContext(components.Adapter):
-    implements(iformless.IInputProcessor)
-    def process(self, context, boundTo, data):
-        return context
-class ProcessUpload(components.Adapter):
-    implements(iformless.IInputProcessor)
-    def process(self, context, boundTo, data):
-        typed = self.original
-        bind = context.locate(iformless.IBinding)
-        # TOTAL HACK: this comes from outer space
-        fields = context.locate(inevow.IRequest).fields
-        try:
-            field = fields[bind.name]
-        except KeyError:
-            return ''
-        def hasContent(field):
-            """Test if the uploaded file has any content by looking for a single byte.
-            """
-            file = field.file
-            pos = file.tell()
-            file.seek(0)
-            ch = file.read(1)
-            file.seek(pos)
-            return ch != ''
-        # Testing for required'ness is a bit of a hack (not my fault!) ...
-        # The upload is only considered missing if both the file name and content
-        # are empty. That allows for files with content called ' ' and empty files
-        # with a sensible name.
-        # field might be a list, if multiple files were uploaded with the same
-        # name.
-        if isinstance(field, list):
-            fieldList = field
-        else:
-            fieldList = [field]
-        for maybeEmptyField in fieldList:
-            if maybeEmptyField.filename.strip() or hasContent(maybeEmptyField):
-                break
-        else:
-            if typed.required:
-                raise formless.InputError(typed.requiredFailMessage)
-            else:
-                return typed.null
-        return field
-def process(typed, data, configurable=None, ctx=None):
-    if ctx is None:
-        from nevow.testutil import FakeRequest
-        from nevow import context
-        fr = FakeRequest()
-        if type(data) is dict:
-            fr.args = data
-        ctx = context.RequestContext(tag=fr)
-        ctx.remember(fr, inevow.IRequest)
-        ctx.remember(None, inevow.IData)
-    try:
-        return iformless.IInputProcessor(typed).process(ctx, configurable, data, autoConfigure=False)
-    except TypeError:
-        return iformless.IInputProcessor(typed).process(ctx, configurable, data)

=== removed directory 'Nevow/formless/test'
=== removed file 'Nevow/formless/test/__init__.py'
--- Nevow/formless/test/__init__.py	2005-10-14 17:36:24 +0000
+++ Nevow/formless/test/__init__.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod.
-# See LICENSE for details.

=== removed file 'Nevow/formless/test/test_formless.py'
--- Nevow/formless/test/test_formless.py	2007-11-16 02:39:33 +0000
+++ Nevow/formless/test/test_formless.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-import os
-from nevow.testutil import TestCase
-import formless
-from formless import process as flpr
-def process(typed, value):
-    return flpr(typed, [value])
-class Typed(TestCase):
-    def testString(self):
-        s = formless.String()
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ''), None)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, "Fooo"), "Fooo")
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, "This is a string"), "This is a string")
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, 'C\xc3\xa9sar'), 'C\xc3\xa9sar')
-        s = formless.String(unicode=True)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, 'C\xc3\xa9sar'), u'C\u00e9sar')
-        s = formless.String(required=True)
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, s, "")
-        s = formless.String(required=False)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, "Bar"), "Bar")
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ""), None)
-        s = formless.String()
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ' abc '), ' abc ')
-        s = formless.String(strip=True, required=True)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ' abc '), 'abc')
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, '\t abc \t  \n '), 'abc')
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, s, ' ')
-        s = formless.String(required=False, strip=True)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ' abc '), 'abc')
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ' '), None)
-    def testText(self):
-        s = formless.Text()
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ""), None)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, "Fooo"), "Fooo")
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, "This is a string"), "This is a string")
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, 'C\xc3\xa9sar'), 'C\xc3\xa9sar')
-        s = formless.Text(unicode=True)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, 'C\xc3\xa9sar'), u'C\u00e9sar')
-        s = formless.Text(required=True)
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, s, "")
-        s = formless.Text(required=False)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, "Bar"), "Bar")
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ""), None)
-        s = formless.Text()
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ' abc '), ' abc ')
-        s = formless.Text(strip=True, required=True)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ' abc '), 'abc')
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, s, ' ')
-        s = formless.Text(required=False, strip=True)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ' abc '), 'abc')
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ' '), None)
-    def testPassword(self):
-        def process(pw, val, val2=None):
-            if val2 is None: val2 = val
-            return flpr(
-                formless.Property('password', pw),
-                {'password': [val], 'password____2': [val2]})['password']
-        s = formless.Password()
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, "Fooo"), "Fooo")
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, "This is a string"), "This is a string")
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, "This is a string"), "This is a string")
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, 'C\xc3\xa9sar'), 'C\xc3\xa9sar')
-        s = formless.Password(unicode=True)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, 'C\xc3\xa9sar'), u'C\u00e9sar')
-        s = formless.Password(required=True)
-        self.assertRaises(formless.ValidateError, process, s, "")
-        s = formless.Password(required=False)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, "Bar"), "Bar")
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ""), None)
-        s = formless.Password()
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ' abc '), ' abc ')
-        s = formless.Password(strip=True, required=True)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ' abc '), 'abc')
-        self.assertRaises(formless.ValidateError, process, s, ' ')
-        s = formless.Password(required=False, strip=True)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ' abc '), 'abc')
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ' '), None)
-    def testPasswordEntry(self):
-        s = formless.PasswordEntry()
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ''), None)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, 'abc'), 'abc')
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ' blah blah blah  '), ' blah blah blah  ')
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, 'C\xc3\xa9sar'), 'C\xc3\xa9sar')
-        s = formless.PasswordEntry(unicode=True)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, 'C\xc3\xa9sar'), u'C\u00e9sar')
-        s = formless.PasswordEntry(strip=True)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ''), None)
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, 'abc'), 'abc')
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ' blah blah blah  '), 'blah blah blah')
-        s = formless.PasswordEntry(strip=True, required=True)
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, s, '')
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, s, '   ')
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, 'abc'), 'abc')
-        self.assertEquals(process(s, ' blah blah blah  '), 'blah blah blah')
-    def testInteger(self):
-        i = formless.Integer(required=True)
-        self.assertEquals(process(i, "0"), 0)
-        self.assertEquals(process(i, "3409823098"), 3409823098)
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, i, "")
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, i, "a string")
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, i, "1.5")
-        i = formless.Integer(required=False)
-        self.assertEquals(process(i, "1234567"), 1234567)
-        self.assertEquals(process(i, ""), None)
-    def testReal(self):
-        i = formless.Real(required=True)
-        self.assertApproximates(process(i, "0.0"), 0.0, 1e-10)
-        self.assertApproximates(process(i, "34098.23098"), 34098.23098, 1e-10)
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, i, "")
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, i, "a string")
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, i, "1.5j")
-        i = formless.Real(required=False)
-        self.assertApproximates(process(i, "1234.567"), 1234.567, 1e-10)
-        self.assertEquals(process(i, ""), None)
-    def testBoolean(self):
-        b = formless.Boolean(required=True)
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, b, "zoom")
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, b, True)
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, b, 54)
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, b, "")
-        self.assertEquals(process(b, "True"), True)
-        self.assertEquals(process(b, "False"), False)
-        b = formless.Boolean(required=False)
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, b, "zoom")
-        self.assertEquals(process(b, ""), None)
-        self.assertEquals(process(b, "True"), True)
-        self.assertEquals(process(b, "False"), False)
-    def testFixedDigitInteger(self):
-        d = formless.FixedDigitInteger(3, required=True)
-        self.assertEquals(process(d, "123"), 123)
-        self.assertEquals(process(d, "567"), 567)
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, d, "12")
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, d, "1234")
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, d, "012")
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, d, "foo")
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, d, "   ")
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, d, "")
-        d = formless.FixedDigitInteger(3, required=False)
-        self.assertEquals(process(d, "123"), 123)
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, d, "foo")
-        self.assertEquals(process(d, ""), None)
-    def testDirectory(self):
-        p1 = self.mktemp()
-        os.mkdir(p1)
-        p2 = self.mktemp()
-        d = formless.Directory(required=True)
-        self.assertEquals(process(d, p1), p1)
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, d, p2)
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, d, "")
-        d = formless.Directory(required=False)
-        self.assertEquals(process(d, p1), p1)
-        self.assertRaises(formless.InputError, process, d, p2)
-        self.assertEquals(process(d, ""), None)
-class Annotation(TestCase):
-    def testTypedInterfaceProperties(self):
-        class Other(formless.TypedInterface):
-            pass
-        _indirectOther = lambda: Other  # XXX work around Python issue1569356
-        class Test(formless.TypedInterface):
-            foo = formless.String()
-            bar = formless.Text()
-            baz = formless.Integer()
-            quux = formless.Object(interface=_indirectOther())
-        self.assertEquals(Test.__properties__, Test.__spec__)
-        bfoo, bbar, bbaz, quux = Test.__properties__
-        self.assertEquals(bfoo.name, 'foo')
-        self.assertEquals(bbar.name, 'bar')
-        self.assertEquals(bbaz.name, 'baz')
-        self.assertEquals(bfoo.typedValue.__class__, formless.String)
-        self.assertEquals(bbar.typedValue.__class__, formless.Text)
-        self.assertEquals(bbaz.typedValue.__class__, formless.Integer)
-        self.assertEquals(quux.typedValue.__class__, formless.Object)
-        self.assertEquals(quux.typedValue.iface, Other)
-    def testTypedInterfaceMethods(self):
-        class IFoo(formless.TypedInterface):
-            pass
-        _indirectIFoo = lambda: IFoo    # XXX work around Python issue1569356
-        class Test2(formless.TypedInterface):
-            def foo(foobar=formless.String()):
-                """This is a description of foo"""
-                pass
-            foo = formless.autocallable(foo)
-            def bar(barbaz=formless.Integer(label="The Baz")):
-                ## this has no docstring, make sure it doesn't fail
-                return formless.String()
-            bar = formless.autocallable(bar, someAttribute="Hello")
-            def baz(bazfoo=formless.Boolean(label="The Foo", description="The foo to baz.")):
-                """The Label
-                The description"""
-                IFoo = _indirectIFoo()
-                return IFoo
-            baz = formless.autocallable(baz)
-        self.assertEquals(Test2.__methods__, Test2.__spec__)
-        bfoo, bbar, bbaz = Test2.__methods__
-        self.assertEquals(bfoo.name, 'foo')
-        self.assertEquals(bbar.name, 'bar')
-        self.assertEquals(bbar.getAttribute('someAttribute'), "Hello")
-        self.assertEquals(bbaz.name, 'baz')
-        self.assertEquals(bfoo.label, 'Foo')
-        self.assertEquals(bfoo.description, 'This is a description of foo')
-        self.assertEquals(bbar.label, 'Bar')
-        self.assertEquals(bbar.description, '')
-        self.assertEquals(bbaz.label, 'The Label')
-        self.assertEquals(bbaz.description, 'The description')
-        def getArgTypes(mbinding):
-            return [x.typedValue.__class__ for x in mbinding.arguments]
-        self.assertEquals(getArgTypes(bfoo), [formless.String])
-        self.assertEquals(bfoo.returnValue.iface, None)
-        self.assertEquals(getArgTypes(bbar), [formless.Integer])
-        self.assertEquals(bbar.returnValue.__class__, formless.String)
-        self.assertEquals(getArgTypes(bbaz), [formless.Boolean])
-        self.assertEquals(bbaz.returnValue.iface, IFoo)
-        def firstArg(mbinding):
-            return mbinding.arguments[0]
-        self.assertEquals(firstArg(bfoo).label, 'Foobar')
-        self.assertEquals(firstArg(bfoo).description, '')
-        self.assertEquals(firstArg(bbar).label, 'The Baz')
-        self.assertEquals(firstArg(bbar).description, '')
-        self.assertEquals(firstArg(bbaz).label, 'The Foo')
-        self.assertEquals(firstArg(bbaz).description, 'The foo to baz.')
-    def testTypedInterfaceMethods_actionLabel(self):
-        """When no label was given, docstring is given preference compared to action."""
-        class Test(formless.TypedInterface):
-            def foo(foobar=formless.String()):
-                """
-                Label for foo
-                Description for foo
-                """
-                pass
-            foo = formless.autocallable(foo, action="Do something!")
-        self.assertEquals(Test.__methods__, Test.__spec__)
-        (bfoo,) = Test.__methods__
-        self.assertEquals(bfoo.name, 'foo')
-        self.assertEquals(bfoo.label, 'Label for foo')
-        self.assertEquals(bfoo.description, 'Description for foo')
-    def testTypedInterfaceMethods_explicitLabel(self):
-        """When a label was given, it is given preference compared to docstring."""
-        class Test(formless.TypedInterface):
-            def foo(foobar=formless.String()):
-                """
-                Docstring label for foo
-                Description for foo
-                """
-                pass
-            foo = formless.autocallable(foo,
-                                        action="Do something!",
-                                        label="Explicit label for foo",
-                                        )
-        self.assertEquals(Test.__methods__, Test.__spec__)
-        (bfoo,) = Test.__methods__
-        self.assertEquals(bfoo.name, 'foo')
-        self.assertEquals(bfoo.label, 'Explicit label for foo')
-        self.assertEquals(bfoo.description, 'Description for foo')
-    def testTypedInterfaceMethods_deprecated(self):
-        class Test(formless.TypedInterface):
-            def noArgs(self):
-                pass
-            noArgs = formless.autocallable(noArgs)
-            def oneArg(self, someParam=formless.String()):
-                pass
-            oneArg = formless.autocallable(oneArg)
-        self.assertEquals(Test.__methods__, Test.__spec__)
-        m_noArgs, m_oneArg = Test.__methods__
-        self.assertEquals(len(m_noArgs.arguments), 0)
-        self.assertEquals(len(m_oneArg.arguments), 1)
-    def testTypedInterfaceMethods_nonAutocallable(self):
-        class Test(formless.TypedInterface):
-            def notAutocallable(arg1, arg2):
-                pass
-        self.assertEquals(Test.__methods__, Test.__spec__)
-        self.assertEquals(Test.__methods__, [])
-class IListWithActions(formless.TypedInterface):
-    def actionOne(theSubset = formless.List()):
-        pass
-    def actionTwo(theSubset = formless.List()):
-        pass
-    theListOfStuff = formless.List(actions=[actionOne, actionTwo])
-class TestListActions(TestCase):
-    def test_listActionMetadata(self):
-        ## IListWithActions only has one binding, a Property binding
-        ## of theListOfStuff to a List with some actions.
-        actions = IListWithActions.__spec__[0].typedValue.actions
-        self.failUnless(reduce, (lambda x: x.name == 'actionOne', actions))
-        self.failUnless(reduce, (lambda x: x.name == 'actionTwo', actions))
-class TestPropertyGroups(TestCase):
-    def test_nestedTypedInterfaces(self):
-        class Outer(formless.TypedInterface):
-            aSimpleProperty = formless.Object()
-            class Inner(formless.TypedInterface):
-                """Docstring
-                This is a docstring.
-                """
-                anInnerProperty = formless.Integer()
-        self.assertEquals(Outer.__spec__[1].typedValue.iface, Outer.Inner)
-        inn = Outer.__spec__[1].typedValue.iface

=== removed file 'Nevow/formless/test/test_freeform.py'
--- Nevow/formless/test/test_freeform.py	2006-03-17 15:00:39 +0000
+++ Nevow/formless/test/test_freeform.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,666 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import components
-from nevow import tags
-from nevow import inevow
-from nevow import context
-from nevow import util
-import formless
-from formless import webform
-from formless import iformless
-from formless import configurable
-from nevow.test import test_flatstan
-class Base(test_flatstan.Base):
-    implements(iformless.IConfigurableFactory)
-    synchronousLocateConfigurable = False
-    def locateConfigurable(self, *args, **kw):
-        r = iformless.IConfigurable(self.conf)
-        if not self.synchronousLocateConfigurable:
-            r = util.succeed(r)
-        return r
-    def setupContext(self, *args, **kw):
-        ctx = test_flatstan.Base.setupContext(self, *args, **kw)
-        return context.PageContext(tag=tags.html(), parent=ctx)
-    def render(self, tag, setupContext=lambda c:c):
-        return test_flatstan.Base.render(
-            self, tag, setupContext=setupContext,
-            wantDeferred=True)
-    def renderForms(self, configurable, ctx=None, *args, **kwargs):
-        self.conf = configurable
-        if ctx is None:
-            ctx = self.setupContext(False)
-        ctx.remember(self, iformless.IConfigurableFactory)
-        return self.render(
-            webform.renderForms(*args, **kwargs),
-            setupContext=lambda c: ctx)
-    def postForm(self, ctx, obj, bindingName, args):
-        self.conf = obj
-        ctx.remember(self, iformless.IConfigurableFactory)
-        def trapValidate(f):
-            f.trap(formless.ValidateError)
-            e = f.value
-            errors = ctx.locate(iformless.IFormErrors)
-            ## Set the overall error for this form
-            errors.setError(bindingName, e.formErrorMessage)
-            errors.updateErrors(bindingName, e.errors)
-            ctx.locate(iformless.IFormDefaults).getAllDefaults(bindingName).update(e.partialForm)
-        return util.maybeDeferred(self.locateConfigurable,obj).addCallback(lambda x: x.postForm(
-            ctx, bindingName, args
-            )).addErrback(trapValidate)
-class Complete(Base):
-    def test_configureProperty(self):
-        class IStupid(formless.TypedInterface):
-            foo = formless.String()
-        class StupidThing(configurable.Configurable):
-            implements(IStupid)
-            def __init__(self):
-                configurable.Configurable.__init__(self, None)
-                self.foo = 'foo'
-        dumb = StupidThing()
-        def doasserts(val):
-            self.assertSubstring('freeform_post!!foo', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('foo', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('type="text"', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('<input type="submit"', val)
-        return self.renderForms(dumb).addCallback(doasserts)
-    def test_configureMethod(self):
-        class IDumb(formless.TypedInterface):
-            def foo(bar=formless.String()):
-                return formless.String()
-            foo = formless.autocallable(foo)
-        class DumbThing(configurable.Configurable):
-            implements(IDumb)
-            def foo(self, bar):
-                return "baz"
-        stupid = DumbThing(1)
-        def doasserts(val):
-            self.assertSubstring('freeform_post!!foo', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('foo', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('bar', val)
-        return self.renderForms(stupid).addCallback(doasserts)
-class BuildingBlocksTest(Base):
-    def test_1_renderTyped(self):
-        binding = formless.Property('hello', formless.String(
-            label="Hello",
-            description="Hello, world."))
-        ## Look up a renderer specific to the type of our binding, typedValue;
-        renderer = iformless.ITypedRenderer(
-            binding.typedValue, None)
-        ## But render the binding itself with this renderer
-        ## The binding has the ".name" attribute we need
-        def later(val):
-            self.assertSubstring('hello', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('Hello', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('Hello, world.', val)
-            self.failIfSubstring('</form>', val)
-            self.failIfSubstring('<input type="submit"', val)
-        return self.render(tags.invisible(data=binding, render=renderer)).addCallback(later)
-    test_1_renderTyped.todo = "Render binding"
-    def test_2_renderPropertyBinding(self):
-        binding = formless.Property('goodbye', formless.String(
-            label="Goodbye",
-            description="Goodbye cruel world"))
-        # Look up an IBindingRenderer, which will render the form and the typed
-        renderer = iformless.IBindingRenderer(binding)
-        def later(val):
-            self.assertSubstring('<form ', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('<input type="submit"', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('name="goodbye"', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('Goodbye', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('Goodbye cruel world', val)
-        return self.render(tags.invisible(data=binding, render=renderer)).addCallback(later)
-    def test_3_renderMethodBinding(self):
-        binding = formless.MethodBinding('doit', formless.Method(
-            returnValue=None,
-            arguments=[formless.Argument('foo', formless.String(label="Foo"))],
-            label="Do It",
-            description="Do it to 'em all"))
-        renderer = iformless.IBindingRenderer(binding)
-        def later(val):
-            self.assertSubstring('<form ', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('Do It', val)
-            self.assertSubstring("Do it to 'em all", val)
-            self.assertSubstring("Foo", val)
-            self.assertSubstring('name="foo"', val)
-        return self.render(tags.invisible(data=binding, render=renderer)).addCallback(later)
-class TestDefaults(Base):
-    def test_1_renderWithDefaultValues(self):
-        binding = formless.MethodBinding('haveFun', formless.Method(
-            returnValue=None,
-            arguments=[formless.Argument('funValue', formless.Integer(label="Fun Value", default=0))]
-        ))
-        def setupCtx(ctx):
-            ctx.locate(iformless.IFormDefaults).setDefault('funValue', 15)
-            return ctx
-        renderer = iformless.IBindingRenderer(binding)
-        def later(val):
-            self.failIfSubstring('0', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('15', val)
-        return self.render(tags.invisible(data=binding, render=renderer), setupContext=setupCtx).addCallback(
-            later)
-    def test_2_renderWithObjectPropertyValues(self):
-        class IDefaultProperty(formless.TypedInterface):
-            default = formless.Integer(default=2)
-        class Foo(configurable.Configurable):
-            implements(IDefaultProperty)
-            default = 54
-        def later(val):
-            self.failIfSubstring('2', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('54', val)
-        return self.renderForms(Foo(None)).addCallback(later)
-    def test_3_renderWithAdapteeAttributeValues(self):
-        class IDefaultProperty(formless.TypedInterface):
-            default = formless.Integer(default=2)
-        class Adaptee(object):
-            default = 69
-        class Bar(configurable.Configurable):
-            implements(IDefaultProperty)
-        def later(val):
-            self.failIfSubstring('2', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('69', val)
-        return self.renderForms(Bar(Adaptee())).addCallback(later)
-    def test_4_testBindingDefaults(self):
-        class IBindingDefaults(formless.TypedInterface):
-            def aMethod(foo=formless.String(default="The foo")):
-                pass
-            aMethod = formless.autocallable(aMethod)
-            aProperty = formless.String(default="The property")
-        class Implements(configurable.Configurable):
-            implements(IBindingDefaults)
-        def later(val):
-            self.assertSubstring("The foo", val)
-            self.assertSubstring("The property", val)
-        return self.renderForms(Implements(None)).addCallback(later)
-    def test_5_testDynamicDefaults(self):
-        class IDynamicDefaults(formless.TypedInterface):
-            def aMethod(foo=formless.String(default="NOTFOO")):
-                pass
-            def bMethod(foo=formless.String(default="NOTBAR")):
-                pass
-            aMethod = formless.autocallable(aMethod)
-            bMethod = formless.autocallable(bMethod)
-        class Implements(configurable.Configurable):
-            implements(IDynamicDefaults)
-        def later(val):
-            self.assertSubstring("YESFOO", val)
-            self.assertSubstring("YESBAR", val)
-            self.assertNotSubstring("NOTFOO", val)
-            self.assertNotSubstring("NOTBAR", val)
-        return self.renderForms(Implements(None), bindingDefaults={
-                'aMethod': {'foo': 'YESFOO'},
-                'bMethod': {'foo': 'YESBAR'}}).addCallback(later)
-class TestNonConfigurableSubclass(Base):
-    def test_1_testSimple(self):
-        class ISimpleTypedInterface(formless.TypedInterface):
-            anInt = formless.Integer()
-            def aMethod(aString = formless.String()):
-                return None
-            aMethod = formless.autocallable(aMethod)
-        class ANonConfigurable(object): # Not subclassing Configurable
-            implements(ISimpleTypedInterface) # But implements a TypedInterface
-        def later(val):
-            self.assertSubstring('anInt', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('aMethod', val)
-        return self.renderForms(ANonConfigurable()).addCallback(later)
-class TestPostAForm(Base):
-    def test_1_failAndSucceed(self):
-        class IAPasswordMethod(formless.TypedInterface):
-            def password(pword = formless.Password(), integer=formless.Integer()):
-                pass
-            password = formless.autocallable(password)
-        class APasswordImplementation(object):
-            implements(IAPasswordMethod)
-            matched = False
-            def password(self, pword, integer):
-                self.matched = True
-                return "password matched"
-        theObj = APasswordImplementation()
-        ctx = self.setupContext()
-        D = self.postForm(ctx, theObj, "password", {"pword": ["these passwords"], "pword____2": ["don't match"], 'integer': ['Not integer']})
-        def after(result):
-            self.assertEquals(theObj.matched, False)
-            def later(val):
-                self.assertSubstring("Passwords do not match. Please reenter.", val)
-                self.assertSubstring('value="Not integer"', val)
-            return self.renderForms(theObj, ctx).addCallback(later)
-        return D.addCallback(after)
-    def test_2_propertyFailed(self):
-        class IAProperty(formless.TypedInterface):
-            prop = formless.Integer()
-        class Impl(object):
-            implements(IAProperty)
-            prop = 5
-        theObj = Impl()
-        ctx = self.setupContext()
-        D = self.postForm(ctx, theObj, 'prop', {'prop': ['bad']})
-        def after(result):
-            def later(val):
-                self.assertSubstring('value="bad"', val)
-            return self.renderForms(theObj, ctx).addCallback(later)
-        return D.addCallback(after)
-class TestRenderPropertyGroup(Base):
-    def test_1_propertyGroup(self):
-        class Outer(formless.TypedInterface):
-            class Inner(formless.TypedInterface):
-                one = formless.Integer()
-                two = formless.Integer()
-                def buckleMyShoe():
-                    pass
-                buckleMyShoe = formless.autocallable(buckleMyShoe)
-                def buriedAlive():
-                    pass
-                buriedAlive = formless.autocallable(buriedAlive)
-        class Implementation(object):
-            implements(Outer)
-            one = 1
-            two = 2
-            buckled = False
-            buried = False
-            def buckleMyShoe(self):
-                self.buckled = True
-            def buriedAlive(self):
-                self.buried = True
-        impl = Implementation()
-        ctx = self.setupContext()
-        def later(val):
-            D = self.postForm(ctx, impl, "Inner", {'one': ['Not an integer'], 'two': ['22']})
-            def after(result):
-                self.assertEquals(impl.one, 1)
-                self.assertEquals(impl.two, 2)
-                self.assertEquals(impl.buckled, False)
-                self.assertEquals(impl.buried, False)
-                def evenlater(moreval):
-                    self.assertSubstring("is not an integer", moreval)
-                    # TODO: Get default values for property groups displaying properly.
-                    #self.assertSubstring('value="Not an integer"', moreval)
-                    DD = self.postForm(ctx, impl, "Inner", {'one': ['11'], 'two': ['22']})
-                    def afterafter(ign):
-                        self.assertEquals(impl.one, 11)
-                        self.assertEquals(impl.two, 22)
-                        self.assertEquals(impl.buckled, True)
-                        self.assertEquals(impl.buried, True)
-                    return DD.addCallback(afterafter)
-                return self.renderForms(impl, ctx).addCallback(evenlater)
-            return D.addCallback(after)
-        return self.renderForms(impl).addCallback(later)
-class TestRenderMethod(Base):
-    def testDefault(self):
-        class IFoo(formless.TypedInterface):
-            def foo(abc=formless.String()):
-                pass
-            foo = formless.autocallable(foo)
-        class Impl:
-            implements(IFoo)
-        def later(val):
-            self.assertSubstring('value="Foo"', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('name="abc"', val)
-        return self.renderForms(Impl(), bindingNames=['foo']).addCallback(later)
-    def testActionLabel(self):
-        class IFoo(formless.TypedInterface):
-            def foo(abc=formless.String()):
-                pass
-            foo = formless.autocallable(foo, action='FooFooFoo')
-        class Impl:
-            implements(IFoo)
-        def later(val):
-            self.assertSubstring('value="FooFooFoo"', val)
-            self.assertSubstring('name="abc"', val)
-        return self.renderForms(Impl(), bindingNames=['foo']).addCallback(later)
-    def testOneSigMultiCallables(self):
-        class IFoo(formless.TypedInterface):
-            def sig(abc=formless.String()):
-                pass
-            foo = formless.autocallable(sig)
-            bar = formless.autocallable(sig, action='FooFooFOo')
-        class Impl:
-            implements(IFoo)
-        def later1(val):
-            self.assertSubstring('value="Foo"', val)
-            def later2(val):
-                self.assertSubstring('value="FooFooFoo"', val)
-            return self.renderForms(Impl(), bindingNames=['bar']).addCallback(later2)
-        return self.renderForms(Impl(), bindingNames=['foo']).addCallback(later1)
-    testOneSigMultiCallables.todo = 'autocallable should not set attributes directly on the callable'
-class TestCustomTyped(Base):
-    def test_typedCoerceWithBinding(self):
-        class MyTyped(formless.Typed):
-            passed = False
-            wasBoundTo = None
-            def coerce(self, val, boundTo):
-                self.passed = True
-                self.wasBoundTo = boundTo
-                return "passed"
-        typedinst = MyTyped()
-        class IMyInterface(formless.TypedInterface):
-            def theFunc(test=typedinst):
-                pass
-            theFunc = formless.autocallable(theFunc)
-        class Implementation(object):
-            implements(IMyInterface)
-            called = False
-            def theFunc(self, test):
-                self.called = True
-        inst = Implementation()
-        ctx = self.setupContext()
-        D = self.postForm(ctx, inst, 'theFunc', {'test': ['a test value']})
-        def after(result):
-            self.assertEquals(typedinst.passed, True)
-            self.assertEquals(typedinst.wasBoundTo, inst)
-            self.assertEquals(inst.called, True)
-        return D.addCallback(after)
-class TestUneditableProperties(Base):
-    def test_uneditable(self):
-        class Uneditable(formless.TypedInterface):
-            aProp = formless.String(description="the description", immutable=True)
-        class Impl(object):
-            implements(Uneditable)
-            aProp = property(lambda self: "HELLO")
-        inst = Impl()
-        def later(val):
-            self.assertSubstring('HELLO', val)
-            self.failIfSubstring('type="text"', val)
-        return self.renderForms(inst).addCallback(later)
-class TestAfterValidation(Base):
-    """Test post-validation rendering"""
-    def test_property(self):
-        """Test that, when validation fails, the value just entered is redisplayed"""
-        class IThing(formless.TypedInterface):
-            foo = formless.Integer()
-        class Thing:
-            implements(IThing)
-            foo = 1
-        inst = Thing()
-        ctx = self.setupContext()
-        D = self.postForm(ctx, inst, 'foo', {'foo': ['abc']})
-        def after(result):
-            def later(val):
-                def morelater(noval):
-                    self.assertSubstring('value="abc"', val)
-                return self.renderForms(inst, ctx).addCallback(morelater)
-            return self.renderForms(inst)
-        return D.addCallback(after)
-class TestHandAndStatus(Base):
-    """Test that the method result is available as the hand, and that
-    a reasonable status message string is available"""
-    def test_hand(self):
-        """Test that the hand and status message are available before redirecting the post
-        """
-        returnResult = object()
-        class IMethod(formless.TypedInterface):
-            def foo(): pass
-            foo = formless.autocallable(foo)
-        class Method(object):
-            implements(IMethod)
-            def foo(self):
-                return returnResult
-        inst = Method()
-        ctx = self.setupContext()
-        D = self.postForm(ctx, inst, 'foo', {})
-        def after(result):
-            self.assertEquals(ctx.locate(inevow.IHand), returnResult)
-            self.assertEquals(ctx.locate(inevow.IStatusMessage), "'foo' success.")
-        return D.addCallback(after)
-    def test_handFactory(self):
-        """Test that the hand and status message are available after redirecting the post
-        """
-        returnResult = object()
-        status = 'horray'
-        def setupRequest(r):
-            r.args['_nevow_carryover_'] = ['abc']
-            from nevow import rend
-            c = components.Componentized()
-            c.setComponent(inevow.IHand, returnResult)
-            c.setComponent(inevow.IStatusMessage, status)
-            rend._CARRYOVER['abc'] = c
-            return r
-        ctx = self.setupContext(setupRequest=setupRequest)
-        self.assertEquals(ctx.locate(inevow.IHand), returnResult)
-        self.assertEquals(ctx.locate(inevow.IStatusMessage), status)
-class TestCharsetDetectionSupport(Base):
-    def test_property(self):
-        class ITest(formless.TypedInterface):
-            foo = formless.String()
-        class Impl:
-            implements(ITest)
-        impl = Impl()
-        ctx = self.setupContext()
-        def later(val):
-            self.assertIn('<input type="hidden" name="_charset_" />', val)
-            self.assertIn('accept-charset="utf-8"', val)
-        return self.renderForms(impl, ctx).addCallback(later)
-    def test_group(self):
-        class ITest(formless.TypedInterface):
-            class Group(formless.TypedInterface):
-                foo = formless.String()
-        class Impl:
-            implements(ITest)
-        impl = Impl()
-        ctx = self.setupContext()
-        def later(val):
-            self.assertIn('<input type="hidden" name="_charset_" />', val)
-            self.assertIn('accept-charset="utf-8"', val)
-        return self.renderForms(impl, ctx).addCallback(later)
-    def test_method(self):
-        class ITest(formless.TypedInterface):
-            def foo(foo = formless.String()):
-                pass
-            foo = formless.autocallable(foo)
-        class Impl:
-            implements(ITest)
-        impl = Impl()
-        ctx = self.setupContext()
-        def later(val):
-            self.assertIn('<input type="hidden" name="_charset_" />', val)
-            self.assertIn('accept-charset="utf-8"', val)
-        return self.renderForms(impl, ctx).addCallback(later)
-class TestUnicode(Base):
-    def test_property(self):
-        class IThing(formless.TypedInterface):
-            aString = formless.String(unicode=True)
-        class Impl(object):
-            implements(IThing)
-            aString = None
-        inst = Impl()
-        ctx = self.setupContext()
-        D = self.postForm(ctx, inst, 'aString', {'aString':['\xc2\xa3']})
-        return D.addCallback(lambda result: self.assertEquals(inst.aString, u'\xa3'))
-class TestChoice(Base):
-    """Test various behaviors of submitting values to a Choice Typed.
-    """
-    def test_reject_missing(self):
-        # Ensure that if a Choice is not specified, the form is not submitted.
-        self.called = []
-        class IFormyThing(formless.TypedInterface):
-            def choiceyFunc(arg = formless.Choice(["one", "two"], required=True)):
-                pass
-            choiceyFunc = formless.autocallable(choiceyFunc)
-        class Impl(object):
-            implements(IFormyThing)
-            def choiceyFunc(innerSelf, arg):
-                self.called.append(arg)
-        inst = Impl()
-        ctx = self.setupContext()
-        D = self.postForm(ctx, inst, 'choiceyFunc', {})
-        return D.addCallback(lambda result: self.assertEquals(self.called, []))
-class mg(Base):
-    def test_leakyForms(self):
-        class ITest(formless.TypedInterface):
-            """Test that a property value on one form does not 'leak' into
-            a property of the same name on another form.
-            """
-            foo = formless.String()
-            def meth(foo = formless.String()):
-                pass
-            meth = formless.autocallable(meth)
-        class Impl:
-            implements(ITest)
-            foo = 'fooFOOfoo'
-        impl = Impl()
-        ctx = self.setupContext()
-        def later(val):
-            self.assertEquals(val.count('fooFOOfoo'), 1)
-        return self.renderForms(impl, ctx)
-# What the *hell* is this?!?
-#DeferredTestCases = type(Base)(
-#    'DeferredTestCases',
-#    tuple([v for v in locals().values()
-#     if isinstance(v, type(Base)) and issubclass(v, Base)]),
-#    {'synchronousLocateConfigurable': True})

=== removed file 'Nevow/formless/webform.py'
--- Nevow/formless/webform.py	2006-04-14 17:23:46 +0000
+++ Nevow/formless/webform.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,467 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: formless.test.test_freeform -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-from __future__ import generators
-import warnings
-from zope.interface import implements, Interface
-from twisted.python import components
-from nevow import inevow
-from nevow.stan import slot
-from nevow import tags
-from nevow import util
-from nevow.context import NodeNotFound
-from formless import iformless
-from formless.formutils import FormDefaults, FormErrors, calculatePostURL, keyToXMLID, getError
-from nevow.static import File
-defaultCSS = File(util.resource_filename('formless', 'freeform-default.css'), 'text/css')
-class DefaultRenderer(object):
-    implements(inevow.IRenderer, iformless.ITypedRenderer)
-    complexType = False
-    def rend(self, context, data):
-        return StringRenderer(data)
-defaultBindingRenderer = DefaultRenderer()
-class BaseInputRenderer(components.Adapter):
-    implements(inevow.IRenderer, iformless.ITypedRenderer)
-    complexType = False
-    def rend(self, context, data):
-        defaults = context.locate(iformless.IFormDefaults)
-        value = defaults.getDefault(context.key, context)
-        context.remember(data.typedValue, iformless.ITyped)
-        if data.typedValue.getAttribute('immutable'):
-            inp = tags.span(id=keyToXMLID(context.key))[value]
-        else:
-            ##value may be a deferred; make sure to wait on it properly before calling self.input
-            ## TODO: If flattening this results in an empty string, return an empty string
-            inp = tags.invisible(
-                render=lambda c, value: self.input( context, tags.invisible(), data, data.name, value ),
-                data=value)
-        if data.typedValue.getAttribute('hidden') or data.typedValue.getAttribute('compact'):
-            return inp
-        context.fillSlots( 'label', data.label )
-        context.fillSlots( 'name', data.name )
-        context.fillSlots( 'input', inp )
-        context.fillSlots( 'error', getError(context) )
-        context.fillSlots( 'description', data.description )
-        context.fillSlots( 'id', keyToXMLID(context.key) )
-        context.fillSlots( 'value', value )
-        return context.tag
-    def input(self, context, slot, data, name, value):
-        raise NotImplementedError, "Implement in subclass"
-class PasswordRenderer(BaseInputRenderer):
-    def input(self, context, slot, data, name, value):
-        return [
-            tags.input(id=keyToXMLID(context.key), name=name, type="password", _class="freeform-input-password"),
-            " Again ",
-            tags.input(name="%s____2" % name, type="password", _class="freeform-input-password"),
-        ]
-class PasswordEntryRenderer(BaseInputRenderer):
-    def input(self, context, slot, data, name, value):
-        return slot[
-            tags.input(id=keyToXMLID(context.key), type='password', name=name,
-                  _class='freeform-input-password')]
-class StringRenderer(BaseInputRenderer):
-    def input(self, context, slot, data, name, value):
-        if data.typedValue.getAttribute('hidden'):
-            T="hidden"
-        else:
-            T="text"
-        return slot[
-            tags.input(id=keyToXMLID(context.key), type=T, name=name, value=value,
-                  _class='freeform-input-%s' % T)]
-class TextRenderer(BaseInputRenderer):
-    def input(self, context, slot, data, name, value):
-        return slot[
-            tags.textarea(id=keyToXMLID(context.key), name=name, _class="freeform-textarea", rows=8, cols=40)[
-                value or '']]
-class BooleanRenderer(BaseInputRenderer):
-    def input(self, context, slot, data, name, value):
-        ## The only difference here is the "checked" attribute; the value is still the same because
-        ## we want true to be passed to the server when the checkbox is checked and the form
-        ## is posted.
-        node = tags.input(id=keyToXMLID(context.key), type="checkbox", name=name, value='True', _class="freeform-input-checkbox")
-        if value:
-            node(checked="checked")
-        # HTML forms are so weak. If the checkbox is not checked, no value at all will be
-        # in request.args with the name data.name. So let's force the value False to always
-        # be in request.args[data.name]. If the checkbox is checked, the value True will
-        # be first, and we will find that.
-        return slot[node, tags.input(type="hidden", name=name, value="False")]
-class FileUploadRenderer(BaseInputRenderer):
-    def input(self, context, slot, data, name, value):
-        return slot[tags.input(id=keyToXMLID(context.key), type="file", name=name,
-                          _class='freeform-input-file')]
-class ICurrentlySelectedValue(Interface):
-    """The currently-selected-value for the ITypedRenderer being rendered.
-    """
-csv = ICurrentlySelectedValue
-def valToKey(c, d):
-    return iformless.ITyped(c).valueToKey(d)
-def isSelected(c, d):
-    if csv(c) == valToKey(c, d):
-        return c.tag(selected='selected')
-    return c.tag
-def isChecked(c, d):
-    if csv(c) == valToKey(c, d):
-        return c.tag(checked='checked')
-    return c.tag
-class ChoiceRenderer(BaseInputRenderer):
-    default_select = tags.select(id=slot('id'), name=slot('name'), render=tags.directive('sequence'))[
-        tags.option(pattern="item", 
-            value=valToKey, 
-            render=isSelected)[
-            lambda c, d: iformless.ITyped(c).stringify(d)]]
-    def input(self, context, slot, data, name, value):
-        tv = data.typedValue
-        choices = tv.choices
-        if value:
-            context.remember(value, csv)
-        else:
-            context.remember('', csv)
-        try:
-            selector = context.tag.patternGenerator( 'selector' )
-        except NodeNotFound:
-            selector = self.default_select
-        return selector(data=choices)
-class RadioRenderer(ChoiceRenderer):
-    default_select = tags.span(id=slot('id'), render=tags.directive('sequence'))[
-        tags.div(pattern="item", _class="freeform-radio-option")[
-            tags.input(type="radio", name=slot('name'), value=valToKey, render=isChecked)[
-                lambda c, d: iformless.ITyped(c).stringify(d)]]]
-class ObjectRenderer(components.Adapter):
-    implements(inevow.IRenderer, iformless.ITypedRenderer)
-    complexType = True
-    def rend(self, context, data):
-        configurable = context.locate(iformless.IConfigurable)
-        return getattr(configurable, data.name)
-class NullRenderer(components.Adapter):
-    """Use a NullRenderer as the ITypedRenderer adapter when nothing should
-    be included in the output.
-    """
-    implements(inevow.IRenderer, iformless.ITypedRenderer)
-    def rend(self, context, data):
-        return ''
-class GroupBindingRenderer(components.Adapter):
-    implements(inevow.IRenderer)
-    def rend(self, context, data):
-        context.remember(data, iformless.IBinding)
-        from formless import configurable as conf
-        configurable = conf.GroupConfigurable(data.boundTo, data.typedValue.iface)
-        context.remember(configurable, iformless.IConfigurable)
-        bindingNames = configurable.getBindingNames(context)
-        def generateBindings():
-            for name in bindingNames:
-                bnd = configurable.getBinding(context, name)
-                renderer = iformless.IBindingRenderer(bnd, defaultBindingRenderer)
-                renderer.isGrouped = True
-                renderer.needsSkin = True
-                yield tags.invisible(
-                    data=bnd,
-                    render=renderer,
-                    key=name)
-        return getError(context), tags.form(
-            id=keyToXMLID(context.key),
-            enctype="multipart/form-data",
-            action=calculatePostURL(context, data),
-            method="post",
-            **{'accept-charset':'utf-8'})[
-                tags.fieldset[
-                    tags.legend(_class="freeform-form-label")[data.label],
-                    tags.input(type='hidden', name='_charset_'),
-                    generateBindings(),
-                    tags.input(type="submit")]]
-class BaseBindingRenderer(components.Adapter):
-    implements(inevow.IRenderer)
-    isGrouped = False
-    needsSkin = False
-    def calculateDefaultSkin(self, context):
-        if self.isGrouped:
-            frm = tags.invisible
-            butt = ''
-            fld = tags.invisible
-        else:
-            frm = tags.form(
-                id=slot('form-id'),
-                name=slot('form-id'),
-                action=slot('form-action'),
-                method="post",
-                enctype="multipart/form-data",
-                **{'accept-charset':'utf-8'}
-                )
-            butt = slot('form-button')
-            fld = tags.fieldset[tags.input(type='hidden', name='_charset_')]
-        ## Provide default skin since no skin was provided for us.
-        context.tag.clear()[
-            frm[fld[tags.legend(_class="freeform-form-label")[ slot('form-label') ],
-                    tags.div(_class="freeform-form-description")[slot('form-description')],
-                    tags.div(_class="freeform-form-error")[ slot('form-error') ],
-                    slot('form-arguments'), butt ]]]
-    def fillForm(self, context, data):
-        context.fillSlots( 'form-id', keyToXMLID(context.key) )
-        context.fillSlots( 'form-action', calculatePostURL(context, data) )
-        context.fillSlots( 'form-name', data.name )
-        context.fillSlots( 'form-error', getError(context) )
-class PropertyBindingRenderer(BaseBindingRenderer):
-    def rend(self, context, data):
-        context.remember(data, iformless.IBinding)
-        context.remember(data.typedValue, iformless.ITyped)
-        typedRenderer = iformless.ITypedRenderer(data.typedValue, defaultBindingRenderer)
-        if typedRenderer.complexType:
-            return tags.invisible(data=data, render=typedRenderer)
-        if self.needsSkin or not context.tag.children:
-            self.calculateDefaultSkin(context)
-        if self.isGrouped or data.typedValue.getAttribute('immutable'):
-            subm = ''
-        else:
-            subm = tags.input(type="submit", name="change", value="Change")
-        self.fillForm(context, data)
-        context.fillSlots( 'form-label', '' )
-        context.fillSlots( 'form-description', '' )
-        try:
-            content_pattern = context.tag.patternGenerator( 'binding' )
-        except NodeNotFound:
-            content_pattern = freeformDefaultContentPattern
-        context.fillSlots(
-            'form-arguments',
-            content_pattern(
-                data=data, render=typedRenderer, key=data.name))
-        context.fillSlots('form-button', subm)
-        return context.tag
-freeformDefaultContentPattern = tags.invisible[
-    tags.label(_class="freeform-label", _for=slot('id'))[ slot('label') ],
-    tags.span(_class="freeform-input")[ slot('input') ],
-    tags.div(_class="freeform-error")[ slot('error') ],
-    tags.div(_class="freeform-description")[tags.label(_for=slot('id'))[ slot('description') ]]].freeze()
-class MethodBindingRenderer(BaseBindingRenderer):
-    def rend(self, context, data):
-        if data.getAttribute('invisible'):
-            return ''
-        context.remember(data, iformless.IBinding)
-        if self.needsSkin or not context.tag.children:
-            self.calculateDefaultSkin(context)
-        self.fillForm(context, data)
-        context.fillSlots( 'form-label', data.label )
-        context.fillSlots( 'form-description', data.description )
-        context.fillSlots( 'form-arguments', list(self.generateArguments(context, data.getArgs())))
-        if not self.isGrouped:
-            try:
-                button_pattern = context.tag.onePattern( 'form-button' )
-            except NodeNotFound:
-                button_pattern = tags.invisible[ slot('input') ]
-            button_pattern.fillSlots( 'input', tags.input(type='submit', value=data.action or data.label, name=data.name, class_="freeform-button") )
-            context.fillSlots( 'form-button', button_pattern )
-        return context.tag(key=None)
-    def generateArguments(self, context, args):
-        default_content_pattern = None
-        content_pattern = None
-        for argument in args:
-            try:
-                content_pattern = context.tag.patternGenerator( 'argument!!%s' % argument.name )
-            except NodeNotFound:
-                if default_content_pattern is None:
-                    try:
-                        default_content_pattern = context.tag.patternGenerator( 'argument' )
-                    except NodeNotFound:
-                        default_content_pattern = freeformDefaultContentPattern
-                content_pattern = default_content_pattern
-            renderer = iformless.ITypedRenderer(
-                argument.typedValue, defaultBindingRenderer)
-            pat = content_pattern(
-                key=argument.name,
-                data=argument,
-                render=renderer,
-                remember={iformless.ITyped: argument.typedValue})
-            context.fillSlots( 'argument!!%s' % argument.name, pat )
-            yield pat
-class ButtonRenderer(components.Adapter):
-    implements(inevow.IRenderer)
-    def rend(self, context, data):
-        return tags.input(id=keyToXMLID(context.key), type='submit', value=data.label, name=data.name, class_="freeform-button")
-freeformDefaultForm = tags.div(_class="freeform-form").freeze()
-def renderForms(configurableKey='', bindingNames=None, bindingDefaults=None):
-    """Render forms for either the named configurable, or, if no configurableKey is given,
-    the main configurable. If no bindingNames are given, forms will be
-    rendered for all bindings described by the configurable.
-    @param configurableKey: The name of the configurable to render.  The empty
-    string indicates ctx.locate(IRenderer).
-    @param bindingNames: The names of the bindings to render.  None indicates
-    all bindings.
-    @param bindingDefaults: A dict mapping bindingName: bindingDefault.  For example,
-    given the TypedInterface::
-            >>> class IMyForm(annotate.TypedInterface):
-            ...     def doSomething(self, name=annotate.String()):
-            ...         pass
-            ...     doSomething = annotate.autocallable(doSomething)
-            ...     def doNothing(self name=annotate.String()):
-            ...         pass
-            ...     doNothing = annotate.autocallable(doNothing)
-            ...     def doMoreThings(self name=annotate.String(), things=annotate.String()):
-            ...         pass
-            ...     doMoreThings = annotate.autocallable(doMoreThings)
-        One might call renderForms() like this::
-            return webform.renderForms(
-                '',
-                bindingDefaults={'doSomething': {'name': 'jimbo'},
-                                 # Change 'name' default, don't change 'things'
-                                 'doMoreThings': {'things': 'jimbo'}
-                                 })
-        This would cause a form to be rendered which will call doSomething when
-        submitted, and would have "jimbo" filled out as the default value for
-        the name field, as well as a form which will call doMoreThings (with no
-        default value filled in for 'name' but 'jimbo' filled in for 'things').
-    """
-    assert bindingNames is None or bindingDefaults is None, "Only specify bindingNames or bindingDefaults"
-    if bindingNames is not None:
-        bindingDefaults = dict.fromkeys(bindingNames, {})
-    def formRenderer(ctx, data):
-        cf = ctx.locate(iformless.IConfigurableFactory)
-        return util.maybeDeferred(cf.locateConfigurable, ctx, configurableKey
-                                  ).addCallback(_formRenderIt)
-    def _formRenderIt(configurable):
-        def _innerFormRenderIt(context, data):
-            tag = context.tag
-            # Remember the key for when the form post URL is generated.
-            context.remember(configurableKey, iformless.IConfigurableKey)
-            if configurable is None:
-                warnings.warn(
-                    "No configurable was found which provides enough type information for freeform to be able to render forms")
-                yield ''
-                return
-            context.remember(configurable, iformless.IConfigurable)
-            formDefaults = iformless.IFormDefaults(context)
-            if bindingDefaults is None:
-                available = configurable.getBindingNames(context)
-            else:
-                available = bindingDefaults.iterkeys()
-            def _callback(binding):
-                renderer = iformless.IBindingRenderer(binding, defaultBindingRenderer)
-                try:
-                    binding_pattern = tag.patternGenerator( 'freeform-form!!%s' % name )
-                except NodeNotFound:
-                    try:
-                        binding_pattern = tag.patternGenerator( 'freeform-form' )
-                    except NodeNotFound:
-                        binding_pattern = freeformDefaultForm
-                if binding_pattern is freeformDefaultForm:
-                    renderer.needsSkin = True
-                return binding_pattern(data=binding, render=renderer, key=name)
-            for name in available:
-                if bindingDefaults is not None:
-                    defs = formDefaults.getAllDefaults(name)
-                    defs.update(bindingDefaults[name])
-                d = util.maybeDeferred(configurable.getBinding, context, name)
-                d.addCallback(_callback)
-                yield d
-        return _innerFormRenderIt
-    return tags.invisible(render=formRenderer)

=== modified file 'Nevow/nevow/__init__.py'
--- Nevow/nevow/__init__.py	2008-05-20 14:44:03 +0000
+++ Nevow/nevow/__init__.py	2011-07-26 00:42:36 +0000
@@ -44,8 +44,6 @@
 basic_adapters = """
-formless.annotate.Group                   formless.annotate.MetaTypedInterface        formless.iformless.ITyped
 nevow.accessors.DictionaryContainer    __builtin__.dict                         nevow.inevow.IContainer
 nevow.accessors.ListContainer          __builtin__.list                         nevow.inevow.IContainer
 nevow.accessors.ListContainer          __builtin__.tuple                        nevow.inevow.IContainer
@@ -57,68 +55,16 @@
 nevow.accessors.SlotAccessor           nevow.stan.slot                          nevow.inevow.IGettable
 nevow.accessors.SlotAccessor           nevow.stan._PrecompiledSlot              nevow.inevow.IGettable
-    #
-formless.webform.PropertyBindingRenderer  formless.annotate.Property         formless.iformless.IBindingRenderer
-formless.webform.MethodBindingRenderer    formless.annotate.MethodBinding    formless.iformless.IBindingRenderer
-formless.webform.GroupBindingRenderer     formless.annotate.GroupBinding     formless.iformless.IBindingRenderer
-    #
-formless.webform.StringRenderer         formless.annotate.String         formless.iformless.ITypedRenderer
-formless.webform.StringRenderer         formless.annotate.Integer        formless.iformless.ITypedRenderer
-formless.webform.StringRenderer         formless.annotate.Directory      formless.iformless.ITypedRenderer
-formless.webform.PasswordRenderer       formless.annotate.Password       formless.iformless.ITypedRenderer
-formless.webform.PasswordEntryRenderer  formless.annotate.PasswordEntry  formless.iformless.ITypedRenderer
-formless.webform.TextRenderer           formless.annotate.Text           formless.iformless.ITypedRenderer
-formless.webform.BooleanRenderer        formless.annotate.Boolean        formless.iformless.ITypedRenderer
-formless.webform.ChoiceRenderer         formless.annotate.Choice         formless.iformless.ITypedRenderer
-formless.webform.RadioRenderer         formless.annotate.Radio         formless.iformless.ITypedRenderer
-formless.webform.ObjectRenderer         formless.annotate.Object         formless.iformless.ITypedRenderer
-formless.webform.NullRenderer           formless.annotate.Request        formless.iformless.ITypedRenderer
-formless.webform.NullRenderer           formless.annotate.Context        formless.iformless.ITypedRenderer
-formless.webform.FileUploadRenderer     formless.annotate.FileUpload     formless.iformless.ITypedRenderer
-formless.webform.ButtonRenderer         formless.annotate.Button         formless.iformless.ITypedRenderer
-    #
-formless.processors.ProcessGroupBinding    formless.annotate.GroupBinding     formless.iformless.IInputProcessor
-formless.processors.ProcessMethodBinding   formless.annotate.MethodBinding    formless.iformless.IInputProcessor
-formless.processors.ProcessPropertyBinding    formless.annotate.Property         formless.iformless.IInputProcessor
-formless.processors.ProcessTyped           formless.iformless.ITyped           formless.iformless.IInputProcessor
-formless.processors.ProcessPassword        formless.annotate.Password         formless.iformless.IInputProcessor
-formless.processors.ProcessRequest         formless.annotate.Request          formless.iformless.IInputProcessor
-formless.processors.ProcessContext         formless.annotate.Context          formless.iformless.IInputProcessor
-formless.processors.ProcessUpload          formless.annotate.FileUpload       formless.iformless.IInputProcessor
-    #
-formless.webform.FormDefaults     nevow.appserver.NevowRequest                formless.iformless.IFormDefaults
-formless.webform.FormDefaults     nevow.testutil.FakeRequest                  formless.iformless.IFormDefaults
-formless.webform.FormDefaults     nevow.testutil.FakeSession                  formless.iformless.IFormDefaults
-formless.webform.FormDefaults     twisted.web.server.Session                  formless.iformless.IFormDefaults
-formless.webform.FormDefaults     nevow.guard.GuardSession                    formless.iformless.IFormDefaults
-formless.webform.FormErrors       twisted.web.server.Session               formless.iformless.IFormErrors
-formless.webform.FormErrors       nevow.guard.GuardSession                 formless.iformless.IFormErrors
-formless.webform.FormErrors       nevow.testutil.FakeSession               formless.iformless.IFormErrors
 nevow.appserver.OldResourceAdapter                  twisted.web.resource.IResource      nevow.inevow.IResource
 nevow.static.staticHTML                 __builtin__.str                          nevow.inevow.IResource
 nevow.appserver.sessionFactory  nevow.context.RequestContext    nevow.inevow.ISession
-nevow.rend.handFactory   nevow.context.RequestContext    nevow.inevow.IHand
-nevow.rend.statusFactory   nevow.context.RequestContext    nevow.inevow.IStatusMessage
-nevow.rend.defaultsFactory   nevow.context.RequestContext    formless.iformless.IFormDefaults
-nevow.rend.errorsFactory   nevow.context.RequestContext    formless.iformless.IFormErrors
 nevow.rend.originalFactory  nevow.context.RequestContext   nevow.inevow.IRequest
 nevow.appserver.defaultExceptionHandlerFactory   nevow.context.SiteContext    nevow.inevow.ICanHandleException
 nevow.rend.originalFactory  nevow.context.PageContext   nevow.inevow.IRenderer
 nevow.rend.originalFactory  nevow.context.PageContext   nevow.inevow.IRendererFactory
-nevow.rend.originalFactory  nevow.context.PageContext   formless.iformless.IConfigurableFactory
 # URL IResource adapters
 nevow.url.URLRedirectAdapter    nevow.url.URL           nevow.inevow.IResource
 nevow.url.URLRedirectAdapter    nevow.url.URLOverlay    nevow.inevow.IResource

=== modified file 'Nevow/nevow/rend.py'
--- Nevow/nevow/rend.py	2009-07-04 00:32:14 +0000
+++ Nevow/nevow/rend.py	2011-07-26 00:42:36 +0000
@@ -31,9 +31,6 @@
 from nevow import inevow, tags, flat, util, url
 from nevow.util import log
-import formless
-from formless import iformless, annotate
 def _getPreprocessors(inst):
@@ -146,224 +143,11 @@
         return callable
-class FreeformChildMixin:
-    """Mixin that handles locateChild for freeform segments."""
-    def locateChild(self, ctx, segments):
-        request = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
-        ## The method or property name we are going to validate against/affect
-        bindingName = None
-        name = segments[0]
-        if name.startswith('freeform_post!'):
-            configurableName, bindingName = name.split('!')[1:3]
-        elif name.startswith('freeform-action-post!'):
-            configurableName, request.args['freeform-actee'] = name.split('!')[1:3]
-            bindingName = request.args['freeform-action'][0]
-        if bindingName:
-            ctx.remember(self, inevow.IResource)
-            ctx.remember(request, inevow.IRequest)
-            cf = iformless.IConfigurableFactory(self)
-            def checkC(c):
-                if c is not None:
-                    return self.webFormPost(request, self, c, ctx, bindingName, request.args)
-            return util.maybeDeferred(cf.locateConfigurable, ctx, configurableName).addCallback(checkC)
-        return NotFound
-    def child_freeform_hand(self, ctx):
-        carryoverHand = inevow.IHand(ctx, None)
-        if carryoverHand is not None:
-            inevow.ISession(ctx).setComponent(inevow.IHand, carryoverHand)
-            return carryoverHand
-        return inevow.IHand(inevow.ISession(ctx), None)
-class ConfigurableMixin(object):
-    """
-    A sane L{IConfigurable} implementation for L{Fragment} and L{Page}. 
-    Methods starting with C{bind_} automatically expose corresponding method
-    names.  C{bind_*} should return an L{IBinding} (L{PropertyBinding} or
-    L{MethodBinding}), or, as a shortcut for L{MethodBinding}, a C{list} of
-    two-C{tuples} like this::
-        def bind_foo(self, ctx):
-            return [('argName', String()), ('anotherArg', Integer())]
-        def foo(self, argName, anotherArg):
-            assert isinstance(argName, str)
-            assert isinstance(anotherArg, int)
-    """
-    implements(iformless.IConfigurable)
-    def getBindingNames(self, ctx):
-        """Expose bind_* methods and attributes on this class.
-        """
-        for name in dir(self):
-            if name.startswith('bind_'):
-                yield name[len('bind_'):]
-    def getBinding(self, ctx, name):
-        """Massage bind_* methods and attributes into an
-        IBinding. The bind_* method or attribute can either
-        already implement IBinding or be a list of twoples
-        which will be massaged into a MethodBinding as
-        described in the ConfigurableMixin class docstring.
-        """
-        def _get_binding(binding):
-            if callable(binding):
-                binding = util.maybeDeferred(binding, ctx)
-            return binding
-        def _convert_list(binding):
-            if isinstance(binding, list):
-                binding = annotate.MethodBinding(
-                    name, annotate.Method(arguments=[
-                    annotate.Argument(n, v, v.id)
-                    for (n, v) in binding]))
-            return binding
-        binding = util.maybeDeferred(getattr, self, 'bind_%s' % name)
-        return binding.addCallback(_get_binding).addCallback(_convert_list)
-    def getDefault(self, forBinding):
-        """Get a default value for a given binding. If the
-        binding is a Property, get the current value of
-        that property off self. If not, simply return
-        forBinding.default.
-        """
-        ## If it is a Property, get the value off self
-        if not isinstance(forBinding, annotate.Argument):
-            if hasattr(self, forBinding.name):
-                return getattr(self, forBinding.name)
-        return forBinding.default
-    def postForm(self, ctx, bindingName, args):
-        """Accept a form post to the given bindingName.
-        The post arguments are given in args.
-        This will invoke the IInputProcessor for the
-        binding with the given name. If it succeeds, the
-        property will be modified or the method will have
-        been called. If it fails, a ValidateError exception
-        will be raised.
-        """
-        def _callback(binding):
-            ctx.remember(binding, iformless.IBinding)
-            ctx.remember(self, iformless.IConfigurable)
-            rv = iformless.IInputProcessor(binding).process(ctx, self, args)
-            ctx.remember(rv, inevow.IHand)
-            ctx.remember('%r success.' % bindingName, inevow.IStatusMessage)
-            return rv
-        return util.maybeDeferred(self.getBinding, ctx, 
-                                  bindingName).addCallback(_callback)
-class ConfigurableFactory:
-    """Locates configurables by looking for methods that start with
-    configurable_ and end with the name of the configurable. The method
-    should take a single arg (other than self) - the current context.
-    """
-    implements(iformless.IConfigurableFactory)
-    def locateConfigurable(self, context, name):
-        """formless.webform.renderForms calls locateConfigurable on the IConfigurableFactory
-        instance it retrieves from the context. It passes the "name" that was passed to it,
-        so if renderForms() was placed in the DOM, locateConfigurable will be called with
-        name = ''; if renderForms('foo') was placed in the DOM, locateConfigurable will
-        be called with name = 'foo'.
-        This default implementation of locateConfigurable looks for a configurable_* method
-        corresponding to the name which was passed.
-        """
-        return util.maybeDeferred(getattr(self, 'configurable_%s'%name),
-                                  context).addCallback(iformless.IConfigurable)
-    def configurable_(self, context):
-        """Configurable factory for use when self is a configurable;
-        aka it implements IConfigurable or one or more TypedInterface
-        subclasses. Usage:
-        >>> class IFoo(TypedInterface):
-        ...     def bar(): pass
-        ...     bar = autocallable(bar)
-        ...
-        >>> class Foo(Page):
-        ...     implements(IFoo)
-        ...
-        ...     def bar():
-        ...         print "bar called through the web!"
-        ...
-        ...     def render_forms(self, ctx, data):
-        ...         return renderForms() # or renderForms('')
-        ...
-        ...     docFactory = stan(render_forms).
-        """
-        if filter(lambda x: issubclass(x, annotate.TypedInterface), providedBy(self)):
-            warnings.warn("[0.5] Subclassing TypedInterface to declare annotations is deprecated. Please provide bind_* methods on your Page or Fragment subclass instead.", DeprecationWarning)
-            from formless import configurable
-            return configurable.TypedInterfaceConfigurable(self)
-        return self
-    def configurable_original(self, ctx):
-        """Configurable factory for use when self.original is a configurable;
-        aka it implements IConfigurable or one or more TypedInterface
-        subclasses. Usage:
-        >>> class Foo(Page):
-        ...     def __init__(self):
-        ...         self.original = SomeConfigurable()
-        ...     def render_forms(self, ctx, data):
-        ...         return renderForms('original')
-        ...     docFactory = stan(render_forms)
-        """
-        return self.original
-def defaultsFactory(ctx):
-    co = _CARRYOVER.get(
-        ctx.tag.args.get('_nevow_carryover_', [None])[0], None)
-    from formless import webform
-    defaults = webform.FormDefaults()
-    if co is not None:
-        e = iformless.IFormErrors(co, {})
-        for k, v in e.items():
-            defaults.getAllDefaults(k).update(v.partialForm)
-    return defaults
-def errorsFactory(ctx):
-    co = _CARRYOVER.get(
-        ctx.tag.args.get('_nevow_carryover_', [None])[0], None)
-    from formless import webform
-    errs = webform.FormErrors()
-    if co is not None:
-        e = iformless.IFormErrors(co, {})
-        for k, v in e.items():
-            errs.updateErrors(k, v.errors)
-            errs.setError(k, v.formErrorMessage)
-    return errs
-def handFactory(ctx):
-    co = _CARRYOVER.get(
-        ctx.tag.args.get('_nevow_carryover_', [None])[0], None)
-    return inevow.IHand(co, None)
-def statusFactory(ctx):
-    co = _CARRYOVER.get(
-        ctx.tag.args.get('_nevow_carryover_', [None])[0], None)
-    return inevow.IStatusMessage(co, None)
 def originalFactory(ctx):
     return ctx.tag
-class Fragment(DataFactory, RenderFactory, MacroFactory, ConfigurableMixin):
+class Fragment(DataFactory, RenderFactory, MacroFactory):
     This class is deprecated because it relies on context objects
     U{which are being removed from Nevow<http://divmod.org/trac/wiki/WitherContext>}.
@@ -447,7 +231,7 @@
         ctx.remember(self, inevow.IData)
-class ChildLookupMixin(FreeformChildMixin):
+class ChildLookupMixin(object):
     # IResource methods
@@ -492,7 +276,7 @@
         if r is not None:
             return r, segments[1:]
-        return FreeformChildMixin.locateChild(self, ctx, segments)
+        return NotFound
     def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
         """Used by locateChild to return children which are generated
@@ -512,7 +296,7 @@
         self.children[name] = child
-class Page(Fragment, ConfigurableFactory, ChildLookupMixin):
+class Page(Fragment, ChildLookupMixin):
     """A page is the main Nevow resource and renders a document loaded
     via the document factory (docFactory).
@@ -545,9 +329,6 @@
         def finishRequest():
-            carryover = request.args.get('_nevow_carryover_', [None])[0]
-            if carryover is not None and _CARRYOVER.has_key(carryover):
-                del _CARRYOVER[carryover]
             if self.afterRender is not None:
                 return util.maybeDeferred(self.afterRender,ctx)
@@ -624,77 +405,6 @@
             return self
         return None
-    def webFormPost(self, request, res, configurable, ctx, bindingName, args):
-        """Accept a web form post, either redisplaying the original form (with
-        errors) if validation fails, or redirecting to the appropriate location after
-        the post succeeds. This hook exists specifically for formless.
-        New in 0.5, _nevow_carryover_ is only used if an autocallable method
-        returns a result that needs to be carried over.
-        New in 0.5, autocallables may return a nevow.url.URL or URLOverlay
-        instance rather than setting IRedirectAfterPost on the request.
-        New in 0.5, autocallables may return a Page instance to have that Page
-        instance rendered at the post target URL with no redirects at all. Useful
-        for multi-step wizards.
-        """
-        def redirectAfterPost(aspects):
-            hand = aspects.get(inevow.IHand)
-            refpath = None
-            if hand is not None:
-                if isinstance(hand, Page):
-                    refpath = url.here
-                    if 'freeform_hand' not in inevow.IRequest(ctx).prepath:
-                        refpath = refpath.child('freeform_hand')
-                if isinstance(hand, (url.URL, url.URLOverlay)):
-                    refpath, hand = hand, None
-            if refpath is None:
-                redirectAfterPost = request.getComponent(iformless.IRedirectAfterPost, None)
-                if redirectAfterPost is None:
-                    ref = request.getHeader('referer')
-                    if ref:
-                        refpath = url.URL.fromString(ref)
-                    else:
-                        refpath = url.here
-                else:
-                    warnings.warn("[0.5] IRedirectAfterPost is deprecated. Return a URL instance from your autocallable instead.", DeprecationWarning, 2)
-                    ## Use the redirectAfterPost url
-                    ref = str(redirectAfterPost)
-                    refpath = url.URL.fromString(ref)
-            if hand is not None or aspects.get(iformless.IFormErrors) is not None:
-                magicCookie = '%s%s%s' % (now(),request.getClientIP(),random.random())
-                refpath = refpath.replace('_nevow_carryover_', magicCookie)
-                _CARRYOVER[magicCookie] = C = tpc.Componentized()
-                for k, v in aspects.iteritems():
-                    C.setComponent(k, v)
-            destination = flat.flatten(refpath, ctx)
-            request.redirect(destination)
-            from nevow import static
-            return static.Data('You posted a form to %s' % bindingName, 'text/plain'), ()
-        return util.maybeDeferred(
-            configurable.postForm, ctx, bindingName, args
-        ).addCallback(
-            self.onPostSuccess, request, ctx, bindingName, redirectAfterPost
-        ).addErrback(
-            self.onPostFailure, request, ctx, bindingName, redirectAfterPost
-        )
-    def onPostSuccess(self, result, request, ctx, bindingName, redirectAfterPost):
-        if result is None:
-            message = "%s success." % formless.nameToLabel(bindingName)
-        else:
-            message = result
-        return redirectAfterPost({inevow.IHand: result, inevow.IStatusMessage: message})
-    def onPostFailure(self, reason, request, ctx, bindingName, redirectAfterPost):
-        reason.trap(formless.ValidateError)
-        return redirectAfterPost({iformless.IFormErrors: {bindingName: reason.value}})
 def sequence(context, data):

=== removed file 'Nevow/nevow/test/test_passobj.py'
--- Nevow/nevow/test/test_passobj.py	2006-03-17 15:00:39 +0000
+++ Nevow/nevow/test/test_passobj.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod.
-# See LICENSE for details.
-import formless
-from zope.interface import implements
-class IBar(formless.TypedInterface):
-    bar = formless.String()
-class Bar:
-    implements(IBar)
-    def __init__(self, bar):
-        self.bar = bar
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "A Bar: %s" % self.bar
-class IFrob(formless.TypedInterface):
-    integer = formless.Integer()
-class Frob:
-    implements(IFrob)
-    def __init__(self, integer):
-        self.integer = integer
-    def frobazz(self, other):
-        return Frob(self.integer ** other.integer)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "A frob of value %s" % self.integer
-class IObjectTest(formless.TypedInterface):
-    def someMethod(one=formless.Object(interface=IBar), two=formless.Integer(description="an integer please")):
-        """Some Method.
-        This method takes an IBar instance.
-        """
-        return None
-    someMethod = formless.autocallable(someMethod)
-    def frobber(frobber=formless.Object(interface=IFrob), frobee=formless.Object(IFrob)):
-        """Frobber.
-        Takes two frobs and raises one to the power of the other.
-        """
-        return IFrob
-    frobber = formless.autocallable(frobber)
-    someList = formless.List()
-class ObjectTester:
-    implements(IObjectTest)
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.someList = [
-            Bar("boop"), Bar("bap"),
-            Frob(5), Frob(9), Frob(23), Frob(1234)
-        ]
-    def someMethod(self, one, two):
-        print "ONE TWO", `one`, `two`
-    def frobber(self, frobber, frobee):
-        return frobber.frobazz(frobee)
-class CompoundChecker(formless.Compound):
-    def coerce(self, data):
-        one, two = data
-        if (one, two) != (6, 9):
-            raise formless.InputError("What do you get when you multiply six by nine?")
-class IAnotherTest(formless.TypedInterface):
-    def aBarMethod(abar=formless.Object(interface=IBar)):
-        """A Bar Method
-        This method takes a bar, but there are no bar instances on this page.
-        You'll have to use the shelf.
-        """
-        return str
-    aBarMethod = formless.autocallable(aBarMethod)
-    def aFrobMethod(aFrob=formless.Object(interface=IFrob)):
-        """A Frob Method
-        This method takes a frob, but there are no frob instances on this page.
-        You'll have to use the shelf.
-        """
-        return str
-    aFrobMethod = formless.autocallable(aFrobMethod)
-    def whatIsMyClass(anObj=formless.Object()):
-        """What is my class?
-        Pass an object and get back the class in your hand.
-        """
-        return formless.Object()
-    whatIsMyClass = formless.autocallable(whatIsMyClass)
-    def setBreakpoint(breakpoint=formless.String()):
-        """Set a breakpoint
-        Set a breakpoint at the given filename and line number. String passed is equivalent
-        to doing b(reak) ([file:]lineno | function) in pdb.
-        """
-        return None
-    setBreakpoint = formless.autocallable(setBreakpoint)
-    breakpoints = formless.List()
-    def compoundTest(
-        aCompound = formless.Compound(
-            [formless.String(label="firstname"), formless.String(label="lastname")],
-            label="Full Name"),
-        anInt = formless.Integer()):
-        """Compound Test
-        A test of a widget/controller which renders multiple fields, triggers multiple
-        validators, but gathers the result into one method argument. There can
-        be an additional validation step which validates that the compound data
-        as a whole is valid.
-        """
-        return str
-    compoundTest = formless.autocallable(compoundTest)
-    def compoundChecker(
-        theAnswer = CompoundChecker(
-            [formless.Integer(label="six"), formless.Integer(label="nine")],
-            label="The Answer",
-            description="What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?")
-        ):
-        """The Answer
-        Please type the integer six in the first box, and nine in the second.
-        """
-        return formless.Object(label="The Answer", interface=formless.Integer)
-    compoundChecker = formless.autocallable(compoundChecker)
-class AnotherTest:
-    implements(IAnotherTest)
-    def aBarMethod(self, abar):
-        return "You passed me %s" % abar
-    def aFrobMethod(self, aFrob):
-        return "You passed me %s" % aFrob
-    def whatIsMyClass(self, anObj):
-        if hasattr(anObj, '__class__'):
-            return anObj.__class__
-        return type(anObj)
-    def _getDebugger(self):
-        import sys, pdb
-        debugInstance = sys.modules.get('debugInstance')
-        if debugInstance is None:
-            sys.modules['debugInstance'] = debugInstance = pdb.Pdb()
-            debugInstance.reset()
-        return debugInstance
-    def setBreakpoint(self, breakpoint):
-        import sys
-        debugInstance = self._getDebugger()
-        debugInstance.do_break(debugInstance.precmd(breakpoint))
-        debugInstance.quitting = True
-        sys.settrace(debugInstance.trace_dispatch)
-        debugInstance.quitting = False
-    def _currentBreakpoints(self):
-        debugInstance = self._getDebugger()
-        class BreakpointRemover(list):
-            def remove(self, removal):
-                debugInstance.breaks[removal.fn].remove(removal.ln)
-                if not debugInstance.breaks[removal.fn]:
-                    del debugInstance.breaks[removal.fn]
-                list.remove(self, removal)
-        class Dummy(formless.TypedInterface): pass
-        class BP:
-            implements(Dummy)
-            def __init__(self, fn, ln):
-                self.fn=fn
-                self.ln=ln
-            def __str__(self):
-                return "Breakpoint in file %s at line %s" % (self.fn, self.ln)
-        breakpoints = BreakpointRemover()
-        for fn in debugInstance.breaks.keys():
-            for lineno in debugInstance.breaks[fn]:
-                breakpoints.append(BP(fn, lineno))
-        return breakpoints
-    breakpoints = property(_currentBreakpoints)
-    def compoundTest(self, aCompound, anInt):
-        return "COMPOUND! %s %s" % (aCompound, anInt)
-    def compoundChecker(self, theAnswer):
-        return 42

=== modified file 'Nevow/nevow/test/test_rend.py'
--- Nevow/nevow/test/test_rend.py	2008-03-28 16:23:42 +0000
+++ Nevow/nevow/test/test_rend.py	2011-07-26 00:42:36 +0000
@@ -21,12 +21,6 @@
 from nevow import url
 from nevow import util
-import formless
-from formless import webform as freeform
-from formless import annotate
-from formless import iformless
 def deferredRender(res, request=None):
     if request is None:
         request = testutil.FakeRequest()
@@ -504,144 +498,6 @@
         ctx.remember(rend.RenderFactory(), inevow.IRendererFactory)
         self.assertEquals(flat.flatten(p(data='foo', render=directive('data')), ctx), '<p>foo</p>')
-class TestConfigurableMixin(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_formRender(self):
-        class FormPage(rend.Page):
-            bind_test1 = [('foo', annotate.String()), ('bar', annotate.Integer())]
-            bind_test2 = annotate.MethodBinding('test2', annotate.Method(
-                arguments=[annotate.Argument('foo', annotate.String())]))
-            bind_test3 = annotate.Property('test3', annotate.Integer())
-            def bind_test4(self, ctx):
-                return ([('foo', annotate.String()), ('bar', annotate.Integer())])
-            def bind_test5(self, ctx):
-                return annotate.MethodBinding('test5', annotate.Method(
-                    arguments=[annotate.Argument('foo', annotate.String()),
-                               annotate.Argument('bar', annotate.Integer())]))
-            docFactory = loaders.stan(html[freeform.renderForms()])
-        return deferredRender(FormPage())
-    def test_formRenderDeferred(self):
-        class FormPage(rend.Page):
-            bind_test1 = defer.succeed([('foo', annotate.String()),
-                                        ('bar', annotate.Integer())])
-            bind_test2 = defer.succeed(annotate.MethodBinding('test2', annotate.Method(
-                arguments=[annotate.Argument('foo', annotate.String())])))
-            bind_test3 = defer.succeed(annotate.Property('test3', annotate.Integer()))
-            def bind_test4(self, ctx):
-                return defer.succeed([('foo', annotate.String()),
-                                       ('bar', annotate.Integer())])
-            def bind_test5(self, ctx):
-                return defer.succeed(annotate.MethodBinding('test5', annotate.Method(
-                    arguments=[annotate.Argument('foo', annotate.String()),
-                               annotate.Argument('bar', annotate.Integer())])))
-            docFactory = loaders.stan(html[freeform.renderForms()])
-        return deferredRender(FormPage())
-    def test_formPost(self):
-        class FormPage(rend.Page):
-            bind_test1 = ([('foo', annotate.Integer())])
-            def test1(self, foo):
-                return foo
-        ctx = context.WovenContext()
-        result = FormPage().postForm(ctx, 'test1', {'foo': ['42']})
-        return result.addCallback(lambda result: self.assertEquals(result, 42))
-    def test_formPostDeferred(self):
-        class FormPage(rend.Page):
-            bind_test1 = defer.succeed(([('foo', annotate.Integer())]))
-            def test1(self, foo):
-                return foo
-        ctx = context.WovenContext()
-        result = FormPage().postForm(ctx, 'test1', {'foo': ['42']})
-        return result.addCallback(lambda result: self.assertEquals(result, 42))
-    def test_formPostFailure(self):
-        class FormPage(rend.Page):
-            bind_test1 = ([('foo', annotate.Integer())])
-            def test1(self, foo):
-                return foo
-        ctx = context.WovenContext()
-        result = FormPage().postForm(ctx, 'test1', {'foo': ['hello, world!']})
-        return self.assertFailure(result, annotate.ValidateError)
-    def test_formPostFailureDeferred(self):
-        class FormPage(rend.Page):
-            bind_test1 = defer.succeed(([('foo', annotate.Integer())]))
-            def test1(self, foo):
-                return foo
-        ctx = context.WovenContext()
-        result = FormPage().postForm(ctx, 'test1', {'foo': ['hello, world!']})
-        return self.assertFailure(result, annotate.ValidateError)
-class IThing(formless.TypedInterface):
-    foo = formless.String()
-class Thing:
-    implements(IThing)
-class TestLocateConfigurable(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_onSelf(self):
-        class Page(rend.Page):
-            implements(IThing)
-            docFactory = loaders.stan(html[freeform.renderForms()])
-        page = Page()
-        return deferredRender(page)
-    def test_onSelfOriginal(self):
-        class Page(rend.Page):
-            docFactory = loaders.stan(html[freeform.renderForms('original')])
-        page = Page(Thing())
-        return deferredRender(page)
-    def test_onKeyedConfigurable(self):
-        class Page(rend.Page):
-            def __init__(self):
-                rend.Page.__init__(self)
-                self.thing = Thing()
-            def configurable_thing(self, context):
-                return self.thing
-            docFactory = loaders.stan(html[freeform.renderForms('thing')])
-        page = Page()
-        return deferredRender(page)
-class TestDeferredDefaultValue(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_deferredProperty(self):
-        class IDeferredProperty(formless.TypedInterface):
-            d = formless.String()
-        from nevow import util
-        deferred = util.Deferred()
-        deferred.callback('the default value')
-        class Implementation(object):
-            implements(IDeferredProperty)
-            d = deferred
-        return deferredRender(rend.Page(Implementation(), docFactory=loaders.stan(html[freeform.renderForms('original')]))).addCallback(
-            lambda result: self.assertIn('value="the default value"', result))
 class TestRenderString(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -857,46 +713,6 @@
             lambda c: deferredRender(c.tag).addCallback(
             lambda result: self.assertEquals(result, theString)))
-    def test_freeformChildMixin_nonTrue(self):
-        """Configurables that have c.__nonzero__()==False are accepted."""
-        class SimpleConf(object):
-            implements(iformless.IConfigurable)
-            # mock mock
-            def postForm(self, ctx, bindingName, args):
-                return 'SimpleConf OK'
-        class FormPage(rend.Page):
-            addSlash = True
-            def configurable_(self, ctx):
-                return SimpleConf()
-        page = FormPage()
-        D = getResource(page, '/foo')
-        def x1(r):
-            self.failUnless(isinstance(r.tag, rend.FourOhFour))
-        D.addCallback(x1)
-        def x2(ign):
-            D2 = getResource(page, '/freeform_post!!foo')
-            def x3(r):
-                self.failIf(isinstance(r.tag, rend.FourOhFour))
-                return deferredRender(r.tag).addCallback(
-                    lambda result: self.assertEquals(result, 'You posted a form to foo'))
-            D2.addCallback(x3)
-            return D2
-        D.addCallback(x2)
-        def x4(ign):
-            SimpleConf.__nonzero__ = lambda x: False
-            D3 = getResource(page, '/freeform_post!!foo')
-            def x5(r):
-                self.failIf(isinstance(r.tag, rend.FourOhFour))
-                return deferredRender(r.tag).addCallback(
-                    lambda result:
-                    self.assertEquals(result, 'You posted a form to foo'))
-            return D3.addCallback(x5)
-        D.addCallback(x4)
-        return D
 class TestStandardRenderers(unittest.TestCase):

=== modified file 'Nevow/nevow/testutil.py'
--- Nevow/nevow/testutil.py	2010-02-06 04:33:05 +0000
+++ Nevow/nevow/testutil.py	2011-07-26 00:42:36 +0000
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@
 from twisted.web import http
 from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
-from formless import iformless
 from nevow import inevow, context, athena, loaders, tags, appserver
 from nevow.jsutil import findJavascriptInterpreter, generateTestScript
@@ -294,8 +292,6 @@
     This class is named I{accumulating} for historical reasons only.  You
     probably want to ignore this and use L{FakeRequest} instead.
-    implements(iformless.IFormDefaults)
     def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
         FakeRequest.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
         self.d = defer.Deferred()

Follow ups